Xu Zhijie hesitated for a while, his family members, hey...

Wang Xiaopang didn't come, so he could only take the initiative to assume the responsibility of coroner. He walked up to have a look, couldn't help frowning and said: "The skull was broken, the brains and brains were taken out... this..."

He said in his mouth, but his eyes fell on Hu Yang's shattered skull.

Hu Yang was attacked from behind by a "person" or something else, and the blow was fatal.

"This is a tooth mark!" Xu Zhijun pointed to the mark on the skull and said, "A small animal attacked him from behind, bit his head directly, and sucked the brain..."

"Mr. Xu, how do you know it's not a very big animal?" Zhuang Cheng asked, "The bodyguards brought by Mr. Xu are all very skilled. I'm afraid the small animal can't be killed with one blow?"

"Master Zhuang, look—" Xu Zhijun pointed to the scar on the skull, and said, "This tooth mark is very small. From this tooth mark, I speculate that the animal is at most as big as a kitten."

"Eldest son, is this impossible?" Hu Xin picked up the gun on the ground and said in a low voice, "Yangzi is very skilled, even if he meets a lion, tiger and other ferocious animals, he can fight with a gun in his hand, such a small Even if it is a sneak attack, it will not give him a chance to shoot."

"I'm just giving a conjecture based on this." Xu Zhiyu shook his head and said, "I don't understand anything else, so don't ask me, ha ha!"

At the end, he laughed sarcastically and said, "I don't even know if you followed me in, are you protecting me or holding me back?"

"Ah Ru?" Professor Wang suddenly called out, "Have you seen Ah Ru?"

Everyone froze for a while, busy looking around, everyone was there, except Zhou Xiru was gone.

"Ah Ru?" Xu Zhijie turned pale with shock, from Huyang's death just now, he could tell that there was some kind of small beast hiding in this place, with quick movements, but quite ferocious.

He was very worried, such a little thing, hiding in the dark and sneaking up on someone, but he really didn't know how he would die if he took a bite out of nowhere.

"You——" Xu Zhixuan wanted to curse, if it wasn't for Hu Yang's inexplicable death, he was busy working as a coroner just now, and Zhou Xiru wouldn't have been lost.

Seeing that Xu Zhixuan was in a hurry, Xu Ye really wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know where to start.

Zhuang Cheng and Li Er were also very anxious.

"Everyone, don't panic!" Professor Wang said hurriedly, "Ah Ru thinks he's heading for the sunken ship..."

As he said that, he didn't know what to do in his heart, and he hurriedly led the crowd towards the sacrificial god boat.

In the mud and sand on the road, there is a row of clear footprints, obviously left by Zhou Xiru——

"Mr. Xu, Ah Ru must be walking towards the sacrificial ship, don't worry!" Zhuang Cheng comforted Xu Zhixie.

Reluctantly, Xu Zhixuan lowered his head and said nothing.

On the edge of a rock, Zhou Xiru's footprints overlapped. It seemed that she ran around the rock twice. That's not counting, the footprints were still a bit messy.

In the sand of the rock, there are some white bones scattered, which look like human remains, but they have been decayed for a long time. In addition, there are scattered bronze fragments.

Professor Wang took a closer look and found nothing of research value.

"Professor, Ah Ru..." Xu Zhiyu was very anxious.

"Mr. Xu, judging from the footprints, Miss A Ru seems to be chasing something here..." Li Er frowned slightly. In theory, even if Zhou Xiru found something, he shouldn't have chased it hastily, right?

Unless—she thought there was no danger at all?

"This way!" Professor Wang has already followed the footprints and strode towards the sacrificial ship.

"Ah Ru, is that you?" Near the place where the sacrificial god ship stood, there was a dark man standing there. Although his stature didn't look like it, Xu Zhijie still rushed over.

"Mr. Xu, don't be reckless." Zhuang Cheng, Li Er, Zhu Xi, Qiu Feicheng and others all followed quickly.

On the contrary, Xu Ye took Huxin and fell behind a little.

When he got closer, Xu Zhili realized that it was not Zhou Xiru at all, but a figurine wearing bronze armor.

There are footprints next to the figurines, which can be seen to be left by Zhou Xiru.

"Professor, why did Ah Ru come here all of a sudden?" Xu Zhili calmed down and asked.

Professor Wang smiled wryly, I am a bad old man, how can I know what the little girl is thinking, God knows why she suddenly ran around?

"Xu Zhixuan, Professor Wang, come quickly!" At this moment, Zhou Xiru's voice came from the darkness not far ahead.

"Ah Ru!" Hearing her voice, Xu Zhixuan felt relieved and walked over quickly, only to find that Zhou Xiru was hiding behind a rock, and she had turned off all the lighting sources. No wonder they couldn't find her just now. she.

"Hush!" Zhou Xiru made a gesture of silencing, and said in a low voice, "Xu Zhiyu, you turn off the light, I must catch it out."

"What?" Xu Zhijie squatted down beside her while talking.

Professor Wang and the others hurried over, and a white figure suddenly appeared in the sand in front of him, rushing towards Zhu Xi at a very fast speed.

Zhu Xi hurriedly moved aside, Zhou Xiru was extremely fast, and rushed towards Bai Ying, she felt that she was about to catch Bai Ying.

However, at this moment, a gunshot sounded suddenly, and the bullet shot close to her head.

Bai Ying missed a hit, his body swayed, and he jumped to the side, escaping into the sand.

Zhou Xiru rolled on the ground, got up from the ground, and asked, "Who shot?"

Hu Xin stared blankly at her. He knew that the shot just now almost killed the girl. He didn't think it was a big deal. Anyway, their purpose of coming here was to kill her.

Zhou Xiru was simmering with anger in her heart, what the hell is she killing her?

So, she directly threw the backpack on the ground and shouted: "Wu Na man, what kind of skill is sneaking behind the back and shooting, one-on-one—it doesn't matter whether you live or die, dare you?"

"Dare!" Hu Yang shouted with a bloodthirsty gleam in his eyes, "Come on, I'll break your neck!"

As he said that, he threw the gun aside, and said with a sneer, "Don't rely on our young master to do evil, at worst, I'll kill you, and I'll kill you."

Xu Zhige's fingers were already on the scalpel——

However, at this moment, another gunshot rang out, and Hu Xin shook his body, and fell to the ground with a thud, his eyes were wide open, and he was dying.

"Hehe!" Qiu Feicheng chuckled lightly, blew on the muzzle of his gun for a while, and said in a serious manner, "Sneak attack is not your Xu family's patent!"

"Okay, Xu Ye, now it's your turn!" Zhu Xi took advantage of this moment to point the gun in Xu Ye's head.

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