"Mr. Zhong, what are you doing?"

Zhang Shisan was so nervous that he stuttered when he spoke.

"Look at it and you'll know!"

While I was speaking, I turned on the switch directly with my right hand, and pulled out the drawer forcefully.

With a burst of white smoke rising, a corpse wrapped in a white sheet appeared in front of me.

I was a little nervous, and I could clearly feel my heart beating faster.

Zhang Shisan licked his lips with difficulty, his fists were already clenched.

Now in this room, the most calm thing is the big cock on my shoulder. It didn't move at all from the beginning to the end. I really wonder why it is so surprisingly quiet.

After stabilizing my mind, I slowly stretched my right hand off the bed sheet.

Amidst Zhang Shisan's uneasiness, I carefully lifted the bed sheet bit by bit.

"I'm sorry, don't blame me if there's something wrong!"

Anyway, this matter is still a bit disrespectful to the deceased in the final analysis, I said in my mouth.

After he finished speaking, he used his right hand to tear the sheet away.

A pale and unfamiliar face appeared under the bed sheet, but fortunately his death was very peaceful.

This made me breathe a sigh of relief, and Zhang Shisan also obviously breathed a sigh of relief. Since I didn't find any trace of Liu Mei, I naturally had to put the bed sheet back on.

But just as I was about to push the corpse back, I suddenly smelled a faint fishy smell.

I gritted my teeth, used my right hand again, and suddenly lifted the sheet. The scene under the sheet immediately gave me a chill.

Until now, when I think of the scene at that time, I still feel a burst of cold sweat all over my body.

I saw that on the naked corpse, there were more than a dozen wounds on the lower part of the chest!

And each wound is the size of a fist, through these wounds, the internal organs in the abdominal cavity can already be seen!


I couldn't bear it anymore, my stomach was churning and I almost threw up.

Zhang Shisan's situation was even worse. He rushed out with a pale complexion, retching against the wall for a while.

Listening to his heart-piercing vomiting, I also felt extra uncomfortable in my throat.

I hurriedly recited the Taoist meditation mantra more than a dozen times in my heart, and it was considered to be much better.

After my emotions stabilized, I turned on the flashlight again and carefully observed the wounds on the corpse.

The edge of the wound was very irregular, and it didn't look like it was cut by something like a knife, but rather like it was bitten by some wild beast.

Looking at the wound on the corpse's thigh, I suddenly remembered the piece of minced meat that Zhang Shisan handed me. After careful comparison, I was probably sure that the piece of minced meat should belong to this corpse.

Although the body was found, there is still no trace of Liu Mei, which still fills my heart with uneasiness.

When I put the sheet back on again and walked out of the morgue, Zhang Shisan's face turned pale when he vomited.

I understand in my heart that at this moment, I must find Liu Mei as soon as possible, otherwise, I really don't know what she will do.

But at this moment, Liu Mei seemed to have evaporated from the world, and it was even more difficult to find her.

"Did you find anything like your lady's hair when you were tidying up your room these days?"

After thinking quickly for a while, I immediately turned to look at the two young men and asked.

"This... I remember that this morning, Aunt Liu helped the lady cut her nails..."

One of the young men's eyes suddenly lit up, and then said.

"Where are the clipped nails?"

My eyes lit up immediately.

This is a weird method recorded in "The True Explanation of the Taishu of Qing Dynasty". It is possible to search for traces of a person within a certain range by relying on a person's hair or nails, borrowing the power of spells and compass.

"It's still in the trash can upstairs. It seems that today's trash hasn't been emptied yet!"

"We walked!"

After getting a confirmed answer, I didn't care about anything else, I stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Shisan's wrist, dragged it up and left.

After returning to the ward all the way, the two young men immediately rummaged through the trash can and searched for it.

It didn't take long, and I did find a few nails that were still stained with red nail polish.

I quickly took out a blank piece of talisman paper from my backpack, dipped the pen in the spirit ink, and quickly drew a piece of talisman.

After drying the ink carefully, I quickly folded out a crane, and wrapped those nails inside the crane by the way.

After pinching a few finger points quickly, he said silently in his heart at the same time:

I sincerely invite Nandou Liulang, Big Dipper Seven Stars, and I honor the Supreme Lord, as urgent as a law!follow!

A puff of smoke rose from the spell, and then turned into a pool of ashes.

I carefully sprinkled the ashes on the compass, and the compass needle that was originally pointing to the south began to flicker quickly.

"Go and drive!"

Seeing that the pointer pointed to the direction out of the window, I was startled, and immediately turned my head and said to Zhang Shisan.

After such a long time, Zhang Shisan finally recovered a bit. Although he didn't know why, he didn't dare to delay, and immediately nodded to a young man beside him.

That person immediately ran out quickly, while Zhang Shisan and the remaining person followed closely behind me.

Following the guidance of the compass, I came all the way to the gate of the hospital. After getting in the car, I followed the pointer of the compass all the way to the west.

There were few pedestrians on the street in the early morning. Zhang Shisan drove the car himself, following my guidance, and kept going around east and west.

After more than 40 minutes of tossing, the pointer of the compass pointed all the way to the west.

I don't know why I always feel a little uneasy in my heart, but at this moment, I have no other way for a while.

What I didn't expect was that I followed the guidance of the compass all the way and came to that weird construction site again...

"Mr. Zhong, if you go any further, the car won't be able to get in..."

This construction site has been deserted for a long time now, after all, lives were lost, and so many people were injured.

Before the results of the above investigation came out, no one dared to intervene in the affairs here.

"You wait for me outside, I can go in alone..."

I hesitated for a moment, then said seriously.

"No! The situation here is a bit complicated. If you have something to do, I'd better go in with you! Xiao Wang, call someone to come over now, call a few more people, just in case there is something to do Good to have a care!"

My words were directly rejected by Zhang Shisan. After all, the situation here is complicated now, not to mention whether there is any danger, just those collapsed semi-finished buildings are enough to cause headaches.

"Then be careful! If anything happens, ensure your own safety first!"

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