Martial arts start from Lu Ding Ji

Chapter 207 Ding Chunqiu

After a while, You Ji's complexion obviously improved a lot, and the poisonous kung fu has been brought under control.


Zhai Xingzi snorted coldly, his poison was cracked by someone, just about to continue to attack, the white-haired old man on the sedan chair said:

"Forget it, this place is his territory anyway. Although it is a waste, don't bully him."

Zhai Xingzi was a little dissatisfied, and hurriedly said:

"Master, I..."

"Don't you listen to Master's words?"

The old man's voice became gloomy, containing a hint of killing intent.

"Don't dare, master's magic power is boundless, sweeping the world, I naturally won't care about this kind of thing."

Zhai Xingzi looked terrified, as if recalling some terrible memory, and immediately explained.

"Who is your Excellency? But you came to attack Xiao?" Xiao Feng asked softly.

"My old fairy is the head of the Xingxiu Sect. As for Xiao Feng and Wang Feng, I don't know him at all. It's just that there are so many people here, so the old fairy came here to relax!"

The old fairy Xingxiu still had a lazy expression on his face, as if he hadn't heard Xiao Feng's words at all.

"Old Immortal of Xingxiu, with boundless magic power, immortal blessings will last forever, and his life will be as long as the heavens!"

"Old Immortal Constellation, the mana is boundless, the blessings of immortals are eternal, and the longevity is equal to the sky!"

The four disciples of the Xingxiu Sect roared together.

"Haha, I'm dying of laughter!" Wang Yuyan couldn't bear it anymore, and burst out laughing.

And Qin Fan also felt a bit pained,

The members of the Xingxiu sect in front of him reminded him of some brainwashed evil sects, they were exactly the same!

But at this time, everyone in Juxianzhuang didn't think so.

All of them were dignified, looking at the unexpected guest in front of them.

Xiao Feng simply ignored these psychopaths and shouted loudly:

"Since you all want to crusade against Xiao, why don't you come over and have a glass of friendship wine. After drinking, you will give up all your friendship, and you will be the enemy!"

"Good guy!"

This sentence appeared silently in everyone's heart.

However, Song and Liao are not at odds, Xiao Feng must die today!

"Bring the wine!"

The You Brothers called the servants over and brought out a big vat of good wine.

After Xiao Feng finished drinking with those who were his brothers and sisters in normal times, they threw down the wine bowls!

"Come on!" Xiao Feng shouted loudly with his eyes a little red.

behind him,

A'Zhu didn't know when she woke up, two lines of clear tears flowed from her eyes.

Everyone is eager to learn, and a big battle is about to break out!

"Brother Qin, can Brother Xiao Feng withstand so many people?" Wang Yuyan asked.

"Hard to say."

Qin Fan shook his head,

Originally Xiao Feng forcibly killed him out of Juxian Village, but now that there is more Ding Chunqiu, there are more variables.

And Ding Chunqiu also opened his cloudy eyes, fixed on Xiao Feng!

Ding Chunqiu loves to listen to some flattering words in this life, and he is a little tired of staying in Xingxiu Sea for a long time.

My own disciples are tired of hearing what they say,

So I came to the Central Plains to relax.

So he is going to establish his prestige in Juxian Zhuang, and let the name of Xingxiu old fairy spread all over the country!

So his goal is also Xiao Feng, if he defeats Xiao Feng,

I am afraid no one would dare to disobey him again.

As for the problem of the scope and lethality of his own poisoning skills,

Ding Chunqiu just ignored it,

He was not a decent person, it would be better if he died, and he could give himself a head start.

Ding Chunqiu suddenly moved,

Sweeping his hands slightly, a burst of sweet scent emanated from his wide sleeves,

The target is Xiao Feng!

"Ah! What a powerful poison skill!"

The expressions of all the people who smelled this smell changed greatly.

I only feel that most of my internal energy has been eliminated, weak and weak, and at the same time, my eyes are getting darker and darker.

If you look at their appearance,

It has become a colorful color.

This is one of several poisons commonly used by Ding Chunqiu.

colorful poison,

It smells very sweet,

There will be beautiful hallucinations in front of your eyes, and you will die slowly in the hallucinations in the end!

Xiao Feng roared wildly,

It turned into an invisible sound wave, and directly shook all the colorful poison out!

His skill is really too deep,

Under this roar,

Many people's eardrums were shattered!

Ding ChunQiu saw that his poison kung fu didn't work, he snorted coldly, another poisonous bee appeared from his sleeve.

This is an old poison!

Everyone is scared,

Among other things, Ding Chunqiu, poison kung fu is first-class sharp in group battles!

It's rare to have hundreds of people down with one move!

Xiao Feng's expression didn't change,

With both palms waving wildly, the golden dragon hovered over it, the dragon chanted to the sky, and the poisonous bee hadn't approached yet,

It has turned into streaks of dust!

Old Immortal Xingxiu is not doing this anymore!

His heart is bleeding!

These poisonous insects are different from those held by the disciples, each of which cost him a great deal of effort,

The value of thousands of gold is considered small,

Even if he could finally kill Xiao Feng,

I'm afraid that his entire Xingxiu old fairy's poisoning skills have also been abolished.

What he wants is a crushing victory, if he wins miserably, or directly loses to Xiao Feng, it will definitely become a laughing stock!

The Xingxiu School was overwhelmed and defeated by Xiao Feng?

He will never let this happen!

"If I can make the old fairy show my true skills, even if you die, it won't be a pity."

Old Immortal Xingxiu jumped up from the sedan chair and landed in front of Xiao Feng, with green light flashing on his palm, he attacked Xiao Feng fiercely!

Hua Gong Dafa!

This method of transforming kung fu, as long as it touches the enemy's body,

It will be able to dissipate the opponent's skill,

Moreover, it can also inject the poison from Ding Chunqiu's body into the enemy's body,

The side is extremely spicy!

Xiao Feng's eyelids twitched, a strong sense of crisis appeared in the dark,

Immediately, he knew that he would never be able to let the other party hit him!

The rest of Juxian Village,

Seeing that Ding Chunqiu finally put away the terrible poison kung fu and switched to boxing kung fu,

I know the opportunity has come,

They rushed towards Xiao Feng one by one!

Xiao Feng is in danger!

This wave of offensive is extremely dangerous, if you are not careful, you will fall into a place of eternal doom!

Qin Fan also made a move at this time,

After a few vertical jumps, he came to the high wall opposite Ding Chunqiu.

At this time Ding Chunqiu was besieging Xiao Feng because other people were also besieging him,

and feel upset,

Knowing that it would be a waste of time to kill Xiao Feng alone, but he might not be able to take down Xiao Feng by himself,

It also defaulted to this situation.


Suddenly a person appeared on the wall!

Ding Chunqiu's eyes flickered, and he fell into chaos immediately.

Qin Fan actually planned to control Ding Chunqiu with the method of soul shifting!

Ding Chunqiu felt an indescribable sense of despair covering his heart, and his face trembled.

This is the time!

The dark stars in Qin Fan's eyes became brighter and brighter, and Ding Chunqiu's eyes also turned dark, and then returned to their original shape.

Ding Chunqiu has been successfully controlled by Qin Fan!

Although it looked extremely dangerous, it only happened in an instant.

Except for Xiao Feng who noticed it and showed doubts on his face, the others didn't notice it at all!

Qin Fan saw that the soul-shifting method had taken effect,

Let's start with light work again,

Back to Wang Yuyan's side.

"Brother Qin, why did you go there just now?" Wang Yuyan asked suspiciously.

"Go on and you'll know." Qin Fan smiled lightly.

Ding Chunqiu, who is in the crowd at this moment, contains the palm gesture of Hua Gong Dafa's true energy,

Just about to shoot it on Xiao Feng,

Suddenly, he twisted his body and slapped the decent person who was close to him!


The man had just raised his long saber to chop off Xiao Feng's head.

how do you know

Ding Chunqiu will give him a palm in turn at this time?


A heavy voice sounded!

The person's body was shot flying, and when he was in the air, his body became emerald green, and he died of poisonous gas!

"Brother Xiao, I'll help you!"

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