"Mr. Andre, are you a Bolshevik?" Yan Xiaohui asked suddenly.

"Of course, it's my pride." Andrei grinned in a Russian style.

"Aren't you supposed to help the CCP? Why did you help the KMT?" Yan Xiaohui asked sarcastically.

Andre was a little speechless, thought for a while and smiled: "The government's decision-making is beyond my control, but the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Since the Kuomintang government is the enemy of Japan, it is our friend, no matter what party it is."

"But the relationship between the government of the Republic of China and the Japanese government is very good now? Both governments are committed to good-neighborly friendship and promoting friendship between the two peoples." Yan Xiaohui laughed.

"That's on the surface. We have no conflict with the Japanese government now, but everyone knows that we are enemies, and your government of the Republic of China is the same. You may meet with Japan at any time. This is not a matter of our will." Ann Andre said seriously.

"You mean that it is impossible for China and Japan to become friends after all, right?" Yan Xiaohui asked thoughtfully.

In fact, she has no interest in either the Kuomintang or the Communist Party. She is similar to Lu Ming, and she is determined to be a person without party affiliation and government.

Her ideal is to cure diseases and save lives, and to be a good doctor, while Lu Ming is bent on being an excellent detective, so as to relieve others' worries and hardships by himself.

There were many such people at the time, and they were called anarchists. Absolute pacifists like Kenda Hidekichi were new and rare.

Because of the family business, Yan Xiaohui felt that the Japanese were more trustworthy in business, and had never had any unpleasant situations when interacting with them.

At this time, another dance music started to play, and Yan Xiaohui dragged Lu Ming off the dance floor again, without even looking at Yuan Mingzhu, as if he was demonstrating.

Yuan Mingzhu looked at her with contempt, curled her lips, and said nothing.

"I said sister, you just let Lu Ming be so out of tune, cuddling with other women in front of your eyes?" Ning Xiner said angrily.

"He's not out of tune, he's doing serious things." Yuan Mingzhu knew that the critical moment had come, and she must not make trouble.

Ning Xiner was too angry to speak, but Yuan Mingzhu said with a smile: "Sister Xiner, you should think about your own affairs carefully, in case the big brother finds out about you and that gigolo one day, he will definitely take care of you. That guy is castrated."

Ning Xiner hurriedly said: "Don't think about it, I just learn to dance from him, there is no love between men and women."

"You can tell the elder brother this, I believe it, will he believe it?" Yuan Mingzhu laughed.

She has long seen that the relationship between Ning Xiner and that dancer has gone far beyond a partner relationship, and it would be dangerous to go any further. Of course, that dancer would like to marry a rich woman like Ning Xiner, but the eldest brother of the Ning family will never agree.

Dancers may be respected abroad, but they belong to the lower class in China, and their social status may not be as high as the girls in Changsan Shuyu.

There was no concept of dance art in China at that time. Dancers had no professional status and could only make a living by dancing with rich women.

"Hey, sister, don't tell big brother about this." Ning Xiner was also a little flustered.

She didn't know if she fell in love with this gigolo, but the feeling of dancing with him bothered her like a drug addiction, and she felt uncomfortable all over if she didn't dance with him for a few days, and she couldn't cheer up .

"I don't need to say this, you know how much the big brother has eyes and ears, and besides, the big brother is so relieved that you come out to dance every day? Maybe you have already found out behind the scenes." Yuan Mingzhu said.

"Well, you're right, what should I do?" Ning Xiner was worried.

"What should I do? Sister Xin'er, for your own good and for his own good, you must restrain yourself and limit your relationship to your dancing partner. Once you go beyond one step, that dancing boy may never see you again."

The two were talking, when suddenly the dancer came over to ask Ning Xiner to dance, Ning Xiner was a little flustered, she made mistakes in her dance steps that she was extremely skilled in the past, and stepped on her partner's feet several times.

"Xin'er, what's the matter, aren't you feeling well?" the dancer asked thoughtfully.

"It's nothing, I'm a little distracted." Ning Xiner simply stopped jumping, and withdrew to let the bartender make a cocktail for herself, and drank it in one gulp.

Seeing this, her two bodyguards hurried over and asked her if something happened.

Ning Xiner shook her head, that tall and fit dancer also wanted to come over to take care of her, but was stopped one meter away by two bodyguards.

Yuan Mingzhu didn't expect her few words to have such a big effect. It seems that Ning Xiner still cares about this dance partner, so she hurried over and said: "Sister Xiner, why don't you go back and rest first."

"No, I haven't danced enough, keep dancing." She said, her eyes were a little fascinated, and she went down to the dance floor. The dancer quickly followed her to support her, but this time the bodyguard didn't stop her.

The lights are feasting, the people are drunk, and everyone is like sleepwalking, wandering on and off the dance floor.

The air is filled with the smell of cigarettes and wine, who would believe that there is also a life-and-death crisis in it.

During the long night, a few opium-addicted people found a table, took out their big smoke lamps and smoking guns, and openly smoked opium. The air was filled with the fragrance of poppies.

No one is surprised. Although the Republic of China has entered the Republic of China and the government has issued a ban on smoking, no one cares about it. The number of people who smoke opium is still expanding.

Lu Ming didn't interfere. Although he didn't even have any interest in cigarettes, and even hated others smoking opium, he was powerless to change this situation.

"Mr. Lu, if your nation doesn't completely quit this thing, you will still be the sick man of East Asia in another 100 years." Andre looked at the few opium smokers in disgust, and said disdainfully.

"It's hard to get back. It's impossible to ban it all at once. Now the government of the Republic of China has made up its mind to ban smoking, and it will gradually stop it in the future." Lu Ming had to say something that even he didn't believe it.

Of course he would not have imagined that less than 20 years later, a new regime was born, and pornography, gambling and drugs were banned nationwide within three days. If someone travels through time and space to tell him, he will would think that is a fantasy.

Andre chatted with him, introducing some things in his country, such as collective farms, state-owned factories, etc. These were all new things and new trends at the time. Lu Ming didn't know about them before, but he listened with great interest.

"You will be like this one day." Andre said mysteriously.

"Yes, I hope." Lu Ming's tone already showed his attitude.

"It's possible, Mr. Lu, we can all live to see that day come." At this time, Andre was plausible like a prophet.

Of course Lu Ming didn't pay attention to his words. After many years passed, he suddenly realized that the night he met Andre was the beginning of his new life.

The activities to welcome the New Year can be done regardless of time.The dance continued until just before dawn, and the music was still playing.

Despite the stimulation of alcohol, cigarettes, and beautiful women, most people are exhausted, and people keep leaving and slipping away. The time has come, and everyone can't bear it anymore.

Lu Ming's desired effect was fully achieved, the Japanese did not dare to make any moves, and the dance was successfully concluded.

Lu Ming picked up the microphone and announced: Thank you for coming, the dance is over, and I wish you all a happy new year!I will invite you again when I have the opportunity.Thank you everyone!

Everyone dragged their feet out of the dance hall. It was the darkest hour before dawn, but the street lights were brightly lit. People found their vehicles one after another, got in and left.

The four of An Gonggen, who had been waiting for this moment, got into the big truck among forty Cao Gang gunmen. They were sitting on two rows of stools in the truck compartment, indistinguishable from the Cao Gang gunmen.

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