Almighty heartthrob she's wild and sassy

Chapter 506 Xu Yichen?Someone else wanted to kill Vincent

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Outside, everyone looked at the calm and calm Vincent and frowned.

The young master will always look like this, and he will seldom get angry.

It was the first time that the young master killed the young master when he punished the young master a few hours ago.

But after this time, the young master basically had no hope of rising on the northern stage. He was easily caught by the young master, and he didn't even know how to leave a way out for himself. All kinds of behaviors were not worthy of being assisted.

The confidantes around the young master are probably the first to hate the young master. When they first joined the team, they saw the potential value behind the title of the first lady's son in the north, and became the young master.

If you win the bet, you will be "conforming to the dragon", and if you lose the bet, you will lose your life.

Once you decide to stand in line, it means you have to stand in line with Qing Liuyun. No one dares to accept the master and ignore them. How can you know that such people will not point the finger at the new master one day in the future.

Inside the house, Vincent seemed to be resting with his eyes closed. After the people outside bowed their heads and whispered for a while, they turned and left without staying any longer.

Unexpectedly, Zijian stretched out his hand directly to block their way.

"What's the matter?" Qing Impressive's subordinates are all top-notch, and the strength of Fengying around Vincent seems to surpass them, so in fact, after Fengying and Zijian faced Shangqing's impressive men, the smell of gunpowder smoke was extremely pungent. .

"Talk." Zijian said with a smile. Hearing this, the people on the opposite side snorted coldly, looking for death?

"Be patient."

"I advise you not to cut off your retreat, look at the young master, then look at the head, and then decide whether you want to talk to me." After Zijian finished speaking, someone on the opposite side was about to rescue him, but was caught by the wind and shadow. The general movement stopped, before the handle of the gun was taken out, Kazekage pushed it back into the holster again.

The whole process took less than two seconds, and the silent shock detonated the fire-laden dust in the air.

"It seems that Young Master Wen really has this intention?" The person who answered Zijian was defeated by Fengying many times. As for brain power, the counselors and counselors in the whole northern region can't match Zijian's three-point strength. .

Of course they won't let it go.

"Young master has an accident, but the head acquiesces, do you have any objection to the head's attitude? Whether the young master has a disagreement, the head has full power to decide, and the young master will only show loyalty." Zijian's demeanor remained unchanged. , Fengying tried to use violence to control violence several times, but was severely stopped by Zijian.

Now it's a psychological gamble, and the head's attitude is very strange. Because of Mrs. Sharion, she has been very patient with the young master. In terms of money and power, the young master's treatment in the north is unique, and even slightly high Yu was still the head of the young master.

No matter how you look at it, the current situation will not happen.

The head of the sect promised the young master enough money and power, but he never let go of the young master. He was on guard, alert, plotting, and tempting. All kinds of behaviors proved that the head of the sect did not love the young master as much as he appeared, as if It's just obsessed with testing the young master's loyalty to him.

After the voice fell, Qing's subordinates withdrew their hands on their waists with a gloomy expression. That position was where the gun would land. Seeing this, Zijian's brows and eyes were calm, and his heart was calm. On the contrary, it made the other party's breathing tight.

Qing Liuyun's tragic situation was well known throughout the northern region. Within 10 minutes after the incident, news about the collapse of the relationship between Qing Liuyun and Vincent spread.

There was no need to expend extra energy to inquire about Qing Liuyun's fate. They all knew that Qing Liuyun lost a leg in just 10 minutes, his throat was severely damaged, and the wound on his lip had no possibility of healing.

The steel nail has not been removed from Qing Liuyun's lips so far, and Vincent made it clear that he was going to abolish him.

From now on, the name Qing Liuyun will no longer cause disturbances in the north, but after they informed the head of this matter, the head's reaction was surprisingly calm.

It seems that what was destroyed was a cat or a dog, not his own flesh and blood. No matter how stupid and reckless he was, he could tell that Qing was planning on his own flesh and blood, and never looked at other conditions.

But calculations are calculations, among those women in the past, only Mrs. Sharion was the most favored head of the sect, so the head of the sect was also the most indulgent of the young master's temper.

After Mrs. Sharion committed suicide, someone once saw the leader guarding Mrs. Sharion's cemetery drinking alone for three consecutive nights.

Not to mention affectionate, but extremely stubborn, and his strange behavior made everyone in the north turn pale.

But now that the young master is indulged and the young master is abolished, the young master once again proves that the difference between the sect master and the young master is largely due to Mrs. Sharion.

Because only when the head of the sect decided to suppress the young master, did he have the idea of ​​assisting the other two sons.

Moreover, for more than [-] years, the head of the sect has only had the idea of ​​suppressing the young master, and the head of the sect has completely ignored the young master and the second young master.

Of course they are not idiots who are able to be loyal and caring. They understand that after Vincent silently wiped away all the glorious achievements of the young and the young, since the head of the sect did not stop the matter from the beginning, then they should Representatives have always been acquiescing on the matter.

"Let's go."


At the same time, Qing suddenly learned of Zijian's attitude, and his eyes were hard to distinguish.

"Master, Zijian's mind can help the young master achieve great things, so if letting him participate in your decision, will it affect the trajectory of your decision?" The bodyguard who followed the whole time, the name—

Xu Yichen.

This person and Fengying belonged to boxers of the same period. Xu Yichen's master and Fengying's father had a shallow relationship, which caused sparks to fly every time the two fought. Xu Yichen claimed that he would never lose to Zijian in terms of brain power. Putting his hand into his side, he immediately chose to reuse it after seeing Xu Yichen and Fengying's holiday.

"When will it be the turn of outsiders to make my decision." Qing impressively drew a circle on the rim of the cup.

The sake in the cup had been standing still for a long time, but Qing didn't take a sip. As for food safety, Xu Yichen was in charge of tasting the food. If there was no problem, Qing would only drink it.

Hearing the sound, Xu Yichen smiled lightly and said nothing, but the smile on the corners of his lips froze slightly. Damn it, why couldn't he kill Vincent?

As the master said, if you can't make friends with Vincent, you must get rid of him early.

Suddenly, news came from the north, and Qing frowned impressively.

"You go out." Qing Heran's tone was casual, Xu Yichen gloomyly glanced at the communication device in Qing Heran's hand, and had no choice but to back away.

Although this is a good opportunity to monitor, it is the site of Dark's headquarters after all, and the defense system is naturally airtight. If you want to monitor, you must first crack the system. You can't ask Dark to shoot himself in the foot. There is no need to play with your face.

At this moment, the chief person in charge blinked, the scene was really exciting, and the big oolong incident was really speechless.

"It's not impossible to play by yourself, it's just the funds that are burned. When is the boss going to come in? Iss is going to develop new products." The technical brother asked sincerely, and he was serious.

"To shut up."

"I'll ask the boss first, and whoever dares to do it privately will compensate themselves." The general manager reminded with a smirk, and the next moment, the technical brother immediately retracted the culprit who was about to move.

No need to take money, he is very good.

Less than a minute later, Cheng Jialan was speechless, and Fuling laughed wildly beside her.

"Deng!" Cheng Jialan kicked Fu Ling on the seat, and didn't care about it at all. Now Qing must contact the North. As for the content, it's just a few things, and it's not hard to guess.

"Are you sure to let go of this good opportunity? Isn't it just a few stinky money, do you still care about these?" Fu Ling deliberately picked trouble.

"Is the photo ready?" Cheng Jialan was speechless.

"It's okay, the scope is only confirmed in Amazon?" Cheng Jialan asked Xuanyin to leave a photo as a souvenir after stripping Vincent's three subordinates.

After all, this matter has only just begun in the hands of Cheng Jialan.

Don't need to think too much, the current Vincent will definitely be guarded by Qing. Of course, if Vincent can rely on a three-inch tongue, then a small part of him may be brainwashed by words alone. Prying Qing's impressive attitude.

But... Cheng Jialan won't let Vincent get this opportunity.

Vincent can try his best to get out of the situation, and Cheng Jialan can leave behind to trap him time and time again.

Of course, it is not enough to rely on photos alone, and there must be videos.

Video is a killer tool, and it should be used wisely.

"All three of them have been brought back now?" Cheng Jialan raised his voice and asked, Fu Ling nodded, and then said:

"It's locked next to Jiang Huaiyi, it's pretty miserable."

Isn't it miserable? One had his tongue pulled out, and the other three didn't even have a piece of clothing left behind. The sub-zero temperature was extremely irritating.

Dancing with the cold wind, the taste is wonderful.

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