The strongest player in history

29 - I shouldn't come

Yang Ling took a deep breath and said, "I know everything about you. You acted recklessly and killed Senior Nephew Luo Ren. I will settle the debt with you later."

One-eyed fearfully said, "Uncle Shi, I know I was wrong, and it's up to you to beat me or punish me."

Yang Ling said, "Don't leave Binhai anytime soon."

One-eyed said: "But it's a bet...?"

Yang Ling said: "The bet is to ask you to leave Binhai, right?"

Cyclops was slightly puzzled, but still replied: "Yes."

Yang Ling said: "If you don't leave Binhai, if Chen Yang comes to trouble you, if he beats you and hurts you, then he is challenging the dignity of our Shaolin lay disciples. We have a reason to take action against him. At the same time, you violated the bet I will expel you from the group of Shaolin lay disciples as punishment."

"Uncle Master, I..." One-eyed shuddered, and understood the viciousness of Yang Ling's plan.It was to make the people in the Jianghu have nothing to say, and at the same time to punish Chen Yang.This is obviously a strategy that has the best of both worlds, but only at the expense of oneself.

Yang Ling said coldly: "After that, when you come to the Yang family, I will give you a worry-free life for the rest of your life."

One-eyed knew that he could not refuse, otherwise he would face the wrath of his uncle.Besides, I have to take some responsibility for this matter.

Immediately, Duoyan said: "Okay, I will obey you, Uncle Master." He paused and said, "But what if Chen Yang doesn't attack me? Or, he wants to kill me directly. gone?"

Yang Ling said: "Langlang Qiankun, if he didn't sign the life and death certificate, how would he dare to kill?" After a pause, he said, "But if he doesn't attack you, it will be troublesome. How about this, you take the initiative to provoke him. This matter cannot be delayed Too long, understand? Otherwise, it will be very detrimental to the reputation of Shaolin lay disciples."

One-eyed said: "Yes, Uncle Master."

"What's the matter?" After hanging up the phone, Qi Jiaojiao asked Cyclops quickly.

The light in the one-eyed eyes was flickering, and then he said: "Uncle Yang is very angry with Chen Yang, don't worry, Chen Yang won't live long. But, Jiaojiao, I will leave Binhai after this is over. What will you do then?"

Qi Jiaojiao couldn't help but lose color. Over the years, she first got involved with Song Qing'an of Qing'an Group, and gained power by being Song Qing'an's mistress.Over the years, Song Qingan lost interest in her, and she climbed up to One Eyed again.

Song Qing'an was naturally annoyed by this matter, but because of his one eye, he could only open one eye and close one eye.One-eyed is the king of security, and it's not the scariest.The most frightening thing is the group of Shaolin lay disciples behind One Eye.Even the Dragon Lord of Binhai did not dare to offend Cyclops because of this reason.

Qi Jiaojiao has been proud of her horseshoe disease in the past two years, all because of her one-eyed.It was precisely because of the swelling in his heart that he attacked Lin Qingxue.But who would have thought that this time it would be a stumble.If One Eye left Binhai and she lost her protection, Song Qing'an would definitely not be able to spare her.

"I'll go with you." Qi Jiaojiao said immediately.

One Eye couldn't help being slightly moved, and said, "Okay."

After Lin Qingxue got off work, Chen Yang drove Lin Qingxue back to the villa in a Xiali car.Lin Qingxue didn't choose anything, she just sat on it.But after arriving at Liuye Villa, Lin Qingxue said, "I'll give you an extra 5000 yuan in fuel consumption every month."

Chen Yang listened for a while, and said, "That's good."

Lin Qingxue smiled slightly and said, "But if you dare to be late again in the morning, you will have nothing."

Chen Yang chuckled and said, "I promise I won't be late."

After that, Chen Yang said goodbye to Lin Qingxue.He went to pick up Su Qing from get off work again.

Originally, Chen Yang also thought not to pick up Su Qing.He wanted to alienate Su Qing, but he couldn't bear Su Qing to squeeze the bus, which was really contradictory.

Su Qing also called and was waiting for him at Mu Jing's tea house.And told Chen Yang to drive slowly and not to rush.Today's Su Qing is like a gentle and virtuous wife who thinks of Chen Yang in everything.

Although Chen Yang can be ruthless and murderous like hemp.But in the face of Su Qing's tenderness, there is no resistance.

After arriving at Mu Jing's tea house, I found that Mu Jing was also there.

Mu Jing said, "Chen Yang, come and have a cup of tea before leaving."

Chen Yang grinned and said, "It's time for dinner, what kind of tea are you drinking! Treat me to dinner."

Mu Jing rolled her eyes involuntarily, and said, "I owe you brat for co-authoring, so you know it's here to take advantage of me."

Su Qing on the side gave Chen Yang a gentle look, and said proactively, "I invite everyone to dinner."

Mu Jing also smiled and said, "I'm joking with him, please."

"Yes, yes!" Chen Yang immediately said: "Sister Jing has a lot of money, and we help her use it to do good deeds for her."

Mu Jing laughed and scolded: "Fuck you Chen Yang, you're talking like how wicked my sister is."

Chen Yang was cheerful.

Anyway, the group of people immediately went across to find a nice restaurant to eat.

Chen Yang likes to eat meat, so he ordered the lion's head and braised pork, and he enjoyed it.

Su Qing would occasionally pick up vegetables for Chen Yang and pour water for him, caring for him meticulously.

This little bit of warmth actually moved Chen Yang.

On the way, Su Qing went to the bathroom.

Mu Jing smiled slightly and asked, "It can be seen that you care about Su Qing. She also treats you well. Do you have any plans to get married?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but get dizzy, and asked back: "Do you think I'm suitable for marriage?"

Mu Jing smiled and said, "Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

Chen Yang said, "Nonsense."

Mu Jing said: "The truth is, you are not suitable for marriage. You are naturally aggressive and hot-tempered. Once you get married, it will only bring harm to Su Qing."

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "You are really telling the truth!" He paused and said, "You are right, and I have never thought about getting married. I like a person, and I like to be with women After one night, they went their separate ways without leaving any ties."

Mu Jing said: "You and I are the same kind of people. We are both pursuing a higher realm in martial arts, pursuing the other shore that belongs to us."

Chen Yang said: "Forget it, don't mention this thing. Let's take one step at a time."

Mu Jing didn't talk about it anymore.She turned her gaze and said: "One Eye hasn't left Binhai yet, and I don't think he has any plans to leave Binhai. This incident has obviously alarmed the group of Shaolin lay disciples. It is very likely that One Eye stayed here because of the high-level instructions."

Chen Yang said: "Single-eyed obviously has no guts not to leave. If it is ordered by the high-level, then it means that the group of Shaolin lay disciples has already made moves against me."

Mu Jing said: "That's right, so I want to remind you that you must be extra careful. Now this matter, Yang Ling from the Yang Group is likely to take over. Yang Ling is the most outstanding disciple of the Shaolin layman Yanzi. Many brothers below are at his disposal. This Yang Ling, you must not underestimate him. His Yang Group now has assets of more than 50 billion, and his contacts are also very extensive. However, more importantly, his cultivation base is very Gao, it is very possible that he is a master of Jindan."

Chen Yang couldn't help turning pale slightly, and said, "So scary?"

Mu Jing said: "This is also my guess, I don't know the specifics. Yang Ling's identity is destined that he will rarely take action. He is very smart and very resourceful."

Chen Yang was lost in thought.

Mu Jing continued: "Now Yang Ling's problem is that first, he can't openly attack you, which is against morality. Second, he can't let you live, which is trampling on the golden signature of Shaolin lay disciple. "

Chen Yang thought quickly, and said: "So in this case, it is very likely that Cyclops will be used as an abandoned child to break the deadlock. Cyclops came to provoke me, and was disabled by me, and then Yang Ling expelled Cyclops from Shaolin. People in the martial arts world look at it. In the end, Yang Ling said that I insulted Shaolin and shot at me. This kills two birds with one stone."

Mu Jing's eyes lit up, and she said, "It is indeed very possible."

Chen Yang said: "Also, if I simply injure Cyclops, or repel Cyclops, that won't convince people in the martial arts world, because Cyclops takes the initiative to provoke, it is indeed Cyclops' fault. But what if Cyclops dies? Then everyone will definitely think that I killed One Eye. At that time, Yang Ling will be able to kill me with thunderous anger. People in the martial arts world have nothing to say."

Mu Jing couldn't help being dumbfounded, and said, "This is a poisonous plan!" She paused, and said, "Since you have guessed it, how do you plan to resolve it?"

Chen Yang sighed slightly, and said, "One step is one step."

At this moment, Su Qing came over.The two of them stopped talking.

After Su Qing came, Mu Jing said again: "By the way, I will arrange a driver for Su Qing in the future, so that you don't have to pick up and drop off frequently. Also, I have an empty house, Su Qing, you can live with me Go, and you don't have to pay rent."

Su Qing couldn't help being taken aback, and then said nana: "This is really embarrassing."

Mu Jing smiled slightly and said, "It's okay."

Chen Yang knew that Mu Jing wanted to help him protect Su Qing, and by the way, he also helped him resolve his relationship with Su Qing.Although he was very reluctant to peek at Su Qing's beauty at night.However, the business was important, so he immediately said, "Thank you very much, Sister Jing."

Mu Jing smiled lightly and said, "You're welcome."

Seeing that Chen Yang had made a decision, Su Qing didn't say much at the moment.

Then, dinner is over.Chen Yang took Su Qing home.

On the way back, Su Qing was a little uneasy, and said, "Chen Yang, I don't think I have much talent, so I can take advantage of Sister Jing, okay? I know you have a great friendship with her, but there will always be a time when favors run out." She After a pause, he said, "Actually, I think I will go to an ordinary class. You pick me up and drop me off from get off work every day, and we will live in a cheap rental house. This way I will be more at ease."

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Sister Qing, I said earlier that you are a very good person. You work hard, so it's fine. I've known Sister Jing for less than a week, and of course we hit it off. But the premise is that she thinks I am worthy of her investment. Besides, she is so rich, she can find a trustworthy person, and she has made a profit with only such a small amount of money. Let's make this decision, okay? "

Su Qing took a deep breath and said, "Alright then."

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