The rebirth of Shen Da girl

Chapter 52 She Can't

Aunt Zhen is feeling very bad now, being stared at by a roomful of people makes her a little out of breath.

The old lady asked her, did Qu Yongxi's death have anything to do with her?

She didn't dare to answer "yes", she could only sob in a low voice, with a lovely and pitiful appearance.

The old lady is not Shen Dongci, how could she be so "spouty and presumptuous".Immediately ordered the two women to forcibly lift Aunt Zhen's shoulders so that she could speak properly.

Aunt Zhen's hair was in a disheveled bun, and she broke out in cold sweat from fright.

"You're wronged!" She could only complain dryly, without saying anything useful.

All the discerning people present could see that it was true that Qu Yongxi helped Aunt Zhen make false accounts!

The ledger was placed in front of Aunt Zhen, and according to the above records, Aunt Zhen had only worked as a housekeeper for two or three years, but she coveted thousands of taels of silver from the public.

Most of the money was sent to Aunt Zhen's cousin.This is a gambler who recognizes money but does not recognize people. He opened a gambling shop in Xizhou City, specializing in low-level livelihoods.

The daily turnover of the gambling house is not only large, but also miscellaneous.When Aunt Zhen's money came to him, he had to deal with it, and when it flowed out, it would be legitimate money that he could take out.

Aunt Zhen guards herself from stealing, according to the "Dazhao Law", even if she is sentenced to a big punishment, it is not an exaggeration.

Not to mention her, even the mistress of the house would not dare to be sloppy in such matters.

As we all know, since Taizu overthrew the rule of the former empress, he has always restricted women's rights intentionally or unintentionally.

Among the imperial relatives and relatives, "foreign relatives" can be said to be the most cautious group of people.If there is any dissatisfaction at ordinary times, or if I am bullied, I can bear it as much as I can.In the court hall, he didn't dare to speak at all.

Because of this, the aristocratic family is actually unwilling to send their daughter to the palace.It is said that once entering the palace gate is as deep as the sea, let alone such a palace gate.

But it is undeniable that pillow wind is sometimes useful.

During the Taizu period, there was still a favorite concubine, the Yan family, who gave her the Yan family a hundred years of wealth with just one person.

At that time, there was even a concubine named Wu in Taizu's harem.

The Wu surname is the surname of the empress.After she seized power, it is not an exaggeration to praise her members of the Wu clan, saying that "one person attains the Tao, and chickens and dogs ascend to heaven".

When Taizu's soldiers approached the city, he promised in front of the three armies that as long as the people in the city did not resist and opened the city gate to welcome him in, he would forgive the sins of those people.

At that time, when this sentence was said, many people were moved, including some members of the Wu clan.

It can only be said that the empress is indeed as hard as iron.

The war was imminent, and she still had the mind to ask the eagle dogs beside her to investigate those who had rebelled.As a result, half of the more than a thousand members of the Wu clan were killed by her knife.

She was so cruel, even the great ancestor who had fought for many years could not help but feel a chill down his spine.

Since the empress lost the hearts of the people, it is natural that the defeat is already doomed.After Taizu entered the city, he not only kept his promise, but also gave clear rewards and punishments.At that time, apart from the Wu clan members who secretly took refuge in him, besides those who were killed, there were still a small group of people left behind.

Taizu combined this group of people into a family, named the leader "Marquis of Wu'an", gave him a house in the middle of the capital, and gave him two thousand shi, which was a great kindness.

At that time, some sour scholars laughed at Taizu, saying that he was a warrior who "ruled the country immediately" and did not understand the real good strategy of governing the country at all.

However, it was such a warrior who laid the foundation of the Zhao family.Dazhao Dynasty can achieve today's achievements, Taizu's merits lie in the future!

Dazhao, such a country that is both open and conservative, is still in its prime.When people live and work in peace and contentment, some problems are covered up.

For example, there are 750 four articles in the "Jokha Law", and almost all of them are restrictive for women, and there is no word "guarantee" at all.But for so many years, women have lived in this country just like men.

However, almost all of them are "vassals".

Before marriage, it is the "property" of the male relatives, and after marriage, it is the "property" of the husband. There is no reconciliation and separation, only abandonment and eviction.

Even if the father or husband is lost, those who have sons are the vassals of the sons, and those who have no sons are the vassals of Dazhao.Those women who have no father, no mother, no son, and no husband will be forced to marry by the state, and some people will marry their daughters to other places through official media.

Those who do not obey will be served with great punishment.

In such a social environment, most women can be regarded as "puppets".No matter how well protected it is, it is nothing more than a valuable "goods".

Shen Wenxin is such a "cargo".

She still has to be cautious, let alone Aunt Zhen is a concubine?

Let's not say that she doesn't have a "precious son", even if she does, those who should be punished will be punished.A son cannot even say no.

Perhaps, this is why there are few rumors of "disharmony" in Dazhao's back house.But for the sake of seeking a child, many anecdotes and strange things happened.

Competing for favor is not only time-consuming and brain-intensive, but also has certain risks.

It is better to have a son than to fight for blood.As long as the son is there, in the Dazhao Dynasty, which values ​​filial piety, there will be a good death anyway.Even if their sons are not filial, they can still live in the Beitian courtyard run by the government to spend their old age peacefully.

Such a prosperous age, in a sense, is based on the oppression of women.But the big family is happy and harmonious, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

In the past, Lin Zhiwan was the legitimate daughter of Zheng'er Bajing, who was raised in a deep boudoir, numb and innocent.

She thought that the small courtyard she saw was the whole world.So much so that after losing Li Cheng's favor, her world completely collapsed.

She couldn't do anything, and she didn't dare to do anything.

For a long time, she felt that she was not a human being, but a dog, a cat, or a sparrow raised by Li Cheng.

When Lin Yichun showed off in front of her, she really couldn't understand.

Is it really happy to be Li Cheng's pillow and live in such an environment?

Her thoughts like this can only end in a trance.

Because isn't this kind of life what she dreamed of before she left the court?

Her hindsight aggravated her condition.Her death can be said to be an inevitable result.

Even if Lin Yichun didn't send someone to poison her, she wouldn't have the rest of her life.

A woman's life, no matter how long it takes, seems to be very simple.

Only if it is simple enough is it safe enough.

Aunt Zhen didn't seem to understand this truth.

"You're wronged!" Aunt Zhen howled dryly, trying to ask for forgiveness for herself.

God did "forgive" her.

She only gave Aunt Zhen one chance, if Aunt Zhen could explain clearly what she had committed, for Sister Qiong's sake, her humble life could be saved.

This is already very kind, Aunt Zhen should be grateful.

But Aunt Zhen couldn't utter a single word from her trembling lips.Even if sister Qiong is moved out, she can't make her tell the truth.

She seemed to be resigned.

I can only repeat my injustice over and over again.

Was she really wronged?

Perhaps only Aunt Si knew the answer.

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