The strongest player in history

Chapter 459 Our Friendship

Chen Yang secretly said: "This dragon's blood is indeed a powerful bloodline. However, if this dragon's blood assimilates the blood in my body, wouldn't I lose the ability to transform blood into combat power?"

Thinking of this episode, Chen Yang couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

But obviously, Chen Yang's worry was overstated.At this moment, although the dragon blood in his body tried his best to assimilate Chen Yang's blood, it was still unsuccessful.Instead, the two began to dissolve into each other.

Chen Yang felt very uncomfortable, the two blood vessels in his body seemed to be fighting.Blood surged, his whole body turned red instantly, and excess blood overflowed from the pores of his skin.

Dorrance has been paying attention to Chen Yang, and he couldn't help shouting worriedly when he saw this: "Chen Yang?"

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "Dorrance, don't worry, I'm fine, this is a necessary process."

Dorrance was a little relieved when he heard this.

Afterwards, Chen Yang also understood in his heart.Although Dragon Crystal is quite good, it is really not something that everyone can bear.If this dragon crystal is eaten by any expert, it will all end up exploding and dying.Even if it is me, I am afraid that I can only bear one dragon crystal. If there is another one, my bloodline will not be able to bear it.

Chen Yang gritted his teeth and endured it. His body swelled extremely, and when his blood was surging too vigorously, he felt a knife cutting through his blood. It was really painful!

But Chen Yang can only bear it now!

There was a mixture of sweat and blood all over him.

After about an hour like this, the torment for an hour was like walking in hell.

Few people can bear such pain.

The sky will send a great mission to the people of Sri Lanka, and they must first work hard on their hearts and minds and muscles!

It is true that Chen Yang is lucky, but he has lived a journey of life and death, and suffered many hardships, but he has never been less.

Finally, the blood in the body completely quieted down.

Chen Yang could feel a qualitative change in the blood in his body. The dragon's blood forged the bloodline, and the bloodline was fused with the dragon's blood.

At the same time, the dragon blood in the body began to change again.They separated from Chen Yang's blood and transformed into a terrifying gas.This gas began to swim in Chen Yang's body.

Chen Yang stabilized his mind. He knew that this was the last step, turning dragon blood into nutrition, and finally turning nutrition into combat power!

This is the anti-forging of blood against dragon's blood!

This gas is unprecedentedly strong, like a rainstorm ushering in the dry land.

Chen Yang's body has suffered serious internal injuries, and his internal organs are broken, but this gas immediately turns into countless nutrients to nourish the internal organs.Chen Yang immediately felt like he was in the desert for seven days without water.Suddenly, a case of cold beer appeared ahead.The taste of the cold beer in your throat is simply the most delicious delicacy in the world.It is the most comfortable enjoyment in the world.

Chen Yang's internal organs quickly absorbed these nutrients, and then began to recover rapidly.

It was a feeling of flesh and blood growing inside the body, somewhat similar to springing bamboo shoots out.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Yang's internal injuries were all healed.

However, the gas and nutrients in Chen Yang's body are still surging like the water of the Yellow River.

There is no intention of drying up.

The body no longer needs this nutrient gas, so at this moment, under Chen Yang's control, the nutrient gas is moving towards the brain.

This time, Chen Yang circled a thousand brain cells.

The nutrient gas enters the brain area and is injected into the brain cells.In an instant, the brain cells happily absorbed, crazily absorbed, transformed, and then produced mental power, which was then transformed into combat power.

A thousand brain cells were miraculously evolved to the extreme by this nutrient gas.

What's more, to Chen Yang's surprise, this nutrient gas is still very strong and surging.

Chen Yang had no choice but to circle a thousand brain cells again.

There are too many brain cells, billions and billions, endless, and there are brain nuclei inside, which is the source of brain cells.When all the brain cells and nuclei have evolved to produce mental power, then the human brain is a powerful magnetic field.

It can also be compared to a powerful power station!

At this time, the brain domain can communicate with heaven and earth, the world, and even the vast and infinite universe through this powerful mana.

Manpower is limited, but the brain and thoughts can go to unlimited places.

A sci-fi writer showed a picture at an exchange meeting. It was a probe launched from the earth. The probe looked back at the earth at a distance of 64 billion kilometers from the earth and took a picture.

In that picture, the earth can still be seen under a microscope.

But what is the earth?The earth is just a small gray spot in the circle of light in the vast universe, and this small gray spot is ten times smaller than a grain of sand under our feet.

This is the place of the earth in the universe.

And human beings have the status of such a small gray dot on the earth, even worse than a small gray dot.

The magnetic field of the human mind is closely related to the large magnetic field of the earth.

And the earth is also closely related to the magnetic field in the universe. Although it is a small gray dot, it is also a member of the universe.

Therefore, when the human brain is developed to the extreme, it is possible to get in touch with everything in the universe, including the four-dimensional space, that is, the point of time plus the three-dimensional space.

Chen Yang's thousand cells were once again purified and transformed by the nutrient gas.

After 10 minutes, the thousand brain cells were basically brought into full play.

At this time, the nutrient gas was finally exhausted.

The next thing was endless fighting power pouring into Chen Yang's body.These combat powers not only strengthened Chen Yang's body, but also strengthened Chen Yang's brain.Let Chen Yang's brain be indestructible, and let those external mental attacks and mana attacks be completely blocked.

This is to cast an iron wall for Chen Yang's brain.

It seems that Chen Yang has already developed two thousand brain cells at this moment, which is a very remarkable and terrifying thing.

These two thousand brain cells have been developed to the extreme. For masters in the brain domain, they can directly raise their cultivation to the third level of the immortality level.

And Chen Yang's combat power can indeed raise Chen Yang to the third level of immortality.

But in fact, it is not bad to develop two thousand brain cells to the extreme.

But if you convert it.

Brain cells are compared to renminbi, and the renminbi of a person's brain cells can be counted as one trillion yuan.

And 200 brain cells are only [-] million yuan, and the road to evolution is still too long and too long.

But having said that, in the real world, 1000 billion is considered a millionaire.Who can own a trillion in personal wealth?I dare not even think about it!

Besides, at this time, Chen Yang's cultivation began to skyrocket as his combat power strengthened his body, muscles, and brain.

Four levels of supernatural powers, five levels, six levels, seven levels, eight levels, nine levels...


Break through the ninth level and reach the first level of immortality!

This made Chen Yang feel like playing a game, with a huge amount of money and experience points, and then click to upgrade.

The level of the upgrade was gradually rising upwards, so high that I thought it was too incredible.

After the first level of immortality, Chen Yang felt that his combat power was still unmatched, and then he went to the second level.

The combat power consumed by this level is terrifying, and when it reaches the third level, the combat power is finally completely consumed.Chen Yang's cultivation has stayed at the third level of immortality!

Chen Yang's heart was so excited that he was now considered a master of the third level of immortality.

That is to say, from this moment on, his cultivation has surpassed several masters in God's Domain, including master Ning Tiandu.

His cultivation has finally surpassed that Shi Yonglong who seemed unattainable before!

Chen Yang let out a long breath, feeling relieved.Then, the flame of hatred in Chen Yang's heart burned more and more intensely. He didn't dare to think about it before.Because he was too far away from Shi Yonglong, let alone seek revenge on Chen Yihan and Chen Tianya.

Right now, he has at least climbed to a peak, that is, he can compare with Shi Yonglong.

At this moment, Chen Yang thought a lot.

Killing each other is not allowed in God's Domain, even if he hates Shi Yonglong very much, it is not easy to kill Shi Yonglong.But I can't blame God's Domain for this mechanism.Because if it weren't for the constraints of this mechanism, he would have died under the hands of Shi Yonglong and Chen Yihan.

One, you can't like the law when you're under the law.When the law restricts you, you hate the law, which is an unsound way of thinking.

"It's not in a hurry. If I reach a certain height one day, just like Chen Tianya's cultivation level, I will not be restricted by the regulations of God's Domain." Chen Yang thought to himself.

Dorrance kept looking at Chen Yang, who was very worried.He watched Chen Yang's complexion change, and couldn't help asking at this moment: "Chen Yang, how are you feeling?"

Chen Yang jumped up. He smiled and said, "Now I feel better than ever."

Dorrance breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Then are you sure you can kill this puppet soul?"

Chen Yang said: "Of course!" He paused, and said: "But I have to put you in a safe place first, and then I will do it."

Dorrance nodded.

At that moment, Chen Yang carried Dorrance North on his back, and finally moved directly to the place where the dragon's body was.Find a hidden location for Dorrance somewhere.This place allowed Dorrance to see the battle between Chen Yang and Jian Chenxing.

After placing Dorrance in place, Chen Yang came to the frozen Jian Chenxing.

Chen Yang didn't say much, he suddenly embraced Jian Chenxing with both hands, let out a roar, and pulled it upwards.

This is upside down weeping willow!

At this moment, Chen Yang's strength reached a terrifying [-] jin.

This power is something that the human body cannot bear, that is to say, even if an ordinary person has the strength of [-] jin, once he really uses it, he will explode and die.This is like a small engine, even if it has [-] horsepower, once it reaches [-] horsepower, it will explode immediately!

However, Chen Yang's bloodline is different, and his combat power forged and changed his physical body, muscles and bones.

It's like Chen Yang's physical body looks like BYD on the outside, but the internal structure and engine have long since become Hummer's engine.

Therefore, Chen Yang could burst out with a force of [-] jin in an instant.

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