Let you take over the recruit company and become a special force?

Chapter 110 Long Chuan: I bet Xiang Yu on the recruit company!

Mr. Zhao played with a bayonet, which really opened the eyes of the recruits.

"Zhang Nengli, your grandfather is amazing!"

Yu Dalei praised again and again.

He has seen a lot of bayonets on TV, but he has never seen anyone in his 80s who can play with such vigor!

Zhang Nengli was extremely proud, "Your uncle is still your uncle after all, and I don't care who he is!"

La Qiangdong asked curiously: "Then what does your father do? Is he also a soldier?"

Zhang Nengli: "No, he is in business and has made a lot of money..."

Squad leader Niu worked hard, a little displeased with his complacency, and directly reprimanded him:

"Your grandfather is a fierce tiger on the battlefield, and your father is a giant crocodile in the business world. It's your turn, but you have become a disgrace to our military camp!"

Zhang Nengli was not convinced: "What's wrong with me? Who am I worse than? Let's just talk about the training in the past few days. How have I ever fallen behind?"

Niu worked hard: "At least others don't secretly watch Xiao Huang manga!"

Zhang Nengli: "???"

Holy crap, is this all the news?

Even you know it? !


The Big Three accompanied Mr. Zhang, talking and laughing happily.

I learned that Mr. Zhang has always been obsessed with the T34 tank that accompanied him on the battlefield.

Kang Lei thought for a while, and invited Mr. Zhang to visit the nearby Tigers.

In the warehouse over there, there happened to be a T34 tank, which has been well maintained.

Mr. Zhang didn't want to bother him at first, but he couldn't stand the 'missing illness'. After repeated persuasion, he readily agreed.

Before leaving.

Tang Feng called Zhang Nengli, Lu Fei, and Sima Zhange.

Let them talk to the parents and say goodbye.

With his old man sitting in town as his backer, Zhang Nengli is very proud!

He even used courage to face Tang Feng's gaze directly, provocatively.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhang's first words made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave!

"Xiao Tang, I will entrust my grandson to you to take care of him. If he is disobedient, if he dares not to train well and obey discipline, he will be beaten to death by me, and you will not be held responsible if he is beaten to death!"

Zhang Nengli was stunned...

Seeing Tang Feng's expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, he was completely panicked!

Company Commander, I admit that I was a little arrogant just now, is it too late for me to regret it now?

On the contrary, Ye Xiaojun is very caring for Zhang Nengli.

Tell him to pay attention to his body, usually training in the military camp is tiring enough, young people must exercise restraint, otherwise they will be sick when they get old...

The more Zhang Nengli listened, the more weird he felt, and he always felt that something was wrong.

Noticing the bag in Ye Xiaojun's hand, he vaguely saw Yuan Moukong's cartoon...

He got it!

Then, I started to panic again!

The whole person trembled!

Even though he has died countless times, it is never as shameful as dying in front of his relatives!

the other side.

Lu Zhensheng, Lu Fei.

Sima Mid-Autumn Festival, Sima Battle Song.

The two pairs of father and son are also exhorting each other.


On Lu Fei's side, the style of painting was a bit off.

"Dad, don't mess with the 300 million in my card. After I retire, you have to give me another 200 million!"

He would never have imagined that his father almost donated the 300 million that he had obtained with shamelessness.

Lu Zhensheng: "..."

"Let's be father and son, can you stop talking about money when you see me? Don't you have anything else to say?"

Lu Fei: "You have reminded me!"

Lu Zhensheng smiled knowingly, revealing a trace of expectation, and even began to imagine a harmonious picture of a loving father and a filial son.

But his unfilial son Lu Fei was so angry that he was half dead: "You still owe me an off-road vehicle! The price can't be less than 80!"

Lu Zhensheng: "..." True 'Father is kind and son is filial'.

Lu Fei: "Father, why don't you talk anymore?"

Lu Zhensheng: "Don't call me daddy, I don't think I deserve to have a son like you... I definitely owed you in my previous life, and you were reincarnated into my family to collect debts!"

It's over, the tuba that has been raised for 18 years is considered useless.

Lu Zhensheng suddenly thought, should he practice a trumpet again?

when leaving.

Fan Tianlei suddenly said, "Tang Feng, your recruit company is short on manpower. After a while, people will make up for you!"

After that, he glanced at Long Baichuan: "Right, Captain Long?"

The latter wanted to cry, but nodded with a forced smile.

At this moment, he seemed to be bleeding from the heart.

Fan Tianlei then added: "Don't worry about the platoon leader, even if I can't find someone, Captain Kang will arrange for you!"

Master Kang was dumbfounded: "What about my business?"

Fan Tianlei: "Nonsense, this is your regiment, who do you care about?"

"Don't forget, you promised me that you will be able to meet any requirements of the recruit company in the future!"

Fuck, with you old Yinbi, are you waiting for me here?

Master Kang was slightly surprised.

But after thinking about it, it should be so because of emotion and reason, so I didn't have any objections, and agreed very happily.

Fuck, is there such a good thing?

Tang Feng was also surprised.

But his 'surprise' is the 'surprise' of 'surprise'.

"I was really fooled, this old bastard, what kind of bet did he really make with them!"

Tang Feng was secretly delighted.

With Master Kong's promise, it will really be convenient for him to do things in the future!

It seems that the 'formal training' should be carried out in advance!


The Big Three led Mr. Zhang and Ye Xiaojun into the car and left.

Kong Shihui and Xiang Yu were in charge of driving.

Even Xiang Yu was bet on the recruit company by the dragon team.

Even though they are high and powerful, the barracks are not run by his family, not his own.

Before doing anything, you have to go through the formalities first, and it will take two or three days at the earliest, right?The timing is uncertain.

As for Lu Zhensheng and Sima Zhongqiu, they left on their own.

The two of them were not veterans during the Anti-Japanese War, and they did not have the special treatment of visiting tanks in other regiments.

Unless the military conducts some kind of activity, in an open place, the media and the public can come in to see the military appearance.

"Finally gone!"

Gong Jian breathed a sigh of relief, "The things that happened in the past half day are more than the one month I have been in the company."

He suddenly felt a little tired.

Tang Feng asked with a smile: "Are you referring to Huang Weili and the other three cobblers, or those three old fellows?"

Gong Jian smiled frankly: "Have both!"

"However, without them, we would be happy and relaxed!"

"I hope that the people sent by the regiment next time will be more reliable. At least... they will look like soldiers!"

Feeling over, Gong Jian looked at the time and asked: "The anti-exposure body training is over, will you continue to practice grappling and fighting later?"

Tang Feng shook his head.

"I won't practice fighting today, and I will let the squad leaders teach the soldiers in their squad how to use guns correctly!"


Gong Jian was a little puzzled, and guessed: "You don't know, are you going to start shooting training recently?"

"That's right!" Tang Feng nodded: "A gun is the second life of a soldier!"

"Taking a step back, you don't have to practice anything, except guns!"

"Don't worry about the bullets. If the bullets in the warehouse are not enough, I'll ask Master Kong for more. I'll handle the matter, don't worry!"

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