In the afternoon, the village leaders, elders and important people of each branch gathered in the open-air meeting place of the headquarters, waiting for Zong Shuai's speech.

The King of Yue sat down and said to the crowd: "This clan meeting, when the heads of the villages report their daily affairs, we will first discuss an important matter, which needs to be voted on by all the elders."

The elders listened attentively; Zhiming sat next to King Yue.

The King of Yue first introduced to everyone: "Before discussing major issues, let me first introduce the person sitting next to me. He is General Lei Zhiming, a subordinate of Liu Bei, the clan clan of the Han Dynasty."

Zhiming got up, clasped his fists and saluted.Everyone was whispering and talking, because according to the clan rules, outsiders were not allowed to participate in the clan association.

Yulong was also present at this time. When he heard the name, he was shocked and thought: "Could it be that he is what Lei Gang said, who once broke into Baihuzhai alone and defeated Tianfeng, and killed his brother in Dangyang?" Lei Zhiming? Why is he here, sitting next to Zong Shuai?!"

After Zhiming sat down, King Yue cleared his doubts: "Everyone, please listen to me. Because the matter is of great importance, I must make an exception to allow General Lei to participate in this clan meeting. Last night, two 'mysterious guests' came to our village for the purpose of Retrieve the crystal ball for Sun Quan, and send Xiao Qiao back to Zhou Yu."

Everyone was puzzled again.The king of Yue described what happened last night, but he didn't mention the matter of the White Tigers. He only said: "Since their goal has been achieved, I also firmly believe that General Lei is thinking about the future of our clan, so I suggest that Wu Yue reconcile. how about?"

As soon as they heard "Wu Yue is reconciled", everyone immediately attacked, and no one agreed, especially the elders.As senior elders of the Yue nationality, the elders agreed that this idea was like a castle in the air, not only impossible to realize, but also hurt the feelings of the tribe.

The King of Yue had already expected this reaction. He signaled everyone to be quiet, and said, "Actually, I thought it was not feasible at the beginning. After all, the hatred between Wu and Yue has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it will not be eliminated overnight. More clansmen sacrificed. On the day I am in power, as the head of the clan, I hope to fulfill this wish."

There was a lot of discussion in the audience again, and some people even started beating their chests and insulting their ancestors.

The King of Yue did ideological work again: "Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient. As the saying goes: 'Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain', all village owners, elders, and fellow clansmen, please seriously consider what I said."

Elder Wuchaoshan was the first to raise his hand to object, saying: "I don't quite agree with Zongshuai's opinion, we must not forget the humiliation of history. Have you forgotten the last words of the former lord? He told us to uphold the previous will, Continue to struggle and vow to fight against the Wu people to the end! After all, Wu Yue is an old enemy, and the two sides have a deep blood feud, and it is not possible to reconcile with just a few words."

Elder Lishan also echoed: "Yes, history must never be forgotten. We don't need to worry about an outsider's suggestion. Even if we unilaterally agree to reconcile, Wu Guo will not agree, after all, they also hate us. to the bone."

Ban Peng, the owner of Wuchao Village, said: "I agree with the speeches of the two elders just now, and Zong Shuai's words are not unreasonable, but according to the current situation, it is difficult to achieve. Not to mention hatred, even if you put aside all emotional factors, The state of Wu can't tolerate our family either, because our family is huge and has a large population. It is impossible for the state of Wu to accept a large number of outsiders to live with them at the same time; and we have lived in the mountains for a long time and cannot leave for a while, so the food problem is particularly prominent. It’s gone. It’s impossible for Wu to provide food for our family for free for a long time, so how can we survive?”

King Yue just wanted to speak, Zhiming got up and said to everyone: "Masters and elders, I have actually discussed this issue with Zongshuai last night. Nobles can infiltrate all walks of life in Wu Kingdom and provide them with a lot of labor in exchange for For food, the two sides are mutually beneficial and exchange what they need.”

Everyone saw that although he was only in his early twenties, he had an extraordinary temperament, like a senior military strategist.

Hu Hatun, the owner of Lishan village, said: "General Lei, although you belong to Uncle Liu, you still have to respect our clan's decision. This matter is related to the future of our clan. Let us solve it internally, and outsiders don't have to." meddling."

Zhiming said: "I don't want to meddle in the affairs of the nobles. It's just that Cao Cao's army is stationed in Jingzhou and will attack Jiangnan at any time and annex Wu and the Yue people in one fell swoop. If the nobles don't shake hands with Wu as soon as possible, they will regret it later." .”

Everyone fell into discussion again.Some people say that Zhiming is young and doesn't understand politics; others suspect that he is a spy of the state of Wu who was sent here under the guise of killing them all.

The King of Yue signaled for everyone to be quiet, and said: "Everyone, please don't be suspicious. General Lei is indeed a member of General Liu, not a spy sent by Wu. He also has good intentions and is justified. If we don't go this way, our The food problem cannot be solved, because our identity in the country of Wu has been exposed, and he himself has been controlled."

Everyone was shocked.Ban Peng had already received the news from Yu Long before, and said: "I and the elders of this village have already known about Lu Ji, but if we want to reconcile with Wu Guo just because of the food problem, it would seem that our family is too vulnerable. Yes. After all, we can get food in other ways.”

The King of Yue asked him back: "Then how do you think we can get food?"

"This..." Ban Peng was speechless for a moment; the others were also speechless for a moment.

The King of Yue took advantage of the situation and said: "If someone can propose a better method and it is recognized by everyone, I have no objection."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless; Dabu, who was sitting by the side, had a complex expression and seemed to have something to hide.

Seeing that he was silent, King Yue asked, "Dabu, what do you mean?"

Dab was silent.King Yue was considerate of his feelings, so he didn't ask for a while.

At this time, Lishan's top staff officer got up and said: "In my humble opinion, reconciliation is not necessarily a bad thing. After all, the situation is different from the past. The biggest weakness of our family is the food problem. In the past, there were Luji as internal support, but now we lack Without a reliable source of information, we had to find another way out. Cao Cao’s southern expedition will not only invade the state of Wu, but also uproot our family; moreover, the state of Wu will need a large amount of military supplies during the war, and will definitely send heavy troops to escort it. There are even fewer sources of food that our people have the opportunity to seize. Times are pressing, and it's time for us to calm down and think. So, I think..."

Before the words were finished, Wuchao Mountain Flying Cavalry General stood up and said angrily: "Rusbu, what nonsense are you talking about? As a clansman who is cared by the ancestors, why are you lying like this!"

"Baizhuoer, sit down!" The King of Yue shouted, "Everyone has the right to express their opinion, no matter whether it is reasonable or not, this is a family rule, have you forgotten?"

Bai Zhuoer sat down blushing.King Yue signaled Rusbu to continue.

Ruthbu said: "In short, I think reconciliation is better than war. At least there is no need to shed blood and sacrifice, and everyone no longer needs to live in fear. Our family can officially have a place in Jiangdong. Such a thing that benefits the family and the people, why not Enjoy it instead of doing it?"

As soon as Rusbu sat down, a young female general immediately retorted: "Yes, war is indeed going to be bloody, but it's not too late for reconciliation! Sun Quan is currently facing the dual pressure of Cao's army's pressure and the rear's turmoil. There is no time at all. Consider the matter of reconciliation! We should take advantage of the situation and attack the surrounding counties and counties, seize their power, and fight for their territory. When the core areas such as Chaisang are about to be captured by Cao Jun, we will ask Sun Quan to let our family share The three counties of Danyang, Luling, and Yuzhang, our family will also assist the Wu army to defeat Cao together. Due to the situation, Sun Quan will definitely agree. After retiring Cao, Wu and Yue also reached the so-called "reconciliation" wish logically. Joint management of Jiangdong. I wonder if you agree with my statement?"

This person is the leader of the only female army of the Yue nationality - Xuan.She is one of Yulong's apprentices, and Tongge's junior sister. Although she is young, she has practiced martial arts well and was selected by the tribe as a female general.She has made countless military exploits, and all the female fighters under her are as good as men, and they are very skilled.The female army led by her once made countless Wu soldiers frightened.

The vast majority of people nodded in agreement, only a very small number of people remained silent.King Yue knew in his heart that if he voted now, the result would definitely be negative.His determination was unshakable, and he didn't want more people to sacrifice.For so many years, the struggle between the Yue people and the foreign people has continued, and countless people have died, causing great grief to their relatives, and some even committed suicide due to the unbearable pain of bereavement.After Jing Zhiming said it, he deeply realized the heavy responsibility he should shoulder, and vowed to accomplish a good deed for his family in his lifetime, and pull the Yue people out of the fire pit of years of war. Wu reconciliation.Disharmony means war, war means sacrifice, and sacrifice means more pain and hatred.The king of Yue couldn't bear to see this situation again. A god incarnated as a man gave him such an instruction, and he had to put it into practice, and he couldn't live up to the original intention of heaven.

The King of Yue signaled for everyone to be quiet again, and said: "I have just listened to the speeches of all of you, and found that most people advocate struggle, but very few people advocate reconciliation. But please think about it, if you continue to fight, there will still be people How many clansmen have to sacrifice? Are you willing to watch the people around you die one by one? Which war has no casualties? You only have hatred in your heart, but you ignore the precious life of people. Is this the nature of our clan? Endless Struggle, is this the law of nature? Why can't we put aside the past and start over? Don't they have any losses? It can be said that their losses are heavier than ours! When we attacked the grain transport team, how many people did they lose? How many people did we lose? Those Wu Jun who were killed by us were also born and raised by their parents. Don’t their relatives grieve? So I believe that the Wu people think the same as us, and they also hope to reconcile soon! "

These words seemed to have a little effect, and the opposition was much less than before.

"Besides, if you think about it further, even if we take advantage of the vacancy, capture Chaisang, and seize power, can this last long? Do we have the experience and ability to manage? Is it possible for Cao Cao to let us go? Will the Wu army in the county let us go? There must be only one consequence—besieged on all sides! With the current strength of our family, it is impossible to resist the attacks of Cao Jun and Wu Jun at the same time. Now there is a food crisis again, and the food stocks in each village are estimated to be low. Not much more, at most it can only last for about half a month. After half a month? Go to the downtown market to rob? How many times can we succeed? How can we survive when we lose our main source of food? Fighting with vigor?" King Yue made an in-depth analysis step by step.

Everyone was lost in thought.He continued: "In addition, I must remind everyone that you all know the White Tigers under Cao Jun, right? Cao Cao joined their troops in this expedition. About ten years ago, the man known as the 'Dragon Among Men' Lu Bu was captured and hanged to death by them. Wherever the White Tigers go, it can be said that they have swept away thousands of troops and not a single blade of grass can grow. If they attack our clan aggressively, the situation will be dangerous."

Everyone's face turned pale when they talked about it, and they didn't dare to make a sound; Yulong was thinking about the problem calmly.

"I have said so much, but I just hope that everyone understands that there are only two paths before my family: one, continue to fight, and wait for Cao Jun and Wu Jun to attack; Empress Cao will govern Jiangdong together. It's war or peace, let's make a decision now!" King Yue tapped the table with the back of his finger.

Everyone was discussing, suddenly one of them got up and said loudly: "I object! I absolutely support Wu Yue's reconciliation!"

Everyone's eyes shot at Dabu in unison.King Yue was stunned; Zhiming had expected this to happen, so he was not surprised.

Someone whispered something to King Yue.He nodded and said to Zhiming: "General Lei, please go back to the tent to rest for a while, we need to discuss internally, and then invite you to come here afterward. The matter is very important, please understand."

Zhiming expressed his understanding and left.He knew why Dabu objected, but there was nothing to do, it was only God's will.

Dabu said to everyone: "Are you really willing to shake hands with the Wu people? How many of you have relatives who died at their hands? Don't you want to take revenge? Even if you all support me, I will not vote Yes! Unless they pay my son back!"

Dabu burst into tears.The King of Yue comforted: "Dabu, I understand your pain of bereavement very much. Apart from you, there are many people who are also suffering from bereavement. We must consider issues from the standpoint of the future of the nation, not just personal feelings , while ignoring the survival of the nation. Dabu, you are recognized as a star of wisdom in the clan, why do you become so confused when it comes to critical moments?"

"No, no!" Dabu shook his head blindly, "I don't agree! I want to fight! Fight!!"

Everyone present felt that he had lost his mind and could no longer communicate with reason; King Yue was also at a loss for what to do.


Zhiming returned to the camp and told Yang Ji about the past.When he heard that Dabu disagreed with the reconciliation, Yang Ji suddenly got up and said, "Go, take me there! I have a way to convince him!"

"Do you have a solution?"

"Yes, other than that, there is no other way to win his precious vote!" Yang Ji took Zhiming's hand and left.

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