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After about half an hour passed, Beiming finally saw that Boyce's injury had improved.

The doctor who was transferred from Amazon before was loyal, but before he knew that this was the master of Beiming's family in the imperial capital, the doctor and the other two colleagues had already avoided Beiming.

What's more, now that it is known that Beiming Fen is the ancestor of Beiming's family in the imperial capital, this attitude is naturally as loyal as it can be.

"What's the situation now?" Bei Mingluo asked in Amazonian in a deep voice, upon hearing this, the doctor let out a soft breath.

Fortunately, fortunately not disgraceful.

The man's injuries were extremely serious. Before he came, Mr. Xu ordered him to bring a first-aid kit and some special disinfection equipment, which are now in use.

The bleeding has stopped, and the wound has been treated temporarily. If the operation is performed within an hour, there will be no problem.

"It's okay, but it has to be sent to the operating room within an hour."

"Hmm." Bei Mingluo responded in a muffled voice.

The time was just right, with 10 minutes left, his men would be able to take Boyce away, and it would take less than 50 minutes to get to Fu's house from here.

10 minutes later—

There was no one on the bed, and the window was opened to let the smell of blood dissipate.

The doctor was very careful when treating the wound, and did not let the blood stain the floor or the bed board, counting the time in his mind, Bei Mingyu left immediately.

At this point in time, Xiajia must not be able to wait any longer. If he can't wait, he will show his feet frequently. Then, his chance has come.


Everyone in the Xing family was speechless. They didn't know anything about Arthur's situation and could only wait for the good news.

It's just that although this batch of goods hadn't passed through Shaodong's hands, it wouldn't have much impact on the Xing family, but so, Shaodong's face was completely trampled by Arthur, and he was really aggrieved.

"Is that so?"

"Are you sure Shaodong won't mind?" someone questioned.

It's not unreasonable to have doubts. Xing Junru was able to contact Chu Sifan behind his back to get in touch with this kind of business, which shows that he and Wen Tingyun are basically the same kind of people.

Feminine and harmful creatures, both ghosts and monsters, are best at hiding knives in their sleeves.

It's just that the last point is better than Wen Tingyun and Xing Junru.

Because in the imperial capital circle, Xing Wen's reputation is declining, but in terms of personal reputation, Xing Junru is much higher than Wen Tingyun.

Of course, it was also because of his sister Xing Yuyao's stupidity. After the news of sending Xing Yuyao to the hell in Southeast Continent leaked out, Xing Junru unexpectedly won a lot of support for Xing Junru's act of exterminating relatives for the sake of the family's innocence.

Because of this, the Xing family survived that reputation crisis.

"What can you do?"

"Go out and help Arthur," the man replied.

The cooperation between Shaodong and Chu Sifan has not been long or short, only a few years, but the problem is that in these few years, Shaodong has not been able to get a further opportunity, not once.

It's as if the beginning is the peak, and the peak is the end.

With Shaodong's ambition, he was either outstanding or out of the game, so calmly serving as Chu Sifan's "servant", when will he be able to make his mark?

Moreover, Shaodong cooperated with Chu Sifan in order to use Chu Sifan's money and power in the north to win for the Xing family a bargaining chip against the Wen family.

In the end, things were done, but they were stuck at the first step. In addition to getting some money, Shaodong probably only got Xibeifeng in the past few years.

For the money in the Xing family, a little bit is enough, but the power is different.

This power may not be the power to dominate the imperial capital, but it must be the power to help Shaodong's status leap.

It's nothing more than where the foothold of this right is.

And now Shaodong also explained before they set off that special circumstances can be handled specially, so now is an excellent opportunity to win more bargaining chips in front of the Chu family!

Arthur was in trouble, and Shaodong made a move. Even if Chu Sifan turned his back on him afterwards, Shaodong could take this opportunity to temporarily cooperate with the wave of people who fought against Arthur tonight.

If the Chu family didn't want to escalate the matter, Chu Sifan would definitely give Shaodong the status of elevating Shaodong's status in this cooperation.

After a while, everyone nodded after listening to it. It was a good idea.

"If you fail to sell the goods tonight, don't forget that Shaodong will not show mercy to us. You know how to do the best." The person on the opposite side still hesitated, and the proposer immediately After making a sudden announcement, the next moment, the person on the other side acquiesced with a gloomy face.


In fact, the whole dark line has been well known to Bei Mingyu before, and it extends to about the distance from the border of Southeast Continent. Of course, the first half of this dark line naturally has the greatest effect.

The second half is just for embezzlement or frame-up.

At this moment, the distance between Bei Minghao and the Xing family was a bit far, and Bei Minghao did not take any action to investigate, but was waiting for the Xing family to take the lead.

He doesn't understand the style of this next family, but he understands Chu Sifan's style.

The reason why it is called a servant is actually the same as a servant.

Seeing the other party's skillful cooperation with Arthur, Bei Mingyu knew that this next family had cooperated with Chu Sifan for at least three or four years.

One, because when the accident happened, Arthur and the Chu family obviously did not suspect this next family.

Two, this dark line is Chu Sifan's lifeblood, and if it is a little wrong to meet Chu Sifan's lifeblood, Chu Sifan will kill the other party without hesitation, but the other party obviously holds down Chu Sifan's idea.

She has a good desire to survive and is relatively loyal, at least Chu Sifan didn't notice any ulterior motives.

Either the acting is at its peak, or the camera moves.

However, no matter which one, it is not a good sign for Chu Sifan.

The so-called not flying for three years, flying generals soaring to the sky is also the same reason. After forcing people for a long time, people who are naturally rebellious will lie dormant in secret and wait for the opportunity to swallow one day.

From the perspective of a bystander, it depends on whether this next family can bear the four words of natural rebellion.

About 5 minutes later, Bei Minglu noticed that the number of commotions among the villagers began to increase significantly.

It appears to be in action.

According to the source of the sound, he moved forward step by step, and the situation was similar to what Bei Minglu had expected.

In some small courtyards, the lights were on to tell the difference between the situation. At that time, the Xing family was close to the lock that opened the hidden thread.

Arthur's eyes outside the dark line were cold, and the news had already spread to the north.

"Brother, there is a voice inside." The Chu family said, Arthur raised his brows when he heard the sound, the Xing family wanted to find a chance to improve their status?

"How about over there, is it over?" At present, Arthur only took five people to evacuate from the fighting scene, and the rest hadn't withdrawn yet.

"It's over, suddenly there is no sound." The Chu family replied.

"What is sudden?" Arthur frowned.

"They said that there is absolutely no problem over there now. The traces of the previous struggle are still there, but everyone has withdrawn. I don't know what to play. Now Jiangbei is very safe." The Chu family is also puzzled, but they are not asking the bottom line now. when.

Without answering again, Arthur finally opened the special lock after scanning his pupils.

On the opposite side, the Xing family who were about to contact Arthur were slightly taken aback.

"What about the goods? Shaodong asked us to cooperate." The Xing family said in a deep voice, the impatience and coldness in their tone were extremely frightening, and the Chu family pursed their lips.

"Let's take it together. It's all right now. I don't need to remind you how to report afterwards." Arthur spoke very fast, and the Xing family, who were waiting for a good opportunity, suppressed their doubts and responded lightly.

A night of thrilling, enough appetite.

At the same time, Boyce's men were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, and Boyce's disappearance directly led to their leaderlessness.

And all of them were seriously injured, and their actions were problematic.

His breath was unstable, his steps were vain, and he was full of flaws.


"Hey, this is Boyce's carefully selected subordinate?"

"Is it a joke?" The person dormant in the dark sneered coldly, the young and old tried their best to avoid this and that, and the result was like this?

The subordinates were wiped out as soon as they acted?

Also, it's no wonder that the attitude of the head of the sect has been fierce these days, and he has been strictly guarding against the young master in every possible way. It turns out that...

It's because it's starting to ship out.

No wonder.

"Boyce is gone, and he couldn't be found, what should he do now?" These people were dispatched by Fengying and Zijian.

But Fengying and Zijian are fully empowered by Vincent, and Vincent wants them to track down what Qing Liuyun's people are doing secretly.

Unexpectedly, a big fish was caught.

The head is optimistic about the young master's means and strength, but even if he is alive, the head will not allow the young master to surpass him in status and fame. In other words, the young master can be strong, but he must not be stronger than him.

In the past few years, the head of the sect has become more domineering and authoritarian than before. Perhaps because of his age, the head of the sect has become more and more greedy for power.

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