The villain of Kuaishou is my treasure

Chapter 165 Servant Gold, Is Sister Sweet?

Silent night, luxurious big bed.

Bai Hongyuan and Sun Meiru hugged each other and screamed loudly.

Their tummy gurgling, wrenching pain, a stream of unstoppable heat rushing down from the abdomen, they tightened their chrysanthemums desperately.


Can't control it!

'Puff puff……'

The harsh sound and stench filled the room, and the pale yellow 'water flow' gradually soaked the sheets.

Thousands of dollars for a four-piece silk bed set.

pure white...

It turned yellow when I opened my eyes.

The 'dida di da' water stains fell from the corner of the bed and dripped onto the carpet.

Sun Meiru collapsed.

screamed like a madman, and...

They successfully attracted Bai Xiucheng, Bai Lian and Xiao Rao.

They rushed to the door with sleepy eyes, and the shouts from the room were really miserable.

Bai Xiucheng was anxious, "Dad, Mom, what's wrong with you?"

he asked loudly, kicking the door open.

Xiao Rao: "..."

took a few steps back.

[Sister Rao, you have coaxed mynah for so long, and finally talked about it, now, it's time to show the results, why don't you go and see it? 】

9527 excitedly floated forward.

Xiao Rao hid her face when she heard the words.

[No, I don't want to watch it, I'm afraid of falling apart. 】

She retreated further.

But Bai Xiucheng and Bai Lian squeezed in and rushed in.

Bai Lian hurriedly turned on the light.

"No, no, you guys go out and turn off the lights!! Turn off the lights!!!"

Sun Meiru shouted hoarsely.

Unfortunately, it's too late...

Bai Xiucheng and Bai Lian could see clearly.

The yellowness on that bed spread from the lower body of the parents, near the chrysanthemum, from the bed to under the bed, everywhere!

"Dad, Mom, you, you..."


Bai Lian murmured dully.

Bai Hongyuan and Sun Meiru were equally terrified. They wanted to talk, but their intestines twisted and hurt, and they collapsed in embarrassment. The two struggled painfully and wanted to get up from the bed.


They were too weak to support the weight on their wrists, and they both fell off the bed.

There was a loud bang.

They banged their heads on the bedside table, bleeding.

"Mom, Dad!"

Bai Xiucheng screamed, he didn't care about his panic, he strode forward to help the two of them.

But, this person, when the pain is too much, it is inevitable to relax the control of the body, especially when the stomach hurts, the sphincter is not obedient at all.

'puff! '

The scorched yellow 'Xiang' was sprayed by Bai Xiucheng.

Afterwards, it was a thousand miles away.

The silk pajama pants of the two were completely unstoppable, and the carpet was yellow.

Xun's Xiao Rao regretted the smell in the room.

[All I know is that the couple are allergic to mangoes, and they didn't expect it to be so serious. 】

[This house seems to be unbearable! 】

She covered her face, very 'desperate'.

9527 came back scorched, and rushed into the bathroom without saying a word.

Bai Hongyuan and Sun Meiru were still spitting wildly, the more they sprayed, the yellow water spread out from the bedroom...


Bai Lian screamed and trembled.

Bai Xiucheng's face turned green, facing the liquid 'dripping' from his hand, he gritted his teeth, "Hurry up, call an ambulance, call 120!"

Diarrhea of ​​this degree, if one does not make a fuss, it will kill a person.

"Yes yes yes." Bai Lian panicked, turned around and ran out to make a phone call.


Uh, a piece of burnt yellow.

Xiao Raolian stepped back to the corner, real disgust appeared on her beautiful face.

[You can't blame me. 】

[I am kind. 】

[It's because the starling is working too hard, and the Bai family couple is too honest...]

[Who told them to drink all the milk, drink less, it won't be like this. 】

【Right? 】

She spoke softly.

[Yes, Sister Rao, you are not wrong, it is this world that is wrong. 】

9527 cried and chirped.


Bai Hongyuan and Sun Meiru fell into a coma.


They were still spraying yellow water, and they didn't stop when the ambulance arrived and the doctor took them away.

Everyone in the annex was awakened.

They were stunned.

Surprised, fearful and nauseated, the housekeeper couple who graduated from prestigious schools, elegant and reserved, with an annual salary of one million, were dragged away while 'spraying'.

Spray while walking.

The was shocking.

【Sister Rao...】

9527 watched the servants in the annex building whispering, and opened his mouth cautiously, 【The Bai family couple...】

[Will they die? 】

【According to their temperament that they think they are noble and must be elegant, if this happened in public, it would be embarrassing to the Pacific Ocean! 】

【Do you think they will commit suicide? 】

She twitched.

Pure smile.

[Who knows, anyway, judging by their attitude towards the original body, they don't feel spiritual contempt at all, and there is a problem with verbal violence~~]

[Even after the original body committed suicide, they all blamed the original body for being weak, so...]

Xiao Rao smiled slightly, her phoenix eyes were indifferent.

[The taste of mental abuse, let them taste it. 】

As she whispered, her red lips curled into a sarcastic and seductive arc.


Xiao Rao and the Bai family brothers and sisters sent Bai Hongyuan and Sun Meiru to the hospital.

The doctors were dumbfounded and treated them with livid faces.

According to the preliminary judgment, severe diarrhea caused by food allergy caused him to be hospitalized.

Bai Xiucheng paid the hospital fee.


The three brothers and sisters looked at each other in blank dismay.

Sit dry all night, the next morning.


Two screams resounded through the sky.

A man and a woman, screaming heart-piercingly, screaming horribly.

"They're awake."

Xiao Rao parted her lips slightly.

"Dad, Mom!"

Bai Hongyuan and Bai Lian rushed into the ward in a few steps.

Xiao Rao stepped forward to follow, stepped into the threshold, her phoenix eyes swept slightly.

On the hospital bed, Bai Hongyuan and Sun Mei seemed to be going crazy, holding their heads and crying bitterly.

They already recalled everything that happened last night.

it feels like...

"Let me die!!"

"I do not want to live!"

"how so!!"

They broke down and howled.

Bai Xiucheng and Bai Lian had never seen their parents like this before, and they didn't dare to talk too much, so they surrounded them worriedly.

Xiao Rao saw this.

Slightly raised willow eyebrows.

Her red lips were curled up, and a small dimple appeared on her beautiful face.

Look playful and...


[Little 9, I have a bold idea. 】 She said softly.

9527 was dumbfounded, 【Huh?what? 】

【That's right, hehe...】

"Father, Mom, don't cry. The doctor said that nothing serious happened to you, except that you have food allergies and diarrhea. Just be more careful in the future!"

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. Excessive venting and detoxification."

Xiao Rao said softly.

Seems comforting, but...

In fact...

"Okay, are we allergic?" Sun Meiru raised her head abruptly, as if she had been reminded of something...

Her tear-filled face was instantly filled with embarrassment, and her eyes gleamed. She murmured, "Impossible, your dad and I are only allergic to mangoes, and we are very careful not to eat them by mistake..."

"Also, we went on a diet yesterday and didn't eat anything except dinner..."

She paused, as if remembering something, she suddenly turned her head, "Lianlian, you made dinner last night, what did you put in the steak?"

Sun Meiru roared loudly.

Bai Xiucheng raised his head with a gloomy expression.

"Ah? Me, I don't have one." Bai Lian was stunned, with a dazed look on her face.

[The author has something to say]

Xiao Rao (stroking her lips and smiling): This is a chapter with flavor.

9527 (with tears on his face): It's okay to have a taste, but... what did I do wrong?

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