Rebirth in 1998 is also a kind of life

Chapter 491 I'm More Worried About Being the Second Tao Kan

With a smile that met everyone's expectations, Yang Zhu and Lu Feifei randomly found a seat near the front and sat down.

"Mr. Gong, don't worry about continue!" Yang Zhu slightly raised his hand, signaling Gong Lie to continue his lessons.

Seeing Yang Zhu's vaguely contemptuous attitude, Gong Lie smiled habitually, and he didn't know whether the sarcasm at the corner of his mouth was for Yang Zhu or for himself.

After thinking for a while, Gong Lie asked: "Dr. Yang, since you are here, how about changing the following course to history?"

According to the rules he set, he will only talk about history when the top executives such as Little Girl, Wan Qingyi, Director Yan, Lu Wenlan, Chen Xiang, and Zhang Jun are present for more than 2/3 of the time. After all, there are two courses There is a big difference between the kernels.

But now that Yang Zhu has appeared here, it is fully in line with the conditions for changing the course. In terms of importance, the sum of the other six top executives is not as important as Yang Zhu alone. Obviously, this A Confucian classic that only teaches general management ideas is absolutely impossible to satisfy such a big boss.

Hearing what Gong Lie said, Yang Zhu waved his hand: "I heard that Mr. Gong's rule is that every time he explains, he must talk three paragraphs. How could I have the nerve to let Mr. Gong break the rules? As for history... Wait until After Mr. Gong finishes his lecture on the Analects of Confucius, if he is willing to share with you, I will naturally ask for it."

For a rough guy like Yang Zhu, he really can't tell whether this kind of classic explanation is good or bad; but he has been wandering around the Internet for a long time in his life, and he knows some leftovers from the corners of history. Quite a lot; therefore, for him, he actually hoped that Mr. Gong would take a history class directly, so as to weigh the true level of this product.

However, since he appeared here as the big boss of Zhutou Business, he still needs to talk about the most basic demeanor. Letting this cross-time and space love rival finish his lectures first is to show respect for the other party, and also to show respect. Have respect for yourself.

Hearing what Yang Zhu said, Gong Lie nodded noncommittally, then picked up the chalk, and scribbled a few words on the blackboard—a gentleman is always poor, but a villain is too poor.

After putting down the chalk, Gong Lie turned around and smiled: "Our third paragraph today, the explanation is the sentence that Kong Yiji often talks about-the Master said: A gentleman is always poor, but a villain is too poor." .”

"In fact, the full text of this article is"

This is a story with a background. It basically says that in the state of Chen, the master, a big money man, had no money. After starving for several days, these people who followed Confucius were about to collapse both physically and mentally. Quite embarrassing - this time should be regarded as the most embarrassing and embarrassing time in Confucius' life.

You know, although the old master is not as rich and famous as Meng Ke financially, he is definitely a master who is not short of money. It is estimated that this time he did not plan well for the trip, did not bring enough money, and was on the road. After encountering some messy things, it was reduced to this near-collapse state.

After being starved for several days, Zilu ran over to see the old master angrily, and shouted: "You are a gentleman all day long, you see, we follow you to be a gentleman, and now the poor can't even eat Let me ask you, seeing that we are all starving to death, what is the use of this iron rod?"

So, the old master, who had never been in a mess all his life, said to the stunned young man unhurriedly: "A gentleman is always poor, but a villain is too poor."

As if suspecting that Yang Zhu, the young boss, was illiterate, Gong Lie briefly explained the background of this conversation, and then got to the point: "Now, let's disassemble the core words of this sentence."

"First of all, the words in Junzi Guqiongli, I think, if you understand it as sticking to or sticking to, then this sentence is completely misleading!"

"It's said in Li, Gu, the four barriers - that is, to block all the surroundings, and block it; it's like a siege and a border, restricting you and you can't go there;"

"Therefore, in this sentence, the meaning of '' should be extended to not exceed the rules, not to cross the boundary, not to be excessive;"

"The latter is the meaning of - there are many similar usages in later generations, such as this."

"In the latter, its original meaning is that the river has risen and exceeded the normal water level-you see, its original meaning is that it has exceeded the standard, it has exceeded the boundary; therefore, its extended meaning in this sentence is excessive, The meaning of crossing the border; it just corresponds to the above;”

After extracting the two core words, Gong Lie did not interact with the students below, but directly gave a conclusion: "After understanding the interpretation of a few core words, let's go back and look at this sentence of the old master. ;"

"A gentleman is always poor, which is equivalent to, that is, even when a real gentleman faces various difficulties, even when he is in a desperate situation, his thoughts, words and deeds still follow the original intention, do not exceed the rules, do not cross the boundary; The consideration is still within the boundary and scale of the original intention, and has never changed;”

"So, what is this boundary and scale?"

Gong Lie flitted his gaze away from Director Yan, and finally settled on Yang Zhu: "If the scope is limited to individuals, I think the answer is yes; if the scope is enlarged to the enterprise, I think the answer is yes!—Whether you are Whether you are poor or rich, your conscience has never changed. It is still the same conscience that knows good and evil. changed."

"Therefore, since the standard of conscience has not changed, our thoughts, words and deeds, of course, should not change either. The so-called anyone who changes the standard of his principles due to external factors cannot be called a gentleman, but is just pretending to be a gentleman." Well-known, profit-seeking villains who do meager things!"

"In short, regardless of poverty, poverty, wealth, glory, or even power... Any change in the external situation, we should still just listen to the voice of our conscience; just follow the standards of conscience to think, act, and No change in the slightest; this is the true gentleman!"

"As for those who easily change their principles of conduct in difficult times, gradually lose themselves in the face of interests, and are finally turned by those nihilistic things, they are forced to change their conduct standards again and again, and even commit transgressive behaviors... ...It's just some soulless villains who are driven by profit and gradually become nothing more than a shell!"

Speaking of this, Gong Lie glanced at Yang Zhu, and explained: "In fact, in the Confucian system, gentleman and villain are definitely not two binary opposites, nor are they two types of people that will never change. ——Maybe you were a gentleman yesterday, but the next day, you become a villain because you can’t control your desires; similarly, maybe you were a villain who did everything for profit yesterday, and the next day, you will be forgotten in the corner The conscience that popped out of the movie suddenly condemned you to the point of crying bitterly, after you have changed your mind, you can gradually become a gentleman again."

In the end, Gong Lie sighed: "This is the meaning of love, this is the difference between a gentleman and a villain, this... is the difference between an enlightened person and an ordinary person!"

As the voice fell, although Yang Zhu still had that smiling expression on his face, the expressions of the rest of the executives became strange—no matter how dull they were, they could tell that Mr. Gong's words were directed at his own big boss.

As for why he said this to Yang Zhu...

Ha ha……

After all, Mr. Gong is a literati. Naturally, literati have some innate worries and worry about the feelings of the second year of middle school. It's not surprising!

At this time, Yang Zhu felt a little weird.

To be honest, if it wasn't for being in the meeting room of his own company right now, if it wasn't for the other party wearing an old-fashioned denim shirt instead of red, red and yellow all over, or if the other party still had thick hair... He almost thought he was listening to those people in the imperial capital. "Great Prajna".

Calmly glanced at the group of senior executives around, and found that these people just nodded with a little emotion, and there was no fanatical expression. People like Wan Qingyi just lowered their heads in thought, and they were slightly relieved at the moment , and then raised his hand with a smile: "Mr. Gong, if you are not in a hurry to go back... how about adding a history lesson?"

Seeing that Yang Zhu was completely indifferent to the Analects he just explained, Gong Lie didn't show any disappointment, but the sarcasm at the corner of his mouth was a little bit stronger: "Dong Yang, I don't know how you feel about the history of the Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties." How much do you know?"

Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties?

Yang Zhu suddenly regained his spirits. This period of history has always been a bit taboo in previous textbooks, but as "Internet prominent learning", this period of history has set off a wave of discussions on the Internet in later generations. Yang Zhu has seen it before and after. Many of the more classic posts - of course, whether the content in them is biased, he, an illiterate, naturally has no way of knowing.

He just nodded reservedly at the moment: "I know a thing or two about this period of history, although I can't say I'm proficient, but Shen Yue's and Xiao Zixian's have been read roughly. In addition, some messy miscellaneous histories have also been read."

Hearing that Yang Zhu mentioned the sum written by Liang Guoren, but not the one written by Fang Xuanling, Gong Lie gave him a surprised look... It seems that this young boss is not a complete idiot what.

He nodded at the moment, pondered for a while, and then said: "It seems that Director Yang should be familiar with the history of this area—in this case, it doesn't make much sense to simply talk about some historical content."

At this point, Gong Lie changed his voice: "How about this, let's discuss a simple and trivial issue - during the period of the Five Husbands and China, it was obvious that the Han people at that time were already facing the risk of cutting off their blood, but why did the Han people at that time Still not united at all?"

Hearing this kind of question raised by the other party, Yang Zhu suddenly trembled in his heart - I'll be good, is it appropriate to discuss this kind of question on the table?

Moreover, Zhutou Trading is just a small private enterprise. Why are you discussing this in our cultural class?

Gritting his teeth desperately, he shook his head vigorously.

Seeing this, Gong Lie didn't force himself, just picked up chalk and wrote a few groups of numbers on the blackboard: "According to the recorded data, about 300 AD, the total population of the Western Jin Dynasty was 3500 million, of which The population of ethnic minorities does not exceed 500 million;”

"After the disaster of Yongjia, in the 50 years after Shenzhou's first land sinking, the population of Huaxia land decreased to about 2700 million - among them, the number of foreigners dropped from 500 million to 400 million, and about 100 million people were lost; and The Han Chinese dropped from 3000 million to 2300 million, a loss of about 700 million;”

"Anyone who has studied a little bit of that period of history will know that the inland migrants are not monolithic, and the mutual killings among the five Hus are also very fierce. Why can this group of foreigners control the northern Han people with very few people—— In other words, why were the Han people so disunity during the Five Husbands and Chaos China period?"

Seeing Gong Lie reporting these two sets of data like a few treasures, and asking such heart-pounding questions, the faces of the middle and high-level executives in the audience were a little unnatural-this kind of question is the same as when the slaves entered the customs. A problem that a Chinese who claims to be "Chinese orthodox" is not willing to face directly.

Gong Lie took into account the expressions of the students in the audience, and smiled: "Don't worry, the issues discussed in this class do not involve any political tendencies or ethnic issues. We are just analyzing the reasons for this situation from an objective level."

All the people, including Yang Zhu, breathed a sigh of relief when they heard him say this—it is not a public place nor a place outside the law. Just now, they all felt a huge pressure from another world, that kind of distant Under the watchful eyes of the unnameable beings that existed beyond their own level, they were both oppressed and out of breath.

But Gong Lie didn't seem to notice it: "Historical anthropologist Wang Mingke once mentioned a sentence in a book that I very much agree with - a nation is an imagined community."

"What is here is not a fabrication, but a process in which the ethnic group forms a common cognition."

"For example, a person who was born in a family of small landlords in the Central Plains during the Wei and Jin Dynasties. He learned Chinese from novels, wrote Chinese characters, knew how to farm, occasionally read Confucian classics, and could compose a poem when he was happy; when he and the people around him gathered Together, discovering that there are so many common behavioral labels between the arcs creates a sense of identity; and the more similarities there are, the stronger the sense of identity—for these labels, I think its properties roughly have and two dimensions;"

"The so-called customs are generally some more specific behaviors, which can also be regarded as the initial stage of culture-for example, the Shanyue people at that time would cut off their hair tattoos, and the Tuoba Xianbei people would braid their hair. These behaviors are simple to operate, so the execution cost is very high. Low;"

"Culture is a relatively abstract concept—such as the thoughts of various schools of thought, the laws of poetry and poetry, the shape of statues and buildings, etc.; because it takes a long time to learn these foods, the implementation cost is very high. high;"

"Between customs and culture, there are some matters whose core is abstract but which can be embodied—for example, festivals."

"Since the Han Dynasty, China has had the custom of setting off firecrackers and posting Spring Festival couplets every Spring Festival. This is a specific behavior that anyone can do, but behind this behavior, there are reasons why they should do it; "


"In order to distinguish their own differences, each ethnic group will do different behaviors - such as Xianbei and Tuoba ethnic groups with weak comprehensive strength can only use the very low-cost custom of breaking hair tattoos and braiding hair to show the difference;"

"However, the land of China is vast, and the climatic conditions vary greatly in different regions. The people in the four regions have different habits. For example, the people in the Central Plains must be well-behaved when they hoe the land, otherwise they will hoe the seedlings, so it is difficult to produce passionate dances; while the people in the Northland Half-farming and half-pastoral, with relatively more time, facing the vast grassland where cattle and sheep can be seen in the wind blowing grass, it is easier to produce singing and dancing."

When Yang Zhu heard this, although there was a smile on his face, his tone was vaguely impatient: "Mr. Gong, you are digressing!"

Gong Lie cast a slightly disdainful expression: "It's not digressing, Director Yang, just listen slowly."

After finishing speaking, he continued on his own: "In order to integrate the people in the territory, we have to erase the labels with high custom attributes such as good singing and dancing. In this way, the common label of the Han nationality is in the There are many aspects of culture - so since the Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties, the Central Plains Dynasty will release foreigners to move into the interior, which will change their geographical environment, and their way of life will gradually change from nomadic to semi-agricultural. erase slowly;"

"It is inconvenient for these foreign tribesmen to communicate internally, so they have to use Chinese as their common language; and because there is no written language, when issuing orders, they can only write in Chinese characters. As a result, the labels of Chinese culture have gradually increased, making them From Barbarians to Xia, gradually and completely assimilated into the Han nationality—to give the most classic example, Wuhuan, who once ruled the roost in the Northeast, was completely assimilated because he was migrated to the interior, and finally became an ordinary Han in Hebei and Shaanxi .”

Gong Lie, who spent a long time laying the groundwork, turned his head and looked at the crowd: "I know that some people don't think so and want to fight - if a foreign race takes over the Central Plains, they can learn the Central Plains culture without reducing their cultural value. The label with a high content of customs and maintains the characteristics of their own nation, so can they not only rely on the power of their own people to oppress the people of the Central Plains by force, but also use the banner of China to dispel the defensive psychology of the people of the Central Plains?"

Hearing Gong Lie take the initiative to raise this question, some middle and high-level officials nodded, and the rat-tailed money braids reappeared in their hearts.

Gong Lie, who took the students' reactions into consideration, smiled, and answered the question himself first: "According to the historical progress of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms, the Xiongnu who destroyed the Western Jin Dynasty relied on their ideals to motivate them. The people of the Xiongnu—the Qiang people, whose lifestyle is similar to that of the Huns, were deeply inspired and joined them; at the same time, Liu Yuan, the lord of the Xiongnu, used the name of the country to paralyze the people of the Central Plains, and finally occupied half of the Central Plains;”

"However... when the Xiongnu entered the Central Plains, with the popularization of Han culture in the territory under their rule, the sense of division among the nomadic peoples deepened;"

"So it didn't take long for the contradictions between the Xiongnu, Qiang, and Jiehu to become more and more acute, coupled with the promotion of other factors, and finally to split-so Shi Le, the first emperor of Zhao after the Jiehu, summed up the reasons for the collapse of the Xiongnu Securities. Central Plains culture, celebrating Central Plains festivals, added labels with high Han culture content to stabilize the Han people, and then called the people of the six tribes of the six barbarians in China, and vigorously promoted foreign religions that had a narrow circulation in the past, and established a unified Hu ethnic identity;”

"Hehe... If after Jiehu, Zhao can continue to add labels with higher cultural content of the Hu nationality, and eventually crush the labels with higher cultural content of the Han nationality in number, then the Han nationality will be assimilated by this newly formed Hu nationality. ;”

"It's just a pity that Shi Hu, the third monarch of Zhao after Jiehu, thought he was clever, and took the lead in wearing strange clothes, giving privileges to the Hu people, vigorously promoting foreign religious festivals, and other factors, which caused strong dissatisfaction among the Han people in China, and eventually led to The entire Jie clan was almost slaughtered."

Hearing this, the rest of the middle and senior executives didn't have any special reactions, but Yang Zhu, who was reborn, felt a strange feeling in his heart...

Mr. Gong, although there is nothing new under the sun, history is nothing but human beings repeating their own stupidity time and time again,

But... are you sure you're talking about history now?

Also, are you sure you are not a time-traveling or rebirth person?

Seeing that Yang Zhu's expression became serious, Gong Lie nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, having said so much, since foreign rulers want to unite their own people and insist on adding unique labels to their own nation - in theory , the sense of identity that this method can bring to the Han people will be lower than that of the orthodox dynasty of the Central Plains;”

"Then the question is...why can't the Han people unite to defeat the Hulu and restore China?"

Hearing that Gong Lie returned to this heartbreaking question, even Yang Zhu became silent—if he had been reborn three or five years earlier, he would have given a lot of reasons.

But unfortunately, his rebirth line is in 2022. After seeing countless jaw-dropping ghosts under the demon mirror, after reflection, the reasons he originally thought were simply untenable.

Seeing that Yang Zhu remained silent, Gong Lie sighed in disappointment, and said to himself: "In my opinion, the fundamental reason for this phenomenon that future generations cannot understand is because of the actions of the Central Plains dynasty. The difference between the ruling class and the gentry class and the common people's life is too great, which has led to a national identity crisis for a large number of Han civilians!"

"This is the real reason why the common people were still unable to unite and resist even though the Han nationality was in crisis of breaking their honor and status at that time!"

After giving the conclusion, Gong Lie said in a calm to almost indifferent tone: "Since the outbreak of the Yellow Turban Uprising in 184, the world has been in chaos for nearly a hundred years until the Wuhu chaos in China; it was not until the Western Jin Dynasty destroyed Wu in 280 that the people at dawn finally Here comes the dawn of peace;"

"Although Sima Yan created the rule of Taikang after he ruled the world, this so-called rule of the world is actually just a fig leaf to whitewash the peace. In order to satisfy the extravagant life, Sima Yan did not hesitate to sell officials. As for Sili Captain Liu Yi once said."

"As the saying goes, the first emperor of the Jin Dynasty is like this, and the ministers of the court and the middle are vying to follow suit. The Taiwei He used to eat as much as [-] yuan a day, but he said that there was no place to put his chopsticks; his son He Shao was even more addicted to shopping. , There are countless good clothes in the house, because they can't wear them, they are pressed at the bottom of the box and are bitten by moths, so they are simply thrown away as garbage."

"Throughout the two Jin Dynasties, the aristocratic rentiers were full of brains and stomachs, and they had too much money to spend, so they simply started to show off their wealth and sell their wealth - the most famous ones are Shi Chong, Wang Kai, Yang Xiu and others, which are listed in elementary school textbooks. There are written ones, so I won’t introduce them one by one.”

"In short, the nobles were drunk and dreamed of death in the wine pool and meat forest, while the common people who lived under the same sky as them were in dire straits. If you don’t register, your face will look disheveled; if there is a severe drought and the price of rice soars, you will have to eat grass roots, bark, and even clay;”

"In this way, on the one hand, the majority of the people will starve to death on the side of the road, or become domestic slaves of high-ranking officials; on the other hand, the number of registered households in the state will be greatly reduced, and the state will have to intensify its efforts to move the ministries outside the Great Wall into the interior. , so that they can work and serve to make up for the shortage of labor force.”

"Under such circumstances, the Hu people and the Jin people are both low-level laborers, and they must be oppressed by local officials and nobles. Therefore, they feel that they are in the same boat. It is said in history that when the famine was severe; We had to leave our hometown together and go to Jingzhou, Yuzhou and other places to eat;”

"Hehe, at that time, the pavilions and pavilions in Luoyang were very magnificent, a meal worth ten thousand yuan was very tempting, and the four-foot corals that were shining brightly were very dazzling-but this is not the barbarian's, It is not from the people of Jin;"

"The nobles enjoy a stable and rich life, but the people at the bottom have to wander around in order to fill their stomachs - this almost split-like experience finally made some Jin people have doubts;"

"Those high-ranking officials who don't have to worry about food and clothing, and the low-level barbarians who are also running around for their lives... Who can be regarded as one of our own?"

"Xia Jie once compared himself to the high sun, and the oppressed people shouted—the Han people under the Jin Dynasty, don't they have this kind of mentality?"

"Why did the majority of the people in the Central Plains willingly join us during Zu Ti's Northern Expedition? ——That's because Zu Ti used the chariots and horses he rode on to travel with old illnesses, walked on foot, and shared medicine and clothing with everyone;"

"Why was Liu Yu able to swallow thousands of miles in the Northern Expedition, so that the people in the north came back with soldiers and food? ——That is because Liu Yu cared about the suffering of the people, was lenient to the people, and generously rewarded the soldiers."

"Zi said: Don't worry about being few but worry about inequality, don't worry about changing screens and worry about anxiety—the gap between the powerful Han nobles and the common people even surpasses the differences between different ethnic groups. How can you make these low-level Han people possible? For a gradually unfounded name, unite and continue to work for you and resist foreign races?"

Seeing that Gong Lie was getting more and more superior, he was afraid that if he continued to talk, he would say something even more inappropriate, Yang Zhu immediately shouted: "Enough!"

Looking at Gong Lie with a surprised face, Yang Zhu was slightly relieved when he saw a huge crab claw receding from his neck, and then said: "Mr. , the harm lies in the solidification of class...Everyone knows this truth."

"I also know what you mean by telling me this history;"

"But to be honest, I don't think that we, Zhutou Trading, have the qualifications to become a powerful figure in the new era. We really can't get involved in some things about public opinion and values; therefore, although I thank you for your kindness, I I want to are overthinking!"

People at different levels heard different things from the same story, at least Yang Zhu heard too many things he shouldn't understand in the story retold by Gong Lie, so he really didn't want to continue listening.

Oh?Don't you have the qualifications to become the gatekeeper of the new era?

Gong Lie looked at Yang Zhu sarcastically.

Based on the current influence of Zhutou Commerce and Trade in the fields of agriculture and circulation,

With the shockingly huge financial strength and relationship network overseas of Zhutou International Trade Co., Ltd.,

Based on the current leading position in the domestic new media field of,

You said that you will not become the gatekeeper of the new era...

Cut, who will believe it!

Looking at Gong Lie's overflowing sense of contempt, and the constipated expressions of "Don't worry, we'll see through and not reveal" on the faces of the others,

Although Yang Zhu was not obliged to explain anything to them, he felt awkward in his heart.

To be honest, although the current Zhutou Trading and Zhutou International Trade seem to be giants, but Yang Zhu, who was reborn from later generations, even in this country, even if the size of these two companies expands ten times, it is still the same. That's all - compared to the four great masters, he is really just a younger brother, and he really can't be called a big deal.

Thinking of this, Yang Zhu sighed, then stood up, and said lightly: "Mr. Gong, I think some things are a bit biased, and regardless of whether our Zhutou Trading has the ambition to become a powerful family... In contrast, I'm even more afraid of becoming another Tao Kan!"

After speaking, he took Lu Feifei and left the conference room.

Tao Kan?

Perhaps in terms of public perception and literature, Mr. Wuliu Mr. Tao Yuanming is a well-known star, but for anyone who has mixed up in history—compared to his great-grandfather Tao Kan, Mr. Wuliu is really a big star. Can only be regarded as the younger brother.

Thinking of the stalwart man who saved the Jin Dynasty many times in times of crisis, but ended up not so beautifully, Gong Lie looked suspiciously at Yang Zhu's disappearing figure...

Why is this young big boss so negative?


ps: Reply to a certain book friend, I can’t explain the sentence in the last chapter “There is no place to give birth to a place, and no place to give birth to a place”, I can’t explain it in the book. You should also be able to understand the meaning of this sentence.

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