Happy little fisherman

Chapter 173 Important Guests

"The mayor let me into her office." Lin Fei was displeased, but he still explained.

"There are at least ten people like you who come every day, and they all say that the mayor let them into the mayor's office." Security guard Qin Qiang pushed Lin Fei, trying to drive Lin Fei away.

The movement here has aroused the ideas of many security guards in the town government compound.

Almost instantly, a group of security guards ran over, surrounded Lin Fei, and scolded Lin Fei one after another, telling Lin Fei to get out of here.

"This is the public domain. If you dare to make trouble, aren't you afraid of going to jail?"

"Where did you come from, where are you going, this is not the place for you to stay."

"A poor man from the countryside dares to come here. Do you want the mayor to give you alms and arrange a job for you? We see a lot of people like you every day, so get out of here."

Seeing that Lin Fei had no intention of leaving, the security guards drew sticks from their waists and threatened Lin Fei.

However, at this moment, the mayor Li Xiangyi arrived.

The moment he saw the mayor Li Xiangyi, Qin Qiang ran up to claim credit.

"Mayor, that poor guy is making trouble here."

"Don't worry, I'll drive him out right away."

After speaking, Qin Qiang waited for Li Xiangyi to praise him.

At this time, Qin Qiang was sitting in a sweet dream. Today, he showed his face in front of the mayor Li Xiangyi and made a contribution.

Mayor Li Xiangyi won't give him a promotion and a raise!

Lin Fei is so poor that he is not a rich man, and he still smells like fish. He must be a small fisherman with no money and no power.

Just when Qin Qiang was thinking about Li Xiangyi praising him and giving him a promotion and salary increase, Li Xiangyi yelled at him: "I told you, have you ever said that you must be warm, polite, and civilized when you treat the people? We serve the people, poor and poor, is this what you should call the people?"

Qin Qiang immediately went crazy.

I thought to myself how this Li Xiangyi is different from the previous leaders!

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and drive out the people you surrounded. Didn't you see that the people you surrounded have seriously affected the mood of the mayor?" Qin Qiang was angry. Let the security guards around Lin Fei drive Lin Fei out.

next moment.

The security guards surrounding Lin Fei pushed and pushed Lin Fei, trying to drive Lin Fei out by force.

"Go right now!"

"This is not the place for you to stay. I said it before, but you just don't leave. You forced us to do this."

Seeing this, Li Xiangyi became angry and roared, "He is my important guest!"

Hearing Li Xiangyi's words, Qin Qiang was almost scared to pee.

The security guards surrounding Lin Fei were all panicked and lowered their heads, not daring to touch Lin Fei again.

"Mayor, I'm sorry, I didn't know that Mr. Fisherman was your important guest." Qin Qiang nodded and bowed to Li Xiangyi to apologize.

At this time, Qin Qiang's address to Lin Fei changed again, and he was honored as Mr. Fisherman, and his tone was full of respect.


Just now, he almost drove away the important guest of mayor Li Xiangyi.

Thinking of this, Qin Qiang trembled all over.

And the security guards surrounding Lin Fei were also trembling.

In my heart, I have already greeted all eighteen generations of Qin Qiang's ancestors.

If Qin Qiang hadn't asked them to kick Lin Fei out just now, they wouldn't have pushed Lin Fei in front of the mayor Li Xiangyi.

"Mr. Fisherman, we didn't intend to offend you before, but we did. Please forgive me."

"Our attitude towards you is lack of consideration. After we go down, we will reflect on ourselves."

At this moment, the security guards all bowed down and apologized to Lin Fei in order to win Lin Fei's forgiveness.

Lin Fei waved his hand: "Forget it."

However, Li Xiangyi educated: "How do you people do things? In the future, no matter how you treat any ordinary people, please be polite to me. For the people, you can't just talk about it, but keep it in your heart and implement it in place." To make the people satisfied with us, you make the people afraid of what we are doing, and I, Li Xiangyi, will not be a government official who is divorced from the people."

Qin Qiang and a group of security guards nodded and said yes, and promised that in the future, they would be polite and courteous to every group of people.

"Mr. Lin, let's go in!" Li Xiangyi invited Lin Fei and entered her office.

In Li Xiangyi's office, Lin Fei expressed his specific thoughts.

Without further ado, Li Xiangyi went through the approval procedures for Lin Fei in person.

"It is my duty to lead the people of Yutou Town to become rich."

"In the future, if you need anything, you can come to me at any time."

"Now, I'll add you a WeChat."

As the mayor, Li Xiangyi had no airs in front of Lin Fei.

Outside the door, Qin Qiang vaguely heard the mayor Li Xiangyi take the initiative to add Linfei, the little fisherman's WeChat account, and he was dumbfounded at the time.

Qin Qiang decided that Lin Fei would come to the town mansion compound again in the future, and when he saw Lin Fei again, he would definitely be polite to Lin Fei.

"Mayor Li, thank you very much. With a government official like you, the people of Yutou Town are blessed."

These are words from Lin Fei's heart.

He could see that Li Xiangyi came to Yutou Town as mayor because she really wanted to benefit the people of Yutou Town.

"Mr. Lin, I will send you off. In the future, if you encounter any difficulties, you can contact me on WeChat at any time." Li Xiangyi personally sent Lin Fei out of the town mansion compound.

At this time, all the security guards in the town government compound were stunned.

"Our new mayor, he was so kind to a little fisherman, and even personally sent that little fisherman away."

"That little fisherman is not easy!"

"In the future, we have to keep our eyes open, and don't dare to be rude when we see that little fisherman again."

After getting the approval procedures, Lin Fei drove his family's tractor to the Qin's Shopping Mall in Yutou Town. He planned to buy a decent birthday present for his mother Zhang Rong in the Qin's Shopping Mall.

In a few days, it will be his mother Zhang Rong's birthday.

In the past, whenever this important day came, Lin Fei would rush to buy gifts for Xu Xiaoyue's mother, Qiu Yutong, and ignore his mother Zhang Rong's birthday.

At this time, in Qin's shopping mall, Xu Xiaoyue had already changed into clean clothes and was choosing a birthday present for her mother Qiu Yutong.

"Not to mention, in the past, my good-for-nothing ex-boyfriend Lin Fei was still useful. I didn't have to buy my mother's presents myself. He bought them for me."

When Xu Xiaoyue was choosing a birthday gift for her mother Qiu Yutong, she thought of this time last year. At this time last year, Lin Fei chose a necklace worth more than 5000 yuan for her mother Qiu Yutong in a large shopping mall in Dongjiang City.

At this moment, when Xu Xiaoyue was choosing clothes for her mother Qiu Yutong, she took a step back and bumped into someone, and she quickly apologized: "Sorry, I didn't see you just now."

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