Ranguang Treasure Mirror

Chapter 718 It's a shame to be uneducated

Professor Wang smiled and said, "Master You, do you usually watch dramas?"

You Xia was a little ashamed, and said, "Professor, I usually like to watch dramas... To tell you the truth, I always watch some TV dramas, and I don't watch high-end knowledge dramas."

"Or should I really go to school and study hard?"

Professor Wang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and asked, "Have you watched the Gongdou drama?"

This time, before You Xia had time to speak, You Jin smiled and said, "Professor, my landlord still likes to watch Gongdou dramas. There is a certain drama, he has watched it twice."

Ranger couldn't help giving him a blank look.

"Master You, since this is the case, don't you know that in ancient times, when the emperor died, his concubine was required to be buried?" Professor Wang laughed.

Ranger shook his head and said, "Professor, don't lie to me."

Next to her, Zhou Xiru endured so much that she didn't laugh. Now she realized that Ranger is really unreliable.

After his original memory recovered, it was even more dumbfounding.

"Hmph!" You Xia looked at Zhou Xiru, he knew that at this moment, everyone seemed to be laughing at him.

In other words, there are things that everyone knows, but he doesn't know.

"Are you making fun of me for being uneducated?" You Xia asked, "I'm really not a kid who plays truant..."

Zhou Xiru didn't hold back, and just laughed out loud, and beside him, Xu Zhixuan also smiled.

"Mr. You, what diploma do you have?" Xu Zhixuan smiled, "You just smashed your diploma in the professor's face, oh, by the way, Ah Ru didn't graduate from university, she just has a high school diploma now, you can kill her instantly. "

"Xu Zhiyu!" Zhou Xiru clenched his fists and said, "Do you dare to fight alone outside the door?"

Xu Zhijie hurriedly laughed and said, "Ah Ru, you are a man of culture, besides, you were admitted to Shanghai University in a fair and honest way, just for this, you are also someone who can show off, a proper academic master constitution."

The ranger's lips moved, but he didn't speak after all.

Next to him, Professor Wang smiled and said, "Master You, what diploma do you have? Hit my old man's face, and I'll teach you science?"

You Xia tugged at You Jin for a while, and asked in a low voice: "You Jin, can this... diploma be bought with money?"

You Jin was dumbfounded, what diploma does his boss have?I usually feel that he can speak both Chinese and English, and he is knowledgeable, so why should he be a graduate student?

"Father You, you won't be like me, will you?" Ming Wei said, "It's a shame to be uneducated."

"I don't have a diploma, but I know. I've watched TV shows. When the emperor dies, it's his son who is vying to succeed him. He didn't say that the concubine should be buried." You Xia said impatiently, "Besides, this place My remnant soul is buried, do I need a mortal to be buried?"

Professor Wang shook his head with a smile and walked outside.

"Professor?" Xu Zhili followed and said, "Where are you going?"

"I'll go outside to have a look, find a place to make an acupoint, and bury this skeleton so that she can rest in peace," Professor Wang said.

Watching You Xia follow him, Professor Wang said, "Mr. You, your memory has recovered. Do you remember who she is?"

You Xia shook his head in confusion. Does that unattractive female corpse really have something to do with him?

"She should have been your attendant when she was alive." Professor Wang said, "From the gorgeous clothes in the dressing table and wardrobe, as well as the exquisite jewelry on the bed, it can be seen that her status is not low. A minister from a certain palace."

You Xia frowned slightly, and said, "What a fool!"

"I'm dead, what did she commit suicide by taking poison?"

Zhou Xiru sighed softly.

"Ah Ru, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that Zhou Xiru's face was very ugly, You Xia couldn't help but asked concerned, "Did you feel uncomfortable after looking at the corpse? Don't look at it in the future. Old man Wang is too. It's okay. What do you want to see?" Corpse?"

"Mr. You, I'm fine." Zhou Xiru said.

Professor Wang lit a cigarette and smoked it slowly. After a while, he said, "Mr. Xu, have you found anything else?"

"No!" Xu Zhijie said, glanced at You Xia, and said, "Mr. You, she was forcibly injected with poison, and then placed on the bed..."

You Xia stared blankly at him, and said, "Mr. Xu, is that really the case?"

Xu Zhijie nodded slightly, and said, "Mr. You, after you died, someone collected your remains, and built an incomparably huge pyramid for you, and built such a small space."

Having said that, Xu Zhiyu paused for a moment, then pondered: "Mr. You, you really don't know who built the pyramid for you?"

The ranger shook his head and said, "At that time, I was already dead, how would I know this?"

"Professor Wang, you asked someone to bury that female corpse, and I'll talk to the owner of the village?" Xu Zhixuan said, pulling You Xia directly to the side.

Seeing this, Zhou Xiru said loudly on purpose: "It's troublesome if a man is too good-looking, take a look?"

Xu Zhige pretended not to hear.

Here, Zhou Xiru watched as Professor Wang directed Si Nan and the others to prepare to bury the female corpse. She took advantage of no one's attention and walked towards the edge of the cliff quietly.

There was no one around, she called out, "System, come out for me?"

It was quiet all around.

"System, come out, if you don't come out, I'll jump off." Zhou Xiru looked at the cliff on one side and said angrily.

"Baby host, why can't you think about it?" The system sighed, and said, "Is it because the hot pot is not good, or is it that beautiful men are not good-looking?"

"You..." Zhou Xiru was so angry that he said, "What are you doing with a hot pot? It's fun to follow the big devil?"

"Aren't you afraid that the old man at the switchboard will find out and tear you down?"

The system turned into the appearance of Xu Zhijie, stood on the edge of the cliff, thought for a while, and then said: "Is it delicious?"

Zhou Xiru froze for a moment, then nodded, hot pot is naturally delicious, but is it worth it to come to such a place to eat hot pot?

"Isn't it delicious?" the system said slowly.

"This time, you followed me all the time and didn't hang up?" Zhou Xiru asked in surprise, "Your old man with the switchboard is not fighting with the high-dimensional civilization?"

Leaning on a rock, the system said, "I still have to fight, there is no way, you have made an important breakthrough, and he wants to fight for the control of the solar system."

Zhou Xiru was stunned for a moment, and asked, "What breakthrough have I made here?"

It seems that she didn't think there was any great breakthrough? "

"You have progressed to the seventh-level mission." The system said softly.

"So, why don't you reward me with a hot pot?" Zhou Xiru smiled wryly, "What...if you are discovered, what will you do?"

"No one will find me." The system smiled lightly and said, "Besides, the ranger didn't say it, Zhou Mu and the others can do it too? Why must it be me?"

"You..." Zhou Xiru shook her head, feeling that the system was like a child, and insisted that the switchboard did not count as an old man, and at the beginning, it even asked her to go out to touch Xu Zhiyu.

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