Ranguang Treasure Mirror

Chapter 747 What kind of place is this?

Zhou Xiru stared at him blankly. She was a bear when she was a child and couldn't sit still.

The family invited a teacher to teach painting. After half a year, she really couldn't draw lines well, let alone lines, she couldn't draw anything well.

Li Xinyue is quite strict with her, but Li Xinyue is a god, she doesn't care about things.

Zhou Xu coaxed her to paint little by little, and accompanied her...

Zhou Xiru has always felt that she is very talented in painting, and she should be enlightened later. She doesn't understand how she was enlightened, but all of a sudden, she felt that everything was not difficult.

Taiyi Yishui had already activated the ancient god circle, and everyone felt that the sky was dim and the earth was dark.

Waiting to wake up again, Zhou Xiru lay on a big rock with half of her body still in the water, opened her eyes, and looked around. What kind of place is this?

It seems that it is still an island, moreover, it is still a deserted island.

The sea breeze gently blows the sea surface, the sea water is clear and clean, it is not a tourist scenic spot at first glance, but if there is a person, this place cannot be so clean.

Not far from her, Professor Wang was lying on the beach with his belly turned upside down.

"Xu Zhiyu?" Zhou Xiru felt pain all over her body, as if she had been beaten.

"Ah Ru, what is this place?" Xu Zhili had already helped Professor Wang up, and then checked whether everyone was injured.

After Si Nan woke up, the first thing he did was to count the number of people.

"Miss Ah Ru, have you seen the owner?" You Jin is a member of the ranger, and the first thing he does when he opens his eyes is to find the ranger, and he wants to ensure that the ranger is not injured.

However, everyone is on the beach of this deserted island, except the Ranger.

"I just woke up." Zhou Xiru said, looking around busy, and shouted, "Papa You?"

As she spoke, she rubbed her shoulders and said, "Why do I have pain all over my body? Who hit me?"

"Ah Ru..." Suddenly, a ranger's voice came from the distant forest.

The ranger hurried over and asked, "Are you all okay, what is this place?"

"Father You, what are you..." Zhou Xiru looked at You Xia, and immediately burst out laughing, his clothes tore through the boss, revealing a large area of ​​skin on his back, and moss on his face.

"I'm hanging on the tree." Said the ranger, "Ah Ru, help me to see, am I disfigured?"

"No!" Zhou Xiru said with a smile, "I got scratched on my forehead, but it only scratched a little bit of skin, it doesn't matter."

Seeing this, Xu Zhijie was also amused, walked over to have a look, and said with a smile: "Mr. You, I remember you were standing next to Ah Ru, why did you hang on the tree?"

"I don't know either!" Ranger asked, "Where is Taiyi, what is this place? Why are we here?"

Everyone searched around, but they couldn't find Tai Yishui, but they didn't worry much about him.

Xu Zhige had already pulled out his cell phone and began to check if there was a signal.

"Mr. Xu, even if your family is rich, even if it's not a folding space, there is no signal in places like this." Professor Wang sat down on the rock and said, "There is fresh water on this island, don't worry, nothing will happen."

"Oh?" Zhou Xiru asked, "How do you always know there is fresh water on this island?"

"The vegetation on the island can be seen." Professor Wang smiled, "Ah, you little fool, look up, what kind of tree is in front of you?"

Zhou Xiru was a little confused. Don't all the trees on the island look like this?What catches your eyes?

"Professor, Ms. Ah Ru has only eaten coconuts and never seen a coconut tree." Sinan smiled and said, "Wait a minute, I'll go and chop some coconuts. Let's add water first, and then see if you don't need to camp. .”

"First of all, we need to determine where we are." Zhou Xiru sighed. He thought that he was already very unreliable, but he didn't expect Tai Yishui to be even more insane?

Are all ancient gods so confused?

No wonder the "gods" are so capable, their technology is n times ahead of humans, and because of their brain damage, they are almost extinct and become "rare animals".

"Ah Ru, don't run around!" Xu Zhixuan instructed, "Let me discuss it with Sinan."

On this side, Xu Zhixuan just took care of Zhou Xiru, but on the other side, he looked up and saw Ming Wei flying in the air, and immediately shouted: "Ming Wei, come down, speed up!"

Seeing that Ming Wei didn't seem to have heard, Xu Zhixun stomped anxiously, casually picked up a small stone from the ground, and threw it at it with a raised hand.

Although it didn't hit Mingwei, it startled her, and hurriedly flew over, with a look of grievance on her face, she said, "Mr. Xu, what did you do to hit me, and I didn't bully your Ah Ru..."

"Shut up!" Xu Zhili was so angry.

Why are these ancient gods more brain-dead than the other?

Tai Yishui said he would send them back, where did he send them?

Also, without knowing the surrounding environment clearly, Ming Wei flew around indiscriminately, what if people saw it?

When will she grow a brain?

"Mingwei, a brain is a good thing, can you grow one, please?" Xu Zhijie said through gritted teeth.

"Isn't this an iron nail pierced into my brain and destroyed?" Ming Wei looked aggrieved.

"Sister Mingwei, we don't know what this place is and whether there will be surveillance, so it's better not to fly around." Knowing Xu Zhili's scruples, Zhou Xiru hurriedly said.

"Oh?" Ming Wei nodded half-understanding, and after a while, she said, "But there will be surveillance in this bird place?"

Here, Xu Zhijie went to discuss with Si Nan, Zhao Si, You Jin and others. He felt that in the future, whenever there was a serious matter, he should never discuss with those who possessed the ancient gods or were themselves the revival of the ancient gods.

On the earth, there is no reason why the pre-Qin qi refiners disappeared, but all the "gods" who broke through the human realm are more brain-dead than the other.

On this side, Xu Zhixuan and the others hadn't reached a conclusion through discussion, but on the other side, a waterline suddenly appeared on the sea surface, followed by huge waves of tens of meters rushing over.

"Damn it!" Zhou Xiru was terrified, not daring to lie on the rock and pretend to be dead, grabbed Ming Wei, and shouted, "Run... the tsunami!"

"I... can fly!" Ming Wei said loudly as she ran away after being caught by her.

Seeing the menacing tsunami, Professor Wang and others ignored their luggage and started running towards the deserted island.

However, it was strange to say that the tsunami stopped suddenly about ten meters away from the island—like a running car suddenly stepped on the brakes.

Then, the water calmed down like this, and it was blue.

"What the hell?" Xu Zhijie said nana.

Under the bottom of the sea, a person popped up, and Tai Yishui slowly came out from the water, walked to the beach, squeezed the sea water on his body, the water mist evaporated, and the clothes on his body were instantly dry and clean.

"Mr. Xu, what kind of place is this?" Tai Yishui asked.

Xu Zhijie's heart was really broken, as if he was caught and beat him up.

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