Not only Liu Xiaoye and Fang Jingjing, but even Li Lan and Zou Xiaomin on the opposite side, Wang Luxin was also very surprised.

"Oh, that's terrible, Cheng Mingyan, I haven't seen you in a few years, and you speak quite well."

Cheng Mingyan smiled slightly, and there was a kind of self-confidence and charm from the inside out in the sweet smile.

"Of course, people are moving forward."

The girls looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing how to answer.

Liu Xiaoye's face was full of surprise, the young lady who always told herself, always acted like a baby, seemed to have grown up suddenly.

Li Lan broke the atmosphere first, she took out an exquisite small box from her handbag, and handed it to Cheng Mingyan.

"For you, chick, happy birthday."

Seeing this, Zou Xiaomin and Wang Luxin also took out the gifts they had prepared.

"Happy birthday, baby!"

Cheng Mingyan always kept a smile on her face, but her smile was much more official than before.

"Thank you, my dearest girlfriend."

Liu Xiaoye almost asked this sentence: You haven't seen each other for so long, are you still such good girlfriends?

However, seeing the happy faces of the girls, he also swallowed his own words back into his stomach.

Several girls were sitting and chatting in the living room. During this period, Aunt Liu brought them drinks and fruits a few times, as well as two plates of snacks. They spent the rest of the time chatting.

Liu Xiaoye couldn't help admiring the women's ability to speak, and had been sitting with them in the living room for two or three hours, and they seemed to have endless words to say.

Just when he was a little drowsy, he suddenly felt a scent wafting towards him, and Liu Xiaoye woke up instantly.

Smiling, Wang Luxin approached Liu Xiaoye, and almost stuck to his body.

"Handsome guy, do you have any special skills? You must be good at something to stay in Cheng's house all year round."

Li Lan might have thought of some dirty things, so she couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.Zou Xiaomin didn't understand, and stared blankly at the people in the living room.

Liu Xiaoye was a little embarrassed when asked by Wang Luxin, "No, I just want to ensure the safety of the two of them."

Wang Luxin immediately showed envious eyes: "Ah, then you are Cheng Mingyan's bodyguard! Then are you an expert in the world, or a soldier king?"

"Ah?" Liu Xiaoye didn't understand what Wang Luxin said, and was a little dazed.

Wang Luxin continued to blink and stare at him: "That's what it says in the book. Oh, it's not important, the main thing is whether you know kung fu or not?"

"Kung Fu, it will definitely be." Liu Xiaoye said naturally, and Wang Luxin immediately showed a surprised and admiring expression.

"Then give us a show, okay?"

Her request made Liu Xiaoye a little embarrassed: "Huh? I only learn real kung fu, I don't know how to perform."

Wang Luxin made a sound of disappointment. "Well, I won't force it. But I really want to see it."

Li Lan sat across from her with her arms folded, with a sneer of disdain on her face.

"It's not that he can't, it's just that he won't. How can he know kung fu in what era it is now?"

Liu Xiaoye could hear her sarcasm, so she said loudly: "Sister Li, even if I have some real kung fu, I can't go to school with light kung fu and turn somersaults to eat every day, right?"

Li Lan exploded immediately: "What do you mean? Cheng Mingyan, you let your servant talk to me like this?"

Cheng Mingyan smiled: "We are all friends, please don't do this."

Although she didn't directly defend Liu Xiaoye, she actually pulled Liu Xiaoye to the same level as Li Lan.

Just as Li Lan was about to get angry, Liu Xiaoye immediately jumped out to make a rescue: "Okay, since everyone wants to watch it, I will meet the needs of the audience friends!"

He stood in the middle of the living room, and didn't think until he stood still: I really don't know how to perform, so what should I do?

He closed his eyes and thought for a while, and then came up with an idea: Wouldn't it be enough to create an imaginary enemy?

Liu Xiaoye calmed down, and gradually, an imaginary enemy formed in front of his eyes.

If these girls have a little bit of skill, they will see that a human figure with a faint silhouette is being formed out of thin air.

Liu Xiaoye's eyes opened suddenly, he got up on the spot out of thin air, and unleashed a set of Tiger Roaring Fist that was originally created by Qingyunmen!

Every punch he hit was on the imaginary enemy that he had imagined out of thin air. In his eyes, that imaginary enemy was performing a set of Crane Fist.

Liu Xiaoye not only made moves, but also dodged.It seemed that he was really fighting against someone who was standing opposite and was of comparable strength.The fists of the two people collided and there was a loud crackling sound, as if firecrackers were exploding in the living room!

The crackling sounded more and more, louder and denser.

The girls in the room were dumbfounded, what kind of operation is this?

Wang Luxin even went directly to Liu Xiaoye's vicinity, because she could clearly feel that Liu Xiaoye was fighting someone!

Liu Xiaoye punched faster and faster, and his punches became more and more violent.

In his eyes, everything around him disappeared, only the virtual person was left fighting with him.

"Be careful……"

Cheng Mingyan suddenly exclaimed, before the word "heart" was finished, Liu Xiaoye's fist was already in front of Wang Luxin!

Liu Xiaoye wanted to pull back, but it was too late, Wang Luxin was too close to him, he concentrated on punching, but he didn't notice her!

In desperation, Liu Xiaoye had no choice but to deviate a little bit and let her fist hit the wall behind Wang Luxin.

Just heard a "bang", as if a hammer hit the wall.

Wang Luxin's hair was lifted up by the fist wind, and slowly fell down as Liu Xiaoye's movements stopped.

Liu Xiaoye raised his hand, only to see some off-white wall skin sticking to his hand, and Liu Xiaoye punched a concave surface on the solid concrete wall!

Wang Luxin's eyes widened, and he couldn't close his mouth for a long time before he let out a surprised sigh: "This is too handsome!"

It was only at this time that Liu Xiaoye realized that he had broken the wall. Like a child who did something wrong, he looked at Cheng Mingyan in a state of bewilderment.

There were a few black lines on Cheng Mingyan's head, but it returned to normal immediately.

"It's okay, just find someone to fix it when the time comes."

Zou Xiaomin was also impressed by Liu Xiaoye's kung fu: "Ming Yan, your bodyguard is too good, aren't you the king in Wenhua Middle School?"

Cheng Mingyan raised her chin proudly: "No, sister is a civilized person!"

Several girls were shocked by Liu Xiaoye's powerful strength, only Liu Xiaoye looked at his right hand.

His strength has indeed become stronger, and not just a little bit stronger!

Could it be due to the Nine Ranks Xisui Pill?

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