Jianming Chaos

Chapter 303: Thunder and Fire

"Who the hell are you?" Hymes knew that the other party was not easy to mess with.

"A god-human from a big man, the incarnation of Sirius God. These are not important, what is important is that I can help you win the throne." The double-faced demon said mysteriously.

Hymes was stunned for a few seconds before asking, "Why did you help me?"

"I have only one purpose: to hand over the werewolves to me." The double-faced demon hit the nail on the head.

"I... don't quite understand." Hymes obviously hasn't figured out the logic yet.

"I can cast spells on you so that you can defeat the wolf king smoothly." The double-faced demon said word by word.

"You...have a way for me to defeat the wolf king?" Hymes' eyes lit up.

"Afterwards, you can become king naturally. My condition is: give me the werewolf clan and bring it back to the big man." The double-faced demon did not answer him directly.

Hymes didn't know exactly where the "big guy" she was referring to, and said, "One thing I don't understand: It sounds like you should have come from a very far away place, what is the purpose of coming here to find me? If it's just for the werewolves, why not challenge the wolf king directly?"

"I am the incarnation of the God of Sirius. Of course it is not a problem to challenge the wolf king. However, the gods have their own laws, which cannot be easily broken. All in all, I must first tame the wolf king with the help of human beings, and then lead the werewolf tribe." The double-faced devil explained the reason.

"It's complicated enough. Do you have to take away the werewolf clan?" Hymes also expected to use the werewolf clan to start wars and expand territories after succeeding to the throne.

"That's right. Don't worry, Your Highness. As long as you get the power I instilled, you will definitely have the strength to lead this country, and foreign expansion is no problem." The double-faced demon signaled the other party to rest assured.

"However, things are not as simple as you imagined, because the werewolves..."

Hymes wanted to say something else, the double-faced demon had already started casting spells.After a round of system upgrades, his strength doubled, and even the air coming out of his nostrils was the crystallization of energy evaporation.

"This... this..." Looking at his hands full of strength, Hymes felt that it was wonderful.

"How is it? Now that you have the power to kill all directions, are you still worried that you won't be able to sit on the throne?" The eyes of the double-faced demon can melt people's hearts.

"Kill all directions..." Hymes muttered, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes suddenly, and he asked coldly, "Are you included?"

"What..." The double-faced demon was about to ask something, but the other party had already swung his punch.

It's a pity that wherever the fist hits, the person has disappeared.Hymes was taken aback for a moment, and looked around, but there was no one there.

"Here!" Hearing a gust of wind, the double-faced demon fell from the ceiling and covered Hymes's celestial spirit cap with his palm.

Hymes uttered a horrific howl as if he had been struck by five thunderbolts, and fell to his knees.

"You are indeed not of the same type as Damus." The double-faced demon shook his head helplessly, and said, "You are indeed more suitable to be a king. You are ruthless and hard to guard against."

Hymes struggled to stand up, looked at the other party unwillingly, and said, "You really...are the incarnation of a god. Please forgive my rudeness, I just want to prove...by the way, how did you know Da James?"

"Don't worry about it. As I said just now, don't try to be my enemy, you've been fooled, right? Forgive you this time, and I won't be an example; moreover, no third party can know about this conversation." The double-faced demon heard The sound of orderly steps came from outside, saying, "I have to meet someone. Contact again."

As soon as the words fell, a group of palace guards rushed in and asked what happened.

Hymes saw that the double-faced demon had disappeared without a trace, so he said, "It's all right, let's go out. I just had a nightmare and woke up with a start."

After the guards left, Hymes sat on the bed, looked at the sleeping Leah, and thought excitedly: "Leah, just wait, I'll be the king in no time! Now my strength, except that I can't defeat that monster woman In addition, it is more than enough to wipe out the Nordic countries! There is also the wolf king... just wait and see!"

The next day, the first round of the battle for succession began.Both Hymes and Damus didn't know that the double-faced demon had found each other, and they were secretly happy, thinking that they had a sure chance of winning.

The first round was a competition of historical knowledge. The two were absent-minded. They obviously didn't care about the result of this round. Anyway, they won two out of three rounds.

The result of the first round was that Hyams won by a narrow margin.Dames didn't care, he was convinced he would win the next two rounds.

The second round was a contest of force. The two rode horses, held wooden swords and shields, and stood 150 meters apart. They looked ahead and were ready to go.

Originally, the two hoped to have a dignified duel with real swords, but unfortunately the king did not allow it, so they temporarily ordered someone to replace the real sword with a wooden sword.

The airtight steel helmets narrowed the field of vision of the two to a slit, and they could only "peek" at their opponents from this slit.The brotherhood of the past has been squeezed into insignificance in this crack.

Hymes stared at the front, thinking: "I'm sorry, my dear brother, I can't hand over the kingdom to someone who is too kind like you to manage it! The country of Seru needs a strong and powerful monarch!"

Damus also stared at the front calmly, thinking: "Hymes, although your martial arts are better than mine, the gods still favor my side. No matter how smart you are, you can't predict it? Don't worry, I will lead this country well, Just be me a duke who keeps his own place. Seru doesn't need war!"

The murderous aura of the two overflowed, forming a powerful convective storm in the air.This is not an ordinary battle, but a fateful duel between two quasi-kings, the outcome of which will determine the future fate of Seru.

The sky changed suddenly, and the dark clouds swallowed the sun's brilliance; the moon covered half of the sun's face with its weak body, like a precursor to the eclipse of the sun.The audience looked up at the sky, thinking that the heavy rain was about to wash the earth.

"It's strange, something's wrong. This is not him in the past." Damus was puzzled, looking at the flickering sky, thinking, "The sky has changed suddenly, and it feels like something big is about to happen."

"What's going on? He also has a supernatural ability in his body?" Hymes also noticed the abnormality of his opponent.

The two storms collided in the air, like an eagle fighting a dragon, and a battle for supremacy officially began.

After the referee waved his hand, the two rode their horses and galloped wildly. What appeared in their eyes was not the desire to win, but the confidence to win.

The two war horses turned into galloping lightning, instantly turning the fighting field into an electromagnetic field. Everyone felt a micro-current penetrating their hearts, shaking their bodies.

The king's heart trembled suddenly, and he was about to order the end of the duel, but it was too late, a thunderbolt struck, and the two colliding currents were smashed into dust.

Everyone was shocked, thinking that the princes had been smashed to pieces; when they looked closely, the two horses were struck by lightning and turned into charcoal, but the two survived miraculously, and they were fighting fiercely.

A raging fire ignited on the fighting field, trapping the two in the middle of the fire.

The audience became restless, after all, it was the first case in China that this kind of situation occurred in the fighting arena.

"Hurry up and evacuate the crowd, put out the fire and save people!" The king hurriedly ordered.

The soldiers began to split up: some were going to maintain order at the scene, some were going to fetch water, and some were going to collect shields, and prepared to pile them up into a shield mountain to put out the fire.

The queen sitting next to the king was also very anxious, watching her two biological sons caught in the fire, life and death were uncertain, but there was nothing she could do.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger, like a murderous demon, opening its bloody mouth, intending to devour the entire fighting arena.The thick smoke painted a devil's face in the air.

Suddenly, a miracle happened: a strong air flow suddenly fell from the sky, like a giant with arms outstretched, instantly extinguishing the fire in his arms.

Everyone was stunned, not knowing what happened.Not long after, people came to their senses and began to kowtow to heaven and earth, thanking the gods for saving the common people.

After seeing that the princes were safe and sound, the king and queen finally breathed a sigh of relief. They were really impatient just now.

The Hymes brothers froze in place, looking at everything around them, and suddenly understood who put out the fire.

"Do you want to continue?" Dames asked for the other party's opinion.

"Fight, of course!" Hymes was eager to decide the winner, but he didn't turn his head back anyway.

The audience has not yet re-seated, and the duel has moved on to the next stage.The swords faced each other, and the two wooden swords died together in high-speed movement; the shield was also shattered to the ground.

The two switched to hand-to-hand combat, each making unique moves and refusing to give in to each other.Because the speed was too fast, the audience only saw two groups of shadows shuttle and collide, and couldn't see every move clearly.

Hyams has a pair of wrists that can break the neck of a big bear.He shouted angrily, and just as the wind of palms arrived, his wrists were already tightly strangling Damus' neck.

Originally, Damus's strength was not as strong as his elder brother's, but now he became so powerful that he broke Hyams' wrists little by little.

Hymes looked at his younger brother with a look of surprise. Normally, even beasts would be hard to match his wrist strength, let alone accepting the power of a god.

Damus kicked straight through.Because Hymes was distracted, he was kicked hard and fell to the ground, shaking the ground out of a big hole.

There was an uproar in the audience, this is no longer a battle between humans, but a fight between gods.

Hymes clutched the sore spot, and stood up gnashing his teeth; without the protection of the armor, he would have broken at least two or three ribs.

Speaker Brooke and his daughter Leah, who watched the whole battle, sweated. This duel will determine their future fate.They thought that Hymes would win without any suspense, but it turned out to be counterproductive.

Dams didn't want to give his opponent a chance to breathe, so he used the "Grima" pirate fighting technique commonly used by the Nordics, and fell backwards, knocking Hymes to the ground hard.

Not to be outdone, Hymes turned up, took advantage of the opponent's attack, dodged behind him, hugged his waist tightly, kicked his legs up, and was about to use the ultimate move-flying violent fall.

Damus was suppressed and lifted into the sky, unable to move.With his internal strength gathered, the vitality in his body exploded instantly, his body temperature soared to nearly [-] degrees, and the heat was transferred to the opponent through the armor.

Hymes felt as if he was holding a hot pot that had just boiled, so he quickly let go.Damus took the opportunity to turn around and counterattack, and Hymes fell straight from the air.

Fortunately, both of them are deified bodies, so landing safely is not a problem.

Hymes began to get nervous, thinking: "This is definitely not normal him, what's going on?"

Damus also became anxious: "No matter how strong his martial arts are, he can't reach this level!"

After a long period of silence, applause broke out in the fighting arena.This was indeed a good contest, every move was revealed, and the fighters had long been qualified to be promoted to god knights; it was even no exaggeration to say that their strength had surpassed god knights.

The king, however, was growing restless.He faintly felt that the two of them were exuding strange energy, a demonic turbid energy that could swallow the world.

"What happened in just a few days?" The king wanted to know why his sons became stronger.

"What's the matter, Your Majesty?" The queen noticed something wrong with his expression.

"It's nothing, maybe I was worrying too much. Don't you think that the performance of the princes today is completely unexpected?" The king wanted to know what other people thought.

"Maybe they conducted secret special training in private?" The queen didn't think it was wrong. She had seen such earth-shattering duels before.

"Normal people can jump so high? Also, what happened to the thunder and fire just now? It can't be made by them, right?" The king instinctively determined that this duel was controlled by some mysterious power .

"Normal people can't, but those who have been specially trained may be able to. As for thunder and fire, it's just a natural phenomenon, just a coincidence. Look, didn't the Almighty God save everyone?" The queen looked optimistic.

"I hope so. You said they had a secret training. Who was the instructor? Amitus? Gaps? Logically speaking, Gaps is too old to be their teacher; Amit Si has a heavy responsibility and has no time to guide." The king always felt an uneasy atmosphere around him.

After he said this, the queen also began to feel a little uneasy.Indeed, the only people who can train them to this level seem to be magicians or divine knights.

Encouraged by the applause, the two continued to fight hand-to-hand, and the scope of the fight had already surpassed the horizon. All kinds of dazzling moves confronted each other, forming an unprecedented visual feast.

The audience who feasted their eyes could no longer hold back their excitement, and they all stood up and cheered.They didn't expect the princes' martial arts to be so unfathomable, and at the same time they were full of confidence in the future of Seru.

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