Ranguang Treasure Mirror

Chapter 178 Private Island

Zhou Xiru suffocated in his heart, glared at him fiercely, and said, "No, it's fake, the person in the photo is my real face."

Not afraid of death, Xu Zhijie stretched out his hand and tugged for a while, with some force.

Zhou Xiru never thought that he would actually pull her hair, so she yelled out "Ahhh" in pain.

"Xu Zhige, what are you doing?" Zhou Xiru said angrily, "Let me tell you, I am very angry today."

Xu Zhijie flinched for a moment, nodded, and swallowed his saliva, expressing that he knew—she was very angry.

Zhou Xiru turned around and continued eating her breakfast, not wanting to talk.

"Ah Ru, if you have any plans, you have to tell me so that I can cooperate with you." Xu Zhijie said hastily.

"Don't you doubt that I'm the fake Zhou Xiru?" Zhou Xiru started fighting for another fried dough stick. She felt that the systematic so-called "Cultivation Technique" had no other purpose except to increase her appetite a lot and keep her breathing long. She also said that she can absorb nutrients from the air. It’s okay if she doesn’t practice. This is how she needs food. She doesn’t eat much, but after practicing, she urgently needs to absorb nutrients from various foods. What nourishes is not The internal organs, but the breath.

Nourishing qi and nourishing qi, isn't eating just to nourish qi?

The questioning system at night, if you eat recklessly, will you get fat? If you don’t get fat, just eat. Life—only food can’t live up to it.

"You will hurt, it proves that your hair is real!" Xu Zhijie said in a low voice.

"Nonsense, my hair is naturally real." Zhou Xiru gave him a blank look, and was too lazy to speak.

"Then..." Xu Zhixuan wanted to say that if her hair was real, she wouldn't be Zhou Xiru, because there was a time in the photo - the time of shooting was the day when he met Zhou Xiru.

Back and forth, but three hours.

How can hair grow so long in three hours?

Three years may not be able to grow so long.

"Go to the antique auction tonight?" Zhou Xiru asked, "Have you fed Ronghua?"

Xu Zhijie was stunned for a moment, and then he came back to his senses, Ronghua—isn't it their cat?Zhou Xiru gave it the name yesterday.

"Why can't it be called if?" Xu Zhixuan sighed.

"Have you ever fed it?" Zhou Xiru asked, "Will you take care of the baby?"

"Hey, I fed it early in the morning, I didn't put it in the cage yesterday, it slept with me." Xu Zhijie honestly reported the "child".

"Well, take good care of it!" Zhou Xiru said.

After dinner, she began to work hard on drawing purses. These days, Bai Ju left messages for her every day, asking about the progress of her purses. But, her second-level task was too boring, and she went off to get tattoos for other women.

If Bai Ju found out about this, he could miss her to death.

Xu Zhijie was watching beside her, watching her slowly draw various shapes of small lotus flowers on the silk.

"Ah Ru, do you study art? Design and painting are your majors?" Xu Zhijie asked suddenly, "Aren't you a student of Professor Li Yan?"

Zhou Xiru was drawing a lotus petal. Hearing this, he raised his head and said with a smile, "Do you have an opinion?"

"I'm just curious!" Xu Zhixuan seriously recalled that Li Yan didn't know her at all when he was in Ji Ya Guild Hall, why did he suddenly recognize her as a student?

What's more, that old man wanted a red glaze that hadn't been released yet, so he just called her and asked her to spend money on it for him?

This is totally unreasonable!

Zhou Xiru put down his paintbrush, sat down on a chair, and said: "These days, teachers recruit students, just like men and women love each other, and it's just a matter of seeing each other."

"It's like Professor Wang. I didn't know it at first, a respected old professor. I asked, what the hell!" Zhou Xiru couldn't help shaking his head with a smile when he mentioned this matter.

"Isn't that old man a senior professor of archaeology? I saw him quite capable." Xu Zhijie smiled and said, "He is proficient in various mechanisms. I originally thought that the mechanisms in the ancient tomb can only be cracked if they are activated. In the end, he said, wait for the mechanism to activate, and crack the fart, wait for death!"

"He said that he is old-fashioned, so he must not be able to escape the organ, and he is not the person who waits for the bullshit on TV, who can fly over the wall... So, he can only control the organ in advance."

"He came out to find the right location, but—"

It's just that the tomb passage has collapsed, and they couldn't find a specific location in the Luo River.

"I asked my teacher, and I heard that he is the descendant of the Mojin lineage, the authentic descendant." Zhou Xiru said in a low voice, "The thing he is best at is not the mechanism technique, but the acupuncture points."

Xu Zhijie smiled and said, "Ha...Ah Ru, the question just now."

Zhou Xiru smiled and said, "I'm an art student, so I can't be Professor Li Yan's student, but I'm related to him."

"It doesn't count that he is my grandfather's fellow apprentice, but he is also my grandfather's cousin."

"This kind of relationship, I recognize him as a teacher, do you think he will refuse?" Zhou Xiru sneered, "The change of the CEO of the Qidong Consortium does not mean that all the relatives of my Zhou family will die!"

Xu Zhijie nodded with a smile, but thought to himself: "Three years ago, what were these people doing?"

On this day, Zhou Xiru didn't look at his phone anymore, and stopped paying attention to those messy and confusing things on the Internet, but concentrated on drawing.

The dinner was brought by Sinan from a famous nearby restaurant. After dinner, she changed her clothes and went out together with Xu Zhili.

Tonight's antique auction is in the suburbs, on a private island, and the time is set at 10:30 pm.

In ancient times, this was considered midnight.

Sinan drove, and when they arrived at the pier, a motorboat came to pick them up. After verifying the QR code and their identities, they boarded the not-so-luxury motorboat, and the journey was bumpy.

Twenty or ten minutes later, the motorboat docked at the pier, and a waiter picked them up to disembark, and changed to an electric car.

Zhou Xiru looked at the words on the pier - Huazhi Island.

She seemed to have heard about this small island, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

"Xu Zhiyu, do you know who the owner of this small island is?" Zhou Xiru asked in a low voice after getting off the electric car and entering the luxuriously decorated hall.

"I know, it was the joint venture between Zhuo Zhuo, the host of the dinner we attended last time, and several people." Xu Zhijie said, "What's wrong?"

"No!" Zhou Xiru shook his head.

"The Shen family has shares." Xu Zhixuan whispered in her ear, "The shares are in the hands of Shen Chenfeng. I heard that Shen Lefeng used improper means to snatch them."

Shen Lingfeng has always been a weirdo in the wealthy circle of Shanghai. His methods in the mall are really ruthless, low-key, and make people feel powerless to complain.

But it is such a person, you may not be able to hate him.

"Excellence and the others often bring some little stars to the salon and have a great time." Xu Zhijie said in a low voice, "Shen Chenfeng is a noble person, but Shen Lingfeng hopes that he can integrate into the circle of Excellence and the others. He I think that his elder brother only needs to eat, drink, have fun, and be happy."

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