The familiar scene was staged in front of Su Yongan again, but this time, the bodyguard beside him was quick-sighted, and supported the man when he fell into the air.

"Sir! Sir!"

Foaming at the mouth, convulsions all over, and twisted limbs, it was exactly the same as the situation just now, no matter how the bodyguard shouted, it would have no effect at all.

"What have you done!" The bodyguard stared at Su Yong'an, really wishing to swallow him alive.

"Don't worry, it's okay, I'm just too nervous, just insert the needles back first." Su Yongan remembered where the three needles were inserted just now, and simply thought that as long as they were inserted back, nothing happened.

However, the facts proved that Su Yongan still thought things too simply.

Three needles were inserted back in, and while there was no deterioration, there was also no sign of improvement in sight.

Seeing that the man's situation was getting more and more critical, and he might die at any time, Su Yongan was scared, scared, and regretted it.

If he had known this earlier, he shouldn't have robbed Chen Wei of any credit, but now, if he didn't get the credit, he might even risk his life!

"Damn you!" After the bodyguard put the man on the ground, he reached out and pulled out the gun from behind. The bullet was loaded and aimed at Su Yongan's forehead.

Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, Su Yongan hurriedly raised his hands, almost pissing his pants, plopped down, and knelt on the ground, "Don't, don't kill me, I know those two people just now, I admit, I am I was blinded by profit, so I did such a shameless, scumbag thing, please give me another chance, I will go find him right away, cure this gentleman, and absolutely nothing will happen to him."

Seeing the hesitation on the bodyguard's face, Su Yong'an said again: "Even if you kill me, you won't be able to solve any problems."

"Why are you still standing there! Hurry up!" The man kicked Su Yongan in the chest.

"Okay, I'll go now! I'll go!" Su Yongan ignored the pain, nodded repeatedly, got up, and ran out of the office.

Right now, there is only one thought left in his mind, to catch up with Chen Wei, no matter what method he uses, he must be brought back to save the man.

Otherwise, today's own life is really going to be here.


Su Yongan is not stupid, if he can be accompanied by bodyguards with guns, what kind of simple person can he be?And in a place like the imperial capital where dignitaries gather...

Once there is a crooked mind, I am afraid that I may not even be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Su Yongan didn't have the guts to gamble with his life.

Three steps and two steps, even if someone reminded him that it is forbidden to run, Su Yongan would not care about it at all.

Finally, he saw the figures of Su Yumei and Chen Wei.

Quicken your pace, catch up, turn around and brake, open your arms, and block Chen Wei and Su Yumei's way.

Panting heavily, unable to speak yet.

"What are you doing?" Su Yumei asked hostilely.

"Huh...ha...huh...ha." Su Yongan wanted to speak, but his physical condition did not allow him to do that.

"If it's okay, can I ask you to step aside?" Su Yumei was extremely disappointed in Su Yongan.

I thought that some interesting things would happen when old classmates met, but I never thought that the only remaining lush and beautiful memories were shattered by Su Yongan himself.

"Didn't you hear what my senior sister said?" Chen Wei's face turned fierce.

Su Yongan was so frightened that he immediately took half a step back.

Then, he finally calmed down, and said with difficulty, "The patient's condition is very critical now, please, please go back and help him treat him."

"No, didn't you just say that the reason why I was able to save him was all thanks to you? If that's the case, why don't you cure him?" Chen Wei directly refused.

"I apologize to you for what happened earlier. I was greedy for profit and took your credit. I sincerely apologize. I just ask you to not forget the villain's mistakes. The patient is innocent. Save his life as soon as possible. He won't last long. " Su Yongan urged.

"I'm not interested. I'm not a doctor. That's your responsibility. What does it have to do with me?" Chen Wei still refused.

Su Yongan still wanted to speak, but this time, Chen Wei interrupted him directly, saying, "Compared to worrying about his life, I think you should be more worried about yourself? He is not an ordinary character. If he dies, you It won't last long, and your family may even be implicated."

"..." Su Yongan fell into silence, because Chen Wei was right and he couldn't refute.

"We still have something to do. If you are fine, please get out of the way and don't mistake yourself." Chen Wei waved his hand, hoping that Su Yong'an would know something, and don't force himself to do it.

Su Yongan moved a step away, suddenly clenched his fists, and clenched his teeth, as if he had made up his mind. With a plop, he knelt down in front of Chen Wei and Su Yumei, "Before, I was a dog who looked down on people and didn't know a real hero. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, please, forgive me, and save my life!"

"No help." Chen Wei threw out two words without hesitation.

"I can give you whatever you want, money, house, car, whatever!" Su Yongan moved out his chips.

"Sorry, my Xiaowei is not bad for these things." Su Yumei also stood up and hit Su Yongan hard.

This kind of person can't be polite to him, give him some sunshine, he will be brilliant, give him some color, and he wants to open a dyeing workshop!

"Little brother!" At this moment, the bodyguard's voice sounded from behind.

"Before, my husband and I listened to the slander, were deceived, and misunderstood you. Please help me again to save my husband. My husband's illness is for Daxia and for hundreds of millions of people. He shouldn't be in such pain. ’” the bodyguard pleaded.

"Senior sister, what do you think?" Chen Wei asked.

"One yard is worth one yard. He is the hero of Daxia, so let's save it if we can." Su Yumei didn't want to chill the hearts of these heroes.

"Okay, then I will listen to my senior sister, save me!"

Hearing what Chen Wei said, the bodyguards and Su Yong'an were overjoyed.

One was happy that the man was saved, and the other was happy that he was saved.

Chen Wei inserted the needle quickly, then pulled out all the silver needles and threw them into the trash can.

The man's condition quickly calmed down and returned to normal, and his sanity gradually recovered and became clear.

The bodyguard, Su Yong'an, was really surprised by such a genius doctor's method.

Whether he is dead or alive, it all depends on his thought!

"Thank you little brother, if you dare to ask the little brother's name, I will definitely come to pay you back later." The bodyguard asked.

"No need, you just need to remember that the person was saved by me, and it has nothing to do with him. You can deal with him however you want, and don't be affected by me." Chen Wei looked back at Su Yongan, and He disassociated himself.

"..." As soon as the words came out, Su Yongan's heart, which was finally released from the pressure, suddenly hung up again, as if being pinched by a pair of invisible big hands,

Alexander, I can hardly breathe.

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