sea ​​situation

Chapter 111 Raid on Qiantian

"By the way, Muto called me a few days ago and asked me to invite you to visit Japan at your convenience." Qiantian said with a smile.

"Why didn't he call me directly?" Lu Ming asked puzzled.

"Your phone number? He doesn't know, why didn't I tell him, I don't know either." Qian Tian used Japanese humor, and laughed out loud after speaking.

Lu Ming thinks about it too. When he calls Qiantian, he usually calls the Japanese consulate through the switchboard. It is impossible for Qiantian to let the switchboard connect the call to his apartment. He is not so famous yet, and the Shanghai switchboard cannot remember him. If the number is connected to Lingering Garden, any operator can get through with their eyes closed.

Of course Lu Ming won't go, he doesn't have a good impression of the island country.

Although I have seen the beautiful Mt. Fuji and the beautiful cherry blossom avenue in various pictorial magazines, but I have no interest in going sightseeing at all.

Lu Ming and Qian Tian drank a bottle of whiskey and walked out of the restaurant side by side.

Suddenly, a loud roar was heard: "Ba Ga!"

A Japanese ronin wearing wooden clogs ran towards the hotel quickly, his feet made a crisp sound, and holding a three-foot-long samurai sword in his hand, he slashed at Qian Tian.

"Quick back!" Lu Ming was so frightened that he almost lost his soul, and pulled Qian Tian back to the restaurant.

"Ba Ga!" The ronin chased into the restaurant, and continued to chop with his knife.

Lu Ming picked up a chair and threw it over. It missed the ronin, but let him dodge it, giving himself a chance to maneuver.

Lu Ming stretched his hand to his waist, but found nothing. He didn't bring a gun when he came out today.

Maybe it's because he thinks the Japanese won't attack him anymore, he hasn't carried a gun these days.It's actually very uncomfortable to have a gun stuck in your waist, and it doesn't look good in a suit, because it always bulges out.

"Lu Sang, hurry up, he's coming for me, he won't kill you." Qian Tian also panicked.

He knew this guy, he was a killer of the Black Dragon Society, he had followed him for some time, and he always wanted to attack him.

"Don't be afraid, the police will come over in a while." Lu Ming will be relieved now, and he will not be so afraid.

He kept pulling Qian Tian to run between the tables and chairs, and at the same time he raised the chair and stool and threw it at the ronin.

Lang was so angry that he yelled, if there were no obstacles such as tables and chairs, he would have split Qiantian in half.Although the restaurant is not big, but there are too many tables and chairs, he has to chase around, which is very inconvenient, and at the same time, he has to avoid the chairs and stools thrown by Lu Ming.

The guys in the tavern were also scared and hid under the counter. In the midst of the chaos, several people rushed in, and one of them pulled out his gun and shouted in Japanese: "Kameyama, put down the knife quickly, or we will shoot you!" gone."

"Ba Ga!" Ronin was already furious, seeing someone coming in to stop him, he simply gave up on Qian Tian and rushed towards those people.

"Bang bang" two shots were fired, and a plume of blue smoke came out of the man's muzzle.

Ronin was shot and fell to the ground, and the samurai sword fell to the ground with a clang.

At this time, there were bursts of hurried whistles on the street, and two bearded Indian police officers wrapped in turbans ran in with guns.

"Put down the gun." The two pointed their guns at the Japanese who fired.

"Don't get me wrong, we are Japanese!" the shooter yelled in English, before raising his hands and throwing the pistol to the ground.

"We are Japanese. The murderer is the man lying on the ground. We are here to prevent him from killing." Another Japanese negotiated in English.

At this time, Qian Tian was also relieved, and hurried over to take out his ID and said, "I am from the Japanese consulate, and this is my colleague, who is here to protect me."

"I don't care who you are, if there is a homicide case, you have to go to the police station to make a record." The bearded policeman had a blunt attitude and rolled his eyes.

"Okay, we'll go with you. But I need to call the consulate first." Qian Tian said.

The two patrolmen chatted in Hindi for a while, then nodded in agreement.

After Qian Tian made the phone call, he followed the police and went away. At the same time, several Japanese who rushed into the restaurant were also taken away. Lu Ming also failed to escape. Even the owner of the tavern was taken away as a witness. gone.

Two police officers carried the Japanese ronin who had been shot and died on a stretcher, and a group of them went to the police house in the British Concession.

When they arrived at the patrol room, an officer-like Englishman conducted a simple questioning of them, with a very friendly attitude, and asked everyone to sign the transcript after the questioning.

The Japanese who fired the shot was temporarily detained, waiting for the people from the Japanese consulate to negotiate.

"I'm from the Japanese consulate, can't I take him away?" Qian Tian said in broken English.

"Supposedly, it is possible, but in this case, you are the party involved, so that's not acceptable." The British police officer explained.

Everyone was sitting in the lobby of the patrol room, waiting for the people from the Japanese consulate to negotiate and release him.

"Why did you provoke that ronin, he seems to have a sworn feud with you." Lu Ming was puzzled.

"It's not that I provoked him, it's that he can't tolerate me. He must have smoked too much opium today. He was too excited and couldn't control himself." Qian Tian said.

"Does anyone in Japan smoke opium?" Lu Ming asked in surprise.

"Of course there is, but they are all secretly smoked. The domestic investigation is strict, so I ran to Shanghai, and here it is casual." Qiantian said contemptuously.

"It's impossible to hack people after smoking opium. I think he aimed at you. Why?"

"Because I'm a different kind, I'm against the war." Qian Tian said with a wry smile.

"If you oppose the war, you deserve to die? So Japan is very sick." Lu Ming felt his throat dry.

"Not only should we be damned against the war, but we should also be damned if we are not resolute in the main war. The Black Dragon Society and some radical army officers regard us as targets that must be eliminated."

"Qiantian, don't be so cunning, you know whether you should die or not." Among the Japanese who rushed into the tavern to stop the ronin from killing someone, one of them sneered.

"War, war, our great Yamato nation will fall in the hands of you war madmen one day. I know you all want to kill me, but I will not change my opinion." Qian Tian said with his chest straight.

" are a scum, we shouldn't have come to save you, let you be hacked." Another Japanese said angrily.

"Do you dare? If I die on the street, you won't be able to explain it when you go back. You are not saving me, but protecting yourself." Qian Tian sneered.

Lu Ming looked at these people in surprise, what is the relationship between them?The Japanese are nonsensical, they don't understand.

"Qiantian, as a diplomat of the empire, you often communicate with a Chinese, what is it?" Another Japanese accused.

"I want to spread some common sense to you. Although Lu Mingjun is Chinese, he is also an American citizen. In addition, it is my personal freedom to associate with anyone, and you have no control."

This group was fighting among themselves, a car stopped outside, and several Japanese in formal attire entered the patrol room.As soon as they came in, both sides of the infighting fell silent.

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