In about 5 minutes, Wang Junqi leaned against the side of the road and returned to the intersection where Jun Jiu had just been towed.

At this moment, the surrounding area was already full of watching men and women, and everyone was pointing and talking about Jun Jiu and Shen Tong who were in a coma, but no one stepped forward to help them up.

Wang Junqi glanced furtively at Jun Jiu at first, saw that his face was ashen and his eyes were closed, and after confirming that it was impossible for him to wake up, he directly pushed and shoved the few people in front of him, picked up Shen Tong and left.

For a moment just now, he really wanted to find a knife to end Jun Jiu, but when he thought that the other party was so fierce, if he suddenly woke up when he was making up the knife, then he really had no place to cry.

Besides, with so many people nearby watching, even if he was willing to go out of his way, he would not dare to kill in public.

Not long after, Wang Junqi slipped into an alley with Shen Tong in his arms, and shook him violently a few times to wake him up.

"Fucking shit, you dare to trick me!"

Shen Tong squinted and opened his eyes. When he saw Wang Junqi clearly in front of him, he immediately cursed. If he hadn't tripped and pushed himself on purpose while avoiding Jun Jiu, he wouldn't have been hit by Jun Jiu's shovel. Shot dizzy.

"Don't scold me, are you listening?"

Wang Junqi impatiently slapped away the other party's index finger pointing at him.

Having fallen into such a situation, he was too lazy to pretend anymore, and he was even less willing to listen to trash like Shen Tong rambling on.

"What did you say..."

Shen Tong was a little surprised and continued to be rude.

Just halfway through speaking, Wang Junqi suddenly strangled his neck brutally and threatened viciously: "I'll say it one last time, don't scold me! Do you hear me clearly?"

Facing Wang Junqi's bloodshot eyeballs, Shen Tong felt fear for this muddy leg that he always dismissed for the first time, and subconsciously nodded his head.

"If I have a good family background and a good boss, I will be no worse than you! So, you'd better put away your condescension and don't force me to be a bad person!"

Only then did Wang Junqi let go of his hand and put an elbow on Shen Tong's chest.

"You... what shall we do now?"

Shen Tong took a breath, and unconsciously lowered his tone a lot.

Although he is supercilious, he still has at least his eyesight. The current situation is special, he had better keep his posture, otherwise Wang Junqi might really embarrass him.

"Ma Liu contacted Luo Tian and asked him to find a way! There are people from Huxiao Company all around Baijia Town. If they are caught, they will definitely use you and me as bargaining chips in exchange for Qiangwei."

Wang Junqi spoke with a gloomy expression.

The reason why he chose to turn back the second time was precisely because he was sure that Luo Tian would not put Shen Tong's life or death at risk, as long as he and Shen Tong were tied together, at least his life would be safe.

Of course, Shen Tong can also think of these questions, and he immediately fell into hesitation, but another thing he considered was that Luo Tian just forced Wu Bei to give up half of the airport project not long ago. Give up all of them, then what should they do.

"Hold tight, don't wait for Wu Bei's people to start a blanket search, it will be too late for you to kneel and kowtow!"

At this time, Wang Junqi showed his true colors, raised his arm and punched Shen Tong's chest again.

"Yes, I will fight!"

Shen Tong wrinkled his nose and looked down at his phone.

"Made, why is the screen broken?"

Shen Tong suddenly raised the phone.


Wang Junqi frowned, and stepped forward reflexively.

"Go to your father!"

At this moment, Shen Tong suddenly slapped the mobile phone on the opponent's face, then hugged Wang Junqi by the waist, hooked his left foot forward slightly, trying to knock him down.

But Wang Junqi had always maintained a high degree of vigilance, before Shen Tong could exert his strength, he grabbed his head first, and both of them fell to the ground during the tearing.

"What the hell are you doing with me, you're one!"

They fell into a ball on their backs, and the two still didn't let go of each other, pulling at each other like crazy, Wang Junqi threw a cannon punch on Shen Tong's cheek with all his strength.

Not to be outdone, Shen Tong leaned his head forward and knocked on the bridge of the opponent's nose with all his might.

Both of them have a rough kung fu background, and their physiques are almost the same.

The reason why he chooses to take risks and resist is that Shen Tong is playing his own tricks. At this moment, he doesn't know that his biggest reliance is Xiao Sa, who can't take care of himself, is completely entangled by Taotie, and is still fantasizing that he is on his way.

"Stop fighting, don't draw the attention of Hu Xiao's group of animals later."

After exchanging several punches, Wang Junqi gasped and called to stop.

"Let go first..."

Shen Tong also exhaled exhaustedly.

The two are twisting together like twists and turns now, Shen Tong is pulling Wang Junqi's hair, Wang Junqi is locking Shen Tong's throat, the pose is both funny and speechless.

"Okay, let's spread three, two, and one at the same time!"

Wang Junqi echoed loudly.

"Three, two, one!"

After the chant finished, neither of the two let go of each other like rascals.

"I know you don't keep your word, you bastard!"

"Speaking as if you are much better than me!"

During the yelling, the two minds and eyes combined to wrestle with more than 800 things again...

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