Jianming Chaos

Chapter 316: Major Events in Life

At night in Nanxu, the breeze is rippling, and the spring is full of spring. Sun Shangxiang stands in front of the flowers and under the moon, looking up at the bright moon hanging high in the night sky, with a sense of melancholy unique to women in his eyes.She is still used to living in Chaisang. Although it is also a palace, it lacks the feeling of home.She didn't know what her fate would be. All of this didn't have to happen, but it happened to her, as if it had been predetermined in the dark.

"Are you thinking about something?" A familiar voice pulled her back from her reverie to reality.

Sun Shangxiang looked back, and even though it was night, she could still see a playful smiling face and said, "Zhiming, you are like a child who will never grow up."

Zhiming was taken aback, and said, "How can I not grow up? I am only 22 years old, do you still expect me to be mature, stable, wise and generous?"

Sun Shangxiang was not amused by the other party's face-to-face humor, but instead aggravated her inner depression.She looked intently at the pavilion not far away, and said, "If a human being can be like these decorations, it would be simple."

"Then there will be no future for human society." Zhiming said unconsciously.

"Zhiming, why did you come to see me?" Sun Shangxiang didn't bother to ask him how he came here.

"I know what's on your mind, so I'm here to comfort you." Zhiming spoke in a different tone.

"Who told you?" Sun Shangxiang felt that nothing could be hidden from him.

"It's easy to spread the word about this kind of thing." Zhiming did not say clearly, "What do you think?"

"What else can I think? My mother and elder brother are the ones who make the most of my life. That self-righteous Zhou Yu actually proposed to my brother behind my back that I should marry Master Liu Bei! Did he ask me in advance?" Sun Shangxiang had a look of grievance and unwillingness.

"Isn't Uncle Liu bad? He started from scratch and worked hard all the way. Now he has occupied nearly half of Jingzhou's territory, and he will soon become the Lord of Shuchuan. By then, you will be the Empress of Shuhan!" Zhiming spoke kindly.

"Come on, don't make sarcastic remarks. Think about it in another place, do you think I will be happy? In fact, I had a hunch before, but I didn't dare to tell you." Sun Shangxiang was not in the mood to joke.

"Okay, let's talk about something practical. What can I do to help you now?" Zhiming couldn't bear to watch a young girl fall into the "hut's mouth".

"What can you help me with? ... By the way, I have something to do. Help me take care of Miao Miao. After I get married, it will not be convenient for her to follow me." Sun Shangxiang couldn't let go of this god-given sister.

"Don't be so pessimistic, okay?" Zhiming reassured like a brother, "Even if you marry the emperor uncle, Xiao Miao can still be with you. In fact, Master Zhou Yu has no choice but to know that his fate is not long. In order to gain control of Jingzhou as soon as possible, this is the only way to go. As for your 'unselfish' elder brother, you can only listen to his words."

"How did you know that Zhou Yu's life is not long? I remember that I only told you last time that his body had collapsed, but I didn't say that he was about to die." Sun Shangxiang was surprised that his news was so well-informed.

"On the battlefield, this kind of information spreads very quickly like a virus in the human body." Zhiming didn't want to tell her that he had assassinated Zhou Yu, and said, "You and I, Zhou Yu, and even Lord Sun Quan, all It's just a pawn in the war, and when it comes in handy, it will naturally be involuntary."

"When did you become so sentimental?" Sun Shangxiang was shocked by his words, "In my impression, you are just a fighting warrior."

"You don't know me too well. In fact, the burden on my shoulders is much heavier than yours." Zhiming's deep voice was narrating his thoughts to the unreachable Mingyue through the night sky.

"How to say?" Sun Shangxiang wanted to hear more.

"My intuition tells me that Zhou Yu wants to take advantage of the opportunity of the Grand Duke of Ganlu Temple to choose a son-in-law to get rid of Uncle Liu Huang." Zhiming said bluntly.

"What?!" Sun Shangxiang was shocked. Zhou Yu didn't mention this matter before, "Are you mistaken? Listen to him, he only wants me to marry Master Liu Bei, and he is absolutely impossible to kill him!"

"Hush! Be careful!" Zhiming looked around, pulled her into a dark place, and said in a low voice, "This is just my personal judgment, so don't say anything. Don't worry, I will protect Uncle Huang, but I also need your cooperation. In order to prevent dangerous situations that day, you must go to Guotai in advance, express your position, and say that you are very willing to get married."

"...Unexpectedly, even you are like them!" Sun Shangxiang was reluctant in every possible way.

"No, I'm different from them. Please believe me, Shang Xiang, this matter has a bearing on the overall situation, and you must do as I tell you!" Zhiming suddenly became serious.

Sun Shangxiang was taken aback by him, and the change of expression was too abrupt, so she had to say: "All right. Tell me, how do I cooperate?"

"It's what I just said. As long as Uncle Huang escapes this disaster, I will contact you again. Please, sister!" Zhiming begged her like a child.

"You have to promise me that you will continue to teach me martial arts." Sun Shangxiang made a request.

"No problem! However, it may not be possible in the near future. I have a lot of things to deal with."

"Which day are you not busy? All right, is there anything else?" Sun Shangxiang was going back home to rest.

"...By the way, how is Lord Zhou Yu's health these days?" Zhiming asked pretending to be concerned.

"Oh, speaking of this, I almost forgot to tell you something. Did you know that Mrs. Xiao Qiao disappeared again?" Sun Shangxiang told him about Xiao Qiao.

"What? Missing again? Who did it?" Zhiming was astonished.

"It seems that you have something you don't know! According to the traces at the scene, the person who kidnapped her was a martial arts master, and not just an ordinary master." Sun Shangxiang learned from the mouth of the maid.

"Did the Yue people do it again?"

"Wu Yue has already reconciled, it is reasonable not to."

"It seems to be another mystery. There are really too many things recently, and sometimes I can't tell the priority." Zhiming felt dizzy.

"It's not your business, why bother?" Sun Shangxiang was puzzled.

Zhiming sighed, and said, "It's hard to say...By the way, has Master Zhuge Jin also come to Nanxu?"

"Yes, what's the matter? You want to find him?" Sun Shangxiang told him the location of Zhuge Jin's residence.

"That's right, I have something to do with him. Let's go first and then contact me."

Before Sun Shangxiang had time to say a word, Zhiming's back disappeared into the night, as if he had never appeared before.

She fell into deep thought again: If Zhou Yu really intends to assassinate Liu Bei, she must stop him; she knows that her mother doesn't like bloody things either.

Sun Shangxiang thought for a long time, and finally figured it out: Zhiming was right, they were just pawns in troubled times, unable to control their own lives; Let the waves ravage themselves to their heart's content!She firmly believes that after the storm, there will be endless blue sea and blue sky ahead.She decided not to rest, and ran to express her "will" to her mother overnight.


Zhiming walked quickly to Zhuge Jin's mansion.He could see that Sun Shangxiang's heart was full of ups and downs. She had both a fearless family and country sentiment and a little woman's mind. Although she wanted to take care of both ends, she really couldn't choose her own position on the matter of marriage.

The day after tomorrow is the day when Guotai chooses a son-in-law, Zhiming does not allow any mistakes, he must do his best to protect Liu Bei.At the same time, he was also thinking: "Concerning Zhou Yu's plan to assassinate the lord, Kong Ming must have anticipated it. How will he protect the lord? Will he send Guan Yu to escort the lord? If Guan Yu comes, who will guard Changsha? Will he ask?" Where am I? Also, who kidnapped Xiao Qiao?"

Regarding Xiao Qiao's matter, Zhiming suddenly thought of Yecheng, thinking: "Could it be... Sima Yi sent someone to kidnap Xiao Qiao, then brought him to Yecheng, and tricked the emperor to meet her in Yecheng, taking the opportunity to kill the king?  … No, why do you have to go to Yecheng? Take it directly to a certain place in the palace, and then trick the emperor out, it will be fine!"

Zhiming couldn't figure it out, so he had to let it go.He came to Zhuge Mansion according to Sun Shangxiang's guidance.

Zhuge Jin was quite surprised when he saw Zhiming, and said, "General Lei, what brought you here? Not long after I moved here, you came here."

"Spring breeze." Zhiming stretched his muscles and said, "Master Zhuge, can you stay overnight?"

"General, please do as you please, the wing room is enough." Zhuge Jin remembered something, and said, "The general must have entered the Wu Palace more than once without authorization? Why did you come to Nanxu this time?"

"Your Excellency is laughing. It's not because of the choice of a son-in-law for the country. Your Excellency should also know, right?"

"I've heard a little bit about it. The general didn't come with the emperor's uncle, but came here earlier to 'step in'?" Zhuge Jin asked curiously.

"To be honest, my lord, I am very concerned about this matter. I can't wait for the big troops to set off first. The marriage between Sun and Liu is a good thing, not only for your country, but also for our army. At the very least, it can overwhelm Cao Jun in momentum and let them I dare not violate the border again." Zhiming said intentionally.

"Could it be... the general can leave the army without authorization and act alone?" Zhuge Jin asked sideways.

"I'm not afraid of being laughed at by adults. Yes, I have the right to move freely." Zhiming didn't bother to be modest.

Zhuge Jin thought for a while, and said, "Okay. How is my younger brother?"

"Military Master Kong Ming was very excited when he received the invitation letter for the marriage. He wished to come to meet General Sun as soon as possible. Unfortunately, he has no ability to separate himself, so he should stay in Nanjun."

"Could it be...he has no opinion on the marriage?" Zhuge Jin expressed doubts.

"I have absolutely no objection, my lord, don't worry! This matter should be known to all the people in the city, after all, it is a happy event!" Zhiming's face was bright and sunny.

"Then...Of course." Zhuge Jin looked a little at a loss, and said, "Is this also what Shedi meant?"

"...That's right!" Zhiming could see from the other party's eyes that Kong Ming must have some reason for him, otherwise he would not be so jealous of Kong Ming, so he said, "You brothers are connected! It was the military adviser who asked me to advance Come here and discuss this matter with your lord!"

"No problem, wrap it on me!" Zhuge Jin patted his chest and said, "This is a big happy event, everyone should know! General, please go back to the room to rest, and I will ask the servants to clean up."

Zhiming thought, in order to ensure Liu Bei's safety, the matter must be warmed up first, so that more people can feel the heat, so that Sun Quan and Zhou Yu can't step down, so they can't attack Liu Bei.He thought that if it was Kong Ming, he would do the same.He has done what he should do, and the rest depends on how Sun Shangxiang can persuade Wu Guotai.


Sun Shangxiang went to look for Wu Guotai overnight, and cried as soon as they met: "Mother, you are so unreasonable! How can I let my brother decide the matter of my marriage!"

"Shang Xiang, you are still young, and you don't understand some things. I discussed it with your brother, and we decided to meet Liu Bei first." Wu Guotai had already predicted that her daughter would come, and had been waiting.

"See you later, but this is a major event in my life, why don't you ask for my opinion in advance? After you make a decision, come and let me know, this... this is so unfair!" Sun Shangxiang's princess lost her temper again.

"I understand, I understand." Wu Guotai said earnestly, "Shang Xiang, you are almost [-], you are not a child anymore, and you should have an overall perspective on some things. Now that Liu Beijun has seized the five counties of Jingxiang, you In order to regain the lost ground and build a bright future for Soochow, there is no way for the eldest brother! Since ancient times, the marriage of children has been decided by parents and elders. We help you decide this marriage. I have met Uncle Liu Huang, if I don't like it, then this marriage will not be possible."

Seeing that the time was right, Sun Shangxiang turned from sadness to joy and said, "My lord, the child is not making trouble unreasonably, so don't take it to heart. In fact, the child also wants to find a good man to marry. The emperor's uncle is dignified, knowledgeable and courteous, although he is old It's too big, which is acceptable. The child just feels that he has no right to choose, and he is just unwilling."

Wu Guotai's eyes lit up, as if seeing her mature daughter all of a sudden, she said happily, "Shang Xiang, what you said is so surprising! It's not like your usual style at all."

For the sake of the overall situation, Sun Shangxiang had no choice but to say against her will: "My lord, I have figured it out a long time ago, and I just came to complain to you. If Uncle Liu Huang doesn't dislike me, I have no objection. As long as the two families get married, Jingzhou will be fine." Is it logical to return to Soochow's hand?"

"That's right, that's the truth!" Wu Guotai excitedly tapped the floor three times with his cane, and said, "Your performance today is refreshing for my mother! I'm really happy for your brother!"

"Why are you happy for him?" Sun Shangxiang was taken aback.

"Haha, I'm happy for you. Zhongmou has a sister like you, it's really a blessing in his previous life!" Wu Guotai seemed to have a feeling of "seeing the blue sky through the dark fog".

"What do you mean? Listen to this tone, I'm not her own?" Sun Shangxiang thought strangely, but didn't say it, just said, "It's late at night, please rest, mother, the child is leaving."

Because of Sun Shangxiang's preconceived ideas, Wu Guotai finally had a bottom line.However, Sun Quan and Zhou Yu, who didn't know it, were plotting how to get rid of Liu Bei on the day of the meeting at Ganlu Temple.

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