Almighty heartthrob she's wild and sassy

Chapter 509 Xu Chengtian appeared and Cheng Jialan ruined him!

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Outside, Xu Yichen's every move was infinitely magnified in the eyes of the dark people.

There are not many people who know the Xu family in the north, and it can even be said that there are very few.

The Xu family is just a family of bodyguards who must be by Qing Heran's side at any time, and can only obey orders, and cannot have the power to kill first and then act.

Qian, Qing has never treated the Xu family badly.

So much so that the wealth of the Xu family has become one of the best in the north, but the lack of power has always been the Achilles heel of the Xu family.

Even though they have served Qing Heran for many years, the Xu family's status in the hearts of the northerners is only mediocre.

Although Qing has used money to create a "die-hard fan", but in terms of decentralization, the fact that Qing has been able to cooperate with Chu Sifan for many years shows that the two of them are of the same kind.

Chu Sifan was unwilling to let go of power to his confidant who had been with him for more than ten years, so it was even more impossible for Qing to use the standards of superiors and subordinates to measure the status of the Xu family.

Moreover, Qing impressively understood that without his care in the north, the Xu family would not be able to survive at all. The existence of the Xu family by Qing Heran's side was like the Jin Yiwei who surrounded emperors in ancient times.

There is not much difference in the nature of the two, and Qing is impressively promising money that the Xu family can generate indefinitely.

But in the same way, in the northern part of the world, if you want to get involved in the northern business chain as the Xu family, at least you will attract a strange look from Qing, and it is not impossible for others to use this reason to entrap the Xu family. .

Still the same sentence, is the bodyguard's busy seizing power going against the sky?

Secondly, the possibility of the Xu family wanting to intervene in the northern business chain openly is almost zero. The bodyguards around Qing Heran have no real power. At best, the existence of the Xu family will only be mentioned by others when Qing Heran's life is in danger.

But it was just rushing forward to block the gun and block the knife for Qing.

To put it harshly, the Xu family can only be responsible for fighting the enemy for Qing. It is their job to win the fight, but they will be spurned repeatedly if they lose.

So from a certain point of view, the Xu family and Arthur share the same disease.

It can be seen that when Chu Sifan and Qing cooperated impressively back then, they made a few images of the sinister tricks of the infinite pua subordinates.

Money is infinitely available, but power is nonexistent.

And having no right means that it is impossible for the northerners to allow the Xu family to intervene in the domestic business chain.

How big is the total economic pie in the north?

In the case of being divided to the limit, the xenophobia in this circle has become extremely serious. If the Xu family wants to cut halfway, it will naturally threaten the interests of others.

However, if the money that Qing rewarded them was not invested, the foundation of the Xu family would always be weak, and it would collapse at the slightest sign of trouble.

Without quick money to make money, the Xu family can only be controlled by others for a lifetime in the north. No matter where they are, the rise of the big family must be based on huge wealth.

It's just that the Xu family became Qing's confidantes in order to make the Xu family famous all over the world from scratch, but in the end it turned out to be nothing, how could the Xu family be reconciled?

But the bad thing is that when the Xu family decided to stand in line with Vincent and Qing Heran, they were stuck in the time period when Qing Liuyun used the death of Lance Sullione to frame Vincent. The Xu family's choice was affected by Qing Liuyun. Shackles of the cloud.

And the luck of the Xu family was really bad. After the incident was revealed later, the relationship between Vincent and Qing formed a rift, and it was even more impossible for Qing Liuyun to allow the Xu family to become a great help for Vincent.

Soon, the Xu family was besieged, so they had to choose to let the family members with excellent business acumen go out to find an outlet for survival.

The Xu family succeeded and successfully established their own business empire in the federation, and later this business empire became the leading Xu family group in Yunxi City.

Xu Chengtian, the owner of the Xu Group, is a distant relative with the person from Oujing who fled to the Federation, but only a little bit of blood.

After this person passed away unexpectedly, Xu Chengtian annexed this person's property with the Xu Group behind his back.

And this series of actions was done behind Mr. Xu's back. Mr. Xu didn't know that there were relatives in the family who dared to seek blood and tears business in the north. He only knew that Xu Chengtian had completely violated the moral values.

So in the Xu family in Yunxi City, Mr. Xu only loved Xu Nanzhi 100%. The dead Xu Fanyin was very much like Xu Chengtian and Xu Chengtian's cousin.

For this child, Mr. Xu has indifferent feelings.

When Cheng Jialan discovered the audio evidence of Qing's remote control of the 328 bombing in the north, he got it from the Xu family in the north.

Then this relationship of kinship was also investigated by Cheng Jialan.

At that time, Cheng Jialan learned the news too hastily, so after Xu Chengtian was killed, he realized that he still had power in the north.

But Cheng Jialan killed Xu Chengtian too quickly. Although she knew that the audio definitely existed, without Xu Chengtian as the middleman, Cheng Jialan had no choice but to find out where the audio was.

There was a broken link in the middle, and Cheng Jialan needed a lot of painstaking efforts to thoroughly investigate.

Therefore, in this life, Cheng Jialan did not choose to quickly kill Xu Chengtian again, but forced Xu Chengtian to flee to Europe to rebuild the former power of the Xu family in the north.

With Xu Chengtian's relationship, it was much easier to use him to find the audio as evidence to apprehend Qing.

In this way, Cheng Jialan can completely save the need to contact the audio evidence through Vincent.

At the same time, change the content of this ring to use iss to annex the north.

Qing Heran would not be relieved by simply killing Qing, and I am sorry for the painstaking efforts to find out the truth these years. Qing Heran and Chu Sifan care about money and power most, so snatching the money and power in their hands and destroying them can make them kneel down and beg Cheng Jia Blue killed himself.

As for this Xu Yichen, he should be called Uncle Xu Chengtian, a cheap relative who can't beat eight poles, but now he has transformed himself into the new head of the Xu family in the north.

Extremely horse grabbing.


In the north, somewhere an unknown island.

"Master Xu, the progress on Xu Yichen's side is too slow, and the head of the sect obviously hasn't murdered Vincent yet."

"Then let him find a chance to get rid of Vincent. Vincent is a human being, not a god, and can he save himself from danger again and again?" Xu Chengtian said, taking off his mask.

The tone was impatient, the weather on the island was harsh all year round, and there were constant wind and sandstorms. Xu Chengtian had been coming from the health-preserving polar place like Yunxi City for half a year, but he still couldn't adapt.

"How is the business between the Chu family and the head of the family now?" Xu Chengtian has been looking for opportunities to replace the Chu family. It turns out that he is working in the wrong direction. He had controlled the remaining forces of the Xu family in the north earlier, and he would not have been killed in Yunxi City. Cheng has suppressed it for so many years.

Cheng Wangxi, Cheng Jialan, none of them can escape.

"It's pretty smooth. It's no problem to leave the border of Yunxi City, but our people in Yunxi City have no right to speak at all." The person opposite replied.

Hearing the sound, Xu Chengtian's face twisted, and then he raised his eyes. What kind of face is that?

The scar on the face ran across the entire face. The pink scar was extremely disgusting, but the most terrifying thing was the hands. The five fingers of the left hand were completely cut off from the root, leaving only the palm.

This was the sign of Xu Chengtian's narrow escape from Yunxi City.

He was hunted down.

There is a 99.99% possibility that Cheng Jialan did it. He is left-handed, but the fingers of his left hand were cut across the board. It was obviously intended to torture him deliberately, and his right hand tendon was almost cut off.

At present, his hands are indistinguishable from those of a cripple, and the most damning thing is that his face is injured, and he recognizes the Xu family in the north because of his skin.

However, if his face is injured, if he has plastic surgery, it will definitely affect his recognition with the Xu family in the north. Not only can he not have plastic surgery, but he even cherishes the disfigured skin more than ever. acid.

Apart from the fact that Cheng Jialan had the motive to chase him down, Xu Chengtian couldn't think of a third-party candidate. It was impossible for the Lan family. At that time, there was no intersection between Xu Lan and the Jiang family. To torture a stranger?

Therefore, it could only be Cheng Jialan, and it couldn't be Cheng Wangxi. There must have been a rift between Cheng Jialan and Cheng Wangxi at that time, but at that time, the transactions between him and Cheng Jialan were completely behind Cheng Wangxi's back.

So Lan Fuchuan didn't know how to do it, Jiang's family didn't have the ability, and Cheng Wangxi didn't know.

The only candidate can only be Cheng Jialan.

However, Xu Chengtian still couldn't figure out one point. Wouldn't it be better to torture him and cut off his hands and feet than to scratch his face?

Why insist on disfiguring him?

He has a relationship in Europe, the old man in the family doesn't know about this matter, Cheng Jialan is absolutely impossible to know, so what is the purpose of Cheng Jialan ordering the killer to disfigure him?

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