Almighty heartthrob she's wild and sassy

Chapter 367 Seen through?To have a sword requires 2 conditions

Ahead, both Cheng Jialan and Bei Mingyu sensed something strange about the clerk behind them. This person seemed to be...


What the hell is this?

"Cough, please come in, both of you." The clerk coughed lightly, hoping that the boss wouldn't scare her, after all, she was Nie's Shaodong's daughter.

Pushing open the door and entering, Bei Mingyu was always beside the woman, with his arms sticking to Cheng Jialan's waist, his movements were natural and powerful.

In the rear, the pupils of the clerk who scanned the scene were shocked, wtf?

Co-author, are they really a fucking couple?

Inside the house, the man was sitting on the sofa and waiting. When he saw Cheng Jialan enter the door first, he immediately got up to greet him. Seeing this, Bei Mingyu narrowed his eyes slightly, and she disguised herself as a man?

Someone who is still complacent and pretends to be a master of camouflage technology: "..."

"Sir, you're being polite." Cheng Jialan said with a smile. Obviously, she also noticed that the person opposite didn't expect that it was a Shura field.

Damn, why do you always feel a little guilty?

"Look at the appearance of the gentleman. He should have just graduated this year. He is very young. Not everyone can sit in the head of a store. I admire you." Cheng Jialan's words are sincere. The owner of Zangbaohang, isn't Whoever wants to sit still can sit still.

The vision must be high, and the cognition must be deeper.

"Hahaha Ms. has good eyesight." Under the disguised face, someone with a 23-year-old soul hidden, accepted Cheng Jialan's compliment extremely shamelessly, and the clerk was speechless.

Just didn't want to look at her.

"This is a document, just sign it." After finishing speaking, the man handed the signed document to Cheng Jialan, and after a closer look, Cheng Jialan frowned slightly.

"Are you holding an event here? Or are you saying that as long as you are a new customer in this store, you will have this kind of benefits?" Cheng Jialan's words were extremely sincere, and for a while, the people on the opposite side couldn't distinguish the midtone of her words. what for.

The feedback given to Cheng Jialan from the above is obviously too much. Cheng Jialan only believes in the exchange of equal value, and does not believe in this so-called gift from God.

"Hey, our store has been around for nearly 20 years, and we are currently launching activities. You can accept it with peace of mind, and we will never smash our own signboards by ourselves." The man's words were solemn, and Cheng Jialan nodded upon hearing the sound.

After signing, the person ordered the clerk to copy the document. Right now, there are only three people left in the VIP room.

"Sir, just tell me what you want, don't hesitate."

"I heard that you have taken a fancy to the famous sword that my store only collects and does not bid for auction?" The person opposite took the initiative to pour tea for Cheng Jialan and Bei Mingyu, with a calm tone. .dfyxs.

"Yes." Cheng Jialan responded generously.

"If you want to buy it, it's not impossible, but you must do two things. That sword was discovered by the former shopkeeper when he was playing outside. You bought it just for obsession, not for profit.".xiumb.

"As long as you can find someone who truly loves and appreciates it, bidding is not a problem."

"I agreed, the condition." Cheng Jialan replied straightforwardly.

"First, go to climb the local Welling Mountain. There is information about the origin of this sword on the top of the mountain; second, you must prove that you have the absolute ability to protect this famous sword. Please provide strong evidence."

"As for the price, everything is negotiable." After saying that, the person in front of him looked directly at Cheng Jialan, and the sharpness in his eyes proved that this famous sword was indeed extremely valued by them. wǎp.

The two looked at each other, Cheng Jialan smiled slightly, and then responded. Seeing this, the person seemed relieved.

It seemed that Bei Mingyu was a little confused, so, could this person be a puppet who replaced the master behind them to test them?

"I will give you an answer within three days," Cheng Jialan said.

"Our store is waiting for your good news."


"What do you think?" After getting into the car, Cheng Jialan wasn't as cold and serious as Bei Minghao, but just pretended to change his face, and his skills were a bit poor. The possibility that this kind of character would threaten the two of them is too small .

"The technology is too poor, and the concentration is not good. In the end, the owner of this shop should not be her." Bei Minglu concluded.

At that time, someone upstairs who was liberating himself turned on Ge You Lian, lazily leaning on the sofa and looking at the sky, as if he had been sucked dry by a monster, extremely depressed.

"You said, is there a possibility that they didn't find out, and then..."

"No." The clerk stabbed the knife expressionlessly.

"I think your appearance is not bad, but it's clear that this Miss Cheng family is very high-spirited." After finishing speaking, the clerk neatly tore open someone's wonderful fantasy on the sofa, which was like a "two-sided knife".

"Fuck, didn't you say that Cheng Jialan only reads data to sign documents? Could it be a fake?" As she said that, the woman took off the wig on top of her head.

"You'd better report it to the higher-ups, so as not to make mistakes in the future." The clerk reminded intimately, their leader is a god-level scum who will not die even if the unscrupulous people in the world are extinct.

"Okay, okay, I see." The woman muttered.


Regarding the Weiling Mountain mentioned by the other party, in fact, Nie Boyan and Cheng Rulan took Cheng Jialan there before she could remember anything.

But he didn't really climb up. Halfway through the journey, Nie Boyan Company suddenly had something to do and left with his family.

"Leave tomorrow morning." Cheng Jialan said lightly.

I checked the weather on my mobile phone, and it was just tomorrow. Hearing that, Bei Mingluo frowned slightly, but seeing Cheng Jialan's eager expression, he didn't say anything more after all.

He didn't want her to be too tired, but this woman would not give up until she squeezed herself almost to the end every time, she really refused to admit defeat.

"See what I do?" Cheng Jialan's red lips parted slightly.

"You don't know that I've tried to tie you up countless times. It's best to let you rest in the room for the rest of your life." Bei Minglu chuckled, he didn't like Cheng Jialan's exhausted look.

It is a word from the heart, and it is also a warning to restrain one's behavior.

According to Cheng Jialan, he will get rid of the paranoid problem, but it is a bit difficult, every time he sees Cheng Jialan's stubbornness as if he wants to drain his last bit of energy, the violence in his heart will burst open.

But he didn't dare to be angry, yes, he just didn't dare.

If he made a promise, he would definitely do it. Bei Mingyu didn't want to repeat the scene of being stuck in the quagmire with Cheng Jialan in his previous life.

"Hey." Suddenly, Cheng Jialan called him.

"Huh?" Bei Mingyu responded, his eyebrows and eyes were gentle, and for a moment, the corners of his lips touched the softness that made people yearn for. He didn't go deep into it, had no desires, but was full of piety.

"I'm reducing my workload, but the situation doesn't allow it now. You are my man, so it shouldn't be a problem if you tolerate me more." Cheng Jialan's beautiful eyes were bright and clean, shaking Beiming's eyes.

a long time.

"Yes, little ancestor." Bei Minghe laughed.

"Thanks for your hard work, I can see what you do." After an unknown amount of time, Cheng Jialan hugged him and leaned on the man's generous shoulder and murmured softly.

"It's just a verbal thank you?" Bei Mingyan raised his eyebrows, his tone was playful, hearing the sound, Cheng Jialan slightly curled his lips, saying that he was really good, and seized every opportunity to benefit himself.

However, she couldn't resist.

"Think about the rest first, and see how you perform." Cheng Jialan came back to his senses almost instantly, and Bei Minghao was not disappointed. If he could successfully attack him so easily, it would not be Cheng Jialan.

The car quickly left the spot, leaving only layers of green smoke.

The climate of Baicheng and Yunxi City will not be too different. In Yunxi City in early winter, there is only a biting cold wind in the early morning. When the red sun hangs high in the sky, the temperature is very similar to late autumn. At night, if there is no snow It is also no different from late autumn.

ancestral home.

"Where's Miss Fu Ling?" Uncle Liu treats Fu Ling no differently from Cheng Jialan, they are both children who have just stepped into society, and he must take good care of them.

After saying that, Uncle Liu put the hot and sweet soup on the table, looked around but could not see Poria.

"Housekeeper, Miss Fuling is changing clothes upstairs." The servant quickly replied, and soon, Fuling went downstairs, smelling the sweet fragrance of corn, Fuling thought straight in her heart, wow, this treatment is really heavenly.

Remember when she and the boss were active in Amazon, were they still sweet soup?

At the busiest time, I can't even eat a meal on time.

Now, not only are three meals a day properly arranged, there are even desserts after meals.

Tears that moved her flowed from her lips.

"Thank you, Uncle Liu." Fu Lingsu came from acquaintance. On the first day when he came to the ancestral house, he followed Cheng Jialan and called Uncle Liu. Hearing this, Uncle Liu narrowed his eyes with a smile.

"Drink quickly."

The only master was absent, so Fu Ling was naturally "the master of the house". Cheng Jialan had given Fu Ling to act as his assistant in some matters, and Uncle Liu also knew this.

After finishing the sweet soup, Fu Ling went back to her room to do some work, and the boss asked her to keep an eye on the movement of those in the Chu family, especially that Arthur.

Tell her that if a difficult situation arises, she can join hands with Lan Fuchuan.

Under the same dark sky, the imperial court of the Lan family was also brightly lit. The Lan family put the boiled medicine in front of him, but Lan Fuchuan didn't give the bowl of medicine a look.

"My lord, if you don't drink, you're making fun of your body."

"It's nothing, these medicines are just for relief, so there's no need to worry." Lan Fuchuan said softly.

"Isn't Arthur doing anything lately?"

"Young master, it's very quiet." The Lan family replied.

But for a role like Arthur, quietness is the weirdest thing.

When the sound landed, Lan Fuchuan got up and supported the table, walking slowly but rhythmically, looking at the sudden cold wind outside the window with deep eyes.

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