sea ​​situation

Chapter 126 Not Being a Spy

"Lu, if you don't believe what you read in the book or what we tell you, we can arrange a trip for you, you can go to our country, go to various places, take a look, and talk to us If you talk to the people from the bottom of your heart, then you will believe it." Peter laughed.

Lu Ming was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled: "Mr. Peter, I really don't understand. I'm just an ordinary citizen. What is it that you value so much? Do you want to win me over at any cost?"

"That's because we are really optimistic about you and think you will definitely become our comrade and comrade-in-arms." Peter stretched his arms.

Andre smiled and said: "Because we have a common enemy, whether you join our organization or not, we will become comrades-in-arms in the future and fight against the common enemy."

"Oh, who is our common enemy?" Lu Ming didn't understand at once.

"The Japanese, to be precise, are Japanese warlords and imperialists." Andre said sternly.

Lu Ming laughed dumbly. It seems that since Japan took away the rights and interests of Lushun and the Northeast Railway from Tsarist Russia, and wiped out Russia's Second Pacific Fleet in the Tsushima Strait, Japan and Russia have become sworn enemies.

Although the world has changed and Russia has become the Soviet Union, the hatred remains the same.

"Lu, do you think China and Japan can live in peace like today?" Peter asked.

Lu Ming nodded. He knew that the ultimate Japanese ambition was to invade China, encroach and occupy China. North Korea was just a springboard for them to invade China. This is already common sense in both China and Japan.

"European and American imperialists want to deal with our red Soviet Union, but they dare not do it, or they are bound by the global economic crisis, so they are agitating Japanese warlord imperialism behind their backs, and they are playing clowns in the foreground." Peter throws out his core ideas.

"This is the first time I've heard of this point of view. Is it true?" Lu Ming expressed doubts.

"Western powers are watching the fire from the other side and want the Japanese to help them out of the fire. This is already a clear fact that the Chinese people are facing the test of blood and fire." Peter said solemnly.

Lu Ming was ambiguous. He felt that the main business relationship between Britain, the United States and the Japanese was for money and the market, not deliberate support and assistance.

If European and American countries have a plan to support Japan to attack the Soviet Union, in Lu Ming's view, this is almost a fantasy. Is the United States so stupid, is the UK so stupid, how can they trust Japan?

But it is true that Europe and the United States regard Japan as an Asian base to prevent the Soviet Union from going red. Not only Japan, but also China is regarded by Europe and the United States as a base to resist the red tide. The limited support of European and American countries for the Nationalist Government has something to do with this.

The seizure of power by the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union caused panic in the Western world. Therefore, in Europe, they used Poland, Romania and other countries to form a isolation zone, and wanted Soviet Russia to fend for itself in the isolation zone.

In Asia, the main body of this barrier is China and Japan.

It is a pity that China already has a Communist Party organization, and it continues to grow and develop. A big "loophole" has been exposed in this isolation zone.

"Lu, don't rush to make a decision on this matter. You should think about it first. If you intend to visit the socialist Soviet Union, we can arrange it at any time." Peter and his comrade Andre exchanged a look.

"Thank you, Mr. Peter, for your kindness. Please forgive me for speaking bluntly. As a believer without party affiliation, I will not be a spy for any organization or political party." Lu Ming refused.

"You misunderstood. We really didn't want you to be a spy. We just wanted to absorb you into our organization and become our comrade-in-arms and comrade. Not all of us in the Russian Communist Party are spies." Peter laughed loudly.

"Come and drink." Andre filled three more wine glasses.

The three of them drink it immediately, and I have to say that the vodka tastes authentic. Even Lu Ming, who doesn't usually drink vodka, feels very refreshed.

Lu Ming declined the caviar, and ate half a pickle and two slices of sausage.

"Now I can only say that I am full of curiosity about your country and system. Of course, I am also envious. If you need any help from me, I will try my best. I have not considered other things. Please forgive me." Lu Ming pondered road.

He really yearns for the society described in the book Andre gave him, but he feels that the description is idealized, not so real, a bit like a dream floating in the clouds, or drawn on a canvas The grand scene.

He learned what the real Russia is like from the works of Tolstoy, Turgenev, and Dostoevsky. It is a half-feudal and half-slavery system that suffers a lot, and it is not even as good as the feudal society in China. .

Although the serf system was completely abolished later, how could the abolition of serfdom save the corruption, incompetence, decay and depravity of Tsarist Russia?

Lu Ming didn't believe that the introduction and establishment of a single system could turn that decadent Russia into a prosperous and powerful socialist industrial power and a brand new paradise on earth.

But now the Soviet Union is an ally of the Republic of China government, and Peter and Andre are here to help the Republic of China government train the army. Anyway, they are guests and friends.

Lu Ming felt grateful to them in his heart. He was willing to give up the empty room to Andre for free, which was also an expression of his true emotions.

Lu Ming will not trust others easily. He also knows how big the gap between books and reality can be, and he also knows the difference between ideals and reality.

As for the identities of these two people, Lu Ming seriously suspected that they were Soviet spies.

Lu Ming really didn’t wrong them. Both Andre and Peter were intelligence officers of the Soviet Army’s intelligence agency, the so-called GRU. Together with the later established State Federal Security Service (KGB for short), they were also called the two major organizations of the Soviet government. intelligence agencies.

They came to Shanghai nominally to help the government of the Republic of China train the army and familiarize themselves with the use of various Soviet-style weapons, but their real purpose was to establish their own intelligence agency in Shanghai.

They had their eyes on Lu Ming a long time ago, and after studying Lu Ming's background materials in detail, they tried their best to lure Lu Ming into the group, mainly because of his identity and various social connections.

As veterans of intelligence work, they know that absorbing a spy does not happen overnight, and they cannot rush for success, but need to slowly cultivate their feelings and infiltrate them a little bit.

Pay attention to looking for opportunities. At critical moments, there will be a weight to impress the other party, so as to gain trust and make the other party willing to work for them.

The three of them drank and chatted. Peter and Andre could see that Lu Ming liked to listen to the domestic affairs of the Soviet Union, so they focused on various domestic situations to Lu Ming, including the Soviet Union's comprehensive industrialization and planned economic system. And army building, etc., of course, there are also the basic living conditions of ordinary people in the country.

They didn't tell a single lie, they just didn't tell the deepest flaws in the Soviet system. Of course, they didn't think it was a flaw, but a side effect that must be faced in the process of planned economic development, which can be corrected little by little. .

Lu Ming listened quietly, of course he could tell what was true and what was false.

After listening, Lu Ming breathed a sigh of relief. He believed that what these two people said was basically the truth, at least 80.00% of it was the truth. Some questions may not be accurately stated, but they cannot be regarded as lies.

As a result, Lu Ming's mind came alive, and he yearned for the Soviet Union.

But the big question mark in my heart still exists. Also, the revolution in the Soviet Union was successful, can it be replicated in China?

That's not necessarily the case. China's feudal system of more than 2000 years is too long. It is not easy to completely change the people's thinking and transform this society.

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