The strongest player in history

Chapter 416 Xiaoya's Plan

The roar of death is approaching this group of students who still belong to the ivory tower.

The wolves were ferocious, but extremely calm.They will not take the initiative to attack until they know the strength of the enemy, but they will never give up their prey.

These students and the old professor Zhao Mingde, although they did not leave the campus, they all knew in their hearts that these wolves would not be afraid of these lights forever.After the wolves find out clearly, they will attack without hesitation.

Once an attack is launched, Ye Ziqing and his group will all be buried in the belly of wolves.

The timid girl couldn't help crying.A boy immediately scolded: "Don't cry, don't you think it's not messy enough?"

Some boys kept gesturing the cross on their chests, weeping and praying softly.

If someone is interested, the current small team can be said to be a vivid and interesting picture.

At this time, facing death, the old professor Zhao Mingde was also speechless. He was also afraid of death.Although he is an atheist, he also expects miracles and gods to appear at this time.

But at this time, they really couldn't think of any miracles.Divine soldiers will not fall from the sky.

The little girl Ye Ziqing, her face was pale, and she was trembling just like her companions.

But the little girls still have such unrealistic fantasies in their hearts. They once planted the seeds of cruel princes in idol dramas and romance novels.So at this time, Ye Ziqing and the little girls fantasized that there would be a prince riding a white horse to rescue them.Or it can be said that the unrivaled heroes come riding on colorful clouds.

"I'm dead, I'm dead." A boy trembling, he muttered: "If I had known, I wouldn't have come. If I had known, I wouldn't have come if I had killed me. God, please give me another chance to choose." Ah! I don't want to choose the bullshit geography department, I don't want to die, I'm still a virgin!"

In the face of death, these students are extremely vulnerable.

Perhaps it was this emotion that made the wolves feel keenly, and they felt the fragility of this group of humans.Then, the white wolf king with silver hair all over his body raised his head to the sky and let out a roar.

Then the wolves approached.

Everyone could clearly see about thirty ferocious wolves appearing in front of their eyes, forming an encirclement just two meters away.The leading white wolf king is mighty and mighty, not angry but majestic.It was followed by two ferocious wolves, and the two ferocious wolves showed their sharp fangs, and their eyes were filled with cruel and murderous light.

Escape, there is nowhere to escape.

Ye Ziqing and his group, when faced with such a scene, they have absolutely nothing to do, the only thing they can do is to wait for death.

But at this moment, a strange scene happened.

It should be said that there was a commotion among the wolves.

Afterwards, the wolves became very vigilant.

Then they moved out of the way.

Ye Ziqing and the others couldn't help looking over.

In the night, under the peripheral light of the flashlight, they saw a man in black walking slowly.

The black-clothed man's face was cold, without a trace of anger on his body, like a murderous demon god.

Therefore, just his arrival can already scare these wolves.

The students immediately recognized this man, isn't this man the one in the inn?

Was he with the wolves?Or came to take advantage of the fire?

Seeing Luo Feng, this group of people had many thoughts in their minds, but they couldn't imagine that Luo Feng was here to save them.

Because Luo Feng really didn't have this personality.

However, Luo Feng still walked in front of Ye Ziqing.He said to Ye Ziqing: "I will take you away."

Ye Ziqing was stunned, she glanced at Luo Feng in fear, and then asked blankly: "Where are you taking me?"

"Take you out of this forest, this should not be your place." Luo Feng said coldly.He spoke slightly impatiently, obviously, he didn't want to talk too much.

Ye Ziqing said: "Then can you take my classmates and teacher away?"

"No!" Luo Feng refused coldly.

"Why?" Ye Ziqing asked.

"No reason?" Luo Feng said, "If you don't want to go, then stay here with them and wait to die."

Ye Ziqing couldn't help begging: "Big brother, I beg you, will you take us along?"

"Are you going?" Luo Feng asked coldly.

"Take us with you?" Ye Ziqing insisted.

"You..." Luo Feng couldn't help being speechless.

Ye Ziqing immediately flashed a look of joy on his face, and said, "You promised me?"

The rest of the people didn't dare to show their anger, they could all feel that Luo Feng's personality was weird!So I'm afraid of saying the wrong thing.

Luo Feng was too lazy to say much, but he finally agreed to Ye Ziqing.

But at this time, everyone was wondering how Luo Feng would take everyone away.

Luo Feng turned around to face the White Wolf King, his eyes were cold, and he said, "Aren't you going to get lost?"

Anger flashed in the White Wolf King's eyes, he let out a low growl, and suddenly rushed to the left and right to signal.

The two ferocious wolves on the left and right roared, and then rushed towards Luo Feng like arrows flying off the string.

Ye Ziqing and the others, including the old professor Zhao Mingde, were all shocked.A group of people were so frightened that they closed their eyes, not daring to look.

Those two ferocious wolves were incomparably fast, like the wind, absolutely galloping like lightning.They bit at Luo Feng together, and their sharp claws cut towards him.

But these two ferocious wolves came fast and went even faster.


In the blink of an eye, two ferocious wolves flew out and fell heavily to the ground.They died on the spot, with a pool of blood underneath them.

Everyone opened their eyes and was stunned when they saw this scene.None of them understood what was going on.

But at this moment, everyone looked at Luo Feng, and felt an indescribable sense of security in their hearts.

It was as if as long as Luo Feng was around, there would be no danger.

The white wolf king roared angrily, and then it roared continuously.

Immediately, the remaining 27 ferocious wolves mobilized together.

This moment of offensive is terrifying.

"Roar!" Luo Feng roared angrily, and the sound waves vibrated.

The eardrums of all the ferocious wolves were bleeding from the shock, and their movements were also much slower.

There are also Ye Ziqing and others, who were also deaf in their eardrums due to the shock, and they were in great pain.

At the same time, Luo Feng made a real move.He stepped towards the white wolf king, and smashed the white wolf king's head with one punch.

Afterwards, like a whirlwind, ten wolves were killed in a row.

This speed is very fast, and it is so powerful that it does not stop at all.

It's like a bulldozer, crushing all the way without hindrance!

The remaining seventeen ferocious wolves were not fools either. Seeing this situation, they immediately turned around and ran away, disappearing quickly.

And the corpses of thirteen ferocious wolves were left at the scene.

This group of students came to their senses, they looked at Luo Feng no longer as a human being, but as a god.

It's not incomprehensible for a master to kill a wolf, but this guy's killing is too fast, too clean.

They realize that they have met an absolute master.

For the rest of their lives after the catastrophe, each and every one of these people wanted to celebrate with each other.Some cried, while others wept with joy.

Old Professor Zhao Mingde also had tears in his eyes. He walked towards Luo Feng and thanked him repeatedly.Luo Feng didn't bother to pay attention to the old professor, he looked at Ye Ziqing.

Ye Ziqing also looked at Luo Feng. Although she was very grateful for Luo Feng's life-saving grace, she was afraid of him deep in her heart.

Because Luo Feng's temperament is too cold and murderous.Moreover, his skills are terrifying, and his origins are a mystery.Such a person does not meet the requirements of Prince Charming in Ye Ziqing's heart.

Luo Feng frowned slightly, he didn't think too much.

Sometimes, the fate between people is very wonderful.If Ye Ziqing hadn't taken the initiative to give him a plate of melon seeds, and then showed such a smile, Luo Feng would not have come to save him.

Right now, he saved Ye Ziqing, but he knew it in his heart.If they didn't have themselves, they wouldn't be able to get out, and they would die in this jungle sooner or later.

Seeing Luo Feng frowning, Ye Ziqing became even more frightened.

Luo Feng withdrew his eyes, glanced at everyone, and said: "This is Miaojiang, where miasma is rampant and there are many poisonous insects. There are also many Miao people who put live Gu in the jungle. You must leave here quickly, otherwise sooner or later To die in this jungle."

As soon as Luo Feng said this, everyone panicked immediately.If Luo Feng had said these words to them before, they would definitely think that Luo Feng was farting.

But now it is this moment and that moment.

Therefore, they agreed to leave immediately.No matter how important a scientific experiment, field trip, or dissertation is, it is not as important as life.Those who have experienced life and death especially know the preciousness of life.

"But it's late at night, how do we go? What will we do if we encounter these wolves and beasts again?" Some male students expressed fear.What he meant was obvious, that he hoped that Luo Feng could take everyone out.

Naturally, Luo Feng didn't want to bring so many people with him, but he also knew that if he didn't bring other people and only brought Ye Ziqing, then Ye Ziqing would not be willing either.She was so dangerous just now that she refused to leave alone, let alone she was temporarily out of danger now.

Ye Ziqing plucked up the courage to stand up and said, "Big brother, can you take us out of here?"

Luo Feng glanced at Ye Ziqing, he was silent for a moment, and said: "It's not suitable to travel at night, come with me, after getting away from these wolves' corpses, find a place to camp, and spray the potion and insect repellant you prepared. Wait. At dawn tomorrow, I will take you away."

After hearing Luo Feng's promise, a group of people couldn't help cheering.

They knew that with a powerful Demon God like Luo Feng, they would never be in danger again.

At that moment, a group of people followed behind Luo Feng.They quickly arrived 50 meters away, and then began to set up camp to rest.

After half an hour, everything was ready.The equipment of this group of students is still very sufficient.

Camping, as well as food, fire, insect repellants, drugs to repel mosquitoes, etc., everything is there.

Luo Feng was sitting silently on a tree branch on one side, he didn't get close to these students, let alone talk to them.

This group of students, including the old professor, did not dare to disturb Luo Feng easily.

Furthermore, their experience today was really exciting.Although he was terrified before, but now that he narrowly escaped death, that experience has become the most precious legendary experience.

So they were very excited again, chatting nonstop one by one.This is the nature of college students.

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