Almighty heartthrob she's wild and sassy

Chapter 464 The so-called game has nothing to do with interests and blood relationship

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Snakes are the most cold-blooded animals.

In the north, there are snakes in countless fairy tales, but in the northern forests, there are mostly black tiger snakes, followed by acanthophis antarcticus (death viper), which has the title of the most poisonous snake in the world.

And Qing's decisive killing back then also turned him into a "death viper" among the crowd, extremely cold-blooded, as if born with no kindness and full of evil.

Different from giant pythons, pythons are non-venomous, but they are cruel by nature and most like to wreak havoc, but the black tiger snake and death viper have the characteristics of giant pythons, and they are also highly poisonous.

One bite, from blood coagulation abnormalities to complete death, during this period, you have no time to call for help. Perhaps people who have been wandering on the edge of the red line of life and death for many years will be prepared in advance to be bitten by poisonous snakes. Only in this way can they hope to survive.

"So what you mean is that this time the young master's attack almost ruined your important matter, and the head will not mention it at all?" Feng Ying was unwilling. If the young master had not prepared, once the young master succeeded, the young master might die Difficult to guarantee.

"Father knows that I personally catalyzed the eldest brother's ambition, but he doesn't want to see the three sons, and my family is the only one who is the only one, so he can only try to see who is more clever." Vincent untied the Shirt, ready to wash and rest, his father moved his hands immediately, these days, he no longer has to think about getting out of this room.

Looking at Vincent's back, Fengying let out a breath of turbid air slowly. He didn't understand why the head of the sect should guard against his own children and play the power balance technique between the three sons. Why bother?

Fengying really doesn't know that the so-called game is just a confrontation between people.

The greater the threat, the more intense the confrontation, the stronger the smell of gunpowder, and the greater the possibility of violent disputes.

No gender, no blood relationship, only interests and threats, when the threat of a person's existence is greater than the benefits created, this person will become public enemy number one.

That is Vincent today.

At that time, being a winner was the ultimate goal of all participants, and other things were extremely secondary factors.

The two brothers at the top guarded him strictly. The elder brother was quick to move, but his father Qing stood behind him.

In order to balance, the power in the hands of the three sons must be averaged, and it is absolutely impossible for one person to dominate.

Therefore, it is wishful thinking to want Qing to "vent" for Vincent at this time. Qing will definitely not let go of such a good opportunity.

Completely press this matter, that is, buy the eldest son, and deepen the contradiction between the eldest son and the younger son in a disguised way. It is extremely easy to achieve a balance of power, why not do it?

As for Vincent's second brother, he still doesn't have a strong sense of existence, but it's not easy for a person with too mediocre reputation to survive in Qing's hands till now.

In the bathroom, Vincent raised his hand to take off his shirt. His father had already fallen into the so-called prisoner's dilemma.

He regards Uncle Chu as a temporary target opponent, and regards his son as an imaginary enemy.

Everyone is an obstacle on his way of fighting for power and profit, and no one is good when it comes to his rights and interests.

Even if he and Uncle Chu were collaborators, even if he and his three sons were father and son, they were supposed to be "allies" in the same trench, and they were supposed to unanimously carry out the affairs of the north, but a single word of power was enough to make his father Individual rationality overwhelms the correct concept of maximizing collective interests.

Even if only when the collective is greater than the individual, the interests of the North can be infinitely strengthened.

But in his father's eyes, apart from personal interests, what is collective interest?

It's just that Uncle Chu has been suppressed by his father for 20 years, and he and the two elder brothers above him are not as good as Uncle Chu.

However, his father didn't understand the truth that extreme depression equals instant eruption. People who are used to being strong naturally don't believe this truth that will inevitably happen.

Because no one is willing to do something that will be abandoned at any time.

I just don't know how long his father's sense of self-identity that he firmly believes that he can control everyone can last.

In Federation parlance, it seems to be called—

Cleverness is mistaken by cleverness?

This is roughly the reason that no one will voluntarily become a pawn in the hands of another to balance power.

In the relationship between father and son, he was the first to mix interests and power. Now it seems that his father's goal has been achieved, but what happens next?

Everyone wants to be a chess player, so why can they only be manipulated chess pieces for the rest of their lives?

It's not okay for a father to manipulate his son.

The ambitions of the eldest brother and the second brother have now been perfectly hatched by their father. Vincent will wait and see who will win this carefully planned battle for power.

He wanted to see what kind of pleasure his father would get from being the conqueror of power, and whether it would give him the feeling of wanting to destroy the world.

Will it make him a character who can give up everything for power.

After a while, Vincent gradually wiped away the moisture on the mirror with his palm carrying the endless mist. Suddenly, a carving knife appeared in the mirror. Vincent held it and pointed it at his heart.

"Hmm..." After a muffled grunt, the tip of the carving knife was already deeply embedded in the flesh, and then, Vincent pushed hard, and the tip of the knife showed an arc in an instant.

After a few seconds, the bullet fragments were removed.

This is the fragments of the bullet left in his body after he was injured when he entered the shootout with Lannuo's men at the border of Bermuda.

Because he found out that these bullets were a new batch of bullets that Lan Nuo had just purchased from Amazon Dark. In his previous life, Amazon's Iss had left a deep impression on him.

After he fled from the edge of the cliff with Lan Tingchi, he ran to the cave to prepare for his next move. As a result, Lan Tingchi punched him in the heart, and then shot him.

Xu wanted to use violent suppression to pry his mouth open and know the secret about Yunsong, but she failed, and the location she attacked back then happened to be the location where she was shot this time, is this considered... ...

Fate in disguise?

Vincent dodged the bullet in a hurry, but the bullet shattered the stones around Vincent, and then the two quickly fought, during which Vincent was again kicked by Cheng Jialan's knee. fall.

Coincidentally, the position where Vincent fell to the ground was facing the bullet that had already retreated. Vincent glanced at the bullet's appearance.

"Phew." The bathroom was full of heat, and his breathing was slightly suffocating. Vincent flicked his wet hair, and the coldness and playfulness between his brows intermingled, making one's heart skip a beat.

The dull pain in his heart stimulated Vincent's nerves from time to time. He turned off the water and almost bandaged the wound. The bandage was tightly wrapped around his shoulder, and then passed over the wound. The tight feeling seemed to be able to slightly suppress the pain.

"Young master, what happened to your wound?" Fengying knew that Vincent was slightly injured, even though the injury was a bit strange, how could it be so with the young master's ability?

"Crack." Put the shrapnel into a special sealed bag and throw it to Kazekage, Vincent directly glanced at Kazekage's suspicious eyes.

"First find a way to connect with the dark people, and say that we want to buy this batch of new bullets." Vincent said.

Hearing this, Fengying frowned.

"My lord, we checked this matter. That dark seems to be a middleman, not a producer, and this kind of bullet is only for shooting competitions. There are many types of bullets for competitions in the Federation. Not for the North."

"A middleman? Why don't you tell me about this?" Vincent's tone was cold. As long as he knew the model of this batch of bullets, he could confirm that this dark is still the same as in his previous life, and the owner behind it may also be the owner of the iss. .

"At that time, Lan Nuo's attitude was tough. This was not a big deal, so his subordinates kept it a secret." Feng Ying didn't realize it.

Furthermore, Feng Ying believes that Lan Nuo never thought of killing the young master in Bermuda at the beginning, otherwise, he would not have used this kind of playful bullet.

"If you just want to know the model of this batch of bullets, then you can go to Amazon to check it later, or do you want to cooperate with that dark directly beyond the head?"

"There is no rush for cooperation. I must know the model within three days." Vincent poured a glass of ice water and drank it down.

Hearing the sound, Fengying didn't ask the reason.

The ice water in the glass had been drunk, and Vincent looked out the window. His father definitely had something to hide from him, and it was a very critical and important matter.

At present, this matter may be that Uncle Chu has made progress in entering the imperial capital, or his father has successfully opened up other overseas markets. He is not sure for the time being.

But was it too much of a coincidence that the card took place just as his front foot was entering the North?


On the other side, Bermuda ushered in the dawn, and finally sent away Vincent, the God of Plague, and they were naturally happy. With the racecourse alone, Bermuda can live comfortably for several generations. To make a profit, you will work harder.

At that time, Lan Nuo was going to rest.

"Master Lan, the continent is very quiet. The major chambers of commerce seem to have no objection to this matter. The news has spread, but no one has stood up to vote against it."

"Well, it saved a lot of trouble."

"There will be no more disturbances in the north in a short time. It's all hard work, so there's no need to guard against it." Lan Nuo said lightly.

An hour later, everyone who had been busy for nearly a whole month finally had a rest.

"By the way, Lord Lan, are you sure you don't want to clean it up? You actually sent bullets for the game." After finishing speaking, the other party was extremely angry.

This matter is an oolong, their Bermuda and the Amazon have never been in conflict with each other, that is to say, the second master must be their licking dog, and the licking dog delivered to their door need not be human.

Hehe, no one in the end expected that Dark could become the second master, and he seemed to be very dismissive of Bermuda.

With the help of the second master, a batch of "playing house" bullets was delivered, which is really outrageous. His mother opened the door for Outrageous, and Outrageous got home, which is quite outrageous.

And it was a coincidence that the bullet was sent just at the critical moment of the confrontation with the north, and it was almost not killed by Dark!

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