Let you take over the recruit company and become a special force?

Chapter 75 Company commander, look at my performance, can I get an S card?

"Lu Yan, 2:56!"

"Jiang Xiaoyu, 3 minutes and 14 seconds!"

Gong Jian pressed the stopwatch one by one and reported the results of the two.

Unfortunately, neither passed.

But for beginners, it is harmless to achieve such a result for the first time.

After waiting for a while, Wolongfengchu finally returned!

"Li Erniu, 5 minutes and 16 seconds!"

"Xu Sanduo, 5 minutes and 28 seconds!"

Gong Jian sighed, but didn't say anything.

For the two of them, it's enough to finish the course smoothly. It's a long way to go. I can only hope that they can be more competitive in the future!

Xu Sanduo rubbed his sore knee, then raised his head and asked in a daze, "Company commander, look at my grades, can you give me a good ranking?"

These familiar words suddenly reminded Tang Feng of a quote that appeared in a spicy chicken variety show in his previous life, "Guo Laoshi, look at my acting skills, can you give me an S card?"

Before Tang Feng could respond, Ma Renjie on the side said angrily, "I want to give you a big slap in the face! Why don't you stay cool!"

After encouraging Wolongfengchu a few words, Tang Feng asked the four contestants who had just finished the competition to rest aside.

After all, the 400-meter obstacle course is high-intensity training.

The damage to knees, ligaments and other parts is relatively large, and even many soldiers were injured because of this, and they bid farewell to training.

Seriously, if you are not careful, you may be permanently disabled.

But there are not so many cup bow snake shadows.

Accidents do exist, but they are rare.

There are professional veterans staring at them. After the training, they massage the parts to relieve the pain. Basically, it will be fine after a while.

Then came the contestants from class two.

Lu Fei, Sima Zhange, Zhang Xiaowu, and Xu Sanduo's fellow villagers became talented.

The first two have a feud with each other, and they have competed with each other since the beginning of the game.

Finally achieved good results of '2 minutes and 20 seconds' and '2 minutes and 18 seconds'.

Although Zhang Xiaowu lacks in physical fitness, but now he is definitely not the former Wu Xia Ameng.

Gritting his teeth, he stood upright and got the result of '3 minutes and 27 seconds'.

As for becoming a talent, he performed much better than his fellow countrymen, '2 minutes and 58 seconds'.

Immediately afterwards, there were Pei Qing, Pippi, Da Shan, and Zhang Nengli from class three!

"It's finally time for me to perform!"

Zhang energy moves his muscles and bones, eager to try.

"Don't be in a hurry, if you dare to fail, I will put handcuffs on you later!"

Niu tried hard and smiled threateningly.

"..." Zhang Nengli couldn't help correcting a sentence: "Squad leader, I'm wearing hemp rope, not handcuffs!"

Niu Hardworking: "That's not a problem. Don't forget my major. At worst, I'll find some thick wire to help you upgrade your equipment!"

Zhang Nengli wants to cry but has no tears.

Really answered that sentence:——

There must be rain in the sky, and woe to the madness.

Walking in the world, there is nothing wrong with being low-key!

Game start!

Zhang Nengli, who was under pressure, was the first to bear the brunt!

Run 100 meters, turn around the three-step pile, and cross the trench... cleanly!

Even though he usually looks cynical, he still has two brushes when he is serious.

After all, his grandfather was a veteran who retired from the battlefield. Whether he wanted to or not, he had been training him a lot since he was a child.

'The lightness kung fu that I have practiced hard for many years finally came in handy today! '

"It's done!"

After finishing the race, Zhang Nengli couldn't hide his excitement, "Instructor, what's my score?"

Gong Jian looked at the stopwatch, "2 minutes 06 seconds 26!"


He had a proud face, and his tail was almost up to the sky.

Seeing this, He Chenguang, who was resting at the side, did not forget to sarcastically at Wang Yanbing, "See, people's energy is faster than yours. What qualifications do you have for not working hard?"

Wang Yanbing scolded angrily, "He's only a little over a second faster than me, so I need you to teach me?"

He Chenguang shook his head, "A slight difference is a thousand miles away~~"

Wang Yanbing: "Shut up! If you keep beeping, believe it or not, I'll tear your stinky mouth apart?!"

He Chenguang sighed, and looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, "It's really rotten wood, alas!"

Wang Yanbing clenched his fists... Damn, you are so weird, did you learn from the company commander?

Obstacle running training is still going on.

On Class Three's side, Leng Feng, Yu Dalei, La Qiangdong, and a man named Wang Xiaowang played.

"This is my first competition in the army, and it's my first show in my life. I'm so nervous!"

Wang Xiaowang took a deep breath, and his heartbeat accelerated significantly.

"It's just ordinary training, isn't it?" Yu Dalei was speechless.

"You don't understand!" Wang Xiaowang smiled inscrutably, and deliberately lowered his voice, "If I perform well this time, I can make a good impression on the company commander...

Maybe it won't be long before I can be promoted and raise my salary, become a role model in the army, serve as the squad leader of the company, and marry the beauty of the US army... I'm a little excited when I think about it! "

...I think you are daydreaming too much... The three of you were speechless for a moment!

"Everyone take their places!"

Tang Feng raised the flag of command.


The voice just fell.

When four people act at the same time, the cold front is the fastest!

Climb over obstacles like walking on flat ground, just swipe and disappear!

Wang Xiaowang exclaimed even more, "Do you want to be so exaggerated, do you think you are making a movie?"

Soon, Leng Feng ran the whole distance!

"1 minutes 25 seconds 24!"

Gong Jian exclaimed, this is the best result so far, 1 seconds faster than He Chenguang's '27:36'!

"Good boy, you really give me a long face!"

Squad leader Niu tried his best to smile from ear to ear,

Ask yourself, Leng Feng's grades are much better than when he was a recruit!

If he receives professional training and guidance again, it won't be long before he will surpass the former soldier king!

"Faster than you~~"

When Leng Feng passed by He Chenguang, he said quietly, "It's a small difference, a thousand miles away~~"

He Chenguang was so angry that his chest felt tight.

Damn, he pretended to be!


The results of Yu Dalei, La Qiangdong, and Wang Xiaowang also came out.

"2 minutes and 56 seconds!"

"3 minutes and 27 seconds!"

"3 minutes and 36 seconds!"

It's quite satisfactory, but it's better than some ordinary recruits.

Immediately afterwards, four contestants from class three entered the field.

From then on, the overall quality of the players began to decline.

After that, it is even more difficult to see.

Wang Jingze from Class [-] accidentally fell into the ditch when he was crossing the ditch... and fell into a mess.

His squad leader went over with black lines all over his head and brought him up.

There are also recruits who can't even step on the simplest three-step pile.

Some failed to pass the high board diving platform, and accidentally fell down when climbing the ladder.

When crossing the single-plank bridge, several people couldn't grasp the balance, and they couldn't pass it if they got stuck.

It was hard to get through, and the high wall couldn't be overturned, so I felt anxious for him when I watched from the side.

The results were even more unsightly, some were not as good as Li Erniu and Xu Sanduo, and the results went straight to 10 minutes later...

Tang Feng looked at the time, feeling a little helpless.

You can only let the recruits who have run through the obstacles hold dumbbells and tensioners... first exercise their physical fitness.

After an hour and a half.

Finally, the last round of Class Nine is left!

The obstacle course training is coming to an end.

But at this moment, the mutation protruded.

"Company commander, company commander!"

"Li Jianguo was entangled in a low pile net!"

Tang Feng: "..."

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