The villain of Kuaishou is my treasure

Chapter 697 Prefer women over men, come to marry?

He Zhiyong took Luo Ergou and ran away, so fast.

Li Siniu was caught off guard and didn't even have time to call them twice. The little old lady looked puzzled, "What's going on? You didn't say a few words, why did you leave?"

"Girl Rao, why are Yongzi and Ergou running?" She turned her head and turned her questioning gaze to the little girl.

"Mother, it's okay. Brother Yong just remembered that he has an errand to do in a hurry."

Xiao Rao was vague.

Didn't intend to tear anything down directly.

One: He Zhiyong's 'acting skills' are so good these years, he has coaxed Xiao Dachong and Li Siniu into treating him almost as his own son. When she has no evidence, these two people probably won't believe what she says.

Two things: Hey, Xiao Rao doesn't want to retire too soon, she has other ideas, but she has to see who the 'her man' is in this world before deciding whether to do it or not~

Xiao Rao's vermilion lips curled into a wicked smile.

At this time, the villagers of the two villages had also left, and Li Siniu and her were the only ones left on the broad loess road. The yellow dirt road stained with blood, some bloody rags, a lot of hair and, uh, is that tooth that belongs to someone?

"Mom, let's go home."

Xiao Rao was the first to propose.

"Well, go back, your father is still waiting for us."

The little old lady nodded.

The mother and daughter stood shoulder to shoulder, supported each other, turned and walked into the village.

Omura River is a thousand

In Renda Village, there are more than 100 households. Because it is close to Qing County, the village is quite wealthy. Because the Xiao family has a small population, they built their house at the foot of Jingshan Mountain at the end of the village. There are five large tile-roofed houses with green bricks in the spacious yard.

This is Xiao Dachong's undisabled front cover, and it is one of the best in the whole village.

It is second only to the head of Huang Village.

Therefore, even if Xiao Dachong is crippled, the Xiao family has no males, and Yuanshen is engaged to He Zhiyong, it is not considered high-profile. If Yuanshen is a man in five green brick houses, it is enough to marry two daughters-in-laws!

"Father, mother and I are back."

Reaching out to push open the red lacquered door, Xiao Rao looked around.

In the wide courtyard, there is a row of green brick paths leading directly to the main courtyard. The rest are padded with loess on both sides. To prevent dust, small gravels are pressed down. There are straw shed pigpens built on both sides, and there are two large pigsty inside. The fat pig is eating food, and there are two chicken coops with more than 30 chickens in it.

In Yuanshen's memory, the family can pick up more than 20 eggs a day.

In the county, an egg is worth one penny, and his family can sell more than 20 pennies a day.

But a lot.

"Xiao Rao, my mother, she came back so early, and she played fast today, cough cough cough~"

Xiao Rao was taking stock of the 'family property'. In the main room, a voice came out prominently, and then, a tall figure appeared.

It was Xiao Da Chong.

He was dark-skinned, square-faced and tiger-eyed, broad-chested, and surprisingly tall. Standing there, he looked like he was stomping on half a city wall. It was terrifying to watch.


However, there was a fly in the ointment, his right arm was broken at the root, and the sleeve was thrown out and tied around his waist, leaving him empty.

It looks a bit 'hero's end' miserable, and...

Very lifelike.

He is carrying a broom in his left hand.

"Tiger, why are you up? Didn't I tell you to lie down? Let me see, are you still burning?"

Li Siniu's face was wrinkled, and complaining, she quickly ran to Xiao Dachong, tiptoeing to touch his forehead.

Today, the two villages are fighting for water, and every family has to get someone. It is logical that Xiao Dachong should go, but he suffered from the cold and became hot yesterday, so he let the female relatives come forward.

"Hey, I'm fine. I won't start the fire in the morning. What happened to the fight for water? I've been fighting all morning. Are you hungry? I cooked and it's heating up in the stove. Let's take it out and eat."

Xiao Dachong said in a low voice, wanting to go to the kitchen.

"You old man, don't move."

The old lady was unwilling, frowned and patted Xiao Dachong's chest, "If you say it won't burn, you won't burn it? The old man can't believe what he said. Let me touch it with your head down."

she was annoyed.


Xiao Dachong sighed helplessly, stood still and bent down.

He is a tall and strong man like an iron tower, and his disability did not delay his training. He is in his 50s, but he still has an inverted triangle figure. He is surprisingly tall. Xiao Rao thinks he must be about two meters tall, while Li Si girl.

1.5 meters five is dead.

The two stood together, not looking at their faces, like a father with a daughter, Li Siniu wanted to touch her

Xiao Dachong had to bend over his forehead.

Looking at the picture, it was a bit...

【support?I was like a dog who was kicked several times while walking freely on the road, my stomach was full. 】

Xiao Rao pursed her lips silently.

[Well, it's so uncomfortable. 】

9527 nodded, with watery eyes, 【I am innocent, why did you trick me into Xiao's house to kill me? 】

【kill?Who to kill? 99, where are you feeling uncomfortable?Tell Meow! 】

Hei Pangpang still doesn't understand the 'complex' human beings. He shook his ears, flew into the air with his tail flicked, stretched out his two front paws, grabbed 9527's big light ball directly, and hugged her with his four limbs for inspection.

9527: [...I feel dizzy. 】

Xiao Rao: […]

[People in charge? 】

She rolled her eyes and turned to serve the meal in the stove.

After all, I've been playing all morning, and I'm really hungry.

She walked around the yard, set up the table, and served meals...not to mention, they were quite rich, fried wild vegetables with minced meat, stewed beans with watermelon, served with cucumbers and sorghum rice, although there were no meat dishes, It's whole grains again.

But Xiao Dachong is good at craftsmanship, and he is willing to let go of oil.

Not to mention very fragrant.

【Oh, my father is very skilled. 】

9527 can't help but praise.

According to the memory of the original body, although Xiao Dachong is crippled and does not have an arm, he is not a man who does nothing but stretches out his two long legs to be served.

It's really difficult for him to go to the field to farm or something, because he really can't wield a hoe with one hand and can't use his strength, so he can only let his younger daughter do it. Cleaning up...

He can do all these.

He can even mop the floor with one hand.

Moreover, he was born as a hunter and has a strong body. Even if he loses an arm and can no longer use a bow and arrow, he can make traps and sets and put them in the mountains. Occasionally, he can catch hares and pheasants to add meat to the family. .

He also taught Xiao Rao and He Zhiyong how to practice martial arts, such as horse riding, boxing and kicking...

A big reason why He Zhiyong became a policeman was that he practiced martial arts since he was a child.

The old man is in Xiao's house, he is a Dinghaishenzhen.

As for Li Siniu, the old lady is a money earner. When Xiao Dachong got his arm injured, he spent all the money in the family and sold all the fields. The eight acres of land now are all given by the old lady. What was 'embroidered' was the private house given to Xiao Lan, money to buy the policeman for He Zhitong, and more than 120 taels of silver hidden in the mouse hole at home.

That's all thanks to the old lady.

Moreover, the original body has gradually grown up in the past few years, farming and selling pigs, and can get more than ten taels every year.

Even without a son, the life of the Xiao family is very nourishing.

[Little 9, I feel more and more that He Zhiyong and Bai Xiuniang are really catastrophes. Without them, Yuanshen's family would be better off. These two losers! 】

Xiao Rao scolded sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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