Jianming Chaos

Chapter 323

Zhiming used magic to create several fire shields to block the sand demon's attack and protect everyone.

The sand demon began to use the clone technique to attack humans, and suddenly the sand billowed violently and poured out; if attacked head-on, the flesh and blood would be instantly swallowed by the sandstorm.

Zhiming continued to cast magic, and the fire shield extended outwards to form a giant fire shield, like a fire umbrella stretched high; then it detonated automatically, blasting all the sand demon's fragments.

As soon as Zhiming sent his inner strength, the Excalibur released ultrasonic sword waves.The sand demon was shaken to pieces under the huge impact.

The sky was full of sand and rain, like hailstones falling suddenly.Fortunately, no one was injured in the end.

In his rage, the double-faced demon turned into a giant wolf again, trying to crush the enemy under his feet.

"You lose faster by transforming!" Zhiming sliced ​​off with a sword, the sword wind whistled, and blood spattered.

The giant wolf howled miserably, and swept away with a palm, sweeping away all the nearby humans and werewolves.

The guerrillas were stunned by this shocking force; Haketu hurriedly ordered his men to disperse.

Seeing that he had become disrespectful to his relatives, Zuo Luda dared not speak out. He knew the power of the giant wolf, and he didn't dare to provoke it easily, so he ordered his subordinates to avoid it for the time being.

Afraid of harming more people, Zhiming used his sword light to warn everyone to stay away from the giant wolf.He knew that the giant wolf's movements had slowed down after its transformation, so he used the moment it turned around to carry out a sneak attack.

The giant wolf's movements were far less flexible than his opponent's, and within a short while he had been stabbed several times in the body and was riddled with scars.Zhiming was like a flying insect, torturing an elephant until it lost its temper.

In desperation, the giant wolf turned back into a human.Unwilling to fail, she continued to call the wind and shake the sand.

The demonic wind suddenly blew up, and the sky was full of wild sand. Everyone's bodies were out of control, and they began to surround a certain nucleus.

The heart cylinder does centrifugal motion.The entire desert is like a giant ship that is about to be sucked into the bottom of the sea by the vortex.

"This witch's magic power is too strong, I have to use a unique move to get rid of her!" If it wasn't for the safety of human beings, Zhiming would have resorted to Tian Mie long ago.His body also spun involuntarily.

Zuo Luda couldn't just watch his soldiers being rolled into pieces, but suddenly remembered the witch's weakness, just in time to see a silver-tipped arrow hanging in the air, he quickly grabbed it in his hand and threw it towards it.

Unfortunately, the silver-headed arrow couldn't resist the centrifugal force to move in a straight line and was broken.

"You witch, I won't let you succeed! Brother Jian, show your true strength!" Zhiming gave instructions to the divine sword in his hand.

When the divine sword showed its power, the sand suddenly rolled violently, and the surrounding wind and sand accumulated water into a river, forming a countercurrent sand whirlwind, and swept towards the double-faced demon.

The double-faced demon was startled, he didn't expect that the other party could "do the opposite", and before he could dodge, he was caught in the eye of the storm and disappeared into the sky.

The wind and sand vortex stopped, the crisis was resolved, and Zhiming breathed a sigh of relief.

Due to the disappearance of the witch, the battle between humans and werewolves also ended.

Zhiming said to Zuo Luda: "The witch has been eliminated. If you persist in your obsession, I will not show mercy."

Zuo Luda's current position is somewhat embarrassing: if he continues to advance, he will definitely lose troops and lose generals; he is not reconciled to turning back halfway, after all, the gate of the great man is right in front of him.

Seeing his hesitation, Zhiming persuaded him: "You have no choice. You should turn back as soon as possible and go back to the place where you should belong. Even if your army is as strong as a tiger, you can't rule a big man with only a few thousand troops. stop believing in that unrealistic

of lies. "

Zuo Luda had nothing to say, without the leadership of the witch, there was really no need to go any further; besides, there was no professional supply force, and food had to be hunted and searched all the way, and the army was already exhausted.

"You are free, you can choose to return to Europe or go to other places, but please be sure to leave this piece of Han land, otherwise the sword will have no eyes." Zhiming's tone was soft but hard.

Looking at the clansmen who lack fighting spirit, Zuo Lu Dasi finally compromised after thinking about it.He turned back into a human being; the other werewolves also turned back into humans when they saw this.

Everyone thought it was incredible, and today was an eye-opener.

"I hope you can go back the way you came, and don't harm living beings along the way. This is a human world, if you choose to be human again, it would be great." Zhiming lobbied the other party.

Zuo Luda smiled wryly, and said, "Speaking lightly, it's easier said than done! With our cursed body, it is impossible to return to the human world, unless... we can escape from the clutches of the dark elves."

"Dark elves?" Zhiming came into contact with new terms.

"This world is much bigger than you imagined. There are wars every day. Not only human society, but also the animal world, the elf world, the gods and demons, etc., are staged endless wars all day long. Don't worry, this is our war and has nothing to do with humans. .I will lead the people away from this land and meet the destined enemy." Zuo Luda, already aware of death, let out a long breath, looked up at the endless sky, and said, "I have already smelled their breath."

"You mean, the dark elves are chasing and killing you?" Zhiming was afraid of another disaster.

"From the day they left the country of Seru, they began to hunt down

, so we have to speed up the pace.Don't worry, they won't be able to catch up for a while, and we will go back the same way.The day when the werewolves and elves meet, another bloody storm will surely follow! "Zuo Luda is ready to die with the enemy.

"Then I wish you... a smooth journey. If you meet that witch again, I believe you have your own choices." Zhiming issued a kind order to chase away the guests.

Zuo Luda thought for a while and said, "I'll tell you a secret, the double-faced devil's weakness is flying arrows. She has an indescribable fear of flying arrows."

Zhiming nodded, bearing that in mind.He finally understood why the witch attacked Huang Zhong so hard that day.

Zuo Luda was silent for a moment, then suddenly roared, transformed into a werewolf again, and split the ground with his palm, with cynical and unwillingness in his palm.Then, he ordered in wolf language: all evacuated.

The werewolf turned into a galloping wolf and left the desert in a mighty way, leaving behind a sky full of dust and endless sorrow.

Haketu came over and asked, "Hero Lei, why did they withdraw?"

"They still have more important enemies to deal with." Zhiming said, staring into the dark distance.

"Could it be...they will leave the Western Regions?" Haketu was very surprised.

"That's right, they won't come back again, the witch has disappeared." Zhiming was not sure whether the werewolves would return to the carbine, so he could only choose to believe it.

"Hero Lei, you are the savior of Shanshan! On behalf of the people, I thank you. Without you tonight, we would all die here." Haketu said happily.

"The enemy's power is too strong. If I didn't have this magic sword, I wouldn't be able to defeat it." Zhiming always felt that he came to this desert by mistake.

Mo, is the arrangement of God.

"Is that witch really dead?" Haktu always felt that things were not that simple.

"No, she won't die easily, but without the wings of the werewolves, she can't fly anymore. ...By the way, speaking of this, there is one thing that I have always been very concerned about. I heard from you just now that I have learned The strength of the White Tigers? Could it be that their influence has infiltrated the Western Regions?" Zhiming thought of something and asked.

"The White Tigers should have a secret base in their own country. Although they don't know when it was established, they have used force against their own country and almost threatened the king's rule; even the people sent by the Protectorate of the Western Regions to maintain order were killed by them. Or chased them away. The location of the base has never been found, and they come and go without a trace, just like a group of wild beasts." Haketu said with lingering fear.

"How do you know they are the White Tigers?"

"During a battle, the generals personally admitted that they were the branch of the White Tigers stationed in the Western Regions."

"How can you be sure that the secret base is located in your country?"

"Not sure, at least not far from their own country. They have only invaded their own country, and have never heard of other countries being attacked." Haktu was also puzzled.

"How many cities are there in your country?"

"Shanshan is a small place. Except for the capital city, there are less than ten large and small cities, and they don't even meet the standards of cities. It may be more appropriate to call it 'earth castle'."

"Since the territory is not large, why can't I find out where its base is?" Zhiming was puzzled.

"According to the informant, the secret base may be in the Bailongdui Desert east of Lop Nur. The environment there is harsh, and there are beasts infested, and almost no one sets foot there. Unless there is tenacious vitality, no

cannot survive long-term.The biggest possibility right now is there. "Haketu provided a new clue.

"The survival ability of the White Tiger Team is better than that of ordinary people, so surviving in the desert should not be a problem. What kind of animals are there in that desert?"

"There are wild foxes, ostriches, etc., and the most powerful beast is the sand leopard, which is even bigger than a tiger!" Haketu said with gestures.

"A sandstorm is considered a beast?" Zhiming didn't react.

"It's a sand leopard, a leopard's leopard, a ferocious beast that can adapt to arid climates; it's strange that there are none in the Ramagan Desert. There are many sand leopards in the Bailongdui Desert. It is estimated that the White Tiger Team usually feeds on them."

"It's interesting that beasts eat beasts. It seems that the witch may have escaped there. I have to go after her and destroy that secret base!" Zhiming decided to take an adventure in the Bailongdui Desert.

"If the hero wants to help our country eliminate disasters, there is no need for it; besides, it is difficult to get in without a horse, why not follow me back to the capital first. Hero Lei has made great contributions, and the king will definitely reward him a lot." Haketu I would like to take this opportunity to thank Zhiming.

"The reward will be waived, just prepare a horse for me." Zhiming is not interested in these things at all.

Haketu ordered his men to blow the horn to withdraw troops.Torches were lit up one after another in all directions. It seemed that besides the militiamen who participated in the battle just now, there were also many ambush soldiers who hadn't shown their faces.

"How did you get here without riding a horse?" Zhiming asked curiously.

"The main reason was that the neighing of the horse would attract the attention of the enemy, so I changed to riding a camel. The camel sleeps very quietly at night and does not cause any movement." Haketu ordered his men to go down to lead the camel and fetch water.

Although the loss in this desert battle

There were a lot of people, but at least they drove away the enemy, kept Shanshan, and cut off the passage of foreign enemies into the Han Dynasty.

This dedicated guerrilla team entered the capital in mighty force, and it was already the morning of the next day.

People in the capital rushed up one after another, offering water and food.Those who saw their family back were filled with sorrow and joy; those who did not see their family were devastated.This guerrilla team was temporarily recruited by the king a few days ago, with about 6 or [-] people, to assist the orthodox army to defend the front line of the desert; except for the archers who are a little more professional, the rest are improvised militias.

Zhiming really didn't want to see the king, so he said to Haketu: "Squad leader, please prepare the horses for me, I won't follow you into the palace."

"Really not going in to meet the king before leaving? Our princess is a coquettish beauty." A soldier beside Haketu winked at Zhiming.

Haketu immediately reprimanded: "Tarot, pay attention to the scale of your words! Hero Lei is our savior!"

"It's okay, it doesn't matter." Zhiming asked along the lines of the conversation, "Dare to ask Princess Fang's age?"

"Twenty-one this year, she is as beautiful as a flower and as pure as jade, but..." Haketu looked ahead, with a hint of melancholy in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Zhiming sensed something was wrong.

"The princess is going to marry the Huns." Tarot took over the words.

"Why?" Zhiming thought that the Xiongnu had already been driven back to Mobei, but he didn't expect to come to the Western Regions to make trouble.

"Heroes probably don't know the history of the Shanshan Kingdom? A long time ago, when our country was still called the Loulan Kingdom, it was surrendered to the Huns. Later, after King Angui was assassinated by an ambassador sent by the Han Dynasty, because of the consideration that the Huns were far away and the Han Dynasty was close. Only then did he decide to submit to the great man,

And changed its name to Shanshan Kingdom.However, the shadow of the Huns has been lingering. No, recently they sent someone to propose a marriage, asking the king to marry the princess, otherwise there will be war.The king was unwilling in his heart, but there was nothing he could do; he wanted to send an envoy to ask for help from the Han Dynasty, but he heard that the war was still going on there, so he didn't go.Due to the situation, the king had no choice but to sign the peace agreement against his will.The princess is going to get married in a week, and it is estimated that the Huns' marriage envoy will be here in two days. "Haketu looked worried about the country and the people.

"The princess is a patriot, so she agreed without saying a word." Tarot added.

Hearing this, Zhiming suddenly became interested in the princess, and said, "In that case, I will follow you into the palace, and meet this patriotic princess by the way."

Haketu and Tarot smiled happily.The team soon arrived at the capital and entered the palace.

The king personally led all his ministers out to meet the team, without airs, and he did not look like a fanatic.

When he heard that Zhiming was from the great Han Liu Bei's army, assisting the guerrillas to repel the enemy, the king was immediately in awe and treated him generously.Zhiming does not accept any rewards, but only hopes to get a walking horse.

Naturally, this requirement was easy to satisfy. The king immediately ordered someone to choose a hard-earned horse, and kindly invited Zhiming to the palace luncheon.Zhiming wanted to decline at first, but the kindness was hard to refuse, so he had to agree.

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