Ranguang Treasure Mirror

Chapter 137 Jin Nian

She also wanted to take the initiative, but Xu Zhijun never paid any attention to her, even, she harassed her too much, and he even blocked her directly.

Today, Zhou Xiru won the blood phoenix bracelet, does it mean that the throne of the hostess of the Yinghuo Dynasty is getting farther and farther away from her.

"No, no..." Murong Qingyuan shook her head, that little bitch, she must find a way to kill her, smash her corpse, and feed it to the dog!

Murong Qingyuan was thinking in her heart, how can she kill Zhou Xiru and still hide it from Xu Zhixuan's eyes and ears?

However, another thing at this time made her heart tremble for a while—the jewelry design competition in Shanghai two years ago?

After returning from Country F, my aunt said that to become the hostess of the Yinghuo Dynasty, it is not enough for her to have a prominent family background, she needs a beautiful face and profound knowledge.

It would be best to have a good work. At that time, her Murong family and the Gao family organized a jewelry design competition in Shanghai. The champion of the competition was naturally hers. She was the default quota. .

However, in a jewelry design competition like this, you always need to invite the top famous jewelry designers in the industry to be the judges, otherwise the teacher will be unknown.

This is a good way of saying it, but it's not a good way to say it, it's that you, Murong Qingyuan, are just smug behind closed doors, so she needs the approval of a senior jewelry designer here in Shanghai.

Everything was going smoothly, but a man named Zhou Xiru came out halfway, and with "Jin Nian", she directly entered the finals.

Sang Yuan is not a talkative person, a top jewelry designer, she has her own pride.

At that time, she liked Zhou Xiru's work "Jin Nian" to win the championship, and Murong Qingyuan also studied design. She knew that it was absolutely impossible to pk "Jin Nian" with her own design drawings, and the judges were not all is her person.

The only way is to make Zhou Xiru withdraw from this competition.

Of course, they were the ones who initiated the competition. She would have no problem finding someone to make a move. The difficulty was just the judges.

After some lobbying, the judges also agreed, and she took "Jin Nian" as her own as she wished.

However, Zhou Xiru said today that Jinnian——was not designed by her.

Now, she is very flustered, what should she do?

"Bitch, you must have lied to me!" Murong Qingyuan was so angry that she wanted to grit her teeth.

Today, she was disturbed by Zhou Xiru's words. She watched Zhou Xiru leave with priceless jewels, but she never recovered.

At this moment, she decided that Zhou Xiru had lied to her out of nothing.

"Bad maid!" Murong Qingyuan said angrily, "I shouldn't have let you die two years ago."

As she said that, without a moment's hesitation, she picked up her mobile phone and made a call.

Zhou Xiru didn't know that Murong Qingyuan had already made a murderous attempt today.

Si Nan kept sending her and Xu Zhiyu upstairs, holding the beautiful emerald crown in his hands——

"Miss Ah Ru, where should I put the crown for you?" Sinan laughed, "It's a pity, we should bring back the mahogany base, ah... and their beautiful jewelry box."

Xu Zhijie laughed out loud.

Zhou Xiru said with a smile: "Brother Sinan, I have no experience this time. Let's go again next year when Old Man Gao celebrates his birthday. Remember to bring the mahogany base with you when the time comes!"

Si Nan nodded again and again, and said, "It must!"

"Can't they kill you?" Xu Zhijie couldn't help laughing.

Zhou Xiru put the emerald crown in the jewelry cabinet in the inner room. When the lights were turned on, even though there was no mahogany base, it still couldn't block the emerald's clear and clear luster.

"Beautiful!" Zhou Xiru opened his bracelet box, put the blood phoenix bracelet in, and said with a smile, "I knew it, this bracelet looks best in my jewelry box."

"Ah Ru, it looks good on your hand." Xu Zhijie smiled.

Zhou Xiru carefully removed the pigeon-egg-sized ruby ​​from his neck, looked at the light, and sighed softly.

"Ah Ru, what's the matter?" Seeing her strange expression, Xu Zhiyu asked in surprise.

"This ruby ​​has been newly inlaid recently, and the design is quite good, but—" Zhou Xiru said in a low voice, "I like its original design, the simple gold-covered inlay method, and it is not ostentatious at all."

"Ah Ru?" Xu Zhijie looked at her in a daze. From her words, he understood that this ruby ​​originally belonged to her.

"This is my mother's personal thing." Zhou Xiru carefully put away the ruby ​​while talking.

Jewelry—by chance, she could get it back, but, mother would never come back.

In addition, the two pieces of jadeite harvested tonight, the glass variety Zhengyang green is already excellent, not to mention the red and blue double-colored ones with silver sandwiched between them?Zhou Xiru gave it a name in his heart, called Yinhe.

After putting away the two pieces of jadeite, Sinan was a little worried, and said, "Miss Ah Ru, you have a lot of valuable things here, and you are going out again these few days. Do you want to go to the bank to rent a safe tomorrow?"

"No need!" Before Zhou Xiru could speak, Xu Zhixuan said directly, "Sinan, you don't understand!"

"Oh?" Sinan was stunned for a moment, then said, "My lord, will you let fourth brother find someone to look after him?"

"No!" Xu Zhijie said with a smile, "They won't do such things as stealing. In fact, for Mrs. Feifeng, does she want any precious jewelry? Open seventeen or eight jewelry stores, that is, Such a little thing."

In this regard, Zhou Xiru nodded. For those who like jadeite, the golden silk red lotus bracelet is naturally priceless. For those who don't like it, this thing is only worth a little money at the market price.

Of course, for ordinary people, this is also an astronomical sum.

But to Mrs. Feifeng, this is really nothing, she just wants to suppress Xu Zhijie.

"If she finds someone to steal things secretly, we don't need to worry about it." Zhou Xiru laughed.

Xu Zhijie nodded and said, "That's the sentence, so let's go out to play without worry, she won't do small tricks, if she wants to do it, she has to do it in public."

After hearing the words, Si Nan took his leave and went out.

Seeing that it was getting late, Xu Zhijie comforted her, took her leave and went back to her room.

As soon as Xu Zhige left, the system appeared.

"Baby host, can you not find someone to fight with?" The current appearance of the system is like looking at its own child who is not up to date, angry and heartbroken.

"I don't want to fight either!" Zhou Xiru looked in the mirror and began to remove her makeup.

"Baby host, I just talked to the bad old man at the switchboard." The system said, "It scolded me."

"What are you negotiating with?" Zhou Xiru smiled, "Get me a storage bracelet?"

[The author has something to say]

Today is the third update, I am looking for a book review!

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