Almighty heartthrob she's wild and sassy

Chapter 596 Anti-Assassination and Being Anti-Assassination Vincent Sees His Tricks

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Hearing the sound, Xu Yichen pressed down and thought, what does this mean?

The head started to pay attention to the second young master?


On the other side, the three insiders were on their way to escape, but they didn't escape from the north, and it was not yet time to give up and continue collecting information in the north.

"Have you notified Fu Ling?" Someone asked, and the three of them were driving a very inconspicuous black car.

"Just passed the news, the boss knows it well."

"Wipe off the blood on your body, and find a way to contact Xiao Zhang." After all, the person who captured the boxer at the border caught the towel thrown by his companion. The strike was too heavy, and the boxer was violently beaten by him in his sleep. There was no obstacle .

The only fly in the ointment is...he seems to have red eyes.

The boxer who was beaten half to death woke up and found that he was thrown: "..."

They couldn't blame them for their brutality, mainly because they had learned that the boss had arranged everything before, and they waited for Vincent to jump off after setting up the layout.

As a result, only one step away from success, Qing Yanzhi, the most insignificant character, unexpectedly came out.

And it was still under the situation that the boss and them repeatedly analyzed that Qing said that he would not reveal his strength in a short time.

Vincent's first imprisonment came suddenly, and it was expected that Vincent's wrist could break the game quickly.

However, this second time in prison, the boss and them will never give Vincent another chance to be freed. If there is no move by Qing Yan, Vincent will not have half a year this time, and he will definitely not be able to shake Qing's impressive attitude. It's a pity that it's just a small step away!

Qing Yanzhi came out to break the situation for Vincent. The boss was fine with it, but the internal response in the north was extremely upset. They were already on the opposite side, and they didn't beat the boxer at the frontier, so they were merciful, so this move Naturally, you can be as ruthless as you can.

"Vincent probably hasn't recovered Xiao Zhang's signal yet, just wait." The situation is reversed, as long as Qing knows that Vincent is in conflict with the person Qing said, he will definitely take the opportunity to plan for himself.

And once Qing suddenly started to cooperate with Vincent and Qing Yanzhi, it would definitely be enough for Vincent to drink a pot, and Jieshi didn't even care who Xiao Zhang was.

The crisis can be resolved.


Under the same sky, Vincent listened to Zijian's report.

"Tell me the whole situation." After speaking, Vincent frowned. It's okay that Xiao Zhang has no one to save him. It only shows that the people behind him are more vigilant than imagined.

But why would the frontier boxer be involved?

One minute later, Zijian shut up, feeling even more uneasy.

The situation is too weird, and the relationship between the second young master and the young master is still good. If there is a slight crack, this accident will be enough to erase the cooperation between the second young master and the young master.

After a long time, Vincent's expression changed slightly.

"Where's father?"

"The head is still in the room, nothing has changed. Do you suspect that this matter is aimed at your cooperation with the second young master?" Zijian thought about it instantly.

"Now anyone who goes to see my father will be stopped by me. In addition, send someone to tell Qing Yanzhi that I did not do anything." Vincent spoke extremely fast.

Just when Zijian turned and pushed the door, Fengying hurried in.

"Young master, the head ordered to cut off part of the privileges of the second young master in the border boxing arena." After saying that, Vincent laughed, the action was quick enough, it seems that Lan Tingchi's penetration into the north should be more, more.

Otherwise, even if those people grabbed the frontier boxers and threw them to his territory, his father would not have known about it so quickly. This can only be done with the cooperation of many people.

It is absolutely impossible to take back the order that Qing issued so impressively, so it also means that Qing's words have indeed become cannon fodder.

At this time, what Vincent did seemed to Qing Yanzhi to have an ulterior motive. Not only would it not make Qing Yanzhi let go of his guard against Vincent, but it would intensify Qing Yanzhi's disapproval of the cooperation between the two.

"This subordinate is going to see the Second Young Master now, there is still time." Fengying didn't think too much about it, now it is indeed too late, the incident has just happened, before the dissatisfaction with Vincent in Qing Yanzhi's heart has not yet formed, at least he can try his best to remedy it.

"It's not right to be slow, come back, the best way is to follow the direction of the head." Zijian quickly stopped Fengying, as expected of the person most similar to Vincent, he smoothed things out in just a few seconds basic context.

The last thing I can do right now is to contact Qing Yanzhi again.

Not only will it not change Qing Yanzhi's attitude, but it will also attract Qing's impressive attention.

This accident directly made Qing assure that it was Vincent who did it, and at this time, Qing's action to suppress Qing Yanzhi was also based on Vincent's position.

At this moment, if I go to prove my innocence to Qing Yanzhi, nothing can be changed, and at the same time, it will make Qing wonder whether Vincent and Qing Yanzhi are of the same heart, and if it is not the same, Qing Yanzhi will be stabbed in the back for revenge. There are too many variables. Too many, it will only be more troublesome when introducing.

Things are already the worst, so let's make it worse. At this time, taking the opportunity to do what you want will not make people suspicious.

"Go and cut down the hypnosis department, plus all the boxers and bodyguards with suspicious resumes that were found out before, all of them will be cut off, and if there is a shortage of people, let new ones come in." Vincent spoke harshly. Since Lan Ting Chi Bubu's ultimate move, He just cut it across the board, and if he couldn't find out who was the insider, then...

Cut it all off.

The news spread very quickly, and together with Qing Yanzhi's deprivation of power, the public opinion in the north was blown up instantly. Hearing the words, Qing Yanzhi sneered, it was really Vincent who did it.

"The young master has ordered that all the hypnotists have been transferred to his side, leaving a professor by his side. As for the big change of fighters and bodyguards, it should be a certainty." Qing Yanzhi's men were shocked, This exchange, which replaced nearly ten thousand people, was definitely not a trivial matter.

Really dare to do it.

It takes a lot of energy to cultivate a group of mature boxers or bodyguards.

There is also a lot of money invested in the early stage, and there are many follow-up problems in replacing a group of people who have been trained for many years, such as relocating these people, and some characters who have made achievements are bound to not be reconciled.

Then Vincent can only offer enough attractive conditions to balance the dissatisfaction of these characters.

A thankless thing requires a huge price of money and time, so the person who can make this decision must be ruthless.

"Then secretly search for that assistant and bring him back. I want to see him." After finishing speaking, Vincent looked away, and his calm mood seemed to be enough to smooth out all the troubles.

At that time, Comrade Xiao Zhang, who was busy on the run, was heavily emo.

Damn, it's really damn Vincent, who sees every trick and uses violence to counter violence, so that people will never know when the sword in his hand will stab.

He had already fled to the border, but he accidentally heard that the middle-level boxers and bodyguards in the north were going to be exchanged, but what made him want to swear most was Vincent's decision to cut off the hypnosis department.

He will really thank you.


The device in his hand beeped, Xiao Zhang took it out and looked at it vigilantly, good guy, it’s okay, those insiders in the north will just wait here to beg for food in a short time.

{The matter between Qing Yanzhi and Vincent was an order from the boss, but Vincent has already decided to cut off the hypnosis department and all the middle-level bodyguards and boxers. The boss wants us to meet up first and discuss later. }

The content is still garbled, and Xiao Zhang exhaled unhappily. Does he fucking want to breathe fire now?

It took him three years to gain Fengying's trust in the first place, and then it took him another two years to secure the position of assistant hypnotist, but now he has returned directly to the stage of being a poor performer.

Suddenly, Xiao Zhang's expression changed.

"Plop!" Then he threw the device into the river. The river was rushing, and the device was washed away. The next second, the cold muzzle of the gun was pressed against Xiao Zhang's waist, and it felt like a black snake was clinging to his skin.

"Let's go, the young master will see you." This time, it was Feng Ying who came to arrest him in person.

After all, Fengying pressed the muzzle of the gun into Xiao Zhang's flesh, the gun was definitely loaded, and the texture of the sound was wrong. Xiao Zhang could hear that it was not panic, and Vincent would not kill him now, after all. The existence of the boss hasn't come out yet, Vincent wants to provide him with food and drink.

It's just so uncomfortable.

Twenty minutes later, Xiao Zhang stood in front of Vincent sadly, and Kazekage kicked his knee directly, wanting him to kneel down on one knee.

"Let him stand." Vincent said coldly.


"It is indeed very similar to the people she trained, smart, cunning, and courageous."

"You can't get anything out of my mouth. I swear on my head." Xiao Zhang changed his previous attitude, and his words contained arrogance.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in you, but I am interested in the people behind you."

"You and her will meet again soon."

"Take it down and lock it in the basement." Vincent's Adam's apple rolled slightly, and the smoke between his fingers burned out after he finished speaking.

Soon, the three insiders who were waiting to meet Xiao Zhang screamed in their hearts that it was not good, this time Vincent played for real!

"Fuck, why is he so difficult to deal with!" Some people secretly resented. It's no wonder that so many people assassinated Vincent before but ended without a problem. This reaction is the No. 1 among them except for bosses.

Qing is simply unable to compare with it.

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