"It's okay. When I was learning to dance in the United States, the coach's foot was swollen." Lu Ming joked deliberately.

He has long noticed that Ning Xiner may say the wrong thing easily because she has less communication with people and less words.

"Hey, Miss Mingzhu has good eyesight, and she has taken a fancy to you, much better than me." Ning Xiner said quietly after a long time before she recovered.

Lu Ming laughed and said, "It's not because of our eyesight that we fall in love with each other, but because our parents have eyesight. This is fate, and no one can resist their own fate."

"That's right. After this incident, my brother told me that in the future, when looking for someone, I have to learn from Miss Mingzhu. I'd rather find someone who can't do anything, than a man who is too scheming and black-bellied."

Lu Ming laughed, this sounded like a curse, could it be that he is a worthless wretch who can't do anything?

Maybe the Cao Gang really thinks so, a man who doesn't know how to gamble, earn black money, or mess around with society is a waste.

"No, I said the wrong thing again. It's not that you can't do anything, you are a man who does great things." Ning Xiner suddenly realized that she was so ashamed that she couldn't lift her head, she almost wanted to dig into the ground twice.

"That's right, I've been in Shanghai for a few years, and I really haven't done anything." Lu Ming thought to himself, according to the standards of the Cao Gang, it's more prudent for me to be a quiet waste.

"I really didn't mean that. Don't get me wrong. Brother, they have changed their views on you now, and they always use you as an example to teach their subordinates in the gang." Ning Xiner was anxious.

"I know that's not what you mean, so I won't misunderstand. But don't imitate me, it will delay the important affairs of the Cao Gang." Lu Ming also spoke the truth. Well.

"I usually have too little contact with people, especially I don't know men, I can't see a person's true face, and I am self-righteous, that's why I was deceived by that Gao." Ning Xiner sighed.

"You have to pay some tuition fees before you can learn something. You're going to gain your wisdom through a pitfall. Don't think too much about it. As long as you are a good person, you can just start over from the beginning." Lu Ming comforted.

"I only know now that people are not interested in me at all, they are only interested in the foundation of our Cao Gang, and I am just a springboard." Ning Xiner said with a lot of inferiority.

"Nonsense, you are such a beautiful beauty, any man would be tempted, how could you not be interested?" Lu Ming laughed.

"Then are you interested? If you are interested, I will give it to you." Ning Xiner suddenly became bold and teased.

"Of course I'm interested, but unfortunately I don't dare, Mingzhu will strangle me to death, don't you know her temper?" Lu Ming didn't dare to make trouble, so he could only use Mingzhu to block him.

"I asked sister Mingzhu, she said she doesn't care, you can do whatever you want." Ning Xiner said both true and false.

"You probably misunderstood, what she means is that she doesn't mind strangling me to death." Lu Ming let go of his two arms around her, making chicken claws.

Ning Xiner wanted to say something else, but the dance music stopped.

Ning Xin'er smiled and said, "No wonder Miss Mingzhu loves you so much. Being with you and talking to you is a pleasure. You really are an interesting man."

Lu Ming didn't answer. The relationship between him and Mingzhu seems to have surpassed the realm of love and not love, but has risen to the height of fate.

It is also possible that there really are old men under the moon. When they were born, they were tied to them with a red thread. The two of them have been connected forever since then, and it is impossible to break free.

Lu Ming danced with Yuan Mingzhu and Ning Xin'er in turn until midnight. These two must be Lu Ming as their dancing partners. When others came to ask to dance, they were ruthlessly rejected.

Zhang Ziyang never finished. It's not that he can't dance, but he's not interested.

His hobbies are eating, drinking, and gambling. In addition, he is making money and profiting from everywhere. In his words, buckwheat husks can be fried into four taels of oil in his hands.

Cailian really doesn't like dancing. In order to earn money, she has worn calluses on her feet dancing with others all these years. Now it's rare to relax, so why suffer that.

Quite a few people coveted Cailian's beauty and came over to strike up a conversation. Before they got close, they were scared away by the police ID Zhang Ziyang showed.

There were two bully-level gangsters who were unconvinced and ran to Cailian to provoke trouble. When they saw the pistol handle protruding from Zhang Ziyang's waist, they immediately gave up.

The manager of Paramount had noticed Zhang Ziyang a long time ago. At first, he was worried that he would make trouble and extort money by taking advantage of his identity as the inspector of the police station. After a while, seeing that Zhang Ziyang didn't make any movement, he just stood quietly watching his companion dance, and finally he felt relieved. .

From the top to the bottom of Paramount, everyone knows Yuan Mingzhu and Ning Xiner, but Lu Ming, who has been dancing with them, has a strange face, as if he has never been to the ballroom, although the dance looks good.

The manager of Paramount is an old man, all the drinks that Zhang Ziyang ordered are free, not everything can be earned, and the money that should be spent cannot be saved, this is also the trick of doing business.

In the middle of the night, Ning Xin'er was almost tired and paralyzed in Lu Ming's arms. She couldn't move anymore. Needless to say, Yuan Mingzhu, the next few dances didn't end at all.

"Lu Ming, compared with you, that Gao Leping's dancing skills are at the level of Mengsheng from the private school. Mingzhu, I will often borrow from Lu Ming in the future. It's okay, I promise it's just dancing." After drinking a glass of spirits, Ning Xiner Only then did he have the strength to laugh.

"It's okay, I can borrow it at any time, whether it's dancing or doing other things, it's free, anyway, he's in good health and not tired." Yuan Mingzhu waved his hand generously.

Zhang Ziyang and Cailian both laughed, Ning Xiner originally wanted to tease Mingzhu, but didn't want to make her face blush.

Lu Ming protested, "You two are bullying people together. I'm a human, not a cow."

When he said this, Cailian and Zhang Ziyang laughed so hard that they almost couldn't breathe. Even Yuan Mingzhu, who was always aggressive, felt embarrassed, and Ning Xiner couldn't wait to drill into the ground again.

"Did I say something wrong?" Lu Ming didn't know why.

"Brother, you are quite right. You are a cow who spends no time in sleep and food, works hard and is dedicated to plowing the land." Zhang Ziyang patted Lu Ming on the back while suppressing a smile.

"Zhang Ziyang, I didn't mean you. My thoughts are too dirty. I didn't mean that at all." Lu Ming finally understood and laughed himself.

Ning Xiner couldn't stand it anymore, she ran away with a smile, and went to settle the account of the dance, and also gave a generous tip.

The manager of Paramount smiled so much that his face was full of smiles, and the money for the drinks and drinks sent out was not only recovered, but also multiplied several times.

After leaving the ballroom, everyone went home, Lu Ming worried that Ning Xiner, who had drunk a lot, would drive, and asked Ming Zhu to drive Ning Xiner's car back on the excuse that he still needed a car.

Zhang Ziyang drove Cailian back to their residence, and Lu Ming drove back to Wanguo Apartment alone.

The next morning, Lu Ming drove to several places to purchase some decent gifts.

It was agreed with Ning Xin'er yesterday that he would go to pay New Year's greetings to Yuan Mingzhu's godmother today, and "go home for dinner" by the way. Lu Ming couldn't help laughing when he thought of this sentence.

After all, his son-in-law wanted to see his mother-in-law. The mother-in-law in Shanghai was always difficult to serve, so Lu Ming kept hiding, but this time he couldn't avoid it.

If it was just a treat for dinner, Lu Ming might find an excuse to refuse politely, but Ning Xiner revealed a message, saying that the owner of the batch of arms wanted to thank him in person.

Of course Lu Ming knew who the owner of the goods was, so he couldn't help being curious and wanted to find out.

He is too familiar with the term communist, he often sees and hears it in newspapers and on the radio, but he has never seen a real communist.

He really wanted to see what the communists, who were regarded as scourges by the national government and described as blue-faced and fangs, looked like.

The Peter and Andre he knew were also members of the Communist Party, but they were the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, not the Communist Party of China. I don't know the difference between the two.

Lu Ming secretly asked Ming Zhu what her godmother likes to eat and use.

Mingzhu answered very simply, she didn't know, and told him that he didn't need to bother, just bring something with him, the godmother has everything, and she wouldn't care what gifts he gave.

Lu Ming was stumped by this randomness. After thinking for a long time, he finally bought a bunch of gifts according to his mother's preferences, and he didn't know whether they liked it or not.

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