Rebirth in 1998 is also a kind of life

Chapter 250 Bah, cheapskate!

Spring City, Wujiaba Airport.

A group of four people from Quancheng got off the plane with weak legs and feet, and Lin Keran, who was usually aloof, vomited out without any image.

After the bile was almost vomited away, Miss Lin looked back at SAAB behind her with lingering fear;

Even though she has flown many planes and crossed the Eurasian continent when she was studying, she never expected that such a small 36-seat regional plane in China would leave such a "deep" memory on her!

Thinking of the horror feeling almost like a plane crash half an hour ago, Lin Keran couldn't help but slashed at Yang Zhu with hatred.

If it weren't for this bastard who insisted on pulling me over to help, how could I have suffered such a big crime! ?

Yang Zhu shrugged innocently.

Strictly speaking, although the plane of Shandong Airlines is a little small, it is at most half responsible for the horror encounter just now.

The terrain in southern Yunnan is complicated, and the airflow is even more chaotic to the point of being a monster. Unless you are flying a large plane with 747 engines like a 4; , one or two bursts of violent bumps are always indispensable.


The feeling of weightlessness that the buttocks can't feel the seat just now is really unacceptable, not to mention that the process lasted more than ten minutes?

Rao had seen the power of the Southern Yunnan Airflow in his previous life, just now, Yang Zhu almost thought he was doomed.

However, looking at Qin Xin and Lu Sisi, whose faces were slightly pale, but still calm, Yang Zhu couldn't help being curious: "You don't feel it?"

Lu Sisi shrugged: "When you have the opportunity to take a small plane to Southeast Asia, you will know."

Qin Xin, on the other hand, laughed: "What is this! I think it was like flying in a small military transport plane in the 60s and [-]s in Africa... Tsk tsk, you can try it if you have the chance!"

Go to Africa by small plane?

Thinking of Uncle Hei's skills, Yang Zhu couldn't help shivering.

Forget it, I still want to live a few more years!


Loess slope.

This very northern place name is just a corner on the edge of Spring City at this time. Apart from the rows of buses passing in and out, the most famous thing is the rows of 4S shops next to it;

After getting out of the taxi, Lin Keran looked at the bumpy ground in front of him, and frowned delicately: "Why are we here? This doesn't look like a train station or a bus station!"

Hope Group has entered a critical period of business this year, and she has just been mentioned as the deputy director of the marketing center, and she has a lot of work on her hands. If Yang Zhu hadn't asked, she would never have agreed to make this special trip.

Therefore, it was difficult for her to accept that the other party wasted a minute and a second on irrelevant things - she was not out for a trip, and it was serious to go back as soon as possible!

Yang Zhudong looked around and asked casually, "Do you know the Eighteen Monsters in Southern Yunnan?"

Lin Keran was puzzled and didn't know why Yang Zhu asked this question, but he shook his head honestly.

Maybe it's because the blue sky in Spring City is very pleasant, Lu Sisi is in a good mood at the moment: "Is that the joke about [carrying a doll and falling in love]?"

Yang Zhu laughed: "This is not a joke, but some folk customs in southern Yunnan."

Lin Keran frowned even more when he heard the words, what folk customs are not folk customs, did you really come here to travel together?

Qin Xin saw Lin Keran's displeasure, and smiled slightly: "Boss wants to say that it should be [Trains are not as fast as cars] in the Eighteen Monsters of Southern Yunnan? You came here to buy a car?"

Yang Zhu snapped his fingers: "That's right, the car is the most convenient means of transportation in southern Yunnan. There is no direct train from Chuncheng to Zhenxiong. If there is no car, it will take a lot of time to go around."

Lin Keran, who claims to be quite experienced, curled her lips: "Take a bus to Zhenxiong, and then call the local government to send a special car to receive it. Why bother!?"

Yang Zhu was a little speechless, do you think this is Qilu, not to mention that he and others have not sent a formal letter, do they recognize us;

Just to say that in the past two years, there are not a few "Xiangjiang bosses" and "Singapore bosses" who have been plundering the government's wool here in the name of investment. With so many painful experiences, you can call a special car with just a phone call?no kidding!

Besides... I came here to help my brother. According to your method of operation, Carrot has a P chance to get the first prize!

Thinking of this, Yang Zhu looked at the eldest lady with a mocking face: "I'm afraid you haven't taken a long-distance bus before?"

Lin Keran was taken aback, then nodded: "It's true that I haven't sat down before."

Yang Zhu chuckled: "No wonder... don't blame me for not reminding you, if you really want to take the bus to Zhenxiong, I have no objection, but if something happens on the way, such as being stolen or robbed, I will not be responsible; "

"Besides, the southern part of Yunnan is full of mountain roads, and the road conditions are not good. The long-distance bus takes more than ten to twenty hours; people just lie on the shop floor when they get on the bus, and dozens of pairs of stinky feet will appear in a car by then. In a closed space, there is a high probability that you will encounter one or two pairs of Hong Kong feet...the taste is comparable to biochemical weapons!"

"Tsk tsk~ As long as you can bear the stench for more than ten hours, then go, I will never stop you!"

When Lin Keran heard this, he imagined it in his head, his face turned pale, and he had a faint tendency to retch: "But it's too late for you to buy a car now, right? New car insurance, licensing and other procedures will be delayed no matter what. How many days!"

Yang Zhu laughed: "Who told you that only new cars are sold here? Our goal is second-hand cars. Here, look!"

Lin Keran looked along Yang Zhu's arm, and sure enough, he saw seven or eight cars parked in the square next to a 4S shop. They looked like they were for sale.


three hours later.

After swiping his card, Yang Zhu looked at the second-hand Land Cruiser L80 in front of him, and nodded, thinking that with the off-road performance of this car, it would be able to handle the mountain road in Zhenxiong.

It's not that he likes the island brand, but the rest of the cars are either ordinary cars, whose passability is not guaranteed; Four or five years old L80 is more suitable.

Although the salesperson enthusiastically expressed that they could transfer a few better off-road vehicles from other places, Yang Zhu looked at Lin Keran who was getting more and more manic, and after all, he didn't waste any more time on this matter.

"Let's go, let's drive in four turns, and we will arrive at Zhenxiong early tomorrow morning!" Yang Zhu waved his hand and handed the map of the newly purchased land to Qin Xin, signaling him to open the first stop.

Qin Xin had a bitter face: "Boss, we didn't eat anything today except for some plane meals. How can we go on the road hungry!"

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the huge poster on the side of the road: "Why don't we... let's try that Japanese grocery store?"

Yang Zhu looked at the large characters "Hefeng Village. Kaiseki Cuisine" on the billboard, and his forehead darkened.

Let’s say that although Hefeng Village was closed in the end, it was once very famous in Spring City, but how did it come to be so famous... It’s neither because of how delicious it is, nor because of how beautiful its environment is, but because of this Jiadian once launched the infamous "human body banquet" at some stage.

Although as a man, Yang Zhu in his previous life was very curious about how this human body feast was so glamorous, but it was a pity that the store had closed at that time.

But in this life, Yang Zhu's interest in human body banquets has naturally decreased due to the fact that there is a peerless beauty sleeping next to his pillow. In addition, he is thinking about his brother in his heart, so he naturally doesn't have the intention to go to this restaurant to have a slow meal or two Hours.

Immediately slapped the map on Qin Xin: "When you arrive in Chuncheng, eat woolen Japanese food, you will be really hungry. I will take you to eat the real special food in Chuncheng!"

When Tan Xin, who was hungry, became interested immediately, "What are we going to eat?"

Yang Zhu chuckled: "Burning bait!"

Lu Sisi, who has a little understanding of the food in southern Yunnan, heard the words, and a black thread appeared on her head;



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