Unofficial History of Song and Liao Heroes

Chapter 23 There Are Really Treasures Hidden in the Back Mountain, Those Who Are Destined Can See It

After all, Yuan Zhen is a monk who keeps his promise. No matter whether he has a black belly or he has practiced some weird martial arts mentality, there is one thing that the three boys agree on, that is his cooking skills and his speaking skills. Count this aspect.

If you don't cook for Wang Jiujiu, you won't give him any food.

Yuan Guang was full, and proudly looked at Wang Jiujiu who was cooking by himself.Wang Jiujiu continued to add firewood in grief and indignation. He never expected that Yuan Guang would change his mind because Monk Yuan Zhen lost control. Now he is the only one who has to cook and eat by himself—as the saying goes, there is no comparison There's no harm', looking at Dugu Xiaoqiu and Yuan Guang who ate the delicious food cooked by Yuan Zhen one after another, Wang Jiujiu felt that the fast-cooking food was not delicious at all.

Just when Wang Jiujiu was just trying to taste the food, Yuan Zhen suddenly stood up, looked around the increasingly dim environment, and said:

"The benefactor doesn't need to hide anymore, please show up!"

What responded to him were countless barbed wire and bone-piercing nails, killing the four of them indiscriminately with ear-piercing screams.

Dugu Xiaoqiu and Yuan Zhen were better off, they dodged to hide, Yuan Guang helplessly moved his fat stomach that had just eaten, and rolled around on the ground, Wang Jiujiu was the worst, screaming while avoiding:

"You Daoist is so mad! My soup! Ah~! Ah~!"

At this time, a penetrating nail overturned Wang Jiujiu's soup, and a dinner that was about to be eaten was really soaked in soup.While dodging, Dugu Xiaoqiu kept tabs on Wang Jiujiu's crow's mouth.

There are many people in the dark, and I don't know how many attackers there are. From time to time, there are vicious instructions such as "kill them" and "continue throwing hidden weapons".

Dugu Xiaoqiu was the first to fight back, gradually adapting to the chaotic environment, Da Luo Tianchen's pupils were starlight, his eyes vaguely saw the flight path of the hidden weapon, subconsciously provoked with the sword, a few nails pierced through the bones were abducted by the blade. Turning, more urgent than coming, screaming and flying towards the attacker.

A person in the dark was giving instructions, but unexpectedly a hidden weapon flew towards him in such a way that he broke out in a cold sweat and rolled on the ground, but it was still a little too late, a bone-penetrating nail protruded from his shoulder, and nailed to the person behind him. Looking at the unlucky ghost struggling behind him, the man was too frightened to raise his head.

Yuan Zhen fought back the second time. Outside Zhuxian Town, he once shot and killed a vicious dog with a pair of bamboo chopsticks, which shows the horror of the hidden weapon in his hand.At this time, the sky was dark and it was difficult to identify the opponent's position, so it was later than Dugu Xiaoqiu's attack.He took the hidden weapon that flew over and sent it back, smiling and saying:

"It's not rude to come and go!"

This gift is truly a blessing.

Different from Dugu Xiaoqiu's horrific hidden weapon, Monk Yuanzhen's hidden weapon was silent, and several people on the opposite side caught their way without knowing how, and several of them were immediately overturned.

Immediately, the number of hidden weapons was greatly reduced, and Yuan Guang and Wang Jiujiu escaped from the dangerous situation.One of the two had a stomach ache, the other was dizzy from hunger, and they still had no strength to fight back.

The sneak attacker in the dark originally wanted to use a hidden weapon to attack and kill, and then stepped forward to greet him with a sword.However, meeting Dugu Xiaoqiu, a freak, and Yuan Zhen, a master of hidden weapons, immediately steals everything.This group of thieves was also shrewd, seeing that they couldn't get anything cheap, they immediately scattered and fled in all directions, disappearing into the forest at night.

None of the four wanted to pursue them. At this time, they could not see clearly at night, and they were easy to fall into the trap of thieves. Moreover, if they pursued them at most, they would ask why they attacked and killed them for no reason.

Especially Yuan Guang and Wang Jiujiu, one needs to digest and the other needs to eat.

The four of them took turns to stay on duty overnight, and managed to stay up until dawn, during which time no one was attacked again.

It was bright day, only to find that the ground was in a mess, and there were dozens of barbed wire and bone-penetrating nails inserted randomly on the ground and trees, reminding the four of how fierce the hidden weapons came last night.

The four of them were unscathed, which is truly a blessing.

Needless to say, lighting a fire and cooking.

Even though it was dawn at this time, everyone still dared not act alone, especially the three and a half older children, who were a little frightened by the unprovoked attack and killing, didn't say anything, just followed Yuan Zhen.

On the other hill, Bu Yizi went back to Iron Wing Villa to eat and drink at night, and sat on the big rock early in the morning, watching Wang Jiujiu follow Yuanzhen on the hill in the distance, his face suddenly darkened, thinking about Wang Jiujiuwan What to do when you become a monk.

"Probably not!" Bu Yizi comforted himself, "This kid loves to drink and eat meat with me, how can he enjoy himself like this when he becomes a monk?!"

I felt a little more at ease in my heart, and then I remembered a section, and suddenly I was worried again.

"It's possible for this kid to become a wine and meat monk, alas!"

Wang Jiujiu didn't intend to change his career. At this time, following Yuan Zhen was just eating and drinking, and he treated Yuan Zhen as a free bodyguard.

The four of them didn't walk for long before they arrived at another mountain. The ground was dotted with golden light, and Wang Jiujiu picked up two gold ingots at random!

Dugu Xiaoqiu was not in a hurry to pick up money, and she was not even sure if her life would be thrown here, but gold nuggets are also very powerful when used as hidden weapons, so she picked up two.

Monk Yuanzhen didn't even look at the gold, but Yuan Guang's eyes were shining. He picked up more gold than Wang Jiujiu and Dugu Xiaoqiu combined. It was so bulging in his arms that he struggled to walk.

Seeing that Yuan Zhen frowned, but he held back and didn't preach to him about 'all four things are empty'. He had said it countless times before, and he had given up treatment for Yuan Guang.

Looking up at the mountain peak, Yuan Zhenxin had a sense of the caves, and walked up the mountain.While following up the mountain, Wang Jiujiu laughed at Yuan Guang for being fatter than before.Dugu Xiaoqiu didn't say a word, he was still thinking about the art of iron clothes, combined with the supernatural powers of law, heaven and earth, he felt as if he had touched a higher and deeper magic than iron clothes.Yuan Guang turned a deaf ear to Wang Jiujiu's ridicule, and now he has no strength to fight back. With so much gold in his body, he went to climb the mountain again, and he was so tired that he was panting after a few steps.

"Master...Senior Brother!" Yuan Guang wanted Yuan Zhen to slow down a bit, "You...did it on purpose? I...I brought so many...things, still take...take us up the mountain? !"

Yuan Zhen didn't stop on his feet, still walked at a leisurely pace, and replied slowly:

"Even if you go back, you still have to climb the mountain just now, and you should be as tired as you are now."

Yuan Guang was at a loss for words, Wang Jiujiu laughed wildly when he heard this, and Yuan Guang gave him a hard look.

Yuan Zhen still walked in the front, as if asking nonsense:

"Junior brother, is gold heavy?"

"Of course it's heavy!" Yuan Guang wiped his sweat, "I'm too tired to walk!"

"That's good! That's good! You used to think it was hard to practice qigong, but now it's good to go up the mountain to make up for the hard work you owed in the past. If you think about it this way, maybe you don't think gold is so heavy."

From what he said, Dugu Xiaoqiu and Wang Jiujiu clearly heard the meaning of taking pleasure in other's misfortune.

Yuan Guang also stayed on the spot when he heard the words, and didn't recall it for a long time.

Wang Jiujiu added fuel to the fire by laughing and joking:

"Up and down today, maybe three or five hills, Yuan Guang can practice hard! By the way, you can give me the dry food you carried, so you can save some effort!"

Yuan Guang's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted. He reluctantly took out the gold nugget in his arms, touched it in his hand, and threw it away cruelly.

Along the way, Yuan Guang didn't complain about being tired anymore. He just felt that it was worthless all the way. After spending a lot of effort, he just brought a few pieces of gold to the middle of the mountain. ridicule.

The four walked up the mountainside, and a series of caves were in front of them. At this time, you can see that there are all Buddhist gods inside, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and Dharma protectors. There are sculptures, murals, and stone scriptures. .

At this time, there are some people who don't know good people and bad people, wandering around, some people worship Buddha, some people hack with knives and axes, and some people cook with fire.

At this time, many people saw the two monks Yuan Zhen and Yuan Guang coming, and they were a little embarrassed to be caught by the master for burglary. Many people restrained their movements and hid their knives and axes.

Yuan Zhen turned a blind eye to others, tidied his clothes, worshiped the Buddha devoutly, and worshiped an ancient sculpture of Buddha, which may be the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp, whose image is slightly different from other places.I saw the orchid seal in his left hand and the wisdom seal in his right hand, sitting cross-legged, with a blue lantern behind him in a wonderful image, as if blooming with light.

Others don't understand the way, but Yuan Zhen sees that the handprints made by the ancient Buddha are different, and he acts according to the law. He really feels calm and relaxed, and the charm of the Buddha is leisurely, which makes the onlookers feel awe.

At this time, people here know that the caves here are all Buddhist treasures, and they all imitate Yuanzhen and imitate the carved images, hoping to get the secrets there.But after all, I don't know the principles of Buddhism, even if I imitate it, it is superficial, so I had to give up soon, and looked at Yuanzhen and Buddha from the sidelines in resentment.

Yuan Guang leaned in front of the stone inscriptions and recited the "Diamond Sutra". The difference in the number of words in the passage made the meaning of the scriptures obviously different. He couldn't help thinking about it carefully.

Dugu Xiaoqiu and Wang Jiujiu felt very bored, they just watched the excitement from the sidelines, and they didn't feel that it was mysterious at all. What they saw were sculptures, murals, scriptures, and nothing else.

After a long while, the four of them ate together at noon. Yuan Zhen bluntly said that he would study here for a few days. How could Dugu Xiaoqiu and Wang Jiujiu stay here for a long time?So he wanted to go to another place. Yuan Guang had already memorized the scriptures by heart after reading several scriptures, but he also felt bored.

So after the meal, the three of them left together again, aimlessly heading for another hill.

This mountain is precipitous and majestic, the road is winding and deep, the vegetation is densely covered with thorns, and even poisonous insects, snakes and ants are much more than the other places.Along the way, Dugu Xiaoqiu kept swinging his sword in front of him, and it was difficult for him to advance on the small road.I don't know how long I walked, and a hole suddenly appeared in front of me. I don't know how deep it is, like a dragon opening its mouth, intending to choose someone and devour it!

A small stream flows out of the cave, like the saliva of a dragon.

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