La La responded, and then slapped Liu Xiaoye with a black tiger.

Seeing why Liu Xiaoye suddenly raised his hand while chatting, he couldn't react in time, but his first reaction was to save Cheng Mingyan, but he was chopped off with a spicy palm.

I can't tell what skill is in La La's hand, anyway, it is the same as her name, it is twice as spicy.Specially hit people's weak points, kick the crotch, insert the eyes, split the ribs, each move is more ruthless than the last.

Even if Liu Xiaoye couldn't get the Jiuzhuan Xisui Pill, he still had to take Cheng Mingyan away, so he was busy untying the rope tied to Cheng Mingyan's feet, but it got tighter and tighter.

Here, La La kept attacking him, and the anxious Liu Xiaoye was sweating.

He had no choice but to defeat Lala first, and then untie the rope.It's just that beating La La is also a challenge. Although Liu Xiaoye looks like a monkey, he is not a real monkey.He knew that there were good medicinal materials everywhere here, so he tried to avoid these pots with boiling medicinal soup, and it was very difficult to fight.

La La suddenly retreated and stepped aside, as if thinking about something.

Seeing an opportunity, Liu Xiaoye wanted to take the move, but it was too late.

La La once again pulled a rope that came out of nowhere, and Liu Xiaoye was about to land when she was horrified to find that the ground was gone, replaced by a big black hole!

Liu Xiaoye was startled, but it would be useless for him to struggle any longer.

He fell down the hole, and nothing hurt him along the way, but the surface of the hole was very smooth, Liu Xiaoye tried to catch it several times, but it didn't work at all.

After gliding for nearly 3 minutes, he finally landed on the ground.

This blow hit Liu Xiaoye hard, he passed out and lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it took before Liu Xiaoye woke up slowly.He wanted to get up, but found a horrible thing: he couldn't even move his legs!

He tried to move his body, but his waist seemed to be dislocated, so he lost feeling in his lower body, and his upper body was also affected, and his hands would become numb if they moved too much.

Isn't this obsolete?

Because he couldn't use force, Liu Xiaoye couldn't reset his lumbar spine.

Although I didn't have much control over my strength and speed, I shouldn't have fallen so hard, right?

Liu Xiaoye looked around, his neck could still turn.Finally he saw a raised stone where he should have fallen.

I didn't see it when I fell, so I should have knocked on this rock.

Liu Xiaoye's heart turned cold, did he just confess here?

I still have so many things that I haven't done yet, the most important thing is that I haven't found Xiaohua yet...

Thinking of this, Liu Xiaoye felt extremely uncomfortable.

No, I absolutely cannot die here.

Cheng Mingyan is still up there, even if something happens to her, she can't let something happen to her!

The fighting spirit in her heart gradually came back, Liu Xiaoye thought to herself, even if it was climbing, she had to climb back!

He tried his best to crawl towards a brighter place with his hands. The grass here was full of barbs. Liu Xiaoye's body rubbed back and forth on the grass, and immediately wiped out a lot of blood.

But now he doesn't care about that anymore.Liu Xiaoye tried his best to crawl forward with his hands, but soon he stopped.

He is exhausted.

It wasn't because I lost my strength when I exerted too much force for too long, but was affected by the lumbar spine, and the movements of the whole body began to become uncoordinated.

The blood vessels in Liu Xiaoye's whole body burst out in a hurry, and his whole body became red and hot.

He used the strength of breastfeeding, but he only advanced ten centimeters in total.

Liu Xiaoye was about to collapse.

He was lying on the ground in a big character, his mind was a mess.

How could it be like this?

The little fighting spirit that had just gathered had almost dissipated now.

Liu Xiaoye lay here for a while, fortunately there was no sun at this time, otherwise Liu Xiaoye would have been exposed to the sun and fucked alone.

Suddenly there were small footsteps around, which didn't sound like people, but more like some kind of animal.

Meeting animals at this time is not a good thing, Liu Xiaoye hurriedly raised his head, but saw a bird that was similar to a chicken, looking at him blankly.

The bird's feathers are colorful, blue-green and orange, and dark brown, as red as a touch of fire.

It was looking at Liu Xiaoye with its head tilted, as if thinking about why this big guy was here.

After a while, it pecked Liu Xiaoye's arm with its mouth, as if to test whether he could eat it.

Liu Xiaoye felt the pain, let out a low cry, and drove the bird away with her hands.

When chasing it away, Liu Xiaoye found that this bird seemed to be unable to fly, but only walked on the ground.Its wings are very small, its body is about the size of a half-sized chicken, but its wings are like a small chicken.

The little bird seemed to be irritated by Liu Xiaoye, and kept barking at him, making a sound similar to "partridge".

Is this bird the legendary partridge?There are no partridges on Qingyun Mountain, and Liu Xiaoye has never seen this kind of animal before.

Its cries attracted more partridges, Liu Xiaoye looked impatiently at this group of half-sized chicken-like things surrounding her and barking, and sometimes even pecked him, feeling extremely irritable.

Suddenly, he stopped laughing all at once.

The ground vibrated slightly, and the stones around Liu Xiaoye were lifted up.

Something big is coming!

He swallowed nervously, but he couldn't leave at all, even if a beast came, he could only obediently make snacks for it...

Liu Xiaoye closed his eyes in despair, and when he felt the thing approaching him, he opened his eyes again, but was startled by the sight in front of him.

What a big partridge!

The partridge in front of him was about the same size as these small partridges, but its volume was more than ten times that of these partridges.

It also stared at Liu Xiaoye with cute eyes, as if thinking about what it was.

What Liu Xiaoye didn't know was that this bird was indeed a mountain partridge, and it was a unique bird in Qionghai.

This is a huge mountain partridge. It is different from other partridges in terms of size and mind because it has been taking the medicine dregs thrown by the living dead all year round.

He yelled at the partridge, and the partridge took a step back, and then yelled at him too.

Liu Xiaoye was very agitated by this sound, he picked up a stone at hand, and threw it at the big partridge, but it missed.

The big partridge called again, as if scolding him.

Immediately afterwards, it began to circle around Liu Xiaoye, still observing him.

When it was sure that Liu Xiaoye couldn't move, it kicked him with its paw.

"You poor bird, why are you still bullying people!"

Liu Xiaoye also cursed at it, and the big bird began to call at him again, one person and one bird began to scold each other like this.

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