The sudden sound of the bell startled everyone.

"What's going on?" Zhou Xiru frowned slightly and said, "Where did the bell come from?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the bell rang again, clear and loud, with a long lingering sound...


After the twelve tolls of the bell, there was no more sound.

"Is it twelve o'clock?" Si Nan asked suddenly.

"This is the bell for welcoming guests." Zhou Xiru said suddenly.

At the beginning, when she heard the bell, she instinctively thought it was the time bell, but after Si Nan said that it was twelve rings, she suddenly came back to herself.

The system once talked to her about some things about high-dimensional civilizations in the universe.

For the emperor of the human race, or the "immortal" person who has cultivated to the level of the emperor, all major tribes will give the highest treatment, and the twelve bells ring, which means that the emperor is here.

This etiquette is actually similar to the salute on Earth.

However, in such a place, when the welcome bell rang suddenly, Zhou Xiru was a little confused.

The other party treated each other with courtesy, and they seemed embarrassed to smash the lotus leaves directly.

"Where is the bell?" Zhou Xiru asked.

"I don't know." Sinan said, "I haven't been able to tell the difference."

"Squeak!" There was a door opening sound from behind, and the second bronze door opened.

Through the second bronze door, the third door also opened behind.

Immediately afterwards, in addition to the artificial moon above the head, there were actually lights turned on one by one...

"It's so luxurious!" Xu Zhiyu said in a low voice, "Ah Ru, the Palace of the Queen Mother of the West has existed for many years. What kind of fuel do they use? Are they still operating for so long?"

"Xu Zhixuan, don't do archaeological work and play like a tomb robber." Zhou Xiru said angrily, "The flame signal didn't use your satellite, and the signal tower in Kunlun Ruins was not built by your family."

"Although I feel that such a light show is a waste, as long as I don't pay the electricity bill, I can accept it." Zhou Xiru waved his hand while talking, and said, "Let's go, Xiwangmu Palace, let's go."

As for the three lotus leaves, since Xu Zhijie felt that it was in danger, he should not act dead.

"Ah Ru, look?" Walking into the second door, there is a bronze tree in the yard, which looks very similar to the bronze tree on the oval spaceship. On the bronze tree, there are bells and little suns hanging...

Of course, the appearance of this little sun is to imitate the golden crow of the setting sun—very similar to Xu Zhige's own stunt attributes.

"Xu Zhixuan, it is said that I look like the Queen Mother of the West." Zhou Xiru stopped and said in a low voice, "I am a sacrifice brought by my grandfather Li Yinghong. He has an agreement with a certain god here."

Having said that, she paused, staring at the bronze tree in a daze.

"Miss Ah Ru, I understand!" Si Nan said suddenly, stomping his foot.

"What do you know?" Zhou Xiru asked in confusion.

"Female Bodhisattva, I seem to understand..." He Seng said, "The Kunlun Ruins have long been deserted. As for the Queen Mother of the West...if this is a tomb, then this place is the burial place of the Queen Mother of the West."

"The fact that the so-called queen mother has not returned does not mean she has left, but it can mean her... Female Bodhisattva, do you know the death of the Buddhist family?" Seng He suddenly said.

Zhou Xiru thought for a while and said, "Deep sleep, like death?"

"Yes, the extinction of Buddhism, one says it is passing away, and the other is deep sleep." He Seng said, "The Queen Mother may not have left the Kunlun Ruins, but it is extinction."

"Ji Mie, the body cannot be recovered!" Seng He continued, "Then, what does she need?"

"Flesh body!" Xu Zhixuan said, "Is that so? So, Ah Ru was sacrificed as a sacrifice, that is, as the flesh body of Queen Mother Xi?"

"Yes!" Seng He patted his legs and said, "Bodhisattva, what should I do?"

Zhou Xiru tilted her head and thought for a while, then she strode inside and said loudly: "Seng He, your idea is valid, and I think so too—so, I was sacrificed to come in, my grandfather I'm really willing, I can catch up with the ancient emperors, what's more, my granddaughter is also willing."

"If this was in ancient times, even if I were a princess, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to escape the fate of getting married."

For some reason, Xu Zhige suddenly laughed.

"It doesn't matter, did I become the body of the Queen Mother of the West as a sacrifice, or did I use the life-picking technique to absorb the remaining vitality of the Queen Mother of the West as nutrients? It is unknown now." Zhou Xiru once again took steps that no relatives would recognize, and said loudly, "Wu that old woman , this girl is here."

"Ah Ru, look!" Xu Zhiyu said suddenly, "Bronze aircraft, why is it here?"

In the second courtyard, under a bronze tree, there is a bronze aircraft docked.

"This is in the first manor." Zhou Xiru stretched out his hand to touch it, and said, "Why did it come here?"

"Miss Ah Ru, can I open it and have a look?" Si Nan asked.

"It's not my family, whatever!" Zhou Xiru waved his hand.

Hearing this, Si Nan stretched out his hand to open the hatch.

"Don't!" Xu Zhijie suddenly grabbed him and said, "Look——"

Zhou Xiru was stunned for a moment, then looked in the direction Xu Zhixuan was pointing at. The bronze flying machine wasn't too aggressive. Now, just under a bronze tree, two "Sunset Golden Crows" were lying on top of the bronze flying machine.

"Charging pile?" Zhou Xiru blurted out.

"Yes, this thing is recovering." Xu Zhiyu said in a low voice, "Ah Ru, Professor Wang is right, you fiddled and activated the bronze aircraft, so it returned to its original position and replenished its energy. Same as our robot vacuum.”

"Since that's the case, another bronze aircraft has also returned here. Is this an aircraft carrier?" Zhou Xiru asked with a frown.

While speaking, she had already walked towards the third door.

Whether this place has anything to do with her, she doesn't know.

She now understands - why she looks like the Queen Mother of the West, like the Goddess of Sacrifice... that is because the Goddess of Sacrifice is the Queen Mother of the West back then, and Li Yinghong used the genes of the Goddess of Sacrifice to conduct experiments on her.

She's an out-and-out experimenter.

However, this place is closely related to Xu Zhiyu.

His innate attribute, the radiance of the Sunset Golden Crow, is exactly the same as the Sunset Golden Crow hanging on the bronze tree in this place.

Entering through the third gate is the real front hall.

"Ah Ru, is this a sacrificial god ship?" Xu Zhixuan asked in a daze.

This place is almost exactly the same as the sacrificial god boat, but the scale is much larger. On the ground, there is an alchemy furnace, next to it, on both sides are bookshelves, and there are various books on it—not bamboo slips, but similar to The brocade book that Xiao Yutong held in his hand.

There are stone steps behind the alchemy furnace, and a throne with a black bird pattern is placed. The throne is inlaid with various precious stones, which is exquisite and gorgeous.

Behind it is a wooden screen with black bird pattern...

Just when Zhou Xiru walked in front of the screen, the screen slowly opened like a sensor door.

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