Let you take over the recruit company and become a special force?

Chapter 118 Under the King 7 Wu Hai's position problem!

"Keep your voice down, if the Great Demon King Tang hears it, we probably won't be able to eat it and walk around!"

Lu Fei whispered a reminder.

Unknowingly, these gangsters gave Tang Feng a lot of nicknames.

... The evil star surnamed Tang, the Great Demon King, Tang Papi, Tang Jude... Anyway, none of them are nice.

Representing the impotent rage of recruits...

"It's still beautiful, you really don't know how to worry."

Sima Zhange was worried: "The Great Demon King has added seven new minions. It is estimated that our life will be even more difficult in the future!"

Zhang Nengli, who loves to read comics, smiled: "It's a bit like 'The King's Qiwuhai'..."

Xiang Yu... Long Xiaoyun... Shi Jin... waited for the others to introduce themselves.

Everyone is officially getting to know them.

Of course, they could also see that the seven newcomers, let alone whether they had strength or not.

But definitely, more reliable than Zhang Qi, Huang Weili, and Wei Ziyi!

Come to the cafeteria.

After the meal, the recruits began to enjoy lunch after singing "Love the Army and Practice Martial Arts Song".

Fatty Wang put together four tables and asked Tang Feng and others to accompany the seven people who were airborne to eat.

I also fried a few side dishes as a welcome feast.

Long Xiaoyun pointed to the glass of vegetable juice on the table: "What is this, it's green?"

"This is vegetable juice." Gong Jian explained with a smile: "Our company commander made it himself, and the recruits drink this to supplement nutrition every day!"


Long Xiaoyun was very interested, "Comrade Tang Feng is really capable and hardworking. In this day and age, there are not many men who can cook."

Fatty Wang: "?" What are you talking about, are the brothers in my cooking class still small?

Long Xiaoyun smiled and took a sip.


Her whole body began to doubt life!

"This vegetable juice... the taste is quite unique..."

The corner of Long Xiaoyun's mouth couldn't help twitching.

"is it?"

Ma Dong looked curious, and then took a sip.


Her expression, like Long Xiaoyun's, was slightly distorted.

"The taste is really unique..."

Said very implicitly.

If this is a drink bought with money, no matter how good-tempered he is, he can't help but get angry.

Xiang Yu, Liu Xiaoshan, Deng Jiuguang, and the Beast Camp trio had a drink one after another.

even if.

They are the elite of the beast camp.

I have experienced strong winds and waves, and I have also eaten all kinds of strange and difficult to swallow food when performing tasks.

But these, compared with the vegetable juice Tang Feng made himself, are completely insignificant.

"Anyway, the company commander did it himself. What kind of expression do you have?"

Shi Jin smiled heartily.

Then he held up the glass of vegetable juice, "I'm just here, and I still need the company commander to take care of me, so I'll do it first!"

...This is definitely the decision he regrets the most.

Gudong took a big sip, Shi Jin was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, his face instantly turned into a bitter face.

And look at the people around him staring at him... The words have been spoken, so you can't drink!


Resisting the urge to vomit, he forcibly swallowed the green thing in the cup.

Long Xiaoyun smiled and asked, "How do you feel?"

Shi Jin replied indifferently: "I can still hold on!"

"Since Comrade Shi Jin likes it so much, let me give you this cup too!"

Long Xiaoyun pushed his own vegetable juice to the present.


I can't stand it anymore!

"Ha ha!"

Xiang Yu and the others could not help but laugh.

It never occurred to them that a cup of vegetable juice would make the atmosphere so harmonious when they met each other at first.

Of course Long Xiaoyun was just joking, and didn't really give Shi Jin a drink.

However, under Tang Feng's repeated urging, he said that this vegetable juice is really good for the human body.

Xiang Yu and the others finally couldn't beat him, and drank up the vegetable juice 'very touched'.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

After drinking, I feel that the fatigue of the whole body is swept away.

They even began to wonder if there were stimulants added to the vegetable juice...

Everyone chatted while eating, but they also talked happily.

After the recruits finished their meal, they left the cafeteria and went to the playground to rest temporarily.

There are squad leaders who are responsible for supervising and urging the anti-exposure physical training later.

After this period of training, everyone's skin was tanned.

She no longer has the thin skin, tender flesh and little boy face as before, but has a more masculine temperament.

Inside the canteen.

'King Shichibukai' is still chatting.

However, Tang Feng encountered a small problem.

Before the seven of them came, they didn't tell them what their duties were in the recruit company? !

According to Fan Tianlei's intention, let Tang Feng figure it out...

"Or, let's temporarily discuss the position according to the military rank?"

Tang Feng suggested.

When everyone heard it, they didn't have the slightest opinion.

Whoever has the highest military rank will be a high official, there is nothing wrong with it!

Tang Feng first looked at Long Xiaoyun.

Even though the two are about the same age, her military rank is one level higher than Tang Feng's, and she is a captain.

Therefore, the post of deputy company commander must belong to her!

And, part-time as the chief of the recruit company!

Although the deputy company commander is only slightly less powerful than the company commander, the division of labor is completely different.

Mainly manage chores such as checking internal affairs, distributing quilts, requesting supplies, etc.

Water and electricity cut off... find the deputy company commander.

drain is choked up……

The canteen ran out of dish soap...

Tables, chairs and benches are broken...

Still looking for the deputy company commander.

It can be called a panacea, and it can completely solo the audience!

And what about the Secretary?

But an important role in charge of financial power!

Finalize the required materials and place an order, food, logistics, security...

Complex and cumbersome!

You have to be smart about your budget.

These two tasks have been shared by Tang Feng and Gong Jian recently, and they are extremely busy every day.

With Long Xiaoyun's ability, controlling these two positions is like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

Tang Feng looked around at the crowd again, thinking for a while.

Xiang Yu was the platoon leader in the beast battalion. Looking at the whole company, he was second only to Tang Feng in terms of force.

If there is no Long Xiaoyun, who else is the deputy company commander?


Let's be a platoon leader and get back to his job.

"How about Comrade Shi Jin as the leader of the second platoon?"

"no disagreement!"

"Congratulations Brother Shi!"



Shi Jin smiled and was sincerely grateful.

There is one platoon leader left.

Ma Dong couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

She put all her eggs in one basket, gave up her position as a staff officer of the Tiger Regiment, and came to the recruit company even though she missed the chance to be the deputy company commander.

But according to the lowest standard she can accept, at least she must be a platoon leader.

If it's the squad leader, it's better not to come if she comes, there is a huge difference between the two.

Liu Xiaoshan and Deng Jiuguang were somewhat looking forward to it.

In fact, these two veterans are more than enough to be platoon leaders.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were more people in the airborne, Tang Feng would not have hesitated at all.

As for Wu Liuyi, unfortunately, he has the lowest military rank, so naturally he cannot be the platoon leader.

Although Ma Dong is a woman, her abilities are outstanding.

Otherwise, he would not be the company commander in "Hot-Blooded Vanguard".

for a while.

Tang Feng suddenly had a problem!

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