Even though they looked down on women, they still didn't dare to underestimate Yuan Ziyuan.As imperial elites, they may not care about anyone's life, including their own, but they especially care about honor: they would rather die than complete the tasks assigned by them, which is an honor that no one else can touch.

The orders from the Kwantung Army commander himself are the foundation of their honor.

The task is bigger than the sky, but the instructions are like a mountain.

"It's really frustrating. We men have to obey a weak woman. They are people who have lost their ancestors." After leaving the house, a Japanese cursed in Japanese.

"Mr. Murakami, please be patient. The mission is important now. The mission assigned by Your Excellency the Commander is the great cause of the empire and must be completed meticulously." Another Japanese persuaded.

"Why do we have such a living ancestor to support, why don't we just tie her up, let's go drink and have fun, as long as she is alive, the mission will not be considered a failure." Murakami muttered.

"Then what, if she doesn't cooperate, what about going on a hunger strike?"

"Then force-feed her, if it doesn't work, beat her up, and make sure she will be obedient."

"Nonsense, what should we do if we choke to death? It doesn't matter if we are buried with you, the whole family will be unlucky. The key point is that even if we die, we will be guilty, and we will not be able to enter the shrine."

After hearing this man's words, Murakami stopped talking. They were not afraid of death, but they were afraid that they would not be able to enter the shrine after death. Then they would not be able to accept sacrifices and offerings from later generations, and they would not be able to become gods.

"That's right. Your Excellency Commander's instructions clearly stated that this woman can't lose a single hair." Another Japanese added.

"Gentlemen, this is out of the question," interjected the Japanese servant girl.

"How do you say, is she going to harm herself?" Several Japanese were startled.

"No, I've been serving this young lady these days, and she's lost dozens of hairs, so it's impossible to keep her hair from falling out." The servant girl said with a silly smile.

"Fuck off, you deserve to understand such profound orders." Murakami said angrily.

The Japanese maid was not annoyed either, of course she knew the virtues of these big Japanese men, so while walking, she twisted her strong buttocks and swung her slender waist into her wing.

The eyes of the four Japanese men were all straightened, and then they all looked at each other, and walked over tacitly, and then entered the servant's room one by one in turn.

Not long after, there were bursts of low and suppressed panting sounds from the wing room.

Ever since they hired this frivolous servant at a Japanese overseas Chinese businessman's house halfway, these four big men with twisted psychology have vented their anger whenever they have free time.The servant girl is used to it.

Of course, this is also voluntary by the maid, and it costs money to go to her bed, and the price is not low.

The Japanese maid felt that it was a good deal to go out with them, and she made a profit.As a servant in a merchant's house, he suffered all kinds of difficulties and tortures, was often scolded, and could not earn much money.The businessman is a cheapskate and a cheapskate.

She was also thinking about the fact that her two younger brothers needed money to go to school, and her parents needed money to treat their illnesses, and they were all waiting for her to send money back.

By chance, when the four Japanese proposed to hire a servant girl to serve Yuan Ziyuan with a good salary, the servant girl stood up without hesitation.

Yuan Ziyuan blushed when she heard the movement not far away, and cursed in a low voice; "A bunch of beasts."

She thought that the four Japanese raped the low-browed servant girl, but she didn't know that it was voluntary and it was used as a way to get rich.

Under the oppression of Sheng Youde's forces, the Japanese felt that Lushan Mountain was not safe, so they decided to run away, so they transferred Yuan Ziyuan to a small town in Henan through the network of agencies stationed in China.

There is a Japanese businessman in the small town who entered China after the Russo-Japanese War and started doing business. In fact, he collected intelligence in the name of doing business, and secretly surveyed the terrain and drew accurate maps to prepare for Japan's full-scale invasion of China.

Taking advantage of the turmoil, this businessman pretended to be a Chinese and obtained a local household registration. He spoke Chinese very idiomatically, although he still had a little accent, but the locals thought he was a foreigner and never thought he was from Japan.

Gradually, the businessman adapted to the local environment, lost his accent, and became an authentic Chinese businessman.

There are many such Japanese in China, and most of them were dispatched during the Russo-Japanese War. They secretly entered China through various channels, tried every means to obtain Chinese nationality, and integrated into the local area.

After the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, they turned into intelligence officers.

They are scattered all over China, and they collect all kinds of information, including political, business, folk customs and even local customs, but the most important task of all of them is to secretly survey the terrain and draw out accurate maps that can be used by the military. .

These men were not professional spies, nor did they consider themselves spies.They came to China to make a living by themselves. After a long time, they married wives and had children, and they could not see any flaws in the eyes of outsiders.

They only want to complete a certain task assigned by the above, and there is no reward for completing it, and they will not receive pensions from the Japanese government after death.

After they entered China, they needed to earn all their living needs, but none of them complained, and they all worked silently like old scalpers. No one may know their names and "deeds" until they die. .

All their deeds are sealed and stored in a secret archive room in the Japanese Imperial Palace, permanently sealed in dust, with no release date.

The businessman's surname is Ge, and his Chinese name is Xianling. As for his Japanese name, even he himself has almost forgotten it.

The only thing he remembers is that he has been secretly lurking in China for a long time, waiting for instructions.His true identity and the tasks he wants to accomplish are not even known to his wife and son.

When the four Japanese found his home, he pretended to be confused at first, and when someone came to show the Kwantung Army commander's handwritten order, he silently took in the group.

Fortunately, his house is quite spacious, several sunny rooms have been vacated, and Yuan Ziyuan has the best one to himself.

However, Ge Xianling does not need to bear the daily expenses, because Yuan Ziyuan, a rich woman, takes care of everything.

When Yuan Ziyuan came out, he brought a lot of money and put it in a small suitcase. The Japanese did not take away this wealth, even though their salaries were very low.

The instructions they received clearly stated that they were not allowed to infringe upon Ziyuan, and confiscation of money and property was of course also a form of encroachment.

After they searched all of Yuan Ziyuan's clothes and luggage, they found nothing suspicious and returned them to her one by one.

Along the way, Yuan Ziyuan also saw that the four Japanese were very poor financially, so he simply offered to reimburse all the expenses by himself, as long as they were willing to listen to his arrangement honestly.

The four Japanese were also happy. This kind of endless long-distance travel is a bottomless pit. They don't have enough money to spend. They can't bring Yuan Ziyuan, the God of Wealth, to beg along the street.

That's why there were weird scenes along the way. Yuan Ziyuan held his head high, like a hostess, and the four Japanese looked like bodyguards. Because of this, no one doubted their relationship along the way.

This one is completely full of strange flowers, how can there be any reason in the world for the kidnapped to instruct the kidnapper.It's true that money is the uncle.Japan covets China with painstaking efforts and deliberations, nothing more than to maximize economic benefits.

Yuan Ziyuan lay on the bed unable to sleep, but Huang Yanning's figure kept appearing in his mind.

After seeing Huang Yanning for many days, she had to admit a fact: she fell in love with this young and handsome officer at first sight.

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