Ranguang Treasure Mirror

Chapter 216 I Sleep With You Today

Everyone present couldn't help being stunned for a while, Hu Yang?Professor Wang and others didn't know each other at all.

"Who is this person?" Professor Wang said first, "The name sounds like a man, Mr. Xu, are you so harsh? Are you rude? My God, I want to persuade Miss Aru to stay away from you in the future .”

"Wang Qiankun!" Xu Zhige scolded angrily, "try saying it again?"

When he heard the word "Wang Qiankun", Zhuang Cheng was stunned for a moment. This name seemed familiar, where did he hear it?

"Mr. Xu, Wang Qiankun is dead." Wang Kun said in a low voice.

"So, don't be arrogant and domineering, you are just a cowardly old professor, hum!" Xu Zhixuan couldn't help cursing, "You no longer have the aura that Ling Zu used to point out."

A good sentence made Professor Wang unreliable and wondered where the building was crooked.

"Miss Ah Ru, who is Hu Yang?" Professor Wang turned around and asked Zhou Xiru, "Is he also Mr. Xu's friend?"

"No, it's an old man, a professor over there in Shanghai, with strong theoretical knowledge and good lectures." Zhou Xiru sighed, she really hated Populus euphratica very much, and beating him was not negotiable, but, in the university, Populus euphratica is actually quite Popular with students because he can give lectures.

It's one thing to have a poetic and literary spirit in your stomach, just like Professor Wang, he is very good, and his lectures are dry and hard, but it may not be able to make students like it and listen to it.

Hu Yang is different. His lectures are like storytelling, with cadence and rhythm, and he is especially good at playing various jokes, which students like.

At the beginning, because there was no conflict with each other, Zhou Xiru naturally liked listening to his lectures like everyone else, and even needed to reserve a seat in advance for his classes.

"Incapable of practical ability, greedy for money, clinging to the famous families in the magic capital, after my Zhou family went bankrupt, he found a few gangsters to trouble me." Zhou Xiru briefly talked about what happened in Huazhi Island back then.

"He does things with money?" Professor Wang took out a cigarette, lit it, and asked, "Is that so?"

Zhou Xiru nodded.

"Are you looking for the mastermind behind the scenes?" Professor Wang breathed out the smoke and said softly, "Now, Populus euphratica is dead and silenced?"

"This person is so cruel that he deliberately wants to destroy Ah Ru's hands and even gouges out her eyes." Xu Zhixuan couldn't help trembling slightly while holding Zhou Xiru's hand. It is very ugly.

"Ah Ru, I will protect you!" Xu Zhijie said to her solemnly.

"Mr. Xu, I will remember your words." Li Er said directly.

"Don't worry!" Xu Zhili said seriously, "I will definitely protect Ah Ru."

"Don't worry, I won't leave the child to you alone." Zhou Xiru smiled, she didn't care at all, the man behind the scenes seemed a little edgy?

To kill directly?


Zhou Xiru suddenly became agitated. If this person really wanted to tear off her hands and goug her eyes, why didn't he do it directly?

He has the ability to kill Populus euphratica and Murong Qingyuan, so simply and neatly, then he also has the ability to directly get rid of that unsystematic "Zhou Xiru" back then.

"Xu Zhixuan, this person...is an acquaintance of mine?" Zhou Xiru's voice trembled a little.

Hu Yang described the person who looked like her mother...

Xu Zhijie nodded, holding her hand and not daring to let go. Originally, Murong Qingyuan died as soon as he died, and he didn't care at all, but the murderer peeled off the tattoo, in fact, it was a warning to Zhou Xiru - he understood , he understands when he sees it.

"But..." Zhou Xiru thought seriously, and said, "Xu Zhiyu, I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I still can't figure it out. My father really didn't leave anything for me? Lu Yiwen said he wanted to check Qidong's account. It is said that all the money of the Xiwei Dynasty is in our family, if I want to have money, can I be like this?"

Xu Zhijie didn't speak, he understood what she meant, at the beginning, she wanted to go to the Ji Ya Club, but she was penniless, so she ran to him to blackmail him.

If she had money, why did she go to this level?

However, what Xu Zhijie didn't understand was - if that person was Zhou Xiru, why would her hair, her wound...why heal in a short period of time?He confirmed with his mother that after the metabolism reaches a certain level, there is indeed such a possibility, but hair cannot grow so fast, that's for sure.

After her mother died, she was reborn.

Xu Zhijie suddenly realized that he seemed to have overlooked an important link, Zhou Xiru's mother, Li Yinghong's only daughter - Li Xinyue.

Zhou Xiru once again ate heartlessly, eating so happily that she didn't worry at all about the deformation of her body due to delicious food.

Xu Zhige stood up, went outside to make a phone call.

"Brother Chenfeng, it's me!" The call was connected quickly, and Xu Zhijie asked, "How did Hu Yang die?"

"Stroke!" Shen Chenfeng said, "We notified Modu University of his framing of A Ru, and the school director attached great importance to this matter and planned to expel him."

"Considering his age, I plan to show him some respect, hehe, in fact, the school is preparing to show him some dignity."

Xu Zhijie was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile, "Let him resign by himself?"

"No, I just asked him to find an excuse to retreat early. To be honest, I was very angry." Shen Chenfeng said, "But my brother said, for the time being, we still need him."

"He also agreed and wrote an application for internal withdrawal. As a result, he went to the school to go through the relevant procedures at around four o'clock this afternoon. For some reason, he staggered and fell to the ground and couldn't get up."

"He died before being sent to the hospital."

Xu Zhijie frowned slightly, this is too coincidental, right?

"Is there any problem?" Xu Zhili asked with a frown.

"Hu He also died like this." Shen Chenfeng smiled wryly, "The death was quite strange, very quick, and quite straightforward!"

"Hu He and we have no doubts, but he also died like this, I'm afraid it's not a coincidence. Besides, he and Hu He are relatives and belong to the same clan!" Shen Chenfeng said, "I'll just tell Ah Ru that we will be in Cafe No. [-]." I'm investigating, but there's no clue."

"Lingfeng is checking our Shen family's accounts for the past ten years..." Shen Chenfeng sighed softly, and said, "But, at present, it seems that our Shen family has not laundered the money from the Xiwei Dynasty—I don't know why they They will look for Ah Ru, and insist that what they want is on Ah Ru."

"Mr. Xu, you are getting close to Ah Ru, you can ask her, did Zhou Xu explain anything to her?" Shen Chenfeng said.

"Okay!" The words Xu Zhilian wanted to ask Li Xinyue got stuck in his throat after all, and he couldn't ask.

In the evening, Zhou Xiru went back to her room and prepared to rest after washing. For some reason, she felt a little uncomfortable today.

However, what she never imagined in her dreams was that Xu Zhige actually walked over from the next room with a pillow under his arm.

"It's so late, what's the matter?" Zhou Xiru looked at him in pajamas and slippers, and asked with a frown, "Aren't you going to sleep?"

"Ah Ru, I'll sleep with you today!" Xu Zhige said while putting his pillow on her bed.

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