sea ​​situation

Chapter 146 Falling in Love with the Alley

This world is not without stalwart men, there are men like Lu Ming, but not many.

How sad it would be if a woman's fate was not in her own hands.

Rhododendron is truly awakened.

Lu Ming noticed this, and although he didn't say anything on the surface, he was still very happy in his heart.

Du Juan now goes to and from get off work on time every day. She drinks a bowl of porridge and two steamed buns for breakfast at a snack bar in the alley, and eats lunch and dinner in the factory. She is also used to the free meals in the factory.

After returning home at night, the landlord will boil a pot of hot water for her, put it in a thermos bottle, and ask her to make tea and wash up before going to bed.

Although it was the cold winter season, there was no stove in the house, but a pot of charcoal fire to keep warm. Du Juan felt that it was too extravagant, so the landlord didn't have to light a fire for her to keep warm.

The kind landlord told her that the younger she was, the more she had to take care of her body, and she must not catch a cold, otherwise when she got old, all the mistakes she made when she was young would be found.

The landlord thought that Du Juan was afraid of soot poisoning, so he told her that he had been doing this for more than ten years and that there would be no problems.Du Juan no longer objected, but insisted on paying two or three yuan a month for charcoal.

The landlord refused to accept it at first, saying that the rent was high enough, but Du Juan insisted on letting her accept it, and paid her ten yuan for the whole winter in one lump sum.

The landlord didn't make much excuses, and after only a few days, the residents in the whole alley knew that this young and beautiful lady was a senior manager and an assistant of the nearby spinning mill.

They don't understand what the position of an assistant is, but it sounds similar to a manager, and they must be a big shot anyway.

Many residents in the alley asked Du Juan through the landlord, saying that girls from their family also wanted to work in the factory to earn some money to support their families, hoping to accommodate and give them a chance.

Du Juan told them with a wry smile that the factory had already been full and would not recruit any more female workers. Only when female workers resigned would there be vacancies. However, she promised the neighbors that once there were vacancies, she would give priority to their daughters to enter the factory. .

After gradually getting acquainted with these neighbors, she realized that the female workers who were extremely miserable in her eyes were actually envied by everyone in the hearts of these common people.

Every day at noon in the factory, two steamed buns and a bowl of vegetable soup with oily stars are considered very good benefits.How nice it is to be able to receive a salary every month without running around in the wind and rain.

Residents in the alleys are not considered extremely poor in Shanghai, but even so, not every household is willing to eat corn bread every now and then.

An ordinary family buys cornmeal and some vegetable leaves to cook porridge in a large pot, adds some salt, and if it is extravagant, adds two drops of vegetable oil to it. This is the staple food of the family for a day.

Those who work in factories can only eat one meal a day, those who do not work can only eat one, and those who work can only eat [-]% full.

It never occurred to Du Juan that cornmeal cornbread, which she never used to feed puppies, is actually a delicacy in the eyes of so many people.

She thought about the days she lived in the past, and the big meal that Lu Ming invited her to, and felt that she was too hypocritical.

A week later, she inadvertently chatted with the landlord, only to find out that the landlord woman with gray hair was actually only in her 30s, and her hair turned gray overnight because of her husband's death and grief.

"Du Xiangli, my man is not a redist, he is just dissatisfied with the oppression of the workers by the factory bosses, and brought the workers to the boss several times to reason, but was slandered by the boss as a red-color-element-child, the Republic of China 16 I was killed by the government in [-]." The landlady explained repeatedly, fearing that Du Juan might misunderstand.

Du Juan listened to the landlord's woman's explanation, and also heard the neighbors' words to the landlord's woman's husband. Only then did he know that the landlady's husband was Lei Zhenyu, a worker of Yangshupu Power Plant. Has a high prestige.

Lei Zhenyu is dissatisfied with the wanton oppression of the workers by the bosses, and even often withholds wages unreasonably. He often takes the workers to the boss to seek justice for the workers, but the boss also bears a grudge.

Later, Lei Zhenyu took some workers to participate in a workers' strike organized by the whole city, so he was on the list of suspected red elements.

Wang and Jiang joined forces within the Nationalist Government to jointly plan and organize the April [-] massacre that shocked the world. Lei Zhenyu's boss took the opportunity to falsely accuse Lei Zhenyu of being a Communist to the Shanghai Garrison Command, and Lei Zhenyu was arrested. They were arrested and slaughtered without a judicial trial, let alone a court trial.

The landlord's woman is Yu Guilian, a native of Shanghai. After her husband died, her son was only three years old. She took her son and lived hard in this house.

Yu Guilian's ancestors used to be a wealthy family in Shanghai, and several small two-story buildings nearby were originally Yu's private property. Later, her grandfather smoked opium and her father gambled, and the family business was wiped out, leaving only such a building for the children. A small building to live in.

After Yu Guilian's parents passed away, those relatives who were in power cut her off. Except for this small building, the remaining little property has long been deceived by those relatives using various means.

Yu Guilian lived in this small building by herself, and pawned a few jewelry for two years. Later, she met a tall and handsome young man Lei Zhenyu. They fell in love, got married, and lived here all the time.

The life after their marriage was very sweet and perfect. Their son was born in the second year, and the family enjoyed themselves happily. They lived on their husband's salary. Although they lived a poor life, they were also very happy.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. In 1927, the Kuomintang government launched the April [-] coup, and massacred the leftists and progressive youths in the Communist Party and the Nationalist Party. Lei Zhenyu was also involved in the massacre was killed in the middle of the war, when their son was only three years old, still ignorant and ignorant.

After Yu Guilian heard the news, she felt that the sky was falling and the earth was falling. If it wasn't for her son, she would have followed her husband underground.

Because of excessive grief, her hair turned gray, she suffered from insomnia for a long time, and she didn't think about eating and drinking, and her body soon collapsed. Her son was weak and sick. If it wasn't for Lei Zhenyu's former friends who often came to help, their mother and son would have to sell the house.

Now Yu Guilian can't go out to work, one is because of poor health, and the other is that the child is too young to leave others, so the mother and wife can only rely on renting out the house to make ends meet.

The child's name is Lei Jiu, and his nickname is Jiu Jiu. He is only 6 years old this year.

Jiujiu has been in poor health since he was born, and is relatively thin. In the past two years, he also suffered from malnutrition due to poor life. He looks very different from his actual age.

In fact, most of the people living in this alley have symptoms of malnutrition, whether they are old people, young people or children.

Du Juan fell in love with Jiujiu as soon as she saw him. From this thin child, she immediately saw the shadow of her young brother. When she left home, her brother seemed to be the same age.

From then on, she told the chef in the cafeteria to prepare a plate of fried steamed buns for her every dinner, and she would eat it as a supper when she went back home.

Of course, the master in the cafeteria was happy to flatter the assistant manager. Du Juan was considered a big shot in the factory.

Du Juan said that he had to pay for it because he wanted to take it home for supper.The cafeteria master refused to accept it and told her that everyone was trying to get things home from the cafeteria, not just her alone.

It's all right for Du Juan to think about it, the main reason is that she is used to spending a lot of money, so it doesn't matter whether she gives this little money or not.

For some reason, she rushed back as soon as she got off work, as if she always had a kind of worry in her heart, and she had a kind of unspoken joy when she entered the alley.

Du Juan fell in love with the life here so unknowingly. The human fireworks in the alleys, the firewood, rice, oil and salt in every household, and the early morning hawkers' hawking gave her a sense of intimacy with life that she had never had before.

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