Almighty heartthrob she's wild and sassy

Chapter 581 What is the intention of Qing's words?I want to kill Qing

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After pulling out the hard drive, Vincent didn't raise his eyes, but just said:

"He doesn't want to be up north."

Hearing this, Zijian was puzzled, since he was not interested in aspiring to the north, why would he extend a helping hand to the young master?

Just looking at Qing Yanzhi's current situation, in fact, no one can have much influence on him.

Qing Yanzhi only needs to behave obediently on the outside and be ruthless on the inside, because in this way, the possibility of saving his life is the greatest.

Don't show off the mountains and don't show the water, and take the initiative to be the fool among the smart people, which will minimize the sense of existence.

When Poisson's incident was exposed, Qing Yanzhi and Qing Liuyun broke directly, and Zhan Qing also got nothing for Qing Yanzhi.

Everyone in the north knows that Qing Yanzhi exists only for Ke Vincent.

If it wasn't for Qing's overwhelming dislike of Vincent's rise, where would it be Qing Yanzhi's turn to sit firmly as the second young master in the north?

So in the final analysis, Qing Yanzhi is just a dispensable pawn in Qing Impressively's hand.

If this chess piece works, Qing can take a few more glances, if it doesn't work, Qing won't pay attention at all.

However, no matter how powerful Qing Yanzhi's role is, there is only one ending waiting for him in the end—


As for Vincent, Qing Yanzhi may be in a better situation in the finale, but it won't reach the level of excellence.

The two formed an alliance. It would be fine if Vincent won the headship, but once Vincent failed, Qing would definitely vent his anger on Qingyanzhi.

At that time, the most likely result is that Vincent's life can be saved because of Qing's old relationship with Sally, but Qing will definitely die a terrible death.

He doesn't have a memorable mother, nor does he have Vincent's strategizing methods, nor does he have an outstanding reputation and many admirers.

So, at this time, it is the right answer for Qing to say nothing. Besides, if you are not interested in the north, you should do your best to save your life. Why do you still like courting death?

"Then the second young master wants to leave the north?" Zijian asked back. The name of the northern second young master is rarely mentioned locally, let alone the outside world.

The second young master is not as famous as the young master in all walks of life. He has no weight in his hands to fight against the enemy. The most sensible choice is to reduce the sense of existence. It really shouldn't be so high-profile.

In addition, in the current situation of the second young master, it is impossible for the head to let him leave the country on his own initiative. The second young master and the young master are considered "alliances" in the eyes of the head.

Letting the second young master go will instantly double the suspicion of the young master. At least for a few years, the head will not allow the second young master to leave the north.

But the second young master's temperament is to put it mildly, but to put it cruelly, he doesn't care.

If you don't touch the bottom line, then everything is easy to talk about. Once you encounter a red minefield, the second young master can stab the opponent to death with a backhand. The person who was killed by the pen in the second young master's hand many years ago is the best evidence.

Thinking of this, Zijian's expression became slightly serious. He never felt that the Second Young Master's temperament was easy to handle, so he also agreed with the Young Master to reduce contact with the Second Young Master.

Just like this time, Er Shao's move caught everyone by surprise. It was obvious that it was an accident, and the sect leader never doubted it, but he had a hunch that Er Shao's purpose was not shallow.

"The possibility is about [-]%. Maybe he wants to use my hand to kill Qing Liuyun first." Vincent slid his finger on the keyboard, his voice was light.

a long time--

"Young master, my subordinates have something to say." Zijian said.


"Second Young Master most likely wants to save you." After saying that, Feng Ying, who was buried in the document, looked up at Zijian. What does this mean?

Because according to this logical speculation, the purpose of Qing Yanzhi is on Qing Heran, not Vincent.

Paul Vincent is in Duanqing's back road.

There is only one head of the throne, and whoever grabs it will own it.

Moreover, the tradition of the Qing clan in the north advocates violence, and the competition between the descendants for the position of head also depends on strength.

In the process, brotherhood is not considered, only interests are considered.

That's how the old Qing came here, but the trade-offs he played on the three sons were too much, making people blood cold.

The generations of heads above Qing Heran, although they supported brothers fighting for power and profit, they still valued the relationship between father and son to a certain extent, but when they came to Qing Heran's place, they didn't treat their offspring as human beings.

However, Vincent, as the most capable candidate to inherit his father's mantle, is not a clay figurine made out. Qing dares to play like this, and with Vincent's temper, he will never endure it forever.

When the truth of Sally's suicide was exposed, Vincent almost killed Qing.

Qing Heran was at fault for this matter, so no matter how upset his son was with Qing Heran who did something to him, he endured it, but there was always anger in his heart.

These years of ups and downs made Qing's feelings for Vincent more and more strange.

After all, Vincent didn't just hit Qing Heran, but also the dignity and prestige of the head of the North.

At the same time, it was precisely because of this secret that the relationship between Vincent and Qing had a big rift.

Over the years, Qing has distorted and complicated feelings for Vincent, and the agency's calculations are only to get pleasure from Vincent, so why can't Vincent treat him in the same way?

Therefore, the father and son, who seem to have a lot of affection in the eyes of outsiders, have always been enemies in essence.

The ending is either you die or I live. Now if the high-level officials in the north want to survive, they have to start thinking about whose team they are on.

At present, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Vincent and Qing are incompatible. Even if Qing wants to torture Vincent instead of killing Vincent, it is a pity that Vincent is bloody. ?

When the spring is stretched to the limit, it will definitely bounce back faster, and the force will directly double.

Whoever fucks you, you go back, do whatever you want, this is what Qing impressively told Vincent at the beginning.

In the north, there is only one future winner, including everyone, and only Vincent is the only one who can pit Qing Heran. It can be seen that Qing Yanzhi's helping Vincent this time is to weaken Qing Heren's strength. strength.

Obviously, Qing Yanzhi didn't want Qing to feel better.

Zijian's concerns are not unreasonable.

"As I said, he's very smart, but he's too dark." Vincent was not surprised. Seeing this, Fengying and Zijian looked at each other, and he understood clearly, that is to say, the second young master really intends to be in charge?

"Then do you want to cooperate with the Second Young Master?" Feng Ying asked.

Hearing this, Vincent didn't answer, and Zijian exhaled heavily, and replied:

"No one has a choice." Zijian's tone was helpless. The second young master wanted to be the head of the sect, which meant that he had no feelings for the head of the sect.

In other words, if the sect master died at Er Shao's feet in a second, Er Shao would not give him a look.

The reason why he assisted the young master to break the situation this time is because he took a fancy to the young master's power.

Whether Er Shao wants to see the head die, or simply hopes that the head will be deflated, the only person who can make Er Shao's goal come true is the young master, and Er Shao also has no choice.

On the other hand, for the young master, the second young master took the initiative to help, tantamount to exposing himself directly to the master.

The head of the sect naturally wouldn't allow the second young master to leave the north, so to stabilize the head's mood at this time, the only way to tie up the combination of the second young master and the young master.

Assuming that the second young master fled at this time, regardless of whether it was active or passive, in the eyes of the head, it would become that the young master let the second young master go on purpose.

Then, the head of the sect can put a dirty hat on the young master's head. As for why, once the combination of the second young master and the young master is broken up, isn't it a sign of the young master's rebellion?

The second young master intends to be the head of the sect, and the young master intends to be the head of the sect. The two have the same goal in stages. At present, there is no more cost-effective option than forming an alliance.


The news that Qing had spared Vincent has spread throughout the north. Qing Yanzhi listened to the report, his eyes turned cold, and his heart was full of sarcasm.

"Second young master, the young master's attitude towards your help is not very enthusiastic, it can be said to be flat."

"Let him go, don't worry about it." Qing said indifferently.

"But if you show up at this time, the head will definitely notice you, and your situation may be very dangerous in the future."

"Vincent will not let me have an accident. He pays more attention to my existence than anyone else now. He will have a headache if I am gone." Qing Yan's voice was steady, without ups and downs.

The tone of the explanation couldn't be heard as a matter of course, and the reporter on the opposite side choked suddenly. There was nothing wrong with these words.

It's just too much to beat.

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