Zhou Xiru smiled very unprincipledly, and said, "Old man Wang, you can be cowardly, tsk tsk tsk... You were actually frightened by a suspected coffin."

"In the future, don't say you are a professor of archeology."

"No, this time when I go back, I'll post a Weibo... I still have a lot of fans on Weibo."

"A professor of archeology at Kyoto University, he couldn't tell whether the trunk of the coffin was counted, and he was frightened."

Professor Wang shook his head and said, "This professor is not as knowledgeable as a fool."

As he spoke, he took out a magnifying glass, a flashlight...

Just when he leaned over the dry tree trunk and was about to examine it carefully, everyone heard a thin, moaning sound again.

This time, everyone heard clearly.

"Ah Ru?" Xu Zhijie said in a low voice, "It seems to be coming from inside the coffin."

If the dead tree trunk is hollow and there are corpses buried there, it is naturally a coffin, not a tree trunk.

"It's so crude. I think he's a poor man with little oil and water." Professor Wang stood up, not ready to study, and said, "Mr. Xu, come here, give it a knife?"

Xu Zhijie was stunned, and asked, "Professor, what the hell?"

"Can you chop wood?" Professor Wang said, "Split it?"

"No!" Zhou Xiru didn't wait for Xu Zhixuan to speak, and said directly, "Don't do it!"

Professor Wang was a little confused, and asked, "Ah Ru, what do you mean, don't we open the coffin? Aren't you curious?"

"I'm a little curious, but, as the young master of the Yinghuo Dynasty, he is determined not to do such things as chopping firewood, so go ahead." Zhou Xiru said eloquently.

He Seng smiled and said, "Bodhisattva, next time you have something like this, remember to say that you are the eldest lady of the Zhou consortium, so you don't do such rough work."

"Open it seriously." Professor Wang said.

Si Nan had already taken out a tool, Zhao Si, Qiu Feicheng and others helped, found a fulcrum, and directly destroyed it with brute force.

The "dead tree trunk" was already decayed, and soon, the surface was pried open by them.

Inside, it turned out to be something like fish scales, with a rotten fishy smell.

"Is it really a coffin?" Professor Wang frowned slightly.

The middle of the "trunk" is hollowed out, and there are still things inside, which naturally means that this is a coffin.

"Pry them open and have a look." Xu Zhili said.

"Hmm..." Zhao Si agreed, and soon, the coffin lid was completely pried open. Inside, apart from some things like scales, there were also some silver-white bugs. Crawl outside.

Xu Zhige took out some medicinal powder and sprinkled it around.

After the bugs came into contact with the powder, they kept retreating.

"Mr. Xu, what kind of medicine is this?" Seng He asked curiously.

"Insect repellent!" Xu Zhijie smiled and said, "In the tropical rainforest, there are poisonous insects everywhere. You all remind me that I need to bring insect repellent medicine."

"It looks very useful." He Seng said.

"Hey, hey..." Sinan said suddenly, "My lord, look...something is moving under the scales."

"Professor, what kind of scales are these?" Zhou Xiru asked in a deep voice.

"Human skin..." Professor Wang said with a sullen face, "It's the dander of human body."

"Can the flakes of human body grow like this?" Zhou Xiru shook his head and said with a smile, "Old man, I read a lot, so don't lie to me."

"Ah Ru, when a person is alive, there are all kinds of good things, but after death, they are still buried in certain places. In other words, your body has been specially treated. When the cells are still alive, they will shed skin flakes." Professor Wang said, "As time goes by, they will shed off layer by layer, just like now."

"The bacteria on your body nourish the worms, or the worms from the outside eat into the coffin, and then parasitize on your corpse, forming a symbiotic relationship with the corpse."

Zhou Xiru was disgusted, and said: "Old man Wang, just say what you say, what example are you using me for?"

While they were talking, a dry hand stretched out slightly tremblingly from the scales of the coffin.

"Still alive?" He Seng was inexplicably shocked.

Both Xu Zhixuan and Zhou Xiru couldn't help but retreat slightly, and Professor Wang also retreated a little.

"Professor?" Monk He clasped his hands together and said, "This... this..."

He really wanted to ask Professor Wang, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know what to say.

"He is dead." Professor Wang said, "Now, it is just a walking dead without the slightest consciousness."

"And, it's going to die soon!"

He Seng, He Qiang, Zhao Si and others were all inexplicably shocked.

Xu Zhijie is a medical student, so he knows a little bit.

Zhou Xiru was so nervous that he only looked at it as a rare thing and didn't care at all.

Even, she was already thinking about it, waiting for the corpse in the coffin to crawl out, she would study and see if there were any funeral objects in the coffin, and if it was worth it?

This place is not considered Lao Myanmar's territory, and I don't know which era's culture and civilization it belongs to?

Are the unearthed objects of research value?

"Xu Zhige, do you want to extract its DNA?" Zhou Xiru asked in a low voice, "Her Highness Alice should be interested?"

Xu Zhijie shook his head slightly, and said, "It's dirty."

Finally, the ancient corpse in the coffin struggled to get up and leave the coffin.

However, it seemed unable to struggle, or in other words, its movement was very strenuous, and its body wriggled desperately to struggle, but it only twisted and moved...

Zhou Xiru watched with a flashlight. This ancient corpse should be a woman?The hair has fallen out, and there is still dry flesh and blood on the body. The nails are very long, and they should have grown a lot after the burial.

"Professor, it has no phototaxis." Zhou Xiru said.

"If it has phototaxis, it means that it is still conscious!" Professor Wang laughed, "Didn't you listen to me just now?"

"Say what?" He Seng's heart fluctuated.

"Mr. He, the remaining cells that drive it to move don't mean that he is still alive." Professor Wang laughed. "Of course, there must be some reason why its own cells can survive for so long."

As he spoke, he looked at Zhou Xiru with malicious intentions.

Zhou Xiru was baffled by him, and asked, "Old man Wang, are you going to call me a fool again?"

"Hmm...maybe this person also practiced pre-Qin qi training?" Professor Wang chuckled, "Or, he also has the genes of the Queen Mother of the West, so after death, he peeled off layers of skin to maintain vitality?"

Zhou Xi was so angry that he didn't hit a single place. He took out a military machete from Xu Zhixuan's backpack, and with one knife, he chopped at the corpse in the coffin, and cursed: "You are half dead, and you have caused me to be scolded? You can't die completely." ?”

Beheading with one knife, simply and neatly.

Professor Wang stepped back a little bit, saw the rotten corpse fell into the coffin again, turned around and left in anger, muttering: "Why don't you let me tell you, fool?"

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