sea ​​situation

Chapter 169 Lu Ming Moves His Heart

"Are these pictures in the real state? They are not promotional materials that you specially produced?"

Lu Ming pointed to those life pictorials and asked Peter.

These days, Lu Ming often comes to Peter and Andre's room to talk to them about various aspects of the Soviet Union.

The two did not live in the same suite, but during the day they almost stayed in Andre's room, because Peter's room was equipped with a radio, which was not convenient for receiving guests.

"These photos shown to you are real photos, not specially arranged. This is the actual situation in our country." Peter said proudly.

Lu Ming was silent, he was dubious about the books and magazines that Andre showed him.Is the Soviet Union really that good?

Of course, no matter which country is showing its best side to outsiders, it tries to cover up its bad side.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Peter and Andre, but he can't believe that such a regime without exploitation and oppression really exists in the world.

When he was studying in the United States, he read some American media reports introducing the Soviet Union. There were no capitalists, landlords and rich peasants there, and these people were basically wiped out.

Public ownership has replaced capitalists and landlords. Is it true that there is no oppression?Is Datong in the world realized so simply and smoothly?This is what Lu Ming doubts the most.

In his opinion, capitalists and landlords are not necessarily bad people, such as Sheng Youde, his parents, etc., he has seen with his own eyes, and they are all people who are willing to give back to the society.

Whether it is treating workers or farmers, we try our best to do our best. Of course, oppression and exploitation also exist. After all, you need to make money to open a factory. What kind of money do you earn?

Of course, it is the surplus value created by the workers that Marx said. If the rich want to make money, of course they have to collect rent from the farm laborers.

Lu Ming didn't think there was anything wrong with this. If there were no capitalists, there would be no factories, and of course there would be no working class. Landlords and farm laborers also had the same relationship, and they depended on each other.

If the roles of capitalists, landlords, rich peasants, and bankers are all replaced by state administration, will individual vitality, creativity, and enthusiasm be hindered?

Perhaps because he has been in the United States for a long time, Lu Ming has never had a good impression of the cold state machine, on the contrary he even feels a little scared.

Capitalist countries claim to be democratic, but don’t they also oppress the common people?Can the Soviet Union really solve all these problems by adopting the method of state control of capital?

Lu Ming felt that although the United States also had many problems, such as the extremely ugly apartheid system, its brutality and cruelty were unacceptable.

But apart from this point, Lu Ming feels that the political system of the United States is much better than the European powers such as Britain, France, Germany, and Italy. It is free, democratic, and tolerant, allowing a person to display his greatest talents.

However, seeing the various materials Andrei gave him about the Soviet Union, he became uncertain.

Even if only half of the domestic situation in the Soviet Union introduced in these books, periodicals and magazines is true, that would be very remarkable.

"If you doubt the information we have shown you, you might as well go to the country with us, take a look around, and listen to how our citizens describe their lives." Peter sincerely invited again.

"Thank you for your trust in me. There is an old saying in China, if you read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles, you will definitely go to your country to learn if you have the opportunity." Lu Ming clasped his hands.

“In our country, children go to kindergarten, primary and secondary schools, and universities for free. Urban residents can get housing allocated by the state. Of course, they have to pay a small rent. Farmers cultivate the land of collective farms, all using state allocations. The tractors and other modern farm tools, and the harvested crops are purchased by the state.” Peter continued to describe the current situation in the Soviet Union.

"The whole country is like a big family." Lu Ming envied.

"Yes, the state reserves enough food, milk, meat, and fish for laborers every year. The treatment of farmers is similar to that of workers. They also receive free schooling and medical treatment. It can be said that our Soviet Union is the first in the world to realize A universal welfare system." Peter said proudly.

"Of course it's really as good as you said, but will the country's burden be too heavy? Also, what should we do in case of a famine?" Lu Ming asked suspiciously.

"This is the benefit of the state's planned economy. We store a considerable portion of the grain purchased every year to prevent famine. In the event of a famine, the state will distribute these grains and other non-staple foods to farmers and workers free of charge, because these are originally It was created by workers and farmers." Andre explained with a smile.

They patiently answered all the questions raised by Lu Ming, and hoped that Lu Ming's ears were wrong and his eyes were believing, so that he could visit the Soviet Union once.

As long as Lu Ming goes to the Soviet Union, everything will be easy.

The colleagues of the Military Intelligence Bureau will not only agree with their plan, but will definitely do their best to convert Lu Ming into their comrade.

Lu Ming has already shown a strong tendency, and has developed a strong interest in the status quo of the Soviet Union. They only need to continue to add fuel to the fire, and they will be able to get twice the result with half the effort.

"Well, if that's the case, the Soviet Union has made great contributions to mankind and is worth learning from." Lu Ming nodded and smiled.

"We welcome you to go at any time, as long as you have time, we can arrange your itinerary for you at any time." Peter laughed.

In Peter's view, Lu Ming has already been controlled by them for more than half of the time. As long as he finds an appropriate opportunity, he can achieve his goal.

Of course, to arrange for Lu Ming to go to the Soviet Union, it must be kept absolutely confidential, and no one in China or other countries can get the information.

A person who has visited the Soviet Union is naturally a suspect in the eyes of intelligence personnel in capitalist countries and is not trustworthy.

Once there is an obstacle, it will be extremely unfavorable to Lu Ming's future work.

"Then tell me, is it possible for us in China to realize such a system in the future, so that ordinary people can live the same life as the Soviet people?" Lu Ming asked.

"Of course it is possible. As long as the Chinese-Communist-Party forces seize power and implement our system, the Chinese people will be able to live the same life as the Soviet people. However, at present, the Chinese-Communist-Party is Under attack and siege, it is in danger, and the fire of revolution may be extinguished." Andre said with a wry smile.

Of course, Lu Ming didn’t know that as early as 1928, Mao, Zhu, Chen and others had joined forces in Jinggangshan and opened up China’s first revolutionary base. Afterwards, despite the heavy siege and interception of the Kuomintang, they still stood firm and their power continued to grow. .

But in the eyes of Peter and Andre, such a revolution has already failed, so they think that the fire of the Chinese revolution is about to go out.

According to the understanding of the Soviets, only by carrying out urban riots and seizing power can they be considered a victory. They lack a deep understanding of China's national conditions.

They believe that a huge and sophisticated intelligence network must be established in China's affluent Jiangnan region, the heart of the Kuomintang regime, in order to help the Chinese Communist Party seize power through urban riots and finally win.

Therefore, the value of Lu Ming is particularly precious and indispensable in their eyes.

If the Communist Party of China abandons urban riots and successfully seizes power according to the strategy of encircling cities from the countryside, they also need to establish their own intelligence network, but it is not so urgent.

But now, China's civil war is not in sight for a while, and Japan is just around the corner. Establishing an intelligence network in Shanghai has become a top priority for controlling the situation in the Far East, and it is a long-term strategy.

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