Unofficial History of Song and Liao Heroes

Chapter 285 Pretending to enter the river and really rubbing against the car, borrowing strength to

In fact, the reason why the Haisha gang couldn't find Dugu Xiaoqiu in the river was because Dugu Xiaoqiu never entered the water.Just now Dugu Xiaoqiu ran to the river, although he thought of jumping into the river to swim away, but thought that his swimming dog crawling skills were really not sure of escaping, so he temporarily changed his mind and prepared to choose another way to leave.

It just so happened that a carriage drove up from the nearby street, Dugu Xiaoqiu kicked a stone by the river into the river, and squeezed towards the carriage diagonally.There was a sudden loud splash in the river, which really caught the attention of the people on the street. They thought someone had thrown themselves into the river, and they were whispering and looking towards the river.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Dugu Xiaoqiu quickly jumped into the carriage, avoiding everyone's sight.

His movements were smooth and smooth, and with the help of Da Luo Tianchentong's remaining power, even the driver of the car didn't realize that there was an extra person in his car.However, Dugu Xiaoqiu didn't feel happy, he found that the carriage stopped soon.

Could it be that he was still discovered?

Dugu Xiaoqiu suddenly became nervous again, clenched the hilt of Qinghong sword tightly in his hand.At this time, Da Luo Tianchen Tong finally lost his power as he expected.Moreover, he has already begun to lose his vision, and this state will last at least for a cup of tea. This period is when he is most vulnerable, almost half blind.

However, the expected questioning and reprimand did not come, Dugu Xiaoqiu unexpectedly heard a woman's brisk laughter from outside the car, like a quiet spring in an empty valley, sometimes mixed with a few soft words.Listening to her light footsteps, one can tell that her mood is full of joy, and she looks unsuspecting, as if she has found herself.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, there was also a hurried pace of a woman, who seemed to be chasing after the laughing girl, and listening to her words, it seemed that she was the girl's maid.In addition, there are two footsteps, calm and powerful, neither fast nor slow, but the footsteps of these two people are not behind the girl who is walking fast, which shows that she has martial arts.

Moreover, the breathing of these two people with steady footsteps is not as rapid as the laughing girl and the maid who followed closely, but is continuous, if not for their footsteps, Dugu Xiaoqiu would have thought it was a breeze.

These two people are not just as simple as having martial arts, I am afraid their martial arts are not low!

Discovering this situation, Dugu Xiaoqiu felt a little tangled in his heart.It seems that he has not been discovered by the owner of the carriage, but the owner of the carriage seems to be boarding the carriage soon.

It is also conceivable that maybe this girl came to this mansion to meet friends. It took a long time, and it was naturally inconvenient for the carriage to stop outside the gate.Especially if this friend usually has a lot of people, and the visiting people and carriages are all parked outside the door, it is naturally inappropriate, so he had to park elsewhere first.

If the carriage had just come from the stop, it would make sense why only the driver drove the carriage, while the owner and guards were no longer near the carriage.That is to say, at this moment, the owner of the carriage was about to return to the mansion, so he transferred the carriage, and at this moment, hearing the sound of footsteps, he would board the carriage in a short while.

Dugu Xiaoqiu smiled wryly to himself, this is really unlucky time, just out of danger, he has to face an embarrassing situation, even to be regarded as an assassin on the spot, captured alive, or executed on the spot, it is really unlucky.

After all, those who can come and go are all famous families, and those who are always guarded by masters are definitely not ordinary people.And he appeared in his carriage so abruptly, hiding in motion, anyone would think it was an assassin.

At this moment, Dugu Xiaoqiu thought a lot. He thought of Liu Susu, his master Ran Nanyuan, his junior sister Ran Qianxue, and his beautiful childhood in the Dugu clan.As for the tragedy of the Dugu family's annihilation, the tragedy of fleeing to the end of the world, and even the thrill of being hunted down by thieves recently, they didn't think about it.

Perhaps, people like the experience of happiness, especially at the moment of life and death, they may think of small joys that are usually insignificant, but rarely think of painful and sad things.

Just like, Dugu Xiaoqiu just discovered that the cushions of this carriage are all soft down, covered with the silkiest silk, exuding a faint fragrance.I don't know if it's the smell of incense powder, or the youthful breath of the unknown carriage owner.Dugu Xiaoqiu suddenly felt guilty for rushing into this carriage rashly, and the murderous intention dissipated in her heart.

Fortunately, Dugu Xiaoqiu's murderous intent dissipated. After the two guards approached the carriage, they didn't notice Dugu Xiaoqiu's existence. They simply glanced at the carriage and let the owner of the carriage board.

When Dugu Xiaoqiu heard the laughing girl boarding the car, she couldn't help but loosen her grip on Qinghong sword.Then, when the curtain of the carriage was lifted, a face as dazzling as the bright moon in the sky appeared in front of Dugu Xiaoqiu.Seeing someone in the carriage, the girl was also unexpected, her bright smile narrowed, and she asked suspiciously:

"Sister Ander Diji?"

This is not because of anything else, but because in Bianliang City, Tokyo, at the foot of the emperor, this girl really can't think of anyone who would dare to harm her.Seeing someone in the carriage, and still showing a gentle smile to herself, the first thing she thought of was that some acquaintance deliberately kept the driver from telling her, and secretly hid in the carriage, waiting to give herself a surprise.Among the Bianliang City in Tokyo, the one who likes to do this to herself the most is none other than Emperor Ji Ande.

It's just that this person is dressed as a man, and the carriage is a little dark, so the girl is not sure.

Another reason for such misunderstandings is, of course, that Dugu Xiaoqiu was born in the Dugu clan, which is famous for its handsomeness.Although his appearance was not the most handsome before, but the life of wandering and wandering recently and diligent martial arts practice made his appearance unexpectedly handsome, with an indescribable temperament.

It's no wonder that the owner of the carriage mistakenly thought that Dugu Xiaoqiu was Zhao Jinluo, the emperor of Ande, who was disguised as a man, and deliberately joked with her.Otherwise, if there were other bearded people hiding in the carriage, how could this girl think so, then of course she would know that the people on the carriage were not kind, so it would be strange not to scream!

When Dugu Xiaoqiu was asked by the girl, she was also stunned.He has heard of Ande Diji, and just recently heard from Liu Susu that Liu Susu has been with him recently, and he is so energetic every day, and he shares everything he has experienced, including Including Zhao Jinluo, Emperor Ande, who broke his leg while riding a horse, and asked her to heal it.

Although she has never met this Ande Diji, Dugu Xiaoqiu has a deep impression on her. After all, there are not many women who can break their legs while riding a horse.Even on the grassland, Dugu Xiaoqiu had never heard of it a few times.

Since this woman is called Sister Ande Diji, Dugu Xiaoqiu has settled down in her heart.As the saying goes, a friend of a friend is a friend of oneself.The relationship between Liu Susu and Ande Diji is irreversible, so naturally he and this girl who is as beautiful as the moon in the sky will not be too embarrassed.Therefore, Dugu Xiaoqiu smiled even wider, and said apologetically:

"Miss misunderstood, I am not sister Ande Diji. Sister Ande Diji fell and injured her leg. Although she is already recovering, but after hearing that His Majesty was terrified of her falling from the horse, she was still grounded. She wanted to stay in the palace at this time." You can't go out, how could you run into your carriage!"

The girl was still not afraid when she heard the words, because Dugu Xiaoqiu's smile was really beautiful, and the sequelae of Da Luo Tianchen's pupils fully opened at this time made Dugu Xiaoqiu's starry eyes brighter, and Dugu Xiaoqiu knew that Dugu Xiaoqiu is not An De Diji who disguised herself as a man, and she knew from the words that he was a man, and her heart was pounding like a deer.

For a moment, the girl forgot even her doubts and fears.

"Then you are... Brother Jing Wang? No! No! Although Brother Jing Wang is your age, he is not as handsome as you. Which cousin are you?"

"King Jing? Which cousin?"

Dugu Xiaoqiu was a little bit dumbfounded, this girl was really crazy, she used honorific titles in her words, she thought she was a member of the royal family.But it's no wonder this girl, who said that the current emperor has too many children? !There are seventy or eighty children, even if it is a class, there will not be so many people!

This girl usually plays with Ande Diji and other three or five sisters of average age. They are familiar with each other. As for the other brothers and sisters, she hardly recognizes them all!Not to mention, the royal family of the Great Song Dynasty has been flourishing for many years, and the number of relatives in the royal family is even more frightening, so she first asked Dugu Xiaoqiu if she was her relative. There was no way, who called the royal family too many some too!

Dugu Xiaoqiu saw that the girl's maid began to poke around suspiciously at the fact that the girl hadn't asked her to board the car for a long time, and the two guards also seemed to feel that something was wrong, knowing that it was not appropriate to delay, lest there would be a change, she hurriedly said:

"I'm not a member of the royal family, but I'm Liu Susu's friend. Because Liu Susu told me that he treated Diji Ande's leg injury, I know about Diji Ande..."

"Ah! You are Liu Susu's friend?!" The girl's beautiful eyes widened when she heard the word 'Liu Susu', and she grabbed Dugu Xiaoqiu, "Where is Liu Susu? Where? Take me there!"

Dugu Xiaoqiu: "???"

what's the situation?Did something happen to Liu Susu?Sure enough, these Tianhuang nobles are the most troublesome. I don't know why they will get into troublesome troubles. Should I check this person's tone first?

"Bold! Who are you? Who put you in the carriage of the Goddess?"

At this moment, the girl's maid sensed something was wrong, and questioned Dugu Xiaoqiu.At the same time, the two guards also noticed something was wrong. They immediately approached the carriage and asked the girl:

"Di Ji, can I get out of the car?"

And shouted to Dugu Xiaoqiu:

"Who is bold?! Hurry up and catch him, don't seek death!"

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