The weather in Yunyang Mountain is a bit cooler. Although the heat in Dong'an City has not dissipated, the weather on the mountain is always lower than that in the urban area.

Liu Xiaoye was wearing a light gray hooded jacket and was constantly looking for it on the mountain.

He has been searching for more than two hours on Yunyang Mountain. The ruined temple where he met the lunatic before has been demolished, leaving almost no traces.

There was no other way, Liu Xiaoye had no choice but to keep looking.He really wanted to learn that trick of "clear wind transforming energy", the feeling of making waves in the air is really cool!

However, there is no trace of this lunatic in the huge Yunyang Mountain.

Liu Xiaoye thought that there was a place where people could live on the mountain, but he didn't find any trace of people living there.

Where did the madman go?

He searched along the mountain road until he reached the top of the mountain again, but he still found nothing of value.

At noon, the weather on the mountain finally started to heat up.Liu Xiaoye wiped the sweat from his forehead, took off his jacket, sat on a step and watched the scenery down the mountain.

The last time I climbed to the top, I was with her...

Liu Xiaoye shook her head a few times. This time she went up the mountain because she had to deal with business, so she couldn't be distracted, and she couldn't take it lightly.

After resting on the top of the mountain for a while, Liu Xiaoye continued to look for Senior Crazy.

This time, he decided to enter the no man's land on the mountain, that is, the lush forest.

All kinds of resources here are very rich, mainly because there is a lot of food, and the woods also have a certain sheltering effect.

At present, he still doesn't know if there is a cave where people can live in. If there is no cave, then the madman is probably in the woods.

Different from the sparse woods on the mountainside, the woods on the top of the mountain are denser. Just now there was some hot and dazzling sunlight, but when Liu Xiaoye entered the woods, it became extremely dark.

Liu Xiaoye took a breath of the incomparably fresh air in the woods, feeling like coming home.

During those days on Qingyun Mountain, he had shuttled through the woods countless times, and now this feeling seems to have returned.

Looking at the big trees around him, Liu Xiaoye chose to walk.He still has a fear of heights, so walking on the ground is the best way for him.

As he went deeper and deeper, Liu Xiaoye could sense through the smell that there was no trace of human habitation here.

Yunyang Mountain is so big, senior lunatic, where are you?

The further he walked, the more confused he became, and the further he walked, the more hopeless he felt.

Will he be picked up by the disciples of Qingfengmen?

While in a daze, Liu Xiaoye suddenly heard the roar of an engine not far away.

Liu Xiaoye quickly found a big tree, he took a deep breath, and then geared up.Climbing up the thick bark.

The sound of the engine was getting closer, Liu Xiaoye stayed on the tree and observed quietly, it turned out to be an old man riding a motorcycle slowly approaching.

Judging by his attire, he should be the ranger of this mountain forest.

Liu Xiaoye thought for a while, and suddenly jumped down from the tree, which frightened the old man.

The old man clutched his heart and stared in horror at Liu Xiaoye who fell from the sky.

"You, what are you?"

Liu Xiaoye took another step closer: "Old man, don't be afraid, I'm here to find someone."

The old man was quite frightened, his face turned pale, and he pointed at Liu Xiaoye with trembling fingers.

"Is there anyone here?"

Liu Xiaoye was a little dumbfounded: "Master, aren't you a human?"

"Are you looking for me?"

Liu Xiaoye shook her head: "Master, just let me ask you, have you ever seen a crazy person?"

As soon as the old man heard what Liu Xiaoye said, his vigilance suddenly increased.

"What are you looking for him for?"

Liu Xiaoye smiled slightly: "I know him well, I haven't seen him for a long time, I want to come and visit him."

The old man didn't seem to believe Liu Xiaoye's words, so Liu Xiaoye took another step closer, "Take me to meet him, I'll know when the time comes."

The old man sighed: "Get in the car. I don't know what you are going to do, but I advise you not to provoke him."

Liu Xiaoye sat on the back seat of the motorcycle, and the car drove all the way, finally arriving at the door of a small wooden house.

Obviously, this is a forest ranger's hut. There used to be one on Qingyun Mountain. Later, Liu Xiaoye was mischievous and rebellious, so he tore down that hut.

Since that time, the forest rangers spent more than a month transporting a lot of building materials up the mountain, and finally built a brick and cement house that Liu Xiaoye couldn't tear down.

Just as the two were about to go in, there was a commotion in the backyard.

"It's senior, I can hear his footsteps!"

Liu Xiaoye was excited, he got up, climbed onto the fence, turned over, and ran towards the backyard.

In the backyard, the lunatic senior is chasing a chicken.From time to time, the chickens screamed sharply, and the lunatic circled around the chickens.

"Senior, do you still remember me?"

Liu Xiaoye softly called the lunatic, but the lunatic seemed to only want to eat chicken.

Liu Xiaoye took out the specially prepared roast chicken from his backpack and shook it in front of the lunatic.

The lunatic smelled the smell of meat, and immediately opened his nostrils, desperately inhaling the smell of roast chicken.

Liu Xiaoye shook the roast chicken in his hand, trying to keep the lunatic away from the chicken coop.

Sure enough, the lunatic was teased out, drooling, and greedily chasing the chick.

Liu Xiaoye threw the chicken into the air, and when it fell, it had already fallen into the arms of this lunatic.

"Roasted chicken, delicious!" The lunatic muttered with his mouth, finally caught the chicken, put it in his mouth and ate it.

Liu Xiaoye was a little worried when he saw the lunatic, he seemed even crazier than when he saw him.

"How long has he been like this?"

The forest ranger thought for a while, "Has he been like this a long time ago? He hasn't been like this all the time, sometimes he is sober, but most of the time he is crazy."

Liu Xiaoye said: "Then what to do, I came to learn Kung Fu from him."

The ranger was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"If you ask him to learn kung fu, you might as well ask me. He is always so crazy, how can he teach you?"

Liu Xiaoye is also a little confused now: "I don't know, why don't I give him a try?"

He walked up to the lunatic, knelt down and said to him: "Senior, do you still remember how you produced your Qingfeng Huaqi?"

The lunatic is now biting the roast chicken like a beast, and giggling a few times after taking a few bites.

Liu Xiaoye squatted on the ground and stopped talking. After a while, he suddenly made a move to catch the roast chicken that the lunatic kept gnawing on.

He obviously had caught the roast chicken, but when he put his five fingers together, he caught nothing.

what happened?

What stayed in Liu Xiaoye's hand was actually the afterimage of the roast chicken!

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