Monster bodyguard pretty school flower

Chapter 565 The Origin of the Name

Liu Xiaoye turned to look at him.

"what do you mean……"

Bai Yuchi smiled, his eyebrows and eyes curved like the moon in the sky, and the smile on his lips was strong, and he felt that he had no reservations about Liu Xiaoye.

"Yes, this building is my mother's compensation to the school."

Liu Xiaoye almost swallowed her tongue, "Ah! Qin Jun's injury should not be that serious, so there is no need to pay for a building, right?"

After he finished speaking, he felt that he had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly closed his mouth.

But Bai Yuchi didn't think there was any problem, he nodded and said:

"My mother has been doing charity work across the country for the past few years. This time, I have gotten into trouble and offended the principal's relatives. My mother thinks that I shouldn't be too rude, so I..."

Seeing Liu Xiaoye's stunned expression, Bai Yuchi stretched out his hand and shook it in front of his eyes.

"What are you thinking, Brother Ye?"

Liu Xiaoye stood up straight, "I just think it's too much, don't mind, it's your family's money after all, I don't mean to criticize."

Bai Yuchi pursed his lips, "Brother Ye, I understand what you said, you don't have to be so careful when talking to me."

"My mother has built Jishu Building in many schools over the past few years, as well as Jishu Primary School, Jishu Bridge, Jishu Dam, etc. This is not for showing off, but it is only stipulated that charitable facilities must be in the real name of the donor name."

"Auntie's name is Jishu?"

Only then did Liu Xiaoye suddenly realize that the name of this building was a bit strange to him before, but it turned out to be a person's name.

Bai Yuchi looked at the deep pit in front of him, "That's right, my mother's name is Chi Jishu."

Chi Jishu...

Liu Xiaoye murmured the name in her heart, and suddenly patted her thigh.

"That's why your name is Bai Yuchi! I'll go, your name is so romantic, with deep affection from your parents."

Bai Yuchi smiled, and then the smile on his face gradually faded.

"Some time ago, my dad came to the school to discuss this matter with Principal Qin, because the school now hopes to build the East Campus, but there is a problem with the capital chain."

"So this matter was settled very quickly. Brother Ye, I will only tell you this matter, and I think I can only talk to you."

Liu Xiaoye bit her lip, "Aren't you afraid that I will tell others?"

Bai Yuchi shook his head: "Don't be afraid, I know you said it, but I feel more at ease."

Liu Xiaoye was silent for a while, and said in a deep voice, "Xiaobai, why do you trust me so much?"

Bai Yuchi sighed softly, "Because you are a trustworthy person."

"Ge Dawei is too lazy, too violent, and likes to be greedy for small things. Jin Songhao is more honest, but his brain power is a bit slow and his reaction is slow. Xiao Haiyang, needless to say—"

Bai Yuchi looked directly into Liu Xiaoye's eyes, "I've already found out that the reason why Qin Jun came is because he told him the secret."

Liu Xiaoye swallowed involuntarily.

According to the way Sui Chuan asked someone to treat Qin Jun last time, how will they treat Xiao Haiyang?

Everyone is in the same dormitory, so it shouldn't be too bad, right?

Bai Yuchi laughed suddenly: "Brother Ye, what are you thinking? I didn't do anything to Xiao Haiyang, Qin Jun took the initiative to tell me later."

Liu Xiaoye let out a long "oh", and his heart was relieved.

It seems that Bai Yuchi is quite sensible, at least he won't do anything to those around him right now.

"By the way, Brother Ye, can you teach me Kung Fu?"

Seeing Liu Xiaoye's hesitant look, Bai Yuchi added: "I don't want to learn any advanced kung fu, I just need simple self-defense techniques."

Liu Xiaoye thought for a while: "That's no problem, you just came here, or you can apply with the president to join our Wushu Association."

Bai Yuchi: "Okay, it just so happens that I don't have much to do at ordinary times, so it's always good to keep fit."

Liu Xiaoye didn't speak, did Bai Yuchi really just want to keep fit?

But after this incident, Liu Xiaoye understood one thing.

Before, he imagined that Bai Yuchi's family was similar to Cheng Mingyan's, but now it seems that Bai Yuchi's background is definitely much deeper than Cheng Mingyan's.

It is even possible that the Bai family, like the Qian family, belongs to a business tycoon with one hand covering the sky...

Another thing Liu Xiaoye noticed was that when Bai Yuchi talked about the people in the dormitory, he didn't mention Zhan Fei.

Did he deliberately not mention him, or did he simply forget?

There were only six people in the dormitory, and the peak number of people was reached after Bai Yu came to school late, so he had no reason not to remember.

But Bai Yuchi "forgot" Zhan Fei so naturally, is there any deep reason for this?

In the days that followed, Liu Xiaoye didn't have that much time to think about these things, and he focused almost all his energy on preparing for the battle.

Since Ding Doudou said so firmly, it is estimated that this competition will definitely be held.

Not only can I not lose face of Dong'an University, but I can't lose face of Qing Yunmen.

With this in mind, Liu Xiaoye got up an hour early every morning.

When the campus was still very quiet, he got up and started practicing, and then ran for four to ten minutes on the sports field.

In the early morning of spring with some mist, Liu Xiaoye practiced kung fu first, and then started to run after mobilizing his limbs and joints.

He had just run a few steps when a familiar figure waved towards him.

Cheng Mingyan?

Liu Xiaoye was very surprised, usually Cheng Mingyan wouldn't get up until the last minute, but she got up early today?

There was no other way, Liu Xiaoye had no choice but to stop and went to greet Cheng Mingyan.

"Why did you get up so early?"

Cheng Mingyan was wearing a white T-shirt and a dark red sweatband on her head, her hair was pulled up in a high ponytail behind her head.

"I want to lose weight, you take me to run every day from now on."

Liu Xiaoye was confused by her, "You are not fat, why are you running?"

Cheng Mingyan's current figure can be said to have a lot of everything that should be there, and nothing that shouldn't be there.

One point more is too much, one point less is too little.

Why is she trying to lose weight again?

It's no wonder that she and Fang Jingjing argue about losing weight every once in a while, but they can't last long.

Many girls have this "problem" of intermittent weight loss.

"You don't need to lose weight in such a good figure."

Liu Xiaoye wanted to persuade her to go back, but Cheng Mingyan lifted up her t-shirt - of course only the bottom part.

"I have to lose weight! Look, how old I am, my flesh is so loose."

She pinched her suet-like skin with her fingers, and Liu Xiaoye quickly put it down for her to prevent others from seeing it.

"Then you are not afraid of running with thick legs?"

At that time, she cried and said that running is the sport with the thickest legs, and she promised herself that she would never run in her life.

"Look at those athletic beauties on the Internet, don't they have thin legs?"

Cheng Mingyan smiled: "I know you are the best, you will definitely take me for a run, right?"

Liu Xiaoye looked at the time, if she didn't run, then her time would be used up.

"Okay, but you have to keep up with me, don't fall behind..."

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