Jianming Chaos

Chapter 70 The Heart of a Warrior

After a while, the handle of Zhiming's halberd was blown away.Gan Ning slashed straight down, Zhiming blocked it with the head of the halberd.Gan Ning pressed down hard, but Zhiming couldn't exert his strength, and fell to his knees all at once.

Gan Ning continued to push down, the sharp side of the halberd's head touched Zhiming's shoulder, and a stream of bright red blood flowed down his arm.

"Boy, admit defeat!" Gan Ning was relentless and arrogant.

The head of the halberd continued to penetrate into the flesh, and it had already touched the shoulder blade. If it went a little lower, the bone would break.Zhiming gritted his teeth and refused to surrender; Gan Ning tried his best to subdue him.

Kong Ming's palms were sweating, he wanted to throw the sword over, but unfortunately the distance was too far.In fact, Zhiming could use the induction force to make the divine sword fly over, but he was afraid that it would be too eye-catching, so he held back.

"Use your sensory power to summon the divine sword, or your life will be in danger!" the old fairy shouted anxiously.

Zhi Ming was hesitating, but at the critical moment, the divine sword in Kong Ming's hand came out of its sheath automatically, turned into a bolt of lightning, flew towards Gan Ning's sword, and cut off the hilt with a "shua".

Zhiming was saved, he stood up and looked at Gan Ning panting.The Excalibur is already in his hands.

Gan Ning was puzzled: How could the handle of the knife break?Where did the sword come from in his hand?

Everyone was amazed and didn't know what happened.Kong Ming was also very puzzled, why did the sword in his hand suddenly grow wings?Only Zhiming knew in his heart that it was Shenjian who sensed that his master was in danger and flew to save him by himself; moreover, Shenjian could recognize that Gan Ning was not the real enemy, so he just cut off his weapon without harming him.Zhiming knows that this kind of good luck doesn't come all the time, so he must take advantage of this opportunity.He decided to make a quick decision and knock down the wild beast in front of him in one go.

Zhiming held the Excalibur tightly, and shouted loudly, his momentum was like a rainbow, scaring Gan Ning back a few steps.

Seeing that the opponent's sword had been broken, Zhiming said: "General Gan, this sword is my amulet. It is extremely sharp, cuts iron like mud, and will protect its master by itself. You should give up this battle!"

Although Gan Ning was currently at a disadvantage, as a warrior, he could not let go of his dignity and said, "That's right, my weapon is useless. Logically speaking, I should admit defeat immediately. But, you know, I have experienced many battles. But I have never lost a game! Now I am told to give up like this, I am not reconciled! I vow to fight to the last moment, until one of us falls!"

Everyone present was shocked by Gan Ning's tenacious fighting spirit; even Zhiming was in awe of the fighting spirit emanating from him.Gan Ning was fond of martial arts since he was a child, and his comprehension was extremely high. He didn't need too much guidance from others at all, and he could learn something by relying on his own comprehension.When he was young, he did not do business properly. He was a pirate, a Jiang bandit, and a bohemian ranger. He traveled all over the world to visit famous teachers and learned many kinds of martial arts. He liked to compete with others and defeated all opponents.The long-term "undefeated golden body" led to his self-confidence bursting, and he once thought that he was invincible.He once submitted to Liu Biao and Huang Zu, but unfortunately they were not reused. Later, he assisted Sun Quan to eliminate Huang Zu and belonged to him; because of his outstanding martial arts, he quickly became the leading general of Soochow. The "Four Great Beasts" also admired him. Martial arts became his master disciple.Before Zhiming's arrival, he never knew that there were people with such unrivaled martial arts in the world, so he was very eager to defeat him.

Zhiming originally thought that the battle with Gan Ning was just a general exchange of ideas, but unexpectedly it turned into a fierce battle.Of course he would not give up easily, and the Excalibur also came to help him by itself. The situation was quite favorable for him.However, Gan Ning's aggressiveness made him admire him, and he suddenly softened, not wanting to break the other party's confidence.

Gan Ning threw away the broken knife, pumped his fists, and used hard qigong again.

Zhiming was hesitating whether to use the Excalibur, but Gan Ning seemed to see his concerns, and said confidently, "Come on, you're welcome, use your sword to attack any part of my body!"

Seeing his self-confidence, Zhiming secretly admired him, so he made up his mind and chopped off his head with a sword.The sword's edge landed on the top of his head, and Gan Ning was unscathed.

Zhiming swung his sword several times, no matter which part of his body he cut, he hit the stone with an egg.

"This guy is the same as Xu Chu! No, to be precise, he is stronger than Xu Chu!" Zhiming stopped and thought.

Gan Ning's muscles began to expand rapidly.His face was flushed, his eyes were bloodshot, and there was a fierce beast-like light in his eyes.He roared and rushed forward.

Zhiming stabbed with his sword, right in his heart, and couldn't go in.Gan Ning clamped the divine sword with both palms, intending to break it; but the divine sword is a thing of the gods, and it cannot be broken by human strength.

Gan Ning tightly grasped the Excalibur with both hands, and pulled hard, pulling Zhiming over.He pushed out his right knee again, Zhiming blocked it with his left palm.

Gan Ning kicked with his left foot, kicking Zhiming far away.The Excalibur fell into Gan Ning's hands.

He was about to raise his sword, when suddenly, the hand holding the sword felt as if it had touched a strong electric current, and his whole body trembled.Excalibur fell to the ground.

Zhiming endured the pain and stood up, and said: "I have already said that this sword has a soul. It only recognizes me as the master, and it cannot be used to fight without the hands of the master."

Gan Ning rubbed his hand bitten by the electric tiger, with a dissatisfied face, he rushed again.

Seeing that the opponent was restless, Zhiming once again used the "Leveraging Power to Hit Strength Technique", followed the wind of his fist, grabbed his fist sideways, and exerted force in the direction of his attack, while tripping with his left foot.Gan Ning leaned forward and fell heavily on the ground.

Before he got up, Zhiming flew up, pressed down with both knees, and hit him hard on the back.

Gan Ning let out a scream and sprayed blood.Zhiming's knees hit his spine, and if he hadn't been protected by hard qigong, his body would have been disabled; the stone slab under him was cracked due to the strong impact.

Zhiming stood aside, waiting for him to get up.Gan Ning struggled to stand halfway, then fell down again.

Kong Ming and Xiaomiao breathed a sigh of relief; Sun Quan and Zhang Zhao held their breath, waiting for Gan Ning to get up.

Seeing that he couldn't move, Zhiming wanted to sit down and take a breath.Suddenly, Gan Ning stretched out a hand to grab his foot and pulled it hard.Zhiming also fell down.

Gan Ning stood up abruptly, lifted him up into the air, and was about to smash him to the ground.

"Stop!" At this moment, a voice came.

Gan Ning looked back, and Sun Quan came over and said, "Put down General Lei."

Gan Ning put Zhiming down.In fact, even if Sun Quan didn't call to stop, Zhiming could still save the day with his strength.

Sun Quan said to the two of them: "The contest between you two is very exciting. It has surpassed ordinary people. Gu admires it very much, but I don't want to see either of you fall down. If Gu doesn't call to stop, it is estimated that this fight will continue to this day. It’s late, so this time it’s a tie. Gan Ning, you’ve done a good job; General Lei, you’re so powerful that you’ve made all the warriors of Eastern Wu ashamed.”

After finishing speaking, he turned to the onlookers and said, "It's really rare for General Lei to defeat many of our Soochow Wu masters at such a young age. You should learn more from them in the future and train harder. You must not be satisfied with the status quo."

All the warriors said in unison: "Yes, my lord!"

Gan Ning said to Zhiming: "You have great potential, young man. If you practice for a few more years, I'm afraid I won't be able to beat you."

"General Gan has won the prize. In fact, the general is also very good. Just now I really thought the general would not be able to get up. I didn't expect it to be a fraud." Zhiming stepped down the steps for the other party.

"'Soldiers never tire of cheating', everyone understands this truth, I hope you don't mind." Gan Ning suffered a back injury and had no choice but to step down.

"No. The many martial arts achievements of the general are exactly what I want to learn from and learn from." Zhiming was humble to the end.

"To each other, if we have a chance, we will compete again and complement each other." Gan Ning patted him on the shoulder.

"Okay, sure." Zhiming put his hand on the back of his hand.

In this way, Sun Quan skillfully resolved a contest that might become a battle of life and death, turning the two into friends.Gan Ning saved some face for Soochow with his excellent martial arts.

At this moment, Zhiming admires Sun Quan's way of dealing with people. He not only saved face for his own side, but also praised the other side appropriately, so that both sides can accept this result happily. Perhaps this is an important reason why he can become the "king of a country" Bar.

Zhiming picked up the divine sword and was about to go back to Kong Ming when Gan Ning suddenly asked, "Why did the sword suddenly fly over to save you just now? How could it shock me?"

Zhiming smiled mysteriously and said, "I told you before, this sword is alive."

Gan Ning was a little confused.Seeing that the other party refused to elaborate, he had no choice but to give up, put on his armor and return to the main formation.The crowd cheered him again.

Looking at Zhiming's leaving back, Gan Ning felt restless and thought: "Who is he at such a young age, so strong in martial arts? Ordinary people have to practice at least 30 years old to reach this level. Moreover, His sword is definitely not an ordinary weapon. It is unreasonable that it would automatically fly to cut off my Tianlong Bafeng Dao. This shows that he is definitely not an ordinary person. If there is a chance, I must find out his origin. "

When Zhiming came back, Kong Ming said, "I didn't expect General Lei's martial arts to be so good. I couldn't see it before. It seems that I brought you here really well."

Zhiming put his sword back into its sheath, and said, "I've practiced martial arts since I was a child, so I can deal with this kind of situation. It's just that there are too many famous generals in Eastern Wu, and there might be one more powerful than Gan Ning!"

Kong Ming said with a smile: "That's true! Fortunately, Sun Quan handled it properly and stopped this contest that was about to turn into a deathmatch."

"As a warrior, I think that deep in General Gan's heart, there must be a kind of attachment to winning or losing. If this attachment continues to spread, it will make him go crazy and fall into the devil's way. During the martial arts competition just now, it was obvious to me that He felt that his inner demon was constantly expanding, and almost controlled his whole body and mind. Fortunately, Sun Quan appeared in time and helped him break the curse."

"Yes, even though he is a soldier, he is still a martial artist at heart. Of course, he also pursues the highest level of martial arts, and he will continue to look for masters to fight. Maybe he has never met an opponent before, and he has the feeling of "lonely seeking defeat". state of mind; it wasn't until General Lei appeared that he realized the truth that there are mountains beyond mountains, and there are people beyond people. It seems that he will practice harder in the future. Judging from the present, General Lei's strength has caught up with Zhao Yun , Guan Yu and the others."

"Where, there is still a long way to go." Zhiming was humble again.

After the crowd dispersed, Sun Quan came over to Kong Ming and Zhiming and said, "You two have one piece of literature and one military force, and you can play with Soochow! Haha, I'm just kidding. Please come to the study with Mr. Kong Ming alone. I just want to have a private talk with you for a while."

Kong Ming followed Sun Quan to the study to sit and talk; Lu Su took Zhiming and Xiaomiao to the back garden for a stroll.

Sun Quan invited Kong Ming to take a seat, and said: "Actually, before the arrival of the master, I have already received a letter from Cao Cao, saying that I want to fight with our army..."

"Wait a minute!" Kong Ming interrupted him, "Let me guess. What Cao Cao meant was to invite General Sun to form an alliance with Cao's army, capture Liu Bei together, and divide Jingzhou's territory equally afterward?"

Sun Quan was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Yes, word for word! How did you know, sir?"

Kong Ming smiled and said, "If that's the case, I've already expected the other party to do this. But, has General Sun thought about what Cao Cao's purpose is for doing this? Is he really so generous that he gave away half of Jingzhou? "

Sun Quan said thoughtfully: "Mr.'s words are reasonable. Cao Cao can't be so generous, so I didn't take his words to heart. But what you said before made a deep impression on me, and now I deeply understand it. I realized that the person sitting in the Gu position should not only seek comfort, but also shoulder the heavy responsibility of saving the country and the people, this is the real way to govern the country and secure the country.”

"It's very good that Duke Ming has such an idea. However, not all the counselors under Duke Ming think so. From my point of view, most of them advocate for peace for self-protection. You know, they only think about the safety of themselves and their families. , as well as your official position and status, but you have never considered your situation, Duke Ming. Duke Ming, you should hold a meeting as soon as possible to announce the start of the war. It is not appropriate to delay any longer, and Cao Jun cannot wait too long."

Sun Quan stood up, walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, and said, "Although I said that, Gu still has some concerns. If you declare war if you are isolated, the ministers will mistakenly think that Gu is guided by Mr. to make a decision. As soon as it comes, Gu, who is the lord of a country, appears to have no assertiveness."

Kong Ming also stood up and said, "I understand Duke Ming's intentions, but he was forced to do so because of the situation. Of course, Duke Ming can think about it carefully. After all, besides fighting against the Cao army, your country also needs to guard against the Yue tribe's attack." Offensive, that's also crucial."

"Of course this Gu is clear." Sun Quan sighed, and said, "The foundation created by my late father and brother Bofu must never fall into the hands of the enemy, whether it is Cao Cao or Shanyue.... How about it, sir, please go back first, Gu I will give you a definite answer tomorrow.”

"Then I will take my leave first. I hope Duke Ming can give Jiangdong people a good explanation." Kong Ming bowed and said goodbye.

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