The villain of Kuaishou is my treasure

Chapter 125 6-year-old group pet, rebirth please?

For Wen Renyu, Ling Ranran really worked hard.

From the time of her rebirth, she has been 'attacking' him almost every moment, every minute and every second, and she has spent countless times more thought and energy than on the three members of the Xiao family.

But now...

"You said he was partial to Xiao Rao? He came to avenge her injustice?"

"Why? Why?"

"What's their relationship?"

"He is obviously my Uncle Wenren!!"

Ling Ranran screamed, her immature face was full of viciousness.

Xiao Tianyu was stunned, "Ranbao, you, what's wrong with you?"

"What are you calling?"

Ling Ranran was stunned for a moment, turned around stiffly, the viciousness in her eyes was too late to restrain, she forced a pitiful smile, stretched out her hand and grabbed Xiao Tianyu's sleeve with difficulty.

"Xiao, Xiao... Dad, I, I, no, Ranbao is just a little scared~~"

"I, I don't understand. Why am I not Xiao's mother's daughter? My big brother promised me. We announced it. So many people gave Ranbao a thumbs up."

"Father, don't you go back to see Big Sister, okay?"

"Danbao doesn't want to."

She repeated the same plan, changing the subject while pretending to be pitiful.

Tears are falling.

However, Xiao Tianyu did not follow her wishes.

He slowly pushed her hand away, "Ranbao, you have to be sensible, don't make trouble, your big sister, Dad already planned to go back..."

After all, she holds Xiao Yan's inheritance in her hand.

Recently, variety shows came out, Xiao Rao didn't react at all, neither furious nor afraid of being abandoned...

Xiao Tianyu was very disturbed, he wanted to go back and try it out, but there was no reason.

Now, it's just right...

"You heard that uncle loves you so much, and you feel that we did not do things properly. Then Dad has to listen to opinions, and he can correct his mistakes."

"You have to be obedient and stop making trouble. Dad will be back in a while."

Xiao Tianyu said, put on his coat, got up and left in a hurry.

"Father, come back, you are not allowed to leave, Ranbao, Ranbao is afraid, I, I..."

Ling Ranran looked at his back, screamed in a panic, and ran forward with short legs.

'Clap' sound.

Xiao Tianyu slammed the door shut in front of her.

"you you……"

Ling Ranran was almost hit, she was dazed, and for a moment, she screamed, her face flushed.


"why why?"

She didn't understand, obviously... until yesterday the situation was good, she had the upper hand, the Internet was full of praises for her, she became Xiao Yan's daughter.

Dad and brother just like her too.

Why did it suddenly become like this?

What went wrong?

Ling Ranran roared, turned around and ran to the coffee table, picked up the phone and dialed the number, "Second brother, woo woo woo..."


The Xiao family villa.

Xiao Rao was sitting in the living room, operating the market.

[Well, the skills of Wall Street Goldfinger are much easier to use than I imagined. 】

She smiled, winking lightly.

[Of course, after all, it is produced by the system, so you must pay ten if you fake it. ] 9527 laughed and asked curiously, 【However, Sister Rao, when are you going to do it? 】

【I saw what you prepared, and I think Xiao Saran will have no way out if you make a move. 】

[He will definitely be able to hold a big bowl of prison food. 】

【I have to wait. 】

Xiao Rao spoke softly, fingers flying like flying.

9527 was shocked, 【Why? 】

[Is it because of fame?Are you afraid that dealing with Xiao Saran will affect Ling Ranran, and then Wen Renyu's bastard will trouble you? 】

She guessed.

Xiao Rao raised her brows slightly, with a smile that was not a smile, 【No, Wenrenyu, hehe, I already have an idea to deal with him. What I'm waiting for now is actually Li Qi's reply. 】

[Little 9, don't forget, the original body also has a grandfather who is the richest man in Wencheng who holds great power. 】

[For his old man, Xiao Saran and Xiao Salin are also his grandsons, so I have to have a reason to deal with them. 】

[Otherwise, can't you kill each other? 】

She spoke softly, her eyes were bright and seductive.

9527 nodded half understanding.

Just about to ask about Wen Renyu, suddenly, Butler Xu walked in.

"Miss, the master is back, and he said he wants to see you."

"Master? Xiao Tianyu?"

What is he doing back here?

Wasn't it enough to get beaten?

Xiao Rao frowned, and waved her soft little hands impatiently, she just said, "I don't see him, you send him out..."

Xiao Tianyu has already entered.

"Rao Rao, Daddy's precious daughter..."

He smiled and stepped forward quickly.

"You come back..." Xiao Rao snorted, the sarcastic words first came to his lips.

Suddenly, Xiao Tianyu rushed over and gave her a hug.

With two arms around her waist, he stretched out his head and patted her on the head like holding a child.

"My dear daughter, do you miss your father?"

"You must have thought about it, otherwise, why would Wen Renyu call on purpose, begging him to find his father?"

"You child, really, there is no overnight feud between father and daughter. If you want to be soft, just tell dad directly~"

He licked his face and said, his arms became tighter and tighter.

Xiao Rao: ...

It's disgusting!

"You let me go!"

She turned pale, and pushed Xiao Tianyu hard.

The 'superficial fist and kick' worked, Xiao Tianyu was pushed staggered by her and almost fell down.

Looking up blankly, he said in surprise: "Rao Rao, are you shy?"

"Shame on your head!" Xiao Rao gritted her teeth, her starry eyes were full of anger, and waved her rose gold crutch.

"I didn't look for it, but you came to look for me!"

[Smelly shameless thing, who gave you the courage to let you hug me, don't you know that stupidity is contagious? 】

[I'll beat you up today. 】

Xiao Rao smiled dangerously.

[Sister Rao, don't beat your head, it's not easy if you kill yourself. ] 9527 exhorted.

Also full of annoyance.

Bastard, she has never hugged Sister Rao, why is Xiao Tianyu such a fool?

【it is good! 】

Xiao Rao chuckled lightly, bright star red and slightly stained, and swung his crutches to hit Xiao Tianyu's head.

She didn't stay strong.

It was very solid.

This time...

There was a loud bang.

"Oh my god!" Xiao Tianyu fell down in response, his eyes turned black.

He was about to vomit.

"Xiao Rao, hit me!" He trembled and rubbed his head.

A big gold bag.

It hurts.

"I'm here to reconcile with you, and I've stepped down for you."

He growled and stared at Xiao Rao angrily.

"But I don't want to do it." Xiao Rao raised her eyebrows, her tone contemptuous and flamboyant.

She said coldly, "If you give me the steps, I will go down. If you say reconciliation, will you reconcile?"

"You think it's too beautiful!"

"Ling Ranran, she has become my younger sister, somehow she has become my mother's own...I didn't settle the score with you, but you came here by yourself, hehe, Dad..."

"Do you really think that I can't leave you?"

"I still feel that if my mother is dead, no one can control you. How dare you bring something like Ling Ranran into the door!"

"Didn't you think about the consequences?"

[The author has something to say]

Xiao Rao: Shit, I was molested, I want to kill him! !

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